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Places and People

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

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Places and People

Post by JadedDM »

A quick reference guide for players about the places they've been and the people they've met.

This first post is dedicated to Vaneil Island, a Lawful Neutral nation that is primarily run by dwarves.

Narin is a small trading town on the northwestern side of the island, Vaneil. Unlike some of the more 'touristy' places on Vaneil, Narin feels more like a real, honest town of merchants, sailors, and workers just trying to get by and make a living. The town is overshadowed by the massive Warden's Keep. Once upon a time ago, it was where the prison guards watched over the inmates. Now it is home to the local law enforcement, that guard and protect its citizens.
Narin Map.jpg
Narin Map.jpg (478.15 KiB) Viewed 11022 times
The Paragon Inn is considered the nicer of the two inns in town, more classy and cleaner than its counterpart, the rather shady Barnacle Inn. There's a bar with several bar-stools before it. There are also a number of tables, some bigger, some small. A number of comfortable looking chairs sit around the fireplace, although the hearth is usually unlit except at night. A staircase leads up to the second floor, where the rooms are found. The whole place is well lit due to the sunlight streaming in from the various glass windows. At night, a number of lanterns are lit to keep the place illuminated. Above the bar is a warthog's head, stuffed and mounted on a plaque. It looks like it had been quite fierce and large in life.

The Barnacle Inn is closer to the docks, but is somewhat a dive. It's dreary, dank, and there appears to be quite a few dried bloodstains on the floorboards. Most of the patrons are sailors on shore-leave, teamsters and laborers off-duty, and the drunk and directionless.

The jeweler's shop is a simple, two-story building with a sign hanging out front. There's a large green diamond engraved on the sign for the illiterate. The place is full of jewelry and various curios and relics of old cultures. Most of the expensive stuff is behind glass. A spiral staircase leads up to the owner's flat. The place is magnificent. There's a massive queen sized bed. The walls are covered in wallpaper, there are several fine examples of art hanging on the walls, and even the ceiling has intricate designs upon it. There's a fireplace with a loveseat before it and some very fine rugs on the floor to ward off the chill. It even has a small washroom.

The warden's keep looms over the town with all of the sternness and gloom of a maximum security prison--largely because that is exactly what it is. For not only is the keep where the wardens bunk and train, but it's also where the criminals they arrest are held. To enter, one must pass through a large and well-guarded gate and cross the courtyard. Inside are a number of offices, training areas, a barracks, and of course, numerous jail cells.

People of Narin
Chester - A human farmer the party met originally in the Paragon Inn. He was upset that a nearby village of Aarakocra were stealing his cattle. He wanted the wardens to go kill them, but they had already sent two rookies who had never reported back, and had bigger problems to deal with. He agreed to hire the party, offering 50 gold pieces for every Aarakocra head they brought back. When they instead made peace with the birdfolk, Chester was furious and threw them off his property, refusing to pay them anything.

Noah Sanderson - An overweight and completely bald halfling pastor of Octhanus from Sanctuary. He is Jocelyn's mentor and has traveled to Vaneil with her to help her acquire some field experience, although he doesn't believe she is really ready yet. He seems friendly and gregarious. He's also quite lazy, having once slept through a mild hurricane. His idea of 'getting up early' is around noon time. He eats quite a lot, even for one of his race. He doesn't like training acolytes, but claims the church insisted he train Jocelyn. He thinks working with the party is good for Jocelyn. He doesn't like adventure or training new acolytes. He is unsure why he of all people was chosen to train Jocelyn.

Hubert Diamondeye - A middle-aged gnome jeweler (the only one in Narin) that has black hair and a beard with streaks of grey in them. He has an impressive nose, thick eyebrows, tanned skin and is decked out in some rather gaudy looking jewelery. Every finger has a ring on it, and a gold medallion hangs around his neck, nestled in his thick, course chest-hair as his shirt is partially unbuttoned. He obviously has the hots for Areilon. He offered to pay her 1,500 gold pieces for the jade carving the party received from the Aarakocra. Areilon, however, pretended to like his advances in order to try and up that price. When he took her back to his place, she finally revealed she had no interest in him or in selling the artifact that night. Upset, he threw her out and decided he would not pay more than 1,200 gold pieces for it. Jocelyn set a fake date with him, but never showed up.

Frisno Tinskin - A young adult gnome clockmaker who is pale in complexion with blond hair and a wispy beard. His eyes might be beady, but the eye-glasses he typically wears magnifies them to an almost absurd size, making his eyes appear too large for his face. He was sitting with Hubert when Areilon first met them, but he said nothing. He just seemed annoyed at the intrusion. Later, he seemed greatly amused that Areilon had made Hubert appear foolish, and was amazed when Dahn claimed to have slept with the elf. It later turned out he was the murderer that had plagued Narin. He killed women that Hubert slept with out of jealousy. He was killed by Tialis and his clockwork spiders--the tools he used to kill--were destroyed by the party.

Brock Brewmaster - The middle-aged dwarven owner and founder of the Paragon Inn. He's a big, burly dwarf with lots of body hair and a scruffy but full beard. He was once an adventurer, but took an arrow to the knee and then retired. He walks with a pronounced limp as a result. Brock really doesn't like mages, but was quite friendly to Jocelyn, even giving her a free meal. He fell apart after his daughter's death, but Jocelyn helped pull him back together. He hates mages because a crazy Leaguer fire mage killed his wife 40 years ago. When his daughter was killed by Frisno's clockwork spiders, he fell into a deep depression, but Jocelyn managed to help him through it.

Tialis Renaelyn - She is clearly not a local trader or crafter. It's difficult to judge an elf's age, she is maybe 70 or 80 years older than Areilon. She has red hair, cut short, and cold blue eyes. She carries herself with the cool confidence one would expect from a seasoned warrior. Her armor is a mix of dark leather and light chain. She sometimes goes by 'Tia.' She is originally from Hashadeth. When she heard there was a murderer on the loose in Narin, she decided to track him down herself to prove elven superiority and make the dwarven Wardens appear foolish. She prefers to work alone. She disappeared sometime after the party returned to Narin. It turned out she was tailing them, invisible, in hopes they would lead her to the murderer. When they did, she killed Frisno and took his wealth for herself, before disappearing again.

Captain Thorola Highlaw - She is a stern looking dwarven woman with short blonde hair and lips that always seem to be in a perfect straight line. Taking one look at her, one cannot help but wonder if this woman has ever actually smiled in her life. She reluctantly agreed to deputize Dahn and Areilon on a trial basis for the Aarakocra job. While the pair resolved things peacefully and retrieved the badges the two rookies who had died, they failed to ever show anyone their badges. Consequently, the Wardens did not receive any credit at all. Consequently, Highlaw revoked their deputy status and warned them to stay away from police business. The party did not listen, though, and got involved with the recent murders plaguing Narin. Although they helped solve the case, Highlaw was forced to exile them from the town for breaking several laws to do so.

Kohen Dalaim Truestone - An old dwarf wearing the green vestments of Gonto. He used to be something of an archeologist, but age has caused him to retire to Narin and run the temple there. Despite his age, he is rather proud and stubborn. He has a deep love of history and specializes in proto-human civilizations. He hired the party to investigate some possible pre-Eonian ruins on an island inhabited by dangerous human tribals. When Ouragana and Areilon refused to help him any further, he dismissed them and agreed to return to Narin, the quest left unfinished.

Pearl - A very attractive halfling bard with blonde hair and green eyes. She's very energetic and quite ambitious. She knows quite a bit of gossip and scuttlebutt, but it's difficult to tell what is or isn't true. She can also be rather dramatic at times and is quick to jump to wild conclusions.

Brogain - A bald and somewhat hefty middle-aged man. He is the miller of Narin. He was upset about the murder victims showing up on his doorstep. He and his family were taken by the wardens for questioning, but were later released when it was discovered Frisno was the murderer.

Donk - A half-ogre that frequents the Barnacle Inn. Rumor is that he has ties to the Slaver Syndicate.

Captain Boffi Scragsplitter - A grouchy looking dwarf with no beard, but a mustache. He wears a tri-corner hat. It was his ship that originally discovered the lost island the party sets sail for in chapter three. He believes the island is cursed and is upset that he lost half his men there, but reluctantly agree to takes the party there so long as he and his crew don't step foot on the island itself. He dislikes elves.

Andar - A very large, muscular man that once worked for the crew of the Lucky Mermaid before he was captured with 11 of his crewmates by island tribals. He was the only one not immediately killed, instead kept for 'breeding purposes' until the party freed him. After that, he decided to stay with family in Hashadeth until he could allow the trauma to heal.

Maronna Brewmaster - Brock's young daughter and a waitress at the Paragon Inn. She was the fourth victim of the murderer. There's a rumor she is the niece to Captain Highlaw.

Jara - The third victim of the murderer. She was a dwarf from an affluent family. She clashed with her grandmother, wanting to live her own life.

Janjadel - The attractive dark-skinned waiter that works at the Paragon. He briefly took over the place when Brock became too depressed over his daughter's death.

Kilak Goldhelm - The male warden the party met on their first day in Narin. He also was the one who arrested them for breaking the law after Frisno was killed. He was skeptical they were innocent and made his suspicions clear.

Ovina Orcbane - The female warden the party met on their first day in Narin. She also was the one who arrested them for breaking the law after Frisno was killed. She seemed more level-headed and even-handed than her partner.

Leena - The acolyte in charge of the Narin temple. She has long, wavy blonde hair. She is fairly stiff and business-like.

Agnas - An acolyte at the Temple of Gonto; she was in charge of maintaining the dead. She was quite elderly, probably in her 80s at least. She had fair skin and blue eyes, but her short-cropped hair had long since turned completely grey. She stood straight and proudly, but tended to shake slightly--whether from nerves or perhaps just old age.

Otaya - An acolyte at the Temple of Gonto; she is in charge of bookkeeping. She is middle-aged and has long, braided brown hair, grey eyes and brown skin. She is bright and chipper.

Neex - A gnome with wild, brown hair, wide black eyes and deep brown skin. He is one of the two blacksmiths in Narin and a devout follower of Renos.

Roken - A male half-orc of middle age. He is the weaponsmith of Narin and a follower of Gonto, but often ostracized because of his race.

Gilor - A young male dwarf receptionist at the warden's keep with the rank of private.

Olena Ulvorn - A dwarven woman of middle-age, her black hair coiffed perfectly and with green eyes. She is the Lady of Narin and owns the whole town.

Corff - A human male with light hair and skin. He's the bartender of the Barnacle Inn.

Unnamed NPCs include: the first mate of the Lucky Mermaid, the quartermaster of the Lucky Mermaid, the ugly beggar, Jara's grandmother, Jara's grandmother's human servant

Aarakocra Village
The birdmen's mountain home is a very large communal nest, woven together from grass and twigs. Before it is a large firepit where a roasted pig is being turned on a spit. There are at least 11 full grown birdmen there. There are at least three children, too.

People of Aarakocra Village
Koh'kra - One of the warriors of the village, and the son of the chieftain. Koh'kra was first met by the party in a battle against a jaguar. The cat had wounded Koh'kra, preventing him from flying off. The party at first tried to fight him, but then went after the jaguar instead. After the battle, Jocelyn healed him, so he took them to his village, unable to communicate with them in his own language. After the party made peace with his mother, he escorted them back down the mountains. He seemed particularly fond of Ouragana, but had an obvious dislike of Val.

Unnamed NPCs include: the unnamed escort guards and the unnamed chieftain.

The Island
The island was never given a name, but it is inhabited by violent human tribals. There are signs of ancient civilizations on it, as well. Dalaim theorizes that the people of this island are direct descendents of the original humans.

People of the Island
Maua - A tribal druid who was captured by the party. Ouragana keeps trying to communicate with her, with limited success. She seems to hate non-humans. She was killed by Val when the half-orc snapped her neck.
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Re: Places and People

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This second post is dedicated to Hashadeth, a Chaotic Good nation with a large elven population.

Condeltun is a small fishing village on the southern shore of Hashadeth. It's of little historic importance. The village was first founded by fishermen when it was discovered local waters were the home to a number of very rare and exotic fish that dwell in the nearby coral reef.
Condeltun.jpg (256.84 KiB) Viewed 10555 times
Population: ~500

1. The Red Sirine Inn
2. Temple of Octhanus
3. General Store
4. Melody Tavern
5. Harbor
6. Boatwright

The Red Sirine Inn is a nice place, although not terribly big. But then again, the place doesn't see all that much business. All of the rooms are upstairs. Downstairs is the common area, with plenty of tables, chairs and a bar. The innkeeper, Mara, insists the place is named after her, as she has red hair and is quite beautiful. Most know better than to argue with her.

The Temple of Octhanus is built of simple wood with a thatch roof. There is a fence around it, with entrances on the north and south side, but no templars stand guard anywhere. There are a pair of statues flanking the inside of the fence's southern entrance, shaped like dolphins. In the main worship area. There's an altar way at the end and numerous wooden pews. The place appears to be clean and kept in good order. There are stained glass windows, letting in refracted light, depicting various religious scenes.

(General Store)


The dockmaster's a small building, decorated by various naval memorabilia including an old ship's wheel on the wall, what appears to be an ancient underwater helm from Eonian days (now clearly broken and defunct), a couple of model ships, and numerous maps pinned up on the walls of varying detail and design.


People of Condletun
Mara - An elderly half-elf woman who runs the Red Sirine Inn. She is a bit of a blowhard and grossly exaggerates her ability to handle herself in a fight.

Unnamed Assassin - A young man in his 20s with brown hair and tanned skin. He was killed by Baeros' dog, Takit.

Ursula Redmoon - A young human woman in her mid-teens with red hair and brown eyes. She is Jocelyn's ward.

Crispus - He has long black hair that is pulled back into a short tail. His goatee and beard are well-trimmed and give him something of a dour, severe look. One would estimate his age to being around 40. He is a quiet man, but always attended the weekly church services and is friendly enough, although he tends to get flustered around large crowds.

Alvor - A broad-shouldered man, about 40 years old, with blond hair and a beard. He is gruff and taciturn. He is Andar's older brother.

Sigrid - A woman of 35 years with long red hair. She is Alvor's wife, and thus Andar's sister-in-law. She's incredibly paranoid about other women around her husband, whom she believes is a real prize.

Dorthe - A young girl of about 10 years old. She is the daughter of Alvor and Sigrid, and thus Andar's cousin. She has long strawberry blonde hair and fair skin. She wants to be a blacksmith like her father when she grows up.

Tu'Valie is the capital city of Hashadeth, the name being elvish for 'Rebellion.' The city is on an inlet leading out to the ocean, with a small island in the center holding the governor's keep and the city itself on the two sides of the shore.
Tu'Valie.jpg (490.92 KiB) Viewed 10230 times
Population: 13,905 (55% human, 20% elven, 15% half-elven, 2% dwarven, 2% gnomish, 2% halfling, 2% plane-touched, 1% half-orc)

The Queen of Harts is by far the largest and most expensive inn in the city. Its spacious, has a large and accommodating staff and numerous magical items including magic baths and laundry machines available (courtesy of the Thundergulls Magic Guild). Their suites and rooms are locked with magic and require a special ring to open, making lockpicking very difficult. Anything a guest requests can be provided from food to games to 'company' but it all comes at a rather high price. Generally the bill isn't given until the following day, so it's more than possible for someone to accidentally rack up a huge tab and not realize it until it's too late.

The Thundergulls Magic Guild is the largest, and by far most powerful magic guild in the city. It is run by the same man who founded it a century ago. They supply a number of magical services as well as goods to the city, including the Queen of Harts Inn.

The South Guild Jewelry Shop was once run by an elven woman named Amaruilinal Baequirae but was bought out the by the Guild.

People of Tu'Valie
Ophira- A sailor on the Dark Spriggan, a small elven merchant ship that makes runs between Hashadeth, Mond and Vaneil.

Omari- Grew up in the village of Luna on Mond. His sister, brother-in-law and niece (2 years old) were all killed in a fire caused by Leaguers.

Azerath Thundergull - An elf wearing purple robes and carrying a rather elaborate looking staff. A seagull sits on his shoulder. A small marble like stone, both red and blue in color, orbits his head like a tiny moon. His hair is grey, suggesting he is rather old--but his face is still quite young looking, at least by human standards. His eyes are violet and his skin is quite pale. He is the leader, founder and potionsmaster of the Thundergulls magic guild.
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Re: Places and People

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The third post is dedicated to the island of Mond, a Chaotic Neutral nation with a very varied and mixed population.

Deimos is the largest city on the island of Mond and was once considered the capital until the entire island fell into anarchy. It is on the southern tip of the island.
Deimos.jpg (494.11 KiB) Viewed 10175 times
Population: 12,758 (45% human, 11% elven, 11% dwarven, 11% halfling, 11% gnome, 4% half-elven, 4% half-orc, 3% plane-touched)

People of Deimos
Naishe - A young adult human woman. She's quite beautiful, with piercing hazel eyes. She's adorned with jewelry, including golden earrings and a small golden stud just under her lip. Her hair is pulled back by a bandanna with very intricate designs embroided on it. She fights with twin daggers. Naishe served aboard the Bullring for awhile, where she met Gallath. However, she departed in Deimos to seek out the League, but was later betrayed by them. It later turns out that Naishe is not entirely human, but in fact, part demon. She uses some kind of glamor to hide her demonic visage. When in her tiefling form, she can 'blink' once per day behind an opponent to backstab them.

Penta - A young adult aasimar woman. She has short black hair and brown eyes and a slight scar across her cheek. Her accent is foreign, suggesting she is from the mainland somewhere. She often wears heavy armor and carries a sword and shield. Penta is a demon hunter, dedicated to wiping out all demonic life from this world. She can be a tad fanatical about it, and often comes off as rather mad to others as a result. She first appeared while chasing after Naishe, who is secretly a tiefling. She also thought Gallath was a demon, as well, however. She is part of a prestigious family of fiend hunters.

Son of Crizza - His true name is unknown. He's an adult air genasi and a powerful mage. His skin is blue and his hair is white. He wears purple robes and carries a staff. His hair and robes always billow in the wind, even when there is no wind and he often levitates over the ground rather than touch it. The Son of Crizza wants to bring war to the islands for reasons not entirely clear. He is searching for some kind of book to help him achieve this. He seems obsessed with mathematical odds, often calculating them to precise decimals. He has used the League to help him in his goals, but claims not to be one of them.
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Re: Places and People

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Wyvern Island
This island belonged to a wizard known as the Wyvern over 300 years ago. It was lost after the Carnage War, but rediscovered when the party stumbled upon an ancient Eonian map leading to it.
Wyvern Island Markers.png
Wyvern Island Markers.png (1012.41 KiB) Viewed 9895 times
Each big hex is a mile long. Each little hex is around 350 yards in size.
Hex 1 - This is where the party landed their rowboats when they first arrived. (Terrain: Beach/Ocean)
Hex 2 - The party was attacked by a trio of trolls here. They slew two and drove the third off. (Terrain: Beach/Light Jungle)
Hex 3 - Nothing (Terrain: Light Jungle)
Hex 4 - Nothing (Terrain: Light Jungle)
Hex 5 - Nothing (Terrain: Light Jungle)
Hex 6 - The party tracked the wounded troll here, to a cave. (Terrain: Light Jungle/Mountain)
Hex 7 - This is where the party encountered Drav, who offers to take them to his cave. (Terrain: Light Jungle)
Hex 8 - Nothing (Terrain: Light Jungle)
Hex 9 - Nothing (Terrain: Light Jungle/Mountain/River)
Hex 10 - Nothing (Terrain: Light Jungle/Mountain)
Hex 11 - Drav's cave. (Terrain: Light Jungle/Mountain/River)
Hex 12 - Nothing (Terrain: Light Jungle/Mountain)
Hex 13 - Nothing (Terrain: Lake/Light Jungle)
Hex 14 - The party's current location (Terrain: River/Light Jungle)
Hex 15 - The location of the mansion

People of Wyvern Island
Izana - One of the five Oni. She is a young woman with blue skin and green hair. She pretended to be a human servant in order to learn more about the party. She was teleported away to her homeland by the planetar.

Kaakos - The Wyvern's former familiar, a two foot tall imp from the Plane of Baator. Kaakos was stuck in the Wyvern's mansion for over 300 years because of a dimensional anchor hidden in the vault. With nothing to do and no way of leaving, he was forced to keep the place tidy. He was a smartass (although not as clever as he thought he was) and had a very informal manner of speaking. When the dimensional anchor was brought down, he immediately returned to Hell.
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Re: Places and People

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The Bullring

The Bullring is a new class of ship recently developed by the Guild to combat increased piracy on the open seas. There are only a handful of them in existence, but most sailors have at least heard of them. They are known for their size, speed, and power.

The Bullring in particular is at least 130 feet in length and 30 feet wide, with multiple decks and a crew large enough to populate a small hamlet. On the uppermost deck are three catapults (one up front, two in the back) and along the sides of the ship are small windows for smokepowder canons and ballistas. At the very front is a large ram shaped into the design of an angry bull with a large ring in its snout.

01. Captain's Quarters
02. Captain's Study
03. Officers' Quarters
04. Armory
05. Ship's Stores
06. Galley
07. Passengers' Quarters
08. Bombard Deck
09. Powder Magazine
10. Head
11. Hold

Captain Sierra Bullring - A dwarven woman with red hair in several braids. She's well-armed and muscular and has a stern expression on her face. She carries herself with a great deal of authority. She is captain of the Bullring. She and her sister recently cleared out a harpy's nest. They found an egg they kept for a souvenir, as well as a strange artifact. She's embarassed by her sister's sexual escapades. She once ran afoul of an angry marid that tried to sink her ship.

Terra Bullring - An attractive dwarven woman with short blonde hair wearing a black cloak. She's Sierra's sister and the first mate of the Bullring. She is laid-back and easy-going. She and her sister recently cleared out a harpy's nest. They found an egg they kept for a souvenir, as well as a strange artifact. She hates harpies. She once slept with a baron's son--at his own wedding. She was once seduced and charmed by a Greymantle vampire. She once had an annoying male suitor (stalker) who wanted her to retire and be his housewife.

Thaddeus Blackwell - A young human male with red hair, violet eyes and fair skin. He wears fine red and gold robes. He studied under Professor Blackwell (is mother) at the Storm Sorcery Academy but is strangely young for one holding such a prestige position as navigator of the Bullring. He only graduated a couple of years ago. He sometimes uses Sleep to escape awkward social situations. He is engaged to be married to an admiral's daughter that he has never met.

Vincent Seaborn - A human that looks to be in his fifties or so, with long black unkempt hair pulled back into a ponytail and a short beard upon his face. A bandanna attempts to keep his bangs out of his eyes. He has a bit of a nervous twitch in his left eye. He is the gunner of the Bullring.

Hofur - A dwarf that is dark-skinned with violet eyes and a long brown beard. He is shirtless and fairly muscular for his age. He seems prone to pondering and is rather racist against elves and orcs; but overall suspicious of everyone he meets. He is the quartermaster of the Bullring. He has been sailing for 100 years on two dozen different ships. He's been with the Bullring for 30 years.

Killia - The galley chef of the Bullring. She's a dwarf with dark skin, brown hair, green eyes and covered in tattoos. She had a no-nonsense attitude.

Javos - A sailor on the Bullring. He's a half-elf with white skin, short brown hair, a soulpatch, and green eyes. He sometimes works in the crow's nest and has sailed with the Bullrings for a couple of years now.

Tomori Riddlemark - The battlemaster of the Bullring. He is a rather old but barrel-chested dwarf. He has grey hair and a well-trimmed and braided beard and one good grey eye--the other behind a black patch. He didn't like Val due to her heritage but nonetheless had her help train the marines.
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Re: Places and People

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The Seleya

The Seleya is a caravel ship--nowhere near as large as the Bullring, but a pretty good ship nonetheless. They are well known for their reliability and safety, even during extended sea voyages. Indeed, until the galleon was invented, caravels were considered the best of the best. The Seleya has three masts and is around 70 feet long and 20 feet wide, boasting multi-level castles in the fore and aft sections of the ship.

The Seleya is an independent vessel, licensed and owned by its captain. They rely on charity for funding, by sailing from port to port and offering free assistance to those who need it. This includes healing, food and aid, defense, diplomacy and prayer.

Saren - An adult half-elf male with brown hair, a goatee and blue eyes. He sometimes wears glasses. Saren is a friar of the Church of Octhanus and the captain of the caravel ship, Seleya. He grew up in Immerfort and joined their navy but later left for pacifist reasons to join the clergy. Some time after that, he left the church and decided to buy a ship. He sails the seas helping others on diplomatic and humanitarian missions.

Elisa Flores - An adult human woman with short red hair. She has known Saren since they served together in the Immerfort Naval Academy and is now his first mate and tactical officer. She helped keep Saren grounded in reality by reminding him there was more to life than studying.

Tivrella - An adult elf woman with long brown hair. She has known Saren since they served together in the Immerfort Naval Academy and is now the second officer, navigator and high mage of the ship. She serves as the more logical counterpart of the passionate Elisa.

Ozap Thahl - A tall gnoll with blue fur. He was once a raider on a ship of gnollish pirates. They attacked an Immerfort ship that Saren worked on, and Ozap was injured and left behind. Saren healed him and kept him alive, despite his superior officers' objections. Since then, Ozap has followed Saren as his bodyguard and is now chief of security aboard the Seleya.

Zarva - An adult gnome woman with blonde hair. She is garrulous and cheery. She is the chief engineer of the Seleya.

Rumari - An elderly human woman with grey hair. She is an acolyte of Octhanus and part of the crew of the Seleya.

Komal - A young adult human woman with raven black hair and dark skin. She is very small and petite for a human. She is one of the sailors that works on the Seleya. She led a patrol into Deimos with Naras.
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Re: Places and People

Post by JadedDM »

The post is dedicated to the island of Draska, a Lawful Evil nation with where the rich rule and the poor must become ruthless to survive.


Enott is a small harbor town on the island of Draska. It isn't of much importance, but does get frequented by pirates, slavers and smugglers quite often--usually to resupply before entering the open sea again.

The town sports a temple to Renos and Gonto, an orphanage for wayward children (in truth, used to train assassins, prostitutes and thieves), and a number of shady, slummy taverns (such as the Golden Tooth). The Bloody Chains and Crimson Wolves--two fairly large slaver groups--have warehouses here. The Blue Flower, a prominent brothel for wealthy clients, is also well known.

People of Enott
Raven - A handsome and charming middle-aged human male. He has long brown hair (with a streak of grey) pulled back into a ponytail. Raven runs the orphanage in town. Death is fairly common in Draska. People are murdered or enslaved all of the time, usually due to massive debt. When that happens, any children left behind are sent to Raven's orphanage. There he trains them to resell them to various organizations, including the Blue Flower, the Slavers Syndicate, various pirate groups, assassins or cultists. When Jocelyn's father abandoned her and her mother died, she was sent here. Raven began training her to be sent to the Blue Flower, but Jocelyn ran away to join the Poison Curse pirates instead. Now she returns wanting his help in contacting the Poison Curse. Raven agreed, if she retrieved an orphan that was stolen from him by the Bloody Chains.

Sanson - A middle-aged male human who seemed to be in charge of the Enott branch of the Bloody Chains. He was impatient and all-business. He wore chain mail and carried a cutlass on his belt.

Gabanth - A mature adult male human and a lieutenant of the Enott branch of the Bloody Chains. Gabanth is a cleric of Renos. He's somewhat sarcastic and flippant.

Emery - A mature adult female human and a lieutenant of the Enott branch of the Bloody Chains. Emery is a Storm Sorceress and graduated 10 years ago from the academy. She's a bit haughty and no-nonsense.
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Re: Places and People

Post by JadedDM »

The post is dedicated to the the underwater realm of Meer. Here are where the various 'merfolk' dwell, including undine, sahuagin and ixitxachitl. It's a massive realm with numerous nations, but the 'surface folk' know little about it.

Silverfrond's Village
A small community of undine not far from Ketos Island. They are ruled by Silverfrond, their cheiftainess.

Serenna - Serenna is the oldest child of Silverfrond and an unknown mother. She has long black hair. As her mother's heir, she takes her job very seriously. She is a warrior and fights with trident and leather armor. She doesn't trust or like surface dwellers, especially those that speak down to her.

Cye - Cye is the youngest child of Silverfrond and an unknown father. He has short, blond hair. He is a druid and can call upon the natural powers of Meer to aid him, as well as fight with a javelin. Cye is the most curious about the surface world and its people.

Shin - Shin is the second child and oldest son of Silverfrond and an unknown father. He has long, blue-green hair pulled back into a ponytail. Shin is a sorcerer. He is quiet but perceptive.

Ixitxachitl Commune
A small community of ixitxachitl not far from Ketos Island, at the base of an underwater mountain. They worship a powerful demon and often make sacrifices to it.