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Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Two cities fates intertwined, yet paths divergent. Join the race of Technology and Sorcery, finding the best blend of each. With destruction in the west, what trouble is headed out to the coast?

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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Nocturno »

"Excuse me now, unless there is anything else. Lorbin will show you to your rooms, and to the kitchen. There is always a cook on duty. Feel free to browse our Library, or enjoy the courtyards. I do ask you don't leave the residence unless absolutely necessary. We ask this to make sure there is no communication out for the time and place of our meeting."
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Chris1234 »

GG follows Lorbin to the rooms, kitchen and library.
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Nocturno »

Rayman knows nothing about the drug known as Blur.

GG knows a fair bit about it from his travels.

While they tour their room and the house, Rayman will ask about the drug, not being able to conceal his curiosity.

"I have not heard of this drug. Not being from a city, we have no use for such things. Do you have any knowledge of this substance?"
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Chris1234 »

GG answers, "Apparently so, but perhaps under another name."
He tells the diminutive fellow what he knows that hasn't already been cited by Frugold.
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Nocturno »

1. The meeting room.
2. The library.
3. GG's room.
4. Rayman's room.
5. Kitchen.
6. Dining Hall.
Homeforger.png (689.35 KiB) Viewed 6579 times
GG will fill Rayman in on the effects of Blur.


This drug enhances your Dex by 2 no cap for 2 hours while you are high. However it is addictive after the first dose. Four hours after the high wears off the user must make a Con check. If the user succeeds, there are continuing Con checks(Sliding DC) every 4 hours. If the user is rolling a Con save for at least the second time after taking a dose, the characters Con will be reduced by one(Temporary). Taking a dose, or having remove disease, or lesser restoration cast on the user removes up to 4 of the Con penalties.

Addiction Problems with Blur:

Failing two Con saves means your character will drop almost anything and seek out more Blur.
Every failed save after that the character will start to make poorer and poorer decisions, after 4 failed saves they will even leave the party, even if it means hanging the rest of the party out to dry.
IE: Middle of adventure/dungeon/combat.

If the character is making the Con save(Sliding DC) at least the second time after the most recent dose wore off there is a chance you go into a rage.
Make a Wisdom Save(Sliding DC): Fail means the character will go into a 1 minute rage X number of consecutive Con Check fails.
This rage will cause the character to attack anything near it, unless subdued or provided with a dose of Blur.
Also on a Failed Wis save the characters Wis will be reduced by 1(Temporary). These penalties are removed in the same way as the Con penalties.

Succeeding on three consecutive Con Saves breaks the addiction and all Con and Wis penalties are removed after a long rest.
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Chris1234 »

Long before Lorbin disappears, GG asks, "What are the Rules of Engagement in this town? In particular for us when guarding thie family?"

When that is clarified, he continues, "this library is amazing. Is there an Arcane section here that is available to us? And would any arcane spell ink be available for us to transcribe spells? Such could materially increase our efficacy in protecting this family."

When Lorbin has departed, GG offers to compare (and swap) spells with his gnomish guard colleague, although admits sheepishly to having no spell ink and no money, yet, for transcription costs. It's more about exploring the possibility while he thinks of it.
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Nocturno »

"When on our official mission, you will have a crest of House Homeforger. It will be known you are in our employ as guards, and if you encounter a threat to a family member you will be authorized to use what force is necessary to protect your charges." He will clear his throat. "In both Shagos and Cladmont we take violence seriously. No one will condone random violence, or unnecessary force. We have been peaceful cities of research for many years, and we would like to keep it that way."

He will raise his brows at the request for the ink. "Well that is not normally stocked in the normal library, but I can see what the Master will allow. In the meantime make yourselves at home. Please abide by our 1 rule of not leaving the manor until after the meeting. Our Family's safety is our first priority."

Rayman will seem eager to expand his repertoire of spells. But guarded as he just met GG.

"Let's see how our interests align first." You will see him reach for something in his pack, but obvious reservation with a stranger will stop him from pulling whatever it was out.

Handy that you are both Wizards lol.
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Chris1234 »

GG shrugs and smiles, "Sure, Rayman, whenever you're ready we can talk again."

He returns to the kitchen to seek food for the day and also suitable sustenance for another day, beef jerky, a wheel of cheese or whatever.
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Nocturno »

Rayman will accompany GG to the kitchen.

When you open the door to the Kitchen you are greeted with the most delicious smelling waft of cooking stew you have ever smelled.

"AH Welcome to my Kitchen, my name is Marie!" You will see a stