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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:18 pm
by Jenara
Locky waits for Babuskha to come back over, when (?) she does the small Kender stays sitting on the floor.

"Oh," Locky says in surprise over Bab's comments, "Well my arm does hurt a little bit, maybe I could use my last prayer.." She touches her fingers to her Medalion and then wound to her arm slowly heals. (Cure light wounds, heal: 6hp)

"It is strange being useful. The other Priests Laugh at me,they don't really thimk Kender should be allowed in the Holy Orders." Her face is dark, the cheerful expression has gone somewhat, replaced by something close to sadness, "Other Kender say I am too serious." She shrugs, sitting on the floor, her legs crossed.

"Oh Fizban, please give your Cleric the Faith and guidance to proceed." She closes her eyes, relaxing.

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:07 pm
by Elvenoff
Elvenoff moves over to one of the pod's and attempts to see inside, He wants to ensure that it's a podmen inside instead of some other captive. "I wonder how many of these pod chambers are in this place. I hope it's not many for the loss of life to these things just gills at my soul." He grips his pommel tighter as he resumed concentrating upon the pod.

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:57 pm
by JadedDM
Elvenoff confirms that the two men in the pods are indeed podmen.

"This is the second one we've found so far," Shay says. "No telling how many more there might be or how deep these caves go."

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:05 pm
by Breila
Babushka nods to Jerrard and goes back to Locky, sitting down beside her. She leans her head against the Kender.

"Yes, I know how you feel. I'm nowhere at home, either. My family still sometimes tries to make me a good gnome. Every time I come home, they show me someone to marry and settle down. But at the same time, they gladly take the money I bring from my travels. They'd hardly survive without it, yet still they pester me to stay at home and be a good woman."
Idly, she lets her hand fall down beside her again and again. Suddenly, her voice catches in her throat. "And the person who really loved me, the ranger who taught me, is dead. Last time I came home, I found him in his hut. He was an old man and had lived his full, but still..." her voice trails off.

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:58 am
by Elvenoff
Elvenoff pulls back his sword with determination to cut the pod in half with one merciful blow but stops at the height of the swing, "Hey Shay, Maybe we should leave one to hatch and see if whomever are controling these things comes down to give it instuctions or maybe it has an instinct and would lead us to the one that is controling them. Like a baby to its mother. You should hide and let it hatch then follow it." He looks back over to Shay with a questionable face.

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:56 am
by Jenara
Locky listens quietly, she barely moves, seeing the usually loud Kender quiet is probably quite off putting.

"He is with Habbakuk now, at peace." pressing her symbol with a quiet movement she gives a little smile. "The Gods protect us, and guide us home."

Looking around the new base camp she looks up at the woman, feeling rather helpless. "Kender don't really do.. Well attachments, we change our minds too often."

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:04 am
by Breila
Babushka looks confused, and asks Locky: "Who is with Habbakuk? And who is Habbakuk?"

Seeing the kender so quiet is unnerving indeed.

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:08 pm
by Jenara
(Ooc: I meant Habbakuk, the God of Nature, was typing on my phone and got my gods mixed up.)

"Oh, Habbakuk, he is the Patron, of the Wild. I knew a Ranger once, he paid homage to Habbakuk." Locky rests her head against Bab, "Sorry." She closes her eyes, "I need to rest." She drifts off slowly...

(Ooc: I'm trying to show she has depth, I actually feel better than I have in a while, btw)

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:10 pm
by Breila
Babushka had opened her mouth to ask Locky about the Gods, but as she realizes the other woman is dozing off, she closes it again. She feels tired, too, so she makes herself comfortable and closes her eyes, too.

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:32 pm
by Jenara
Locky sleeps quietly, her head resting against Bab's shoulder, her face is quite serene...

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:23 am
by Jerrard
Jerrard watches the two ladies sleep, while capturing the spells he requires into his memory.

(1st Armor, Sleep, 2nd Web, lets see if the change helps)

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:08 pm
by JadedDM
"Where would everyone else hide, though...including those in the cages?" Shay asks the paladin. "Hmm, last time we found a pod chamber like this, the moment we touched a pod, the sleeping ones woke up and attacked. We should be ready for that, in case it happens again."

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:21 am
by Elvenoff
Elvenoff looks about this chamber and comes to realize that Shay was right, there was no place to hide so that only left one thing to do.. "Well, I guess hiding is out of the question, so I believe it's time to just ring the bell and see whom comes and answers it." He draws back and swings his sword aiming for the center mass of the pod, hoping to kill the beast before it can even be hatched.

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:09 pm
by Jerrard
Jerrard looks up from his spellbook for a moment, his brain realizing Elvenoff had made the same mistake as him.

"No!" He shouts too late, he rises to his feet and draws his sword, ready to aid Elvenoff if required "Step back, do not let it Touch you" he says, after the Paladins sword hits home.

Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread IV)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:32 pm
by JadedDM
Elvenoff quickly strikes, his blade cutting through the pod itself and the podman inside. The creature, mortally wounded, oozes a purple liquid onto the floor. It feebly attempts to free itself, but it is too late. Having only known life for moments, it now faces its death.

Shay readies his own blade, prepared to do the same. However, the pod proves tougher than he expected. Not only does his blade fail to pierce it, he actually drops it in the process. The sword clatters noisily on the cavern floor and Shay says something very offensive.

The second podman, now awake, emerges from his protective cocoon, ready to avenge its fallen comrade.


Elvenoff attacks Sleeping Podman 01 (1d20): 18, hit. Sleeping Podman 01 dies.
Shay attacks Sleeping Podman 02 (1d20): 1, fumble. Sleeping Podman 02 awakens.

Battle begins, Round 1.

Party's Initiative (1d10): 7
Enemy's Initiative (1d10): 2

(Enemy wins.)

Podman 02 emerges from his pod.

(Party's turn.)