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Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:16 pm
by Jerrard
Ok, I think. I think I may have been a little hasty with my actions, I was reacting to outside pressures and my recent poor health, really heart attacks and strokes should not happen to someone my age! (35).

When I said I wasnt enjoying Erastin, I really mean I am not really enjoying much, it seems pointless when my body seems ready to give out.

BUT, I will not leave, I will carry on, because I need something to make me smile, and despite the module letting us down, I want to see it to the end. Plus there is the Erastin / Galenye situation going on.

Will you let me carry on?

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:30 pm
by JadedDM
Assuming nobody else objects to it, and I can't imagine anyone would, then you're welcome back, yes.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:32 pm
by Jerrard
Thank you, I am really sorry, didn't mean to upset anyone.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:36 pm
by HorizonsDream
I don't have a problem with you coming back at all, Jerrard. I was actually a little confused when you quit in the first place because you seemed like you were having a good time.

Real life sometimes can get people down especially when health issues arise. Games like this are suppose to be fun and kind of relaxing. They help me forget about my real life issues, whatever they might be, for a small time.

You didn't upset anyone, I don't think, so no worries. :P

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:13 pm
by Nuke
I have been part of games that collapse, for whatever reason, I was just hoping it wasn't me.

But, welcome back, and 'use what's 'tween yer ears'

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:34 pm
by JadedDM
Looks like we're ready to move on here. But what of the treasure? Assuming Targin tells the others about it, how should that be split up? What should be taken, and what should be left behind?

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:45 pm
by Nuke
Targin will load it on poor Ash, and hoof it.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:49 pm
by JadedDM
All of it? Or just the coins?

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:33 am
by Nuke
not the armor, but for sure the coins and grenades, and all the wolf pelts he can carry

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:18 pm
by JadedDM
Thus ends chapter four. We will now begin the fifth and final chapter of Knight's Sword.

I've posted XP. As you can see, the women got the short-end of the stick on account that they didn't participate much in battle. Jinali and Selowen got a fair share of the ogre XP, but Galenye got none at all. None of the women got any of the gnome XP. Also, I dinged Erastin because he lied outright twice during this chapter (first to the gate guards, then again to Myrtha).

Depending on how things go, there's a good chance that Erastin, Galenye and Karathos might level up at the end of this module.

So, any feedback, questions, concerns, comments, etc.?

Here are my notes.

The other guests at the roadside inn that Breila was curious about, but nobody looked into? Had someone asked the innkeeper about them, she'd have claimed they were traveling monks. If the party investigated, they would have learned they were actually a trio of Baaz spies in disguise.

In the module, the gnomes were only armed with simple spears and axes. Seemed kind of primitive to me, so I loaded them up with guns, bombs, and such. I thought it made for a much more interesting fight. became clear early on that once again, the enemy was clearly outmatched. So I threw in the ogres, who were from a separate random encounter, in there, too. That made things a little more challenging.

Fun fact: That sword Erastin took from Erek and intended to sell? It was actually a +2 weapon. Had he sold it, he would have made only a handful of steel from it, since neither he nor the person he would have sold it to would have realized it was magical. Just goes to show you, you should always check everything for magic.

Luckily, Galenye was able to trade it for a long bow +1. Not as good, but better than a handful of steel coins.

(Horizon and I were originally going to play out her little sidequest in public, but she waited too long and I didn't want to leave the rest of you waiting there, twiddling your thumbs in the inn while we did that. So we wrapped it up quickly in private instead. That's okay, though, I think the mystery of what happened can create some interesting theories among the party instead.)

Finally, the reveal at the end there was rather lacking in dramatic oomph. See, back during Erastin's trials, the rest of the party was supposed to go on a boar hunt with Solonius. There they would have met him and his hunting dogs, gotten to know him, etc.. They would have realized he was a nice guy; honest, truthful, honorable and friendly. So that when the big reveal came, everyone would be shocked. "No! Not Solonius! It cannot be!"

Unfortunately, nobody went on the boar hunt, so nobody met Solonius, so now nobody has any idea who he is. Ah, well.

Anyway, chapter five will be going up soon.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:07 pm
by Jerrard
JadedDM wrote:Also, I dinged Erastin because he lied outright twice during this chapter (first to the gate guards, then again to Myrtha).
Yes he lied to the Guards, while he agrees with the Oath and the Measure he also knows that Galenye getting arrested would help no one, but I agree with the hit on that.

However did he lie about the stone? He said he was looking for the owner, and when he found who it was he wanted to take it to him, thus asked his address. He did not wish to mark the name of the Knight until he knew for certain it was him.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:32 pm
by JadedDM
Jerrard wrote:However did he lie about the stone? He said he was looking for the owner, and when he found who it was he wanted to take it to him, thus asked his address. He did not wish to mark the name of the Knight until he knew for certain it was him.

Well, I admit, that one is a lot more ambiguous. Technically, he was telling the truth about returning the stone to its owner. He just neglected to mention why he was doing so (to possibly implicate him in a crime). I suppose that's more of a lie of omission. Still, kind of a slippery-slope for a would-be knight to take.

Nevertheless, I'll remove that particularly penalty from his XP total.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:40 pm
by Jerrard
:D Thank you, he was trying to protect the honor of a fellow Knight in a way.

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 1:39 am
by Jenara
I am actually really upset. Erastin will be. Well I guess he'll be too. If he recovers the sword it will be a hollow victory.. Lets hope no one else dies. - Jerrard

Re: OOC Thread

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:51 am
by Breila
This just shows how dependent the game system is on magical healing, and that a party without a cleric has very little chance of success. If everybody had been healed up every evening, the hit point loss in this battle would have been survivable...