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Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

A D&D 5E homebrew, a short tale to get to grips with this new system. Many travel to Wovara, a mostly uncharted isle on the fringes of civilisation, where man attempts to stake a claim against nature and the unknown.

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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by mgbevan »

"Such a wonderful man!" A lady sat down replies eagerly to Jason, "He is the ruler of Borma, that trading town where you got the ferry from. And he had this great idea to start a new village on this gorgeous Isle of Wovara."
An older man chips in, "Legend has it, that as a boy he would stand for hours looking out of the window at this island in the distance." A sweep of the hand across the horizon accompanied by a longing stare enhance the man's story. "Finally he has voyaged here to realise his dreams, complete with story book country house, even if it's a mansion."
The original lady picks up, "And it's thanks to his endeavour that this little community has started. It gives us opportunity,"
"A chance to be a part of something big and something new."
The pair of storytellers gaze afar daydreaming for a moment.
A third person, another young lady, continues in a informative and educated tone, "Lord Collins is a man, a leader, of great wealth, power and influence. Who has maintained and grows a very positive reputation. Through entrepreneurship and developing a thriving community he made Borma a significant trade hub filled with happy people. This gives him the coin to finance this little colonial dream, funding it's development, subsidising goods so that people can afford to live here. Lately, he has been trying to increase links with the Arisen Empire, though most people in these parts don't have much to to with that lot."

The few locals that are sat around the campfire murmur and think about Sorin's request for a few moments. One older lady bursts out with, "Old Mrs Lundqvist's 'lapptäcke' are to die for!" A chorus of affirmations ensues, "Oh she quilts and weaves like no other that woman does!"
"Not a seam or string ever loose!"
"We don't have much by the way of leathers or furs see, so weaving is quite important to us. Furs, pelts and even meat are harder to come by out here for us."
"Speaking of meat, who remembers Henrik's cabbage stew? Wasn't that the best cabbage stew you've ever had."

Another chorus of affirmation breaks out.
A middle age man changes the tack of the conversation, "But adventures like the ones from your stories, we get many adventuring types coming through to chase treasure."
"Oh yes we do, hey do you remember that guy with the funny hat?"
"The hat with two big horn's on it? Oh that was great, best hat or helmet I'd ever seen haha!"
"The man went down underground somewhere searching for some big golden amulet or something, never made it back though..."

The group round the fire goes quiet contemplating this poor adventurers fate.
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by Nocturno »

"Well he should have stayed here with you folk wrapped in one of Old Mrs Lundqvist's lapptäckes, and had a bowl of stew." he will lightly blow across his pipes.

"I will call this one Old Mrs Lundqvist, and the horned Adventurer."

He will go on to spin a ballad about the man who came to town, with an accent that made him almost unintelligible. He was tempted to stay in town to enjoy the blankets and stew, but was ultimately tempted to go for the treasure. He will describe how the adventure will take on monsters, and horrors, until his untimely demise.

But he will also make note that this is another mention of gold or treasure in the hills.
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by Rivi »

rose watches the chickens for a sec "no id not want you out of work"then with a small smile "but witch ones the trouble maker every group has one"
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by mgbevan »

The Locals clap along jovially with Sorin'a ballad.

"I'm afraid that my old body won't be enough to stop the perils these poor folk face." Mr. Wilson says sincerely and somberly. "Who are you anyway, traveller. I haven't seen the likes of you about town before?"
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by JadedDM »

"He sounds like a great man," Jason says. "I hope to meet him soon." He notes in particular the well informed woman. "You wouldn't happen to be the local schoolmarm, would you, ma'am?"
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by mgbevan »

"School?!" The lady replies in a incredulous but lighthearted chuckle "Oh no no. While that's a nice thought we don't have that many children here. Think we might be up to about seven with our newest arrivals. In any case we don't have a school here, yet. I think they spend their time playing or copying elders picking up the skills of life you need in a place like this."
The old story telling man, produces a crude wooden necklace from inside his clothes. It's a rough wooden disc with a hole carved in the middle, from which the disc hangs on jute string. "I showed one little tyke how to chisel wood with a nail and a stone once. Made me this in return." he explains.
The well informed woman continues, "While your intuition about intelligence is correct, it's just not a priority of the community right now."
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by Rivi »

rose will watch the chikens for a sec "im rose here to do some work for Miss Freya" watching him "im a warlock i talk with shadows"
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by JadedDM »

"Ah, forgive me for presuming," Jason replies. "But you seem a woman of knowledge, so that was my first guess. What is your profession then, if you don't mind my asking, Ms...?"
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by mgbevan »

The lady smiles back at Jason and answers in her kind voice, "There's no harm done. I bear very few grudges or hard feelings." She offers a slim and pretty hand, that is if hands can be called pretty things. "Hampshire, Translator. I picked up a fair few things along the way." Around Commonwealth farm people seem to be finishing up their dinners and the numbers start thinning out, returning to their tents and shacks, the sky now black save for the stars above and their reflection shimmering on the harbour. The lady adds, "And it's Miss Hampshire, not Ms. Mister...?"

Mr Wilson shows no surprise at Rose's revelations, The link to Miss Freya would be obvious to anyone, but being a warlock is not something ordinary. "Rose... Talker of the shadows..." Mr Wilson says ponderously, "I thought it felt a bit crowded in here, the four of us and all these chickens." He picks up and chicken, pets it whispering softly to it, then sets it back down among the others. "These chickens are in danger, I know it!. Been watching them for a while now, through the night. Nobody takes it seriously though. You believe me though.... Right?" Mr. Wilson looks hopefully up as Rose.

Sorin and Meran would also note that Commonwealth Farm is beginning to empty as people go off to bed. They had the offer from Miss Freya to bunk with the Timber Men, but they could also camp out around Commonwealth Farm or anywhere in Port Collins if they felt like it.
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by Nocturno »

With the hour Sornin will move to the Inn. Once there, if no other entertainment is playing, he will approach the keeper, and offer his services.

If there is entertainment already playing, he will seek out the ladies he met on the boat.

Either way he will see if a room is available, and purchase a pitcher of the popular local drink.
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by Rivi »

rose will bend down tucking her knees under herself to hold a hand out to the chickens "do you know what threatens them or any spells we may cast to keep them safe"
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by JadedDM »

"Barker. Jason Barker," he says, shaking Miss Hampshire's hand. "A pleasure to meet you. Translator? Are there lots of different languages here in Port Collins?" He notices how quickly it is turning dark. "Ah, I told the others I'd meet them at the tavern this evening. If you're free, would you like to join me? If not, perhaps I'll run into you later. It's a small town, after all."
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by Chris1234 »

Belatedly breaking of of his introspection, Meran replays in his head some of the conversations he's overheard, in particular trying to pick up on whether anyone has been hurt recently and in need of his modest skills. Failing any of this, he asks around for any more rumours about the adventures of, well, adventurers on Wovara.
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by mgbevan »

A few chickens come around to inspect Rose 's hand, idly clucking and moving around. "I've no idea or proof of the perils these poor birds face, but I have a feeling, and at my age, I trust my feelings." Mr Wilson replies heavy heartedly. "I've been watching these chickens every night for some time now, but I can't last much longer and will need to rest, but everyone takes me for a mad old fool." he lets out a long sigh and choughs a little while laughing. "Can't say I blame them though, they mean well and it must be pretty funny to watch."

Sorin departs the orange glow of Commonwealth Farm and heads East towards the Shanty Tavern. He can now see the brilliance of the unspoilt sky, stars and galaxy. The tavern is an open air place, boxes, barrels and tree trunks serve as a few tables and chairs. The water laps gently on the sand a few metres away, giving the place a gently idyllic atmosphere. There is a small wooden structure with a bar built into one side, light canvas stretches high into a canopy to keep off the rain or intense sun. The place is lit by a few candles. Sorin can indeed see the ladies and Caavus from the boat, they beckon Sorin over, shouting "Come grab a drink and join us!" Should Sorin look at the bar he would find the enormous head of a horse behind it, apparently tending it tonight. There is also a man slumped at the edge of the bar, a half full, or half empty tankard of ale before him. A crude sign reads "Ale 1 Silber. Rum 2 Silber. " For the record, this doesn't give the impression that has rooms to rent. People just seem to lay out their bed rolls under the stars or in tents.

"Mr Barker, likewise it is a pleasure." Miss Hampshire says warmly. "Not so many here, but Borma being a trading town has all kinds of tongues passing through it. But that's a former career, a former life now. A common tale here I imagine." Miss Hampshire pauses from packing up her things at Jason's offer. It's hard to tell in the orange glow of the campfire of her face has become a little more blushed. While that is a very kind offer Mr Barker." Miss Hampshire begins, "A lady should always leave a gentleman wanting more." A smile flashes across her face. "Until next time, Mr Barker." and she makes her way off towards her tent or canvas shack, with only the slightest of glances over her shoulder.

Should Jason make his way to the Shanty Tavern, he would find in a similar description to Sorin.

Meran learns that most people here are in good health. There is no plague or disease afflicting the community at the moment. Those that probably need help are the adventurers that come here, set off but never return. The favourite tale seems to be of the horned helmet adventurer. Meran also knows of Patrice and his plans to go mining. The locals said that today there was a hooded figure in black that came stomping through here today ignoring everyone and walked straight off into the forest. They think the figure was pretty angry since they were chopping big chunks of bark off the trees as they were walking deeper into the forest. Another local suggests that the Timber men sometimes get injured in felling trees and carpentry, but they are too proud to ask for first aid.
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Re: Chapter 1, Landing at Port Collins

Post by JadedDM »

Jason knows too well what Miss Hampshire means by starting a new life. It's not easy; he nearly introduced himself as Lieutenant Barker, in fact, before he remembered at the last minute he isn't a soldier anymore. Sometimes change is not easy.

Saying goodbye to her, and wondering if he maybe made a better impression on her than he thought, he heads for the tavern. He does a double-take at the horse tending the bar. He also nods to Sorin, Caavus and the three women. He also looks around to see if anyone else, familiar or otherwise, is hanging around at the moment while he thinks about what drink to get.