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Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

A homebrewed world I’ve been working on that dearly needs some people to come in and flesh it out through their adventures. I’m open to a party being formed together, or meeting in game through their exploration, or possibly meeting as enemies. I’d like to keep the character options as unlimited as possible.

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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Hope this works for you, I probably should have included it in the last post.)

A warm heat presses into Stardusts side from the pouch where she had placed the red stone. Reaching in to touch it carefully reveals that though Star can tell that it's warm, the exact heat does not register to her body, nor burn her as her hand grips it firmly. The dark purple flames that had flashed around Stars body extinguish themselves swiftly, whirling and wrapping around her arm before diving into the red stone to disappear.

A desperate Robin coughs and wheezes desperately fighting for breath and life as her eyes slowly fade to dark. Before Robins release the stone in Stars hand flashes a pulsing red tinged with purple, the light focusing so that only Robin and Star are bathed in it's baleful light. Robins body jerks roughly forward towards Star once, and her eyes open wide in horror and pain. A second Robin appears but only a shadowy half image, overlapping the real one already there. The purple and red streamers of light coalesce into small twisting, tentacle like beams that wrap around the "ghost" Robin and drag her towards Stardust and the stone within her hand, a silent scream contorting her face as she resists to no avail and the "ghost" Robin is drained into the Stone in Stars hand. The light from the stone ceases immediately, pitching the room into almost complete darkness

Though it feels like forever has passed it has only been a few seconds since Stars sudden awakening, most of what has happened went to fast to truly process. the only thing for certain is that with the "draining" of Robin Stardust feels new strength infusing her body, and a deep caress on her mind... soul?...calming her, telling her it was okay, this was meant to be.

Sway and Lark have both backed away towards the pile of blankets in the corner, clutching each other fearfully. Sway snaps out of it first as Stardust addresses her, Sway makes no attempt to move near her and her mouth only opens in closes as she tries to speak ineffectually, one armed wrapped around Lark the other grasps weakly at a bow and quiver near to the bed.

(OOC: This doesn't change any of your last post if that's okay with you, neither Sway or Lark is in any shape to do... well anything. They're deep in shock.)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"North.. I go north.. I'm sorry..." Grabbing her pack she eyes the torn body of Robin. "I'm so sorry..." Her eyes flash with a sudden energy, the strength from Robin flows into her fingers.. Extending to the tips of her tiny toes.

"I feel... Robin hated me.. She wanted Snow. I hear her thoughts." Cursing her sudden realisation she pauses by the sword, Sway had wanted her to take it. Would she now? It was given with kindness... Grabbing it without a second thought she shoulders the pack and moves to the entrance.

"Love each other.. I loved Snow.. She was my everything. Now." With a flutter of wings she lifted off from the ground in a flurry of red and purple..
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Lark has crouched into the corner, her eyes wide and horrified, shaking visibly and only the touch of Sway at her side seems to keep her... sane. Sway is torn, her once kind eyes glare at stardust, angry and confused, and she looks like she would throw herself at Star attacking with her bare hands if she could tear herself away from Lark. She doesn't though, she doesn't even speak, not when Star apologizes or when she takes the sword that had been gifted to her, nor when she steps through the entry way to leave; the normally brave and stalwart Pixie shocked into inaction.

The pale light of the moon shines down on the small glade that the Pixies call home, what had been Stardusts home just moments before, illuminating the destruction reaped upon it by the nights storm. Fallen trees, branches, limbs and torn brush coat a ground gouged deep with ugly ruts, a minor rockfall had taken place near the waterfall but seemed not to have caused any damage.

Despite the wreckage, or perhaps because of it, the glade has a serene, peaceful quality to it... a disarming lie to cover the natures turmoil, as well as that within Stardust.

To the North are welcoming clear, blue skies, a promise of hope and a new future perhaps?

(OOC: I thought this might be a good spot to end the Intro. She is/has leaving/left her home and has discovered her new powers and about to head North. yeah?)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

Flying as fast as her wings can carry her the little Pixie vanishes into the night, her mind in turmoil as she tries to assimilate the anger.. Robin... The anger, the hatred, she wanted to lead.. Stars arrival ruined that.

Robin had held onto that for years, and now it was part of Star.

Hovering over the Waterfall she takes a last look back, strapping on the sword that perhaps she should have left.
This part of her life had ended..

"SNOW!" Lifting herself up high she let's out a guttural scream of anguish..
What had she done? Could she survive in the world of the big people? Her finger's find a way to the stone in her pouch. The unnatural heat felt welcoming, bringing her closer to Snow, caressing it like she would a lover she heads north to the world of the big people.

(It's still night yes? Not quite morning? And intro over)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Yeah, it's that point around like 4:30-5:30 when it's just starting to get brighter from the sun just starting to rise. One of the moons is slow and can hang in the sky for awhile so there is usually moon light, unless cloudy, until the sun rises. Not quite morning... depending on what you define morning as :D Getting a map set and then I'll be writing a new setting with her on the edge of the woods near town, unless you'd like to do the traveling. options :D )
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

She would travel in a daze. Never noticing anything.
I wonder how the Pixies would act of they knew she had Snows book... All of her knowledge. Lol
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Gettin started, here's the map :D . Unless you state otherwise when she is moving I will use her normal flying speed and she will not be very high(20ft?), if that works for you?)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

I'd say she would be at 30ft. Out of range of the big people (to her they all look huge) but close enough to see the ground.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

K, in the above image she will be resting after her flight to get there. At the moment it looks like she's sitting on a rock in the middle of a patch of blooming bushes. If you want her high up for safety to start then she will be on a branch above it all, there are several larger trees in the area that would extend that far. K, and I've just thought out an idea to go on, so I'll see if I can't type it out quick like.

