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Act 1, Scene 1: "liquid pain" (Game Thread)

A 5th Edition D&D game set in the homebrew world of Carnade amidst a war between two kingdoms.

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Re: Act 1, Scene 1: "liquid pain" (Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

"A leaf?" Skarnos will look at the trees.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 1: "liquid pain" (Game Thread)

Post by Lithain »

"Any of you happen to know what type of plant it belongs too?" Nebram draws his great sword and squares off with the nearest bush, certain he's missing something obvious.

"Lady Sasha, Does the Eventara Malita, teach if any of these plants are poisonous to the touch? Or rather, maybe a bit touchy, to non-plant intruders?"

"Master Pathfinder.. I'm sure your insight would be most welcome here as well, I am too new to these lands to have much input. Although I have witnessed plants that can quietly smother you in your sleep back home." Nebram glances at the wolfs ears every few seconds, knowing it'll likely notice something before he will.