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Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread)

The 2E AD&D Homebrew Sandbox world of Genwald is large, ancient, and magical. There are many undiscovered/untamed places. The Sun Kingdom (European style, Late Medieval Human NG Monarchy) is the basic Campaign area, but PCs can end up anywhere.

The scars of ancient battles of titanic proportions mark the land. Wild magic zones, fantastical terrain, grand adventure, political strife, and even artifacts of wonder await. Choose your part and come make your mark on the world. A wide array of unconventional races and classes are available.

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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Reading her body language a bit Nocturno will try to awkwardly help her spirits.

"We will not take an moment extra. We all have our reasons for being here, and we all want to get to a solution as quickly as possible."
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Squirrellord »

Since the decision appears to have been made, Jordek tries to get people moving. "Alright out it is, the sooner we do this the sooner we can continue. Would you take point Katten? I'd feel safer with you leading."
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

"I will. You cover rear." Placing a hand on Nocturno's shoulder before Katten takes point and begins to lead with Dran at her side.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

[if anyone wants to do anything additional on the way out, let me know]

Carefully the group crosses the covered pit. Katten leads them southeast past the first intersection, avoiding the long hall that heads deeper into the lair southward. The Ranger guides them North and east at the next turning through the empty chambers before striking due East. The group passes the makeshift jail and picks their way over the dead goblins where they made their stand; several of the prisoners betraying surprised and disturbed expressions at the carnage. The Felis takes them through the first guard room with the plow-blade alarm, after which they traverse the long tunnel, over the steep rise where the goblins sent rocks tumbling onto the group, and to the end.

Finally she leads the weary band outside into the early afternoon light. The prisoners shield their eyes as they emerge into day for the first time in weeks for some; months for others. The Dwarf, Thrinarv as he had been called by the Gnome, drops his mace and throws himself down on the gravely Cliffside; face turned skyward in a combination of disbelief and relief so strong that he all but weeps. After a few moments, Thad helps him up so the group can keep moving

Where will you make camp? The half-elf Enlodh asks. I don’t know that many of us are in any shape or mental state to get back to civilization tonight… The obvious question in his tone.

The other prisoners watch the group anxiously, and the surrounding Cliffside even moreso.

And what of this one? Indendien asks, still holding the sleeve of the surrendered goblin.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Chris1234 »

Linar follows, having had his say.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

"He has lived up to his end of the bargain so far. But we cannot risk having him turn on us while we rest. Once we have rested, I'd think we can let him go."

Quickly thinking.

"I don't remember the landscape once we left the cliff well, but once we are off the cliff face we should be able to find a suitable spot. Maybe even keeping this entrance or at least the path to it in sight."

Elden stays quiet during planning mostly. He will be happy to camp and keep watch as needed.


Is there a way disable the alarm? Is it just a plow blade? Or a whole arm that would attach to the horse?

If it's just the blade a couple able bodied people could probably carry it to toss it off the cliff.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

[yes, the alarm is just a single plowblade hung between some stakes. it probably weighs 50 lbs or so. and a couple of people could certainly remove it and dispose of it into the chasm if desired. keep in mind the slope near the goblin cavernis steep and treacharous]
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

Leading the group to the entrance the Felis breathes in deeply, the smells of the forest slowly replacing the stench of the filthy caverns, basking in the air tha flows through her fur before turning to Dellinanth. "Will you take me to Dillosell? Before we make camp. I need to say sorry."

"Make camp away from edge, go no where near horrible creature, it turn people to stone." She explains, keeping Dran close by.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

Dellinanth frowns, We can go, but it was only by luck that I found her before the creature found me. It is not likely to have made a new home elsewhere.,,
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

"You are right, of course." She speaks softly in Elven, "I can't sit here, I need to do something." Crestfallen she hugs Dran tight and sits staring at the entrance in hope.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Squirrellord »

Jordek follows along with the group content now that there is a plan and it seems to be in action.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by TristenC »

[How does the party want their camp set up/located?]
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Nocturno »

"We should head to the light forest, at the least. If not the thicker trees. I will need to rest the majority of the night so I can regain my healing abilities."

"I'm good with where ever. I don't really need to rest much, that spell I used isn't necessary for what I do."
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Chris1234 »

Linar's had his say and so silently guards the group's perimeter from the shadows.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 3: "Against the Wetrocks" (Main Game Thread

Post by Jenara »

Realising not much would get done unless she acted Kattem rises from her postion and motions to the forest.

"We make camp in trees, get some cover, but see cave. No one get in, no one get out." She states and places her things next to a rock with a perfect sight to the cave entrance. "Stay away from edge. We watch cave."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi