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CH. 4: False Gods

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by djhyland »

"It ain't kindness that run out," Darga replies. "Leastwise not fer everyone. I reckon that when th' Seekers closed them gates it wasn't kindness that ran out, jes' money. Don' make shuttin' th' gates th' right thing ta do, but it wasn't jes' lack o' kindness." He looks about a bit nervously before deciding to continue. "My folk don' got nothin' either, nothin' but each other. But we help each other out fer th' most part, 'cause what's good for one o' us helps us all. Mebbe things'd be better if'n th' guards let everyone in an' everyone worked together. But nobody's gonna listen ta th' likes o' me, so I reckon I'll help th' people I kin."

Finishing his mug, Darga turns towards the door. "Ya look like yer busy, too busy ta be talkin' ta me. But if ya want ta find me, look to th' Trench place over on River Way."
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by JadedDM »

Gregeddin and Haahqae (Cult Hideout, Harbor District)
"I see," Kelryn says. "Well, if his family is a true follower of the Master, I may be able to help them. Have the lad come speak with me when he can." He stands up. "Well, I best get back to the flock. There is much work to do in the coming days. Soon, the city will be ours.

Kendra Synclair (Common Room, Grinning Goat Tavern)
"I can arrange that," Crystal says. "You'll have to come alone, though. And unarmed. No funny business."

Darga (Common Room, Steel Tankard Inn)
"Well, you know what they say," Cassandra replies. "Money makes the world go 'round." She shakes her head. "Trench? Is that your family name?"
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by djhyland »

Darga turns back at Cassandra's question. "No, not my family. Don' even got a family name ta myself, I don'. Th' big man, Kynaston Trench, it's his house. But he left on business, an' gave me his house ta keep safe 'til he comes back."
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by mgbevan »

"We will pass on the message to him" Gregeddin replies as he also stands, offering a handshake to Darewind. He was a little curious to catch a closer glimpse of his hands to see any signs of scarring or shackles from prison. "And we'll be back soon enough to sort out this Giant trophy for taking the city."
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by JadedDM »

Darga (Common Room, Steel Tankard Inn)
"I'm afraid I've never heard of him," Cassandra admits. "He sounds like a nice man," she adds.

Gregeddin and Haahqae (Cult Hideout, Harbor District)
"I'm sure," Kelryn replies. He coldly ignores Gregeddin's outstretched hand and walks past the two of them, leaving the office and rejoining the crowds. His two guards wait for Gregeddin and Haahqae to leave before departing the room themselves.
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by HorizonsDream »

"You can't set up a meeting for today?" Kendra asks. "This is probably the best time to do, considering that I'm unarmed right now."
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by Haahque »

After Kelryn leaves, Haahqae addresses his friend before departing.

"Well that sure wasn't the most friendly chap I've ever run across, but you can bet he'd be useful in killin' that giant. I imagine he's probably got some rare hobgoblin magic to spare still. So which celebrations do ya think you're going to today? I wonder if they'll hire any foreign jugglers that I can learn some new tricks from."

Obviously intending to chat while they walk, Haahqae motions that he'll follow Gregeddin out of the room.
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by djhyland »

"Kinder than I'd a expected," replies Darga. "If'n ya don' know him, then, ya kin probably ask them on River Way which house is his." Frowning at the crowd filling the tavern, all no doubt impatient for Cassandra's attention, he lowers his voice. "I know ya don' have no help here with this lot, but don' work yerself down ta nothin'. Take care o' yerself, m'lady."

After checking to ensure that he still has his coin pouch and Tulbas's purchases, Darga picks his way across the room to the door and sets off again towards the mageware shop.
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Synclair (Common Room, Grinning Goat Tavern)
"I never said when," Crystal points out. "But I can't do it now. I need time to meet with the boss, get his approval, then we need to pick a time and place." She stands up. "I can try and meet up with you in a couple of hours to let you know what he thinks of the idea."

Tulbas and Darga (253 Herbalist Street, Erogundali Mageware Shop)
Darga makes his way back to the mageware shop without incident. After knocking on the door, Tulbas lets him inside.
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Hmm, well, all right," Kendra says. She finally downs her second whiskey. "I guess I had better get married now," she says with a wrinkle of her nose. "Thanks for the herbs."
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by mgbevan »

Gregeddin chuckles as they walk along, "I think we've been quite fortunate with the company we've chosen so far, this one doesn't seem the type for social graces to say the least. Still, I agree he appears useful enough for us. Let's get back to Tulbas and Give them an update, he may be please to know Darewind might be able to help with Raetmal."

"There must be loads of artists and acts to find with so many in the city now, I'm sure we can find some novel jugglers to see."
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Synclair (Common Room, Grinning Goat Tavern)
"Have fun. Stop by later this evening and I'll let you know if the boss wants to meet you," Crystal says.

Tulbas, Darga, Gregeddin and Haahqae (253 Herbalist Street, Erogundali Mageware Shop)
Gregeddin and Haahqae return to the mageware shop without incident. After knocking on the door, Tulbas lets them inside, as well.
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Yeah, I'll try," Kendra says. She gives the woman a wave, tucks away the herbs that she was given, and then leaves the tavern to head to her parent's house.
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by Haahque »

With a smile Haahqae opens the conversation by relaying the information he's found. "So we went to see Kelryn and it turns out he's having a party, and also taking over the city. On unrelated news it appears that his healing magic might be necromantic, not sure though, just had a feeling. Is your uncle better yet?"
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Re: CH. 4 - False Gods

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas lets everyone in. "Thank you Darga. I appreciate your efforts." he says taking the supplies and the remaining steels after the payment of two steels to Darga. As Gregeddin and Haaque brings the news he says surprised "Darewind is out??" and immediately follows with, "Taking the city?!? What on earth happened?? And what do you mean by necromancy? There had been no healing around for centuries, necromancy or otherwise. Isn't he a fraud? Did he heal someone in the crowd or himself again?" then looking at his uncle he says depressed, "No, there is still no change in his condition I'm afraid. At least it is not getting worse." he lift his eyes to meet the others, "But necromancy won't help him. It can animate the flesh, but not the soul."

(OOC: I hope I'm not saying stupid things about necromancy. I don't really no what I'm speaking about :) )