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Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

A 2E Mutants and Masterminds campaign. In a world of heroes and villains, a few rookie heroes try to make their mark.

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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by spyguy1503 »

Just something I came across today. Link

Rivi, I'm going to need a post today or get 3-day ruled.
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by TristenC »

Lol. Like I said, staying true to the character ;)

Btw, my toughness save in the alley earlier was at +6 (+3 natl and +3body suit) but the last encounter was at +3. Did I miss a modifier?
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by spyguy1503 »

I took three off for the faceplant.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by TristenC »

Gotcha. Yeah, apparently he was just curious to find out if that odd stain on the floor was vanilla icing or bird poop... wanted to taste it to be sure...
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by spyguy1503 »

I would appreciate it if you took the time to fill out these questions and PM me your answers.

1: What is your character's motivation?

2: Who is your character's main enemy?

3: What do you want me to know about your character?

4: Any ideas for villains or episodes? I'm open to suggestion!

5: Anything else?

LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
Demiplane:Cal Lightfoot, Gnome Thief/Illusionist (Improv Kit)- Chilling
AD:LitC: Jacen Terro, Half-Elf fighter- HOLD
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by spyguy1503 »

Seriously guys, do that survey.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by Rivi »

lol crap i did it but apparently didn't post it and logged of my pc i re-wright it and post it today
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
Classic Puzzle-Cait aka the angel of death
Tales from Golden City-max aka Lady Red Fox
The Forge-dm
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by Rivi »

1: What is your character's motivation?
maxx like any good maniac is always looking to build and improve on her prized machine, but he main motivation for taking the red fox from a new type of hi speed vehicle was based on apprehending/saving a friend from collage
2: Who is your character's main enemy?
sorcière de sang or the blood witch real name Marriea Delicord is a short black hair. a vixin with persing eyes and a red dress. was maxes roommate at collage and a fast friend. she was intently studying magic’s and max concerned tried endlessly to get Marriea to stop or look for less risky magic’s to use. Then she found a scrap of a book of blood magics and cast the fragment of the spell she could read trying to fill in the rest on the fly. needless to say it backfires. Max stared in horror at her friend as she was lifted into the air. dark rues come from the page and ensnared her body sucking the life out of her turning her pallid and thin. the blood in her body fueling the words as they tattoo themselves to her body now red instead of black. once they were all finished she drooped to the grown looking healthy again but now marked. Max carried her home and put her to bed. after max when to sleep Marriea woke feeling stronger and faster. she could just feel her heart beat and… maxx’s sleeping a few feet away she when over listing to the thumping... then shook her friend
Maxx awoke blurry eyed “M, are you ok?” she sat up. "better yes that spell was crazy but now I feel so good just jassed” they spent some time playing with her new powers doing the cliché picking up cars and running jumping hi but also playing with new spells ones she couldn’t have ever known before. this lasted for about a week and Marriea started to feel weak. the tattoos normally a bright read started to fade back to a dark red then black and she could no longer cast any spells, her strength and speed were flagging. they originally thought it was just the spell wearing off.
one day Maxx cut her hand on a gear she was working on for the early versions of what would become the red fox. Marriea had been sleeping but perked right up almost not of her own volition hand outstretched to Maxx. the bead of blood flowed through the air a little stream of blood drops ebbed and bent over to Marrieas hand and slowly onto the tattoos coloring them in. Marriea felt one thousand times better. Maxx was understandably worried asked “are you ok? this magic its not good its dark we need to do something…” Marriea kept looking at her hands horrified at… how good it felt. Maxx's blood, the urge to reach out with her hand and pull more from Maxx her best friend. she fled, billowing into red smoke and flowing out an open window. at first she spent a long time alone only contacting Maxx threw a messenger system they had put up together. Saying she was ok and would find help then one day nothing. Maxx doesn’t know what happened to Mariea after that except she had turned to darker acts to fuel her powers and look for the rest of the book that page had come from. Sense then maxx finished the first form of red fox and has been using it to help people and track down the now know villain sorcière de sang. she is normally seen in one of two forms a voluptuous sexy goddess of darkens. all cover in wisps of red tattoos or a pail skinned monster with dark twisting marks almost looking like holes n her skin witch is sagging of her skeletal bones depending if she has feed the blood magic

3: What do you want me to know about your character?
Maxx created the red fox to find her friend but it wasn’t until she created the power source that it uses that she was really able to get into the hero biz. the Cronogates are what power the red fox. two small rings of complex looking electronics magnetically suspended in a larger third ring. The two smaller facing one another. an intense beam of power shifting between the two portals at their centers. The portals while small are tears in the fabric of time. Maxx sends a small amount of power threw one gate to the future that she is sending from there back to the second gate that returns it to the exact time it was sent to the first amount of power threw dubbing it(ie science time mumbo jumbo). This creates essentially an infinite power source. This power has some downsides one its unstable and collapses if pushed too far from the gate. that’s why it’s not being used to power the world for example and can only power the red fox or one other small system at a time the only exception are stiletto and razor as they have smaller versions of the gates although not as powerful as she hasn’t perfected the system yet for duplication . another short coming is that is just electricity and there for can be knocked out by an emp pulse which is why she has a weakness to it. although all she needs to do is feed some new power in and it will re-power its self, this dose take time. The gates also are how some of her powers work the red fox armor manipulates the gates to put its self out of phase with our time allowing the use of her other powers like her ghost form and pre cog engine

4: Any ideas for villains or episodes? I'm open to suggestion!
sorcière de sang should be a villain for hire obsess with blood normally paid in magical items or victims. she uses the payments to fuel her search for the book. You could make her a boss like person for an adventure but it would be about the book and trying to stop her from getting it and freeing her from its power but I think she plays better a bruiser for higher

5: Anything else?
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
Classic Puzzle-Cait aka the angel of death
Tales from Golden City-max aka Lady Red Fox
The Forge-dm
Genwald-Elden aka the SoulForger
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by TristenC »

Oops, looked at the list and forgot.

1: What is your character's motivation?
He wants to be kind of a 'good guy' but doesn't know how, really. His current plans have been to foil small crimes he happens upon, but he has trouble trusting other people b/c of the recent attempt on his life. He is also a bit of a thrill-seeker and fairly reckless most of the time. He isn't one to enjoy following rules, but he would enjoy being parr of a group/organization. He would probably be somewhat unreliable on missions unless he had personal feelings about the assignment in particular. He wants to find out who tried to kill him. He can be extremely loyal to allies, but has bad mood-shifta at times.

2: Who is your character's main enemy?
He has no idea, and I intentionally left it open for you to inject for this game. Traditionally for Deadpool there have been a lot. Both good-guys and bad-guys.

3: What do you want me to know about your character?
He is currently 'adrift' in life, looking for something to hold onto and maybe some way to get his memories back. He knows he's practically indestructible, so he's probably going to react that way unless it seems likely to get someone he cares about hurt.

4: Any ideas for villains or episodes? I'm open to suggestion!
-People from his past come to him for help, he doesn't recognize them/blows them off. They go off and get hurt/in trouble and he feels guilty but doesn't know why, goes to help.
-Organized supervillans going after KOPESH itself.
-Evidence of a superweapon or massive cache of ultra-powerful gear crops up. It's a race between good guys, bad guys and mercs to find it (whether they plan to use it or keep it out of the wrong hands)

5: Anything else?
Not that comes to mind atm
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by TristenC »

Are you waiting on something from me?
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by Rivi »

hi should be back monday to jump back into all games might take me a little bit to get re acclimated so should be posting by some time monday
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
Classic Puzzle-Cait aka the angel of death
Tales from Golden City-max aka Lady Red Fox
The Forge-dm
Genwald-Elden aka the SoulForger
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by spyguy1503 »

Sorry guys, I'm back! I was waiting for Rivi to react to her machines not working.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by spyguy1503 »

Hey guys, announcement for you! We now have private forums now! Nobody else can view them! If you want to do some IC shenanigans or OOC chat with me out of view of the rest of the party, go for it!
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by chese780 »

I have no idea what is going on. I work on making up my backlog of homework and am immediately presented with a backlog of story.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
The Dragon
The Phoenix
The Eagle

Felran - War of teh Lance
Phaethon - Fighter

Unnamed - Ravenloft
Grey Elf - Wu-jen Elementalist (Fire)
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Re: Tales From Golden City OOC Thread

Post by TristenC »

In the jungle (the mighty jungle) killin' a bunch of guys...
In the jungle (the quiet jungle) they're all gonna dieeeee!
*deep breath*
Wee-ooh wim-o-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh...

*cough* sorry
Cliff's Notes:
-we (crash) landed (parachuted) onto the island
-dude (Agent whatzzisface) had a map showing 2 places; a small outpost and a large base
-we approached the small outpost. Marc/3M/AmnesiaPool snuck in, stole a crap-ton of C4 and RPG (Rocket grenade, not role-playing games) then snuck back out
-the outpost blew up (did i forget to mention he left a timed explosive? Oh. He did that). 3M detonated the rest of the munitions, their communications stuff and their commander (while the guards played soccer, yay!)
-Hunt (oh yeah, that's his name!) said to Kill em all! (Cue Metallica) so that's what we're doing now... I think...