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Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:14 pm
by Chris1234
Linar fires two arrows to the north at something beyond Garroth's visibility range.

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:29 pm
by TristenC
Garroth and Linar move southwest to find a trio of guards headed purposefully in their diretion!

[This is still mid-round. Both pcs have used less than half their move so can still close and attack. The goblins are not surprised and are armed with spears, expecting trouble]

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:35 pm
by Chris1234
Linar steps to one side (south-ish & ahead, so probably SW 5') so as to not impede any charge from the beefy fellow and fires an arrow at the further away goblin of which he has a clear line of sight.

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:52 am
by ausie
Initiative [1d10] = 6

Natural Weapons Check [1d20] = 4

Close quarters fighting [1d20] = 17

Garroth gets a free bite attack, but doesn't
Get the combat bonus.

Not charging (as they have Spears). attacks to come..

Bite missed.(1)
Maul hit - (18) Maul Damage [2d4+7] = 7+7 = 14 dead goblin
Dagger hit - (16) Dagger damage [1d4+7] = 2+7 = 9 dead goblin

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:48 am
by TristenC
As soon as the groups come into view of each other, the goblins charge! Linar has enough time to get a shot off just before they close, dropping one instantly. The others close quickly. The Drow is able to evade the first's spear easily, but at the expense of being struck hard by the other's mace! The blow shakes him visibly, and he can feel ribs cracking as it connects with his side.

Garroth moves up to help, snapping his jaws at the creature. He misjudges the goblin's movements badly, catching nothing but his own theeth! His jaws ache with the powerful snap and his teet protest painfully. In a rage he swings his maul down at the small goblin, crushing it into a useless heap on the ground. With a roar he thrusts the dagger in his left at the farther foe, impaling it with brute strength.

init-remainder of R1
G28: (1+6) = 7
Linar: (2+7 longbow) =9
G27: (5+7) = 12
Garroth: (6+8 maul) = 14
G29: (7+7) = 14

G28 charges (+2 to hit) Linar (AC 2) with his spear! (-2 to target's init so Linar goes first!)

Linar fires his Longbow (piercing attack vs hide armor +2) at G29
Thac0 19 vs AC 6 (+2): need 11 or higher!
Linar vs G29 attk, dmg [1d20] = 11, [1d8] = 8,
Hit! (Barely) for 8 damage!
G29 Dies!

G28 charges (+2 to hit) Linar (AC 2) with his spear!
G28 vs Linar attk, dmg [1d20] = 3, [1d6] = 4,

G27 charges (+2 to hit) Linar (AC 2) with his mace!
G27 vs Linar attk, dmg [1d20] = 20, [1d6] = 2
Hit! Possible crit!
G27 vs Linar crit conf, dmg [1d20] = 16, [1d6] = 3,
Crit Confirmed!
Linar takes 2+3 = 5 damage!
Linar is Hurt Badly! [3/8]
Linar's Armor spell duration is reduced by 5 [4/9]

Garroth moves southwest 10 feet and bites at G27 (+2 pierce vs hide)
Thac0 17 vs AC 6 (+2)
[1d20] = 1, miss! Possible fumble!
Garroth bite, fumble conf [1d20] = 10,
Fumble confirmed! Garroth hurts his teeth and cannot use a bite attack for [1d4]= 4 rounds!

Garroth swings his Maul at G27:
Thac0 17 vs AC 6 (-1 charged): need 12+
[1d20] = 18, hit!
For [2d4+7] = 7+7 = 14 damage!
G27 Dies!

Garroth stabs his dagger at G27 (+2 pierce vs hide):
Thac0 17 vs AC 6 (-1 charged): need 12+
[1d20] = 16, hit!
For [1d4+7] = 2+7 = 9 damage!
G28 Dies!

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:43 am
by Chris1234
"Thanks. Cover me, please," requests Linar, who then retreats (NW) behind Garroth, melts into a suitable shadow (or cover) and clutches his moon symbol to attempt to cast his solitary clerical spell: CLW on himself. "By your will, Corelon, may I be cured."

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:16 pm
by ausie
Garroth rubs his jaw... "You're welcome, that felt good to smash one of those little buggers... Stay behind me... there may be more..."

