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Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

Moderator: TristenC

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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

His words wash over the human, who barely seems to be paying attention to him other than to lead him to the food. In fact, the whole camp seems to be lying in subdued anticipation. A nervous energy is obvious. Pyros digs idly through his pockets looking for something entertaining and comes up with a few miscellaneous items. He finds a red pack of playing cards, a pair of well-worn bone dice, a 3’ long leather shoestring and a rolled up piece of fine paper.

Pyros is led to one of several doused camp-fires where the half-ogre who followed him and a couple of goblins are just beginning to eat. Two foot long iron skewers, their spiked handles driven into the ground so they stand erect, line one side of the stone circle. It appears a few roasted rabbits and game birds have been cooked and set up in anticipation of dinner.

[Pyros checks his pockets, not looking for anything in particular except cards. He finds Playing Cards, a pair of 6-sided dice carved from bone, a 3’ long leather shoestring, a sheet of fine quality paper (rolled up)]

[OOC: A note about ‘Kender Pockets’.
There are two ways to get things out of your pockets:

Random grab:
(as you did just now) can be done once during combat and adds 1d6 to the initiative for that round. Or it can be done up to 4 times/round when not in combat. You actually just got really lucky and I rolled up a pack of cards and a pair of dice…

Searching for something specific:
If a Kender ‘knows’ or suspects he has something specific in his pockets, he can find it in 1 round of digging around (outside of combat). In combat, it will take 1d3 rounds to get to due to the number of pockets and how things ‘jump’ around.

Not sure If I mentioned it before, but I maintain a list of ‘stuff’ in his pockets. ‘Stuff’ doesn’t add weight until it is discovered, and if you get rid of anything the pocket gets filled with something else. The amount of really useful stuff increases with level.]
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

OOC: Yep you explained it. I was going on the assumption a Kender could make a 1 foot stick interesting, at least to himself.

Pyros will politely follow to the pits, and grab a patch of grass. He looks around and asks if there is any stuffing for the birds, or dressing for the rabbits.

(Assuming he just gets a grunt or laugh in response) He will go to carve off a leg of a bird and a slice of rabbit.

He will then try to make small talk with the \Goblins, about the weather, if they know the group he travelled with for a while, and slyly ask about the group of "people" they are choosing to travel with.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

The half-ogre looks confused when the kender asks about ‘dressing’, scratching is head for a moment he perks up as if he had an idea. He tosses Pyros a chunk of hearty way-bread the size of his two fists together. The night begins to deepen, and his infravision takes over. It occurs to him that better than half the group must have some kind of night sight.

The goblins don’t seem in much mood to chat, though one does eventually respond when he asks about the group. Don’t know them. There are so many tribes about it’s impossible to know ‘em all. As for this group… he shrugs. We all just kind of came together. Started as a handful of us, and just kept growing by ones and twos… Captain says we’re in, then we’re in. That’s it.

Unceremoniously tearing a hunk of rabbit from the skewer he holds he gestures to the several skewers still stuck in the soil. Take more if you want, he mumbles around a mouthful, there’s plenty tonight.

He mutters something quietly to the less-talkative goblin, then turns back to Pyros. So, what brought you here… aside from natural inquisitiveness….
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

OOC: Big words for a goblin !

Pyros thanks the Half Ogre for the bread, he breaks off a chunk and tosses the rest in a pocket.

While talking with the goblin, another piece of bird makes its way into one of his pockets also.

"I've been wandering for awhile, most of my old group of friends didn't seem to like how I was helping to keep their little things safe."

"Can you keep a secret? Of course you can! I am trying to find an X. It should be around here somewhere!"
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[OOC: The goblin has been hanging around the humans a while, I guess ;) ]

The goblin looks confused at his ‘secret admission’. An ‘x’? That’s kind of an odd thing to go looking for… Is it made out of some kind of metal or what? He asks, clearly not understanding Pyros’ meaning.

If you’re looking for something out here, you’re probably lost… I don’t think there is anything around for miles except a few hills and that lake. He adds an offhanded gesture in the general direction of the water. He mutters to the other goblin in their native tongue, I shoulda known it was some silly kender reason… Apparently these two were not among the ones who heard him speaking goblin on his way in.

The night begins to cool somewhat and the goblins finish their food quickly. Pyros stashes some extra grub in his pockets. The half-ogre, having ignored most of the conversation, begins to tend to his axe; making sure it is sharp, clean and oiled.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Pyros will go over to the half ogre and try to start a conversation.

"Expecting trouble? When folks sharpen blades like that, someone gets hurt. Want to have a game of cards or dice? "

While talking he manages to tie up his hands in the shoelace.

"Would you be so kind as to save me from myself?" He motions for the half ogre to cut the lace.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

The half-ogre shrugs at his first question. First rule, always ready. Axe ready, me ready. At the offer of a game he looks at the kender suspiciously. You look quick, little man. You have quick hands like Znot. He gestures to the goblin who had been speaking. Little men with quick hands win too much of Clif's money. Maybe he play you. See who has quick hands then.

Pyros quickly and absentmindedly tangles himself in the leather lace. And offers his bound wrists towards the massive half-man. With an casual swipe Clif chops lightly at the lace, snapping it. Only pyros' almost otherworldly reflexes keep a few fingers from joining it on the ground.

The Znot laughs quietly before speaking to the other red skin humanoid in goblin. What do Minotaurs call kender? ... Trail rations! The second goblin erupts with laughter, slapping his thigh and almost falling from his seat.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Pyros quickly thanks Clif, can't forget manners!

He will quickly turn to Znot.(In common) "Cards or dice?" with a huge sincere grin. He lets the remainder of the lace drop, and walked to talk to Znot.

OoC: I am hoping I didn't already speak goblin to them.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Ooc: not to these two directly you haven't ;) ]

Any time. Clif says. You need me to cut, I can cut anything, no problem.

Pyros shakes off an unnatural chill from the surprisingly damp night; or perhaps from the potential loss of a few digits... Znot grins, almost malliciously, and responds. A game? Sure, I'll take your money if you like. Though I don't know many games... he ends, with mock innocence. The other goblin snickers behind him.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Pyros is going to say to Clif in Mountain dwarf and elven "Clif, Watch this" he hopes he understands.

"Being the vistor you can pick the game."
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Znot looks perplexed at Pyros' 'visitor' comment, since the kender is the newcomer. Clif just looks confused, indicating he doesn't likely understand dwarven; or any language other than common or ogre for that matter.

Well... the goblin says thoughtfully, there is one game I know. How about 'breakbone'?

Kendrivel knew the game well. It was typically played between two people, or two and any number of side-betters. You called your target number between two 6-siders and rolled. Play changed to the left in a circle if you lost, but if you were 1-away you 'broke even' and kept playing. It was almost pure luck, except for knowing when and how much to bet.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

Ooc, oops messed that graammar up.

I will post in the morning getting to late to write properly apparently.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Ooc: yeah me too. I made a syntax error you probably saw before my edit. we will pick this up tomorrow I guess]
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by Nocturno »

"I know that as well, who will roll first?"

Pyros will crack his knuckles and stretch in anticipation.
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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

We can each roll one and the high die goes first, ok? How much do you want to wager? Say… a couple of coppers? Znot spreads out his bedroll away from the fire-circle for them to dice on, packing it down so it is a little less lumpy.

Not waiting for the kender’s answer, he plucks a single die out of Pyros’ hand (assuming you don’t try to keep it from him) and makes a roll.


[OOC: there are a few different ways we can do this. If you want to do a play by play we can either actually dice the game out with 2d6s each round and individual wagers. Another alternative is just to make opposing gaming checks for each round of play where someone wins and someone loses a small amount. A third way might work best if you plan to be dicing for more than just a few minutes where we would make an ‘average bet’ and a certain number of passes, then do opposing checks to see who comes out ahead in the end. There may be more people who end up being interested and participating]
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