Edit: The red star(if you can find it) is the location of the Pixie glade. Star has made her way northwest to the edge of the forest, near the tip poking out for your reference.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Fine Without you- Armin Van Buuren, was my original inspiration here.)

Pixie Possible
10:30 A.M. on Estal, the 15th of Surch

Stardust finds herself seated on a large, smooth rock jutting out of the soft, mossy soil; Tall green trees surround her, and the lavender petals of nearby brush dance in the wind around her, catching in Stardusts dark hair. Her flight here remains a blur as she sits, resting and contemplating... the peaceful calm of the woods broken only by the occasional chirp or trill of a nearby bird, beautiful if only they would not remind her of Robin.

Her mind in turmoil over the mornings events and the feelings she attributed to... whatever had happened to Robin(It had to have been Robins... feelings, right? That wasn't her*). Snowberrys voice sounded in her mind, surfacing from the past... "Terrible experiences pose the riddle whether the Pixie who has them is not terrible."*, Snowberry would say "No"...

Lost in thought, but not so much she forget s the world around her, Stardust hears the heavy tread of something large stomping through the forest. The crash of it's passing startling birds from their perches and ruining the Idyllic ambiance she had been enjoying. Stardust hears a voice calling out, loud and harsh with a tinge of femininity. "Luck Vasha? Mine are empty. The beasts are spooked by something, no lie I feel it to... unsettled."

a second voice replies back, short and clipped, though the voice bares similarity to the first. " No, I have nothing. Ha. Weakness. You sound like a man, whining about ghosts."

The direction of the voices is mangled by the dense forest, but Star is sure they must be to her north...

*#1. I'm going with the stone having a corrupting influence versus actually Robins feelings, if that works? Her "thinking" it was Robin makes perfect sense, though...?
*#2 Nietzsche-Beyond good and evil. I thought it made sense to have Snowberry "spout" philosophy...
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

Fighting to hold her feelings in check Star lifts her head, she had to keep it all together.. If she didnt she was sure she'd end up like those men who fell for the beauty of the Nymphs.. Driven crazy by compulsions they couldn't control.

She could still remember the faces, the far off look in their eyes, the feelings of hopelessness..

"Foolish girl.. You never deserved Snowberry.. She was supposed to be with me..." That was Robin, pushing her back down below her ears pick up the noise.. Big people. Always making so much noise..

Flicking into invisibility she rests on a branch, her fingers resting on her bow.. Then she waits.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Stardusts wait proves fruitful as to her north two "Big One" women appear after only a few moments, stomping their way forward through the brush. Huge and muscled they move cautiously around the forest floor approaching an open area of flattened plant growth.

The northernmost Big One continues speaking, her voice identifying her as the "weak one". "Ignore the obvious if you want, Vasha. When you're dead be sure to keep your whining low."

"Haha, Aghan, keep your hopes to yourself. I know you just want to put claim on Purk." Replies the other as she moves around the flat ground, poking at it with her large axe. A satisfied smile crosses her face as she hears a loud thunk as metal taps wood; Sliding the axe into a crack in the "ground" she gives a hefty tug pulling a trap door back and open.

The woman identified as Aghan steps forward and looks into the hole revealed in the ground, poking into it with a short spear. Disappointed she turns to her comrade, replying. "What? He's pretty. Nothing here, as well. We are better off trying the northern traps. maybe place some nets in the waters."

Their friendly sparring goes back and forth along these lines, the two standing around the open hole for several moments, their eyes turned to the north.

Both of the women have dark red hair, matted to their heads by sweat, dirty with several twigs and leaves twisted within. They both wear minimal light leathers, enough to provide protection from brush, branches and brambles without being a burden or overheating them. Their skin is marked with several swirling designs, either painted or tattooed.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

Star watches with interest, she'd only seen these type of big ones when they stumbled into her home... No, her former home, she had no home..

Fluttering along after them still invisible she probes these two with her senses, searching to see if good lay in their hearts (detect good).

They were obviously trappers, creatures who lived off the land.. Is this were Snow... Fighting back the floods of tears she takes a deep breath.

"There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot." Snows calming voice floods over her, her wisdom had set her apart..

Lost in her thoughts she narrowly avoids a branch, swooping far too low her wake brushes the one called Aghans hair.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Detect Good: Prolonged scrutiny of the two women will show that their aura is not necessarily good, though their is a slight presence of "good" around the edges.

Aghan and Vasha finish their banter, concluding the break they had been taking, the trap door is flipped shut once more and the two begin moving easily to the north following a well worn game trail. Their travel is quiet, though their steps are still loud in Stars ears, with the sounds of the forest easily discernible.

(OOC: it seems like you'd like them to notice the brush against, otherwise I'll roll a 100(1-50 felt, 51-100 not) to determine randomly?)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

[1d100] = 41

She would notice a change in the air currents around her..
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi