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Adventurers in Narmaren

This is a Hackmaster v4 (aka AD&D 2.5E parody) game.

This campaign is currently in developmental/debug stages.

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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

RK swipes thin air with his LS as does Poly with her dagger.
Both adventurers manage to damage the cave creature at the same time {5dam from RK, 9dam from Polly}.
It strikes back but Ruehar just manages to duck out of the way.

Intentions and rolls for round 6.

GH applies to all player rolls.
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

[Out of curiosity, how many actions/ rolls have you fudged to keep him alive ;) :lol: ]

Come on you overgrown bedbug! Time for your dirt-nap! He says, trying for all his life to end the creature.

RK001 init LS, ss [1d10] = 3, [1d10] = 10
LS init [1d10] = 3 -4dex -1gh => -2
Ss init [1d10] = 10 -4dex -1gh => 5 -2 wep spd = 3

RK001 vs LG creature LS, ss attk; LS, ss dmg [1d20] = 6, [1d20] = 18, [1d12] = 10, [1d8] = 6
LS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 6 +1 GH -3 untrained]=> 4. miss
SS: Thac0 19 [1d20= 18 +1 GH ]=> 16. Hits AC 0 for 6+1 GH = 7 dmg!

[Crosses fingers, clenches]
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

Polly and Ruehar' s initial strikes prove ineffective but both score with their follow up attacks, the elf actually dropping the creature.
"Good work," says Polly who then sets about searching the place.

She discovers nothing interesting apart from a crevice at the back of the cave that's too small for large creatures. A couple of foot inside the crevice the opening turns and leads downwards. She pats her grappling hook and rope, "Happy to take a look?"

Not allowed to. Just whiile I'm away am doing this on clunky Kindle interface on a slow (but free) hotel net connection so have given up capturing the rolls.
Polly inits -10 & -4, so becomes -10 & 2.
CC#4 init 4
Polly to hits AC10 & AC2 (miss & hit), 8dam.
Ruehar gains +240xp, +8THon
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

Ruehar half-sits, half-collapses to the floor. Clumsily he tries to bind his wounds. Panting a little from adrenaline and bloodloss. Just a minute... just want to make sure all my inside bits are still inside... He takes a quick breather, cleaning his swords. Finally he readies his bow and joins Polly near the crevice. He readies his bow and peers as far down it as he can.
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

"Nothing a good breakfast won't fix, right?" replies Polly. "Soon show any leaks!" She grins broadly. Anything to do with consuming food seems to make her grin.

Ruehar sees that where the crevice changes direction (heading downwards) it offers an almost perfect biting point for a grappling hook. Looking further in, there is no sign of movement (nor any sound from below.) He sees something about 30' below: having two distinctly different textures, one smooth and light and the other coarse and darker. It would probably require better light, or simply closer inspection, to tell more.

{What next?}
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

He chuckles at her humor, Right. I'll just have a cup of tea and see where it starts pouring out.

Ruehar carefully sets his grapple and slings his bow over his shoulders. If i'm nor back in 10 minutes send a mug of ale and a willing wench down. he jibes. Looping his feet (military style) he begins a slow deacent to get a better view of what is below, looking all about, above, around, and especially at the different textures.
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

The crevice opens out to about 4' wide by 12 ' long, irregularly shaped and the floor sloping heavily away to the north at about 30°.

With his climbing skills {+200xp, Thief only} Ruehar adapts to the terrain and after a few minutes shouts up to Polly that the lighter texture is actually bones, mostly animal, probably sheep but some that look suspiciously humanoid, whereas the darker texture is a pile of glass, broken bottles from the looks of it, maybe 20 or 30, all thrown in from above. Other than that, there's a dark lichen growing to the east of the crevice.

"Anything worth taking?" replies Polly. "My piggy bank is running low. Tell you what, I have a sense for these things. Maybe you'll develop it in time. So why don't you come up and I'll poke around for valuables?"
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

I've a decent knack as well, but you're welcome to come have a look too.

Ruehar inspects the bones and bottles, keeping away from the dark lichen and using his longsword to sort the piles rather than getting his hand cut up by the glass.

anything from the following?
Astute Observation[5]: surprise 1/10, 10% bonus pp and burglary, 10% notice details that could be important
*Keen sight [5]: +1 ranged to hit, notice things others miss, +25% sight distance
*Magic Trap Sense [1]: Detect and bypass magical traps at normal chances (w/o it skill is divided by spell level!)
*Sixth sense [5]: Sense invisible people/things in front at 50% base chance, move in dark/blinded

Appraising[6] int (Academia): [40%]
Observation skill [2] wis+int/2 (Task: Sophisticated): [19%] ü
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

Before handing over the crevice to Polly, Ruehar has a quick poke round, one hand on the rope for balance.

Looting skill would be ideal, but at a pinch:
Observation skill check at -10% penalty.
Astute Obs gives +10% bonus
Keen Sight +5% bonus
Physically stirring things around with the longsword +30%
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

[So obs=19 -10 +10 +5 +30=> 54% chance]
RK001 observation [1d100] = 93
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

After poking around for a few minutes the elf shrugs and gives up, then swopping places with Polly.
Her greater pracise at 'finding' things shows and after a few minutes she grunts in satisfaction and pockets something from the bottom of the pile of glass. Wait 'til you see this!"

After climbing back out Polly shows the item to Ruehar: it's a small, ornately twisting brass bottle, perhaps 4" tall, with a lead stopper and a lightly waxed seal.

What next?

Actually 55% including GH.

Polly: d100=52%, so fail Advanced Looting but succeeds with Basic Looting.
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

Ruehar inspects the vial Well, it's something, at least...

religeon? Appraisal, arcane or divine lore applicable?
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

Wracking his brains, Ruehar recalls overhearing two university tutors discussing the distinct similarities of Eversmoking Bottles and Efreeti Bottles, both matching this item.

Might have heard of such a distinct bottle before, assuming it's not unique, so either or the following:
Glean Info or Arcane Lore plus an Int check (Photographic Memory):
Glean d100=11% *Success*, Arance lore d100=72% fail, Int d20=8 *Success*
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by TristenC »

Hmm... it seems somewhat familiar... this could be a magical bottle that produces and endless stream of smoke... or it might contain something much more powerful and dangerous... such as an Efretti... unfortunatelyt the two tend to resemble each other, so i hear...
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Re: Adventurers in Narmaren

Post by Chris1234 »

Polly shrugs, "Isn't that like a djinn in a lamp*? if you possess the bottle, you control** the creature?"
She smile, "Obviously I didn't mean*** a smoking bottle.."

*It is.
**You do.
***She didn't.