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Rules and Guidelines

The 2E AD&D Homebrew Sandbox world of Genwald is large, ancient, and magical. There are many undiscovered/untamed places. The Sun Kingdom (European style, Late Medieval Human NG Monarchy) is the basic Campaign area, but PCs can end up anywhere.

The scars of ancient battles of titanic proportions mark the land. Wild magic zones, fantastical terrain, grand adventure, political strife, and even artifacts of wonder await. Choose your part and come make your mark on the world. A wide array of unconventional races and classes are available.

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Rules and Guidelines

Post by TristenC »

You can use the Purple Worm site (free and legal) for the official 2e PHB, DMG, and complete (insert race or class) books here, as well as Tome of Magic. I don’t think it has Complete Humanoid, but if you can’t find it let me know and I can look stuff up for you.

Character Creation

Ability Scores and starting conditions:
-4d6 for each stat. assign as desired.
-Use Unseen Servant for rolls and link in a pm to me. Unseen servant Campaign id 510. If for some reason you don’t want to use Unseen Servant I will accept other die-rollers where all rolls can be made, tied to a character, and reviewed by me if necessary. If you can’t find a suitable alternative and still don’t want to use US, pm me and I’m sure we can figure something out.
-A single 1 pt ‘trade’ can be made between stats. Two trades of 1-pt each allowed for humans, and cannot affect the same stat.
-Point trades cannot take a score over 18. Exceptional strength cannot be ‘bought’ with a point trade (i.e. a fighter trading up to 18 would count as 18 str, not 18/01.)
-Max hps 1st lvl.
-Starting gold as standard plus some ‘free’ equipment related to class/race/background (to be specified by dm)

Races Allowed:
-Humans and all Demihumans from the Complete series [including Drow, Duergar, and Svirfneblin. These have additional xp cost associated, as do others]
-Most races from Complete Humanoid, (excluding: Beastmen, Fremlin, Saurials). Races from CH often have advantages and disadvantages you will be made aware of upon request if you don’t have access to the Complete Humanoid book. (Goblins and Kobolds get an extra +1 to dex)
-Other: I may allow additional races evaluated on a case-by case basis, but they should at least be humanoid. Also, no undead (incl half-undead) or lycanthropes. An odd race should be chosen for its RP potential, not as a tool for min/maxing.
-Racial ability score mins/maxes are loosely enforced, but no score can be over 19 even with racial adjustments.
-Height, Weight and Age can be chosen freely from anywhere in a race’s range. Hair and eye color can as well, and should be listed. Elves in Genwald are the tall-ish kind. Use height ranges from the human chart but weights from the elven chart.

Demihuman refers to typical non-human PC races such as those in the PHB and in the Complete Elf/Dwarf/Gnomes & Halflings books.
Humanoid refers to monsters that have two arms two hands, at least two legs, and stand generally upright.

-Almost anything goes, but stick to the non-evil side unless there is a specific reason not to. Even if there is a reason (and a good one) the character may not be allowed due to game/party balance. If my irl free-time permits I might be able to start a solo sideline, but at the moment I don’t see that happening.
-Certain races may have loose restrictions on alignment. Class and Kit restrictions are more rigid but may not be completely set in stone.

-Almost any class is available, including unusual ones such as: Wild Mages & Elementalists (ToM), Psionics (TSR 2117, very rare for me), Ninjas (TSR 2155), Shamans (TSR 9507), barbarian variants (TSR 2148), All kits from the “Complete” series (The PHBR# batch) of sourcebooks are allowed but adjustments may be made. Certain races may be restricted by class, but it won’t be as stringent as the core rules.
-Class ability score minimums are enforced. Racial level caps can be exceeded by earning double experience for each level beyond the ‘cap’.
-Demihumans are not restricted from any Basic class (Fighter, Cleric, Mage, Thief), and may be allowed specific classes not normally allowed to them (Dwarf Paladin or Ranger, etc)
-Humanoids may be (but not always) allowed some version of each class type [Those not normally allowed to be Wizards might be allowed to become ‘Hedge Wizards’. Those not normally allowed to be Clerics may be allowed to become Druids, etc. Ability score requirements for special classes still apply.
-Only ‘Humanoid’ races may take the monstrous classes/kits/nwps provided in the Complete Humanoid book. There are often similar kits for humans and demihumans in the appropriate books.
-Multiclassing is allowed. Generally these follow racial restrictions, but are loosened up for demihumans and some humanoids. Races with life-spans on-par with or shorter than humans Dual Class rather than Multiclassing (any race with an avg max age under 120 yrs would dual-class)

-Most kits from official 2e sources are allowed.
-Kits are restricted by: Ability score (tightly), Race (moderately), Culture (moderately)
[There are several house-ruled exceptions to the above, so ask when in doubt.]

Miscellaneous Other important stuff: (the remaining big 16 not covered above)
-Die rolls will be made on Unseen Servant and linked to the campaign. If you are aware of another die-roller that is free and allows links to archived rolls (Such as Invisible Castle did before it went down) I will accept those if they can be tied to a specific character (I know some people prefer not to use U.S. so I try to be reasonable about this). Otherwise I can make the rolls myself if the player agrees to that.

Allowed Rulebooks/Supplements:
The “Complete” series (The PHBR# sourcebooks) are allowed, the Players Option books are largely not used, but I may take certain small bits from them.

-Players will be expected to post a minimum of once every 3 days. Most times I check daily or every other day. Inactivity for 3 days will cause a character to be left behind or go into ‘auto mode’. After one week the character becomes a temporary npc, and they won’t be very interesting (follow the others around slack-jawed), and may wander off on their own. I’ll create a thread where players can post any extended absences they anticipate (vacations, illness, extended work things, etc).

-Character backgrounds (once required) should be a paragraph or two at minimum please!. What I am looking for: A peek at the character’s past, Main motivation (how they see the world), Reason for adventuring (even if it is wanderlust), quirks and personality, 2 potential plot hooks.

I use NWPs instead of Secondary Skills. High Intelligence scores give you both the number of languages and bonus NWP slots. You cannot trade a language for another NWP. All demihumans/humanoids start with their native language for free, Humans get Common.

Example: A character with an Int of 16 gets to learn 5 languages and picks up 5 NWP points. These can be spent on ancient languages and the like. A character could not sacrifice a language to gain an extra NWP (i.e. taking only 4 languages to get 6 NWP slots is not allowed.)

The “Cantrip” NWP detailed in Dragon Magazione 221 is available

I will consider NWPs from the Netbook of Proficiencies linked below on a case-by-case basis when not found in the PHBR# batch of books (not counting Player’s option series). I am not using the graded specialization for weapons from this. ... bookV1.txt

Starter Spells and Spellbook.
A basic spellbook is free for mages/specialists, but additional ones must be purchased. Bards do not .
A wizard can start with 4 spells, but still has to roll their ’% chance to learn’ for each. A failure to learn a spell frees up that slot again, but the failed spell cannot be re-attempted until another level is gained. (Bob fails to learn magic missile to start, but when he reaches level 2, he can try again.) All wizards start with Read Magic and Detect Magic auto-magically ;). Bards do not.

When a new spell level is reached (spell lvl 2 at char lvl 3 for a mage, or char lvl 4 for a bard as per PHB), the player gets a ‘freebie’ spell from that new spell level without having to roll to learn it. This spell will be selected by the DM (I’ll probably just roll for it) from a list of 3 to 9 spells the player is interested in. Thus if Bob really wants to get Fireball as a freebie, he should make a shorter list that includes Fireball to increase his chances. Even if he doesn’t get it this way, he can still learn it later.

A specialist can decide to select a new spell of their chosen school OR go for a ‘freebie’ from a different school as mentioned.

A wizards uses the max number of spells/level based on Intelligence. ‘freebies’ count towards this total, spells the character researches/invents on their own do not.

All 1st level spells from the splatbooks (PHBR# batch) are available. Spells from Tome of Magic and Players Option books are also available. Spells from the Wizards Compendium are not necessarily available unless found in one of the other sources. The icons used in the WC series to indicate the place origin are guidelines I will use to determine if they can be found. I will also use the rarity descriptions to determine likelihood they were encountered. Only 2 spells found exclusively in the WC can be submitted for starting characters to attempt (in order to prevent just a massive flood of spell questions from all the casters ;p)
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Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by TristenC »

Gameplay Rules
XP and Leveling
XP is earned at the end of the day, once the character has a chance to reflect on their experiences (even subconsciously).
Group stuff includes accomplishing a quest objective together,
Individual awards may include Defeating monsters 1 on 1 for fighters, successful use of thief skills for rogues, successful casting of spells for mages/priests, etc. Basically I use the guidelines from the DMG.
Leveling doesn’t require training, just a good night’s rest.

I typically use individual initiative along with wep/spell/conditional modifiers.

A character dual-wielding would hit with both weapons about the same time, the main hand hitting an instant earlier. A fighter with multiple attacks due to specialization takes his first normally, and the second after everyone has gone at least once.

For this game I will have PCs roll initiative only once per combat for simplicity sake. Modifiers to the die roll will still apply based on the action taken that round.

Bob the mage rolls a 1d10 for initiative on his first round of combat. He rolls a 4 (the 4 will be his base number each round) and decides to cast magic missile. His init this round is 5 [4+casting time of 1]. The next round he decides to cast Melf’s Acid Arrow with a casting time of 2, so his initiative the second round is 6 [4+2]. Etc.

Firing into Melee
Firing into Melee is risky, but I feel that characters will wait and choose their moment carefully to avoid hitting a party member (even evil ones will do this if only to keep from wasting a shot). I don’t like the way the PHB rules are laid out, but the reasoning has merit (everyone is moving around a lot in order to avoid each other’s strikes and to attack) and so there are penalties. Missing due to a penalty will cause the PC to miss wide, and not endanger their allies; except in the case of a fumble. With critical misses, everyone in the area is fair game except the opponent (oddly enough). Penalties are halved when the opponent does not move its body in relation to the PCs (there is still a small penalty because the PCs are still trying to avoid attacks and strike).

Here are the adjustments I will use for a player firing into a melee between a party member and an opponent:
-0 There is no penalty if the opponent is 2 size categories larger than the player (gnome vs ogre).
-1 if the opponent is 1 size category larger.
-2 if they are the same size, or if the opponent is larger and there are 2 party members attacking it.
-4 if the opponent is one size category smaller than the player

Multiple party members engaging in melee (or preparing to backstab) the same opponent will multiply the above penalties to a max of 3x. For example: Bob is out of spells and wants to use his sling to hit the ogre. Three of his party members are engaged in melee with the ogre: A gnome rogue, a human fighter and an elf ranger. Since the ogre is 1 size category larger than both the human fighter and the elven ranger, there is a -1 penalty for each of them. There is no penalty for the gnome since he is 2 size categories smaller. The total penalty for Bob firing at the ogre would be -2. If it were an Orc instead of an ogre the total penalty would be -5 (-2 for the human, -2 for the elf, -1 for the gnome).

Proficiencies and Training:
WPs and NWPs gained upon level advancement must be trained in some way. I will assume your character has been studying up on it for a while and may only need to talk to someone proficient for a few pointers before it ‘clicks’. A player can improve an existing NWP score by spending an additional slot on it. This will amount to a +2 bonus to the ability check and should be noted on the character sheet. Improving an existing NWP requires no training, the character simply gets better.

I won’t force long training times or anything like that. If another party member already has the proficiency, you can pretty much consider this automatic as long as they have the right equipment. (A warrior with the Trident WP trying to teach a Ranger to use one will need to actually have a trident around to show him. If there isn’t one available, the Ranger will have to spend a few minutes playing with a trident once he finds one before the Warrior’s advice sets in) Again, I’ll be reasonable about this. He won’t have to spend an hour playing with his polearm…

If two characters have the same proficiency and want to cooperate on a task, use the higher of the two scores and apply a +2 bonus. A third character will add another +1. No more bonuses will be gained beyond three people. Certain proficiencies may not be adjusted in this way (typically performance-type NWPs).

Basic encumbrance applies. Magic armor has an effective weight 10 lbs less than normal for each + to it’s bonus, to a minimum of ‘weightless’. A +2 set of chainmail would weigh 20 lbs less than regular chain. Shields stay the same, weps are ‘faster’ and have 1/bonus pt less in the speed category to a min of 0.

Spell Components/Familiars (Pretty much stole the components thing straight from JadedDM’s rules… thanks!)
Normal components that are cheap and readily available don’t need to be specified. Expensive, rare or significantly large materials the character must have with them. Examples of necessary components are: a silver mirror, black dragon blood, any component with a gp value listed in the spell description, or a 20 square foot piece of cloth.

General components can be bought from a magic-shop and kept in a 'component bag' that costs 1 gp per spell level to refill (a 1st level mage would need to spend 1 gp, a 3rd level mage would need to spend 3 gp, etc.) The component bag must be refilled between adventures (or once a month, whichever comes first).

A ‘find familiar’ scroll can be purchased from most mage shops in my campaigns for 100gp. I will use the familiars table from the Wizard’s Handbook unless the player specifies a general type/terrain they want their familiar to be from (an extra 25 gp for the scroll). Valid types include: birds, small mammals, reptiles. Valid terrains include: underground, forest, desert. The player is not limited to these, but they need get approval. Don’t ask for a bear familiar, it won’t happen… unless it ends up being a koala maybe…

May be allowed to start with a 1-1 HD animal companion as part of their ‘starting equipment’. Animal type depends on their place of origin within the campaign world.

Weapon Type vs Armor Modifiers
These always made a lot more sense to me than generic AC, and I don’t mind the extra work, so I use them. These are listed in the PHB.

Crits on a d20:
Natural 20 always hits (Crit), natural 1 always misses (Fumble).

Crit: roll your damage twice. A crit scored on a creature unable to be permanently damaged by the weapon may stagger or stun them, but won’t result in actual damage. Obviously this doesn’t apply for noncorporeal creatures and non magic weapons. (John hits the Wight with his normal Warhammer, but needs a silver or better weapon to damage it. He rolls a 20 and crits. The Wight is thrown off balance by the attack and loses his action this round)

Fumble: you miss… badly. Weapons may break, become damaged, embedded in a nearby object (door, wall, floor) or you may hit a nearby ally instead.

Crit Confirmation:
-Another bare d20 is rolled (usually by the DM). Anything except a 1 or 20 confirms the previous roll. A 1 or a 20 has specific results (either mitigating or enhancing the result of the first die).

-A natural 20 followed by a natl 2 is still a critical hit.
-A natl 1 followed by a natl 19 is still a fumble
-A natl 20 followed by a natl 1 still hits, but does not do extra damage
-A natl 1 followed by a natl 20 still misses, but is not a fumble
-A natl 20 followed by a natl 20 does the damage of a crit (roll damage twice, then add modifiers) and stuns the opponent 1 round
-A natl 1 followed by a natl 1 is a severe fumble. 2 results from my secret fumble table apply. This could result in hitting an ally and breaking or dropping the weapon, etc.

Death's Door:
I will use the optional Death’s Door rule as it is written in the DMG, not the version in my Ravenloft Campaign.
The one addition is that (for those at death's door only!) a successful use of a healing proficiency will bring them back up by the number it succeeds by, but not beyond +1 hp
One change will be that magical healing can benefit the character again after a full night of sleep (rather than 24 hrs)

Crossbows do more damage than indicated in the rulebook, as follows:
Hand crossbow RoF=1/rd, dmg=1d4/1d4, range=2/4/6 (not available to starting PCs)
Light crossbow RoF=1/rd, dmg=1d8/1d8, range=6/12/18
Heavy Crossbow RoF=1/2rd, dmg=1d12/1d12, range=8/16/24

A note on ‘obvious damage’:
When a foe is injured, they often display signs of damage. While the HPs won’t be apparent, there will usually be some indication as to how badly injured they are.

Barely scratched [90% hps]
Hurt [75% hps]
Hurt badly [50% hps]
Hurt critically [25% hps]
About to die [10% hps]

Booze-o-hol (for those rowdies)

Con checks:
1 drink/hr no Con check necessary
for each check after the first apply a -1 penalty to check
Failed check means you pass into a greater category of inebriation and penalty resets to 0

Slightly intoxicated: Temporary +1 morale, -1 int, -1 wis. 25% spell failure
Moderately Intoxicated: +2 to morale, -3 to Int, -4 to Wis, -2 Dex, -1 Cha, -1 to Hit, +10% temp Hp. 50% spell failure
Greatly Intoxicated: +3 to morale, -6 to Int, -7 to Wis, -5 Dex, -4 Cha, -5 to Hit, +30% temp Hp. MV halved or dex check to avoid falling. Adjust for things to support self on (walls, tables, etc). 100% spell failure
Comatose:You black out for a certain number of hrs. DM rolls

-Bob (con 3) drinks with Ben (con 15) for 3 hours.
-Bob knows his Con is crap, so only has 1 drink/hr and never has to make a check.
-Ben knows his Con is good so he has 3 drinks/hr. His first hour he makes 2 checks, one without penalty and one at -1. He rolls a 13 and a 4, and passes both, remaining sober... for now
-Ben's 2nd hour he has 3 drinks, one of which doesn't count against him. He makes 2 more checks, one at -2 and another at -3. This time he rolls 7 and 13, failing the second check [15-3=12, rolled 13] and becoming slightly intoxicated.
-His penalty resets to 0 now that he moved up a category.
-Ben's last hour he downs 3 more, checking only twice. Unfortunately his next roll is 16 (pushing him into Moderate Intoxication), then 15 (He passes the last check since he tied his Con score and the penalty reset when he went up to Moderate).
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Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by TristenC »

Non-weapon proficiency
Cantrip (wizard group) Modifier: Int -2
Cost: 1 slot (mages), 2 slots (bards, specialists)
A character with the cantrip proficiency has learned enough of the rudiments of magic to conjure minor mystical effects. Anyone may learn cantrips, provided they have been tutored by a wizard, although with their natural intelligence and aptitude for magic, wizards and bards excel in this field.

While all mages learn cantrips as part of their training, many forget the basics once they become fully-fledged mages. Others are too proud (and arrogant) to use such petty magics. When a character tries to cast a cantrip, the player must describe the form he wishes the spell to take, preferably in the form of a short rhyme. In combat, cantrips have a casting time of 2.

A proficiency check is rolled to determine whether the verbal and somatic components have been executed correctly (cantrips do not require material components). A successful check means the cantrip was cast as desired, and a failed check means the cantrip fizzles. A roll of 20 has no additional effect, unless the DM decides otherwise.

Even the simplest spell creates a mental burden, so the number of cantrips a PC can use is limited. All characters may cast four cantrips per day, plus one per wizard or bard level (i.e., nonwizards cannot use more as they advance in level). Each additional cantrip cast beyond this limit inflicts a cumulative -1 penalty on the proficiency check. Failed checks still count against the total.

Details about using the Cantrip proficiency: (it was Dragon Magazine 221)

Optional Rules: Specialist mages and Elementalists do not need to roll checks when performing cantrips pertaining to their specialist school or field of magic. However, they cannot use cantrips of opposing schools. A wizard of 5th level or bard of 8th level or higher need not roll checks—their control of cantrips is complete. These characters can cast an unlimited number of cantrips per day.

School-Specific Cantrips The cantrip spell spans all schools of magic and has a limitless number of uses. However, DMs should determine exactly which school a particular effect belongs to. Specialist mages cast more reliable cantrips in their own school of magic, and bonuses to saving throws may also apply. A list of commonly used cantrips, listed by magical school, follows:

Abjuration Cantrips Abjuration cantrips tend to be practical, often employed by apprentices to clean up rooms, dust shelves, sweep and polish floors, wash or dry clothes, aid the caster’s balance, and warm or cool foods and drinks. Minor wards can also be established (10’ radius maximum) against insects or rodents, or an area can be enchanted to stay cool or warm. The cleaning cantrips may either animate cleaning utensils or create ghostly phantom utensils.

