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Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:48 pm
by Jenara
"Maria, would you like to walk? We could do with the company."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:47 am
by Breila
Eringard seems to be amused at the protection Traern and the others want to give her. "Really, I am taking a walk through my home town, to see a cousin! I don't think I need protection for that! But if you insist, I won't argue" she says with a shrug.

At the town gate, she tries to pass the guards with a friendly nod. If that works well, she leads the group to a small house with a shop front. "This is where Margary lives. Thank you for your escort" she says to the others in dismissal before knoocking at the door.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:21 pm
by Jenara
"Be safe. Meet us in the morning." Elianna says as she watches the cleric enter the house. "Traern, you said it was if we were expected. Care to explain?" she asks the elf as they walk back to the inn.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:34 pm
by Stik
"I doubt an informant would rush to report every group that enters a tavern. Why do so for your particular group?"

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 5:45 pm
by Jenara
"Perhaps one among us has caused some alarm." She says flatly, "Who knows who it is... Regardless, we are here to do a job, your help would be appreciated."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:27 pm
by Nuke
Timmy Leary wanders into the inn, not to sure of himself now that he is out on his own. Taking a seat at the rear of the common room, he sits at a table facing the door.

A tall young man, he doffs his hat as he sits, waiting for a server.

"A glass of wine please", he asks politely.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:22 am
by Stik
"Perhaps your 'job' might be the cause of this attention."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:40 pm
by NoTrammeling
[ooc]Sorry for the weekendly absence ^^; Going to try to get more posts in in the future, this missing two days business is no good. There may be things afoot this night, don't be so quick to write it off >:)[/ooc]

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:51 pm
by Jenara
"You are probably right, someone has caused this." She nods keeping Maria close to her, "They would be here to stop us. We should report this to Dain, he will want to know."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:31 pm
by NoTrammeling
Maria has been wide-eyed and quiet as Traern, Eringard, and Elianna make their way into the city. The gate guards give the party a suspicious glance, but luckily Eringard actually knows one of the watchmen. A native Daggerdale man called Erik, though he follows the orders of the Constable. The group is let through without any fuss, though Erik warns the gates are soon to be closed for the night though there is a sally port.

Dagger Falls is a city with a strong air of oppression and fear, the streets are empty except for drunken Zhentarim and the occasional patrol by watchmen. Shutters on the single-story daub and wattle homes crack to get a glimpse of the party then close, curtains ruffle that are stirred by no breeze. The very few locals that are about at this time of night walk quickly with their eyes downcast, and you note that all carry some manner of weapon from sturdy stuff to improvised cudgel.

It is not a very far walk to Eringard's cousin Margary, who lives just east southeast of the market place (#8 on this map). You are nearly there when you hear a shout from the narrow alleyway between two houses on your left, the voice is male and it sounds drunk. The alley is dark but those of you with infravision can see the shape of a man slumped against one of the walls. You see a short, dark shape in the alley that looks spiked on head, elbow, and leg, but it is scuttling too quickly away from the party to clearly make it out amid the cluttered debris of the alley.

Meanwhile back at the Teshford Arms, Timmy steps inside and finds himself a seat largely unnoticed by the mercenaries inside who are getting closer and closer to blacked-out inebriation. A barmaid who looks tired, sober, and overworked shows up at Timmy's table. Her mousey brown hair is in a sensible braid falling to her back, and her once-white apron is stained and wet with drink. She gives him her best smile, which considerably brightens her round homely face. "You got it, stranger."

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:37 pm
by JadedDM
Gimak tosses and turns in bed, but just can't fall to sleep. Realizing there was no sense in forcing it, he gets back up, dresses, and heads back downstairs. Maybe a couple of drinks would help.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:38 pm
by Jenara
"Something in the alley." Elianna warns, "You see it?" she asks Traern, her hand on the hilt of her blade, "Do we investigate?" she asks quickly, already taking a step towards the alley.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:47 pm
by Breila
Should I call forth some light? Eringard asks Elianna and Traern, her hand already around the sunburst pendant around her neck.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:30 pm
by Stik
"This is not our problem," Traern says, and immediately proceeds to not race down the alley in pursuit.

Re: Chapter 1: The Road to Dagger Falls

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:52 pm
by NoTrammeling
The man slumps lower against the wall as the figure continues to run away. It looks like it will soon disappear unless Eringard or Elianna wish to act. Traern continues forward, advising against getting into trouble on the party's very first night in a new town. Maria jumps and gasps a little, "What's that? I can't see anything. What's happening?" She tugs at Elianna's hand.

Gimak descends the stairs to the common room seeing it in much the same way as he left it. Each occupied table is now lit cheerily by a lantern suspended over it via hempen rope. A young man has appeared in the inn sitting alone. He does not look like a Zhent or mercenary and Gimak cannot recall seeing him before.

EDIT: color