Garroth swaps his Maul for a second dagger... mainly to be faster and hit before being hit, then advances 10' WSW, ready to throw a dagger at a moments notice...

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:38 pm
by TristenC
Linar moves back a bit and utters a fervent prayer to the Preserver of Life, Corellon. A soft golden glow envelops his body, washing away the wound completely in a wave of cold.

Garroth staps his maul back away and draws a second dagger. Moving westward, a powerful stench blasts him from the south making his eyes water briefly. The cavern opens to a partially squared-off room with narrow passages East and West. A large column rises to the ceiling. The source of the odor quickly becomes evident as he spots a lizard-like creature hunched over and clutching a hard-worn pickaxe!

Linar: (2+5 spell) = 7
Garroth: (6+2 dagger) = 8

Linar casts Cure Light Wounds on himself.
Linar heals Linar CLW on self [1d8] = 6

Garroth swaps his mace for a 2nd dagger and moves 10 feet WSW

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:52 pm
by ausie
"Arrrgghhh.... What manner of foul beast is that....?" Garroth exclaims as he takes a few steps forward and throws two daggers at it at 20' range...

Init: 8+1=9
15, -2 range (hit AC:4)
7, -2 range (hit Ac:12 miss)
Damage: 4+7=11

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:51 pm
by Chris1234
Hearing Garoth's exclamation Linar silently equips his bow and sidesteps to gain line of sight and then tries to stick an arrow in the creature and then moves back to 10' behind (but on one side) of Garoth.

Does Linar recognise the creature? Survival (Underground) [18] maybe?

Init [1d10+8] = 2+8 = 10
Oops I forgot that moving before firing makes it one shot only (although elf can move/fire/move). (Have edited this accordingly).

GM call to either use this:
Sheaf THAC019, to hit/dam x2 [1d20] = 6,[1d8] = 8,[1d20] = 2,[1d8] = 3
Or this:
Sheaf arrow THAC019, to hit & dam [1d20] = 7, [1d8] = 8

Unseen Servant is run by Goblins.

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:25 pm
by TristenC
[Ooc: The chart ranges are in yards so no penalty at 20 feet :) ]

Garroth hurls a dagger with all of his considerable might. The blade flies with a blur and punches into the unusual creature, dropping it instantly. Linar hears the Minotaur's remark and steps around with his bow. The creature is grimy and emaciated, but it might be a Troglodyte... Something long and slender lies unmoving across the stone floor near the creature. It is difficult to identify at this distance given the grime coating it, but it appears to reach from the fallen towards the column.

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:58 pm
by Chris1234
Linar wracks his brains for what this could be.
He ties to blend into shadows (HS) and then holds and watches for a minute,

Possibly relevant: Ancient History [18], Local Drow History [10], Observation [18], Survival (Underground) [18]
Thinking it may be an Intelligent Roper, a Yellow Musk Creeper, or a variation on the weird 'Pretend-my-tentacle-is-a-bunny-and-I'm-a-log-crearture.'

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:52 am
by ausie
"Odd... that.." Garroth mumbles..

Garroth advances (sticking to the shadows and keeping his eyes and ears peeled...) to see if the creature is possible chained here... (an idea he is starting to suspect.).

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:14 am
by TristenC
The drow observes from far away, hiding himself as best he can and waiting for any sign but nothing comes.

Garroth advances cautiously. As he comes within a few feet, he finally recognizes the object and his suspicions are realized. The long object is indeed a chain. It is thick and was once well-made but now lies dinged, battered, chipped and covered almost completely in grime and limestone sludge. There are obvious tool marls where the Troglodyte must have tried to break himself free dozens of times before. It ends in a shacle on one of the emaciated figure's lizard-like legs and is wrapped around and staked into the column's base nearby. The creature lies motionless, clearly dead.

[Lol. Paranoid chris?]

Re: Scouting in the Goblin Outpost [Garroth and Linar]

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:19 am
by Chris1234
When Garoth advances to be level with the motionless creature {Trog}, Linar will sneak fractionally closer and then blend into shadows, covering the approaches from S/SE..

Thiefy MS, 1 square to the SW.