Alteration Cantrips The cantrips of alteration magic represent a wide range of uses, from changing the colors of faded plants or garments, to altering the taste of food, or freshening spoiled food—in these forms they are permanent. Such cantrips can also gather firewood; hide footprints; cut, tie, or untie knots in rope or string,; or brighten and dim lights. Alteration cantrips can also act as rudimentary polymorph spells, able to change insects to rodents or vice versa for up to one turn. Furthermore, they can change vegetable or animal items into others within the same kingdom for one turn or less, depending upon how drastic the change is. The physical shape of small mineral objects can be altered, such as a coin changing to a ring. Such a transformation lasts for one round.

Conjuration and Summoning Cantrips These cantrips can summon tiny creatures: normal insects, rodents, or nonpoisonous spiders, or snakes. Normal items weighing less than one pound can also be conjured permanently; such items may not be worth more than 1 gp and may not be made from any valuable material. Items between one and five pounds in weight can be conjured, but they remain for only one turn before disappearing. Invisible forces can also be conjured to rattle or tap objects or snatch at, tickle or prod unsuspecting creatures. Conjured objects may appear normal, but they are never stronger than balsa wood and break if stressed.

Divination Cantrips Lesser divinations can be performed, such as determining the sex of a creature, discovering whether a door or chest is locked without having to touch it, locating the direction of north (magnetic rocks or nearby magic may cause distortions), divining the presence of magic in a 30’ radius (but not type, direction, or strength), or searching for secret doors. In this latter case, the spell has the same chance of success and takes the same time as the caster would, but leaves the mage free to do other things.

Enchantment and Charm Cantrips Enchanting cantrips can move inanimate objects around slowly and jerkily, as if with a crude form of telekinesis (weight limit 2 lbs.). This may spill liquids, pull items off shelves, or knock over unstable objects (such as brooms or sticks). No damage is inflicted by items used to attack. Charm cantrips affect creatures, and can force targets to wink, nod, scratch, belch, yawn, cough, giggle, sneeze, or perform any other minor, involuntary action. A saving throw vs. spell is applicable; success negates the effect or renders it unnoticeable. Cantrips such as these cannot disrupt concentration, but may prove embarrassing for their victims in diplomatic situations.

Illusion and Phantasm Cantrips These cantrips create false sounds, images, or scents. They can make haunting sounds like moans, chains rattling, footsteps, creaks and eerie bumps, or indistinct muffled sounds. When creating images, illusion cantrips form floating, colored globes of light; alter the facial features of a creature; create illusory furniture, carpets, or bushes in a flat and empty area; or conjure a two-dimensional illusion (invisible from the side or rear). All visual illusions can be dispelled by touch or dispel magic, and they remain only as long as the caster concentrates on them. Any smell created lasts only as long as the caster concentrates, affecting a maximum area of 10 cubic feet. Breezes dissipate the smell, and it may be masked by an overpowering smell, such as a troglodyte’s stench or the carrion odor of a ghast.

Invocation and Evocation. These cantrips can create glowing lights of any color, puffs of smoke, miniature colored flames shooting from the caster’s fingers, crackles of lightning and sparks, or a glowing mystical radiance. They can painfully sting another creature, scorch and destroy paper or wood without flames or heat, or cause harmless but noisy explosions. None of these cantrips can physically damage any but the smallest of targets, though they may ignite combustible materials, frighten animals, and alarm the superstitious.

Necromantic Cantrips Necromantic cantrips foster death and decay. They can make flowers wilt or food spoil. Tiny animals such as rodents or insects may be killed by a necromantic cantrip, or animated as ½ HD undead creatures (no more than 2 HD total per cantrip). Bones may rattle, corpses twitch, or glowing points of light appear in the eyes of skulls or undead. Another necromantic cantrip calls out to undead creatures in a 60’ radius, alerting them to the presence of a necromancer. The undead may respond to this information any way they wish, and the caster does not learn of their presence or absence.

Elemental Cantrips Elementalist wizards may use any form of cantrip, although their favorites concern their chosen element. They cannot cast cantrips concerning their opposing element. Air cantrips include the creation of mists, puffs of smoke, hazes, scents and gusts of wind strong enough to billow robes, dry washing, or disperse unpleasant smells. Earth cantrips create or alter stone, sand, mud, clouds of dust, minor earth tremors, and the growth of stalactites. Fiery cantrips create sparks, warmth, flickering lights (no stronger than torchlight), and can ignite dry undergrowth, paper, campfires or thin sticks. Water cantrips deal with the conjuration of water, thick mist (rain if mist is already present), currents and ripples in water, and small waves. Salt or fresh water may be created, as desired.

Wild Cantrips Wild mages have no specific cantrip effects of their own, apparently because their science is still a young one. It has been observed that roughly 5% of cantrips attempted by wild mages become wild surges (a roll of 20 on the proficiency check).

Bardic Cantrips Bards may use cantrips of all varieties presented here. Their favorites, however, relate to the playing of ghostly music or haunting melodies, imitating the sound of horns and bugles, accompanying percussion sounds (cantrips keep time very well), attracting an individual’s attention from across a crowded room or street, illusions and glowing shapes to enhance acts, and false applause. Of course, any cantrip user may create these effects.

No cantrip can directly damage a living target of size S or larger, although damage may be cause indirectly. For example, a fire may be started by a cantrip spark, objects may fall off shelves onto a victim, etc.

No cantrip can force a creature to lose its concentration when maintaining or casting a spell.

Cantrip effects always allow saving throws vs. spells when they affect a living target directly, and they must also overcome natural magic resistance.

No magical items can be damaged or affected by cantrips, nor can a cantrip dispel or remove another magical spell of 1st level or greater.

No cantrip functions within the confines of a protection from cantrips spell, instead being cancelled with a popping noise. A dispel magic spell automatically cancels any cantrip, as will touching any illusory creation.

A divination cantrip is automatically foiled by any form of misdirection. The DM may further rule that areas of strong background magic warp cantrips, preventing them from functioning correctly.

Cantrips do not function in dead magic zones, and in wild magic zones they are treated as if they were spells of level 0.

If two cantrips from different wizards contest each other (such as two wizards so long. Players can also develop failed wizard characters, those apprentices who using telekinesis on the same object, or one creating a breeze to blow away an illusory scent), the wizard with the highest successful proficiency check wins—as in a psionic contest. In the case of a tie, neither cantrip dominates, and the contest continues into the following round
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Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by TristenC »

Taking Damage While Casting:
By the standard rules in 2e, if someone is struck while casting a spell, that spell is lost automatically. I like the idea of casters having a chance to retain their concentration and finishing the spell. I think a PPDM save makes the most sense because it can sometimes be used when "exceptional force of will or physical fortitude is needed." Since it involves both being injured and maintaining concentration, I feel that both apply here.

The following penalties will apply:
-1 per spell level above 1st (i.e. no penalty for a first lvl spell, -5 for a 6th level spell. Higher level magics require greater concentration)
-2 per 10 hps of damage sustained in one blow (-4 for 20, scaling upwards linearly but only in increments of 10 dmg. i.e. not -5 at 25 damage)

Failing means the spell fizzles out, but is not lost from memory for the day. With so few spell slots (particularly at lower levels) I'm not keen on loosing the spell from memory completely for now. This may be adjusted later after some trial/consideration
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Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by TristenC »

Touch attacks:
Touch attacks by the book in 2e you get 1 chance to touch a friend (in melee) or foe and the spell dissipates if you don't. I usually find that a little harsh, particularly at lower levels. The house rule is you get 3 tries, but each try naturally takes a full round. I don't feel this is overly generous as instead of magical resources you are investing time; time which could be critical. The spell can be released intentionally by the caster, by a successful touch, expending the max of 3 attempts (including the initial casting).
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Re: Rules and Guidelines

Post by TristenC »

Identify Spell:

I don't really like the way Identify is laid out in the PHB, particularly with the preparation and con penalties. Therefore we will use the following:

Same as PHB except:
Prep time reduced by 1hr/caster level-1, to a min of 1
Con penalty = -8 at 8 hours prep, -6 at 6-7 hrs, -4 at 4-5 hrs, -2 at 2-3 hrs, no penalty at 1 hr.

Ex: Bob a lvl 5 mage casts identify (he can learn 1 property from 5 diff items, 5 properties from 1 item, or any mix)
His preparation time is 4 hours (8hrs base -(level 5-1)). At 4 hours he suffers a -4 con penalty, recovered at 1pt/hr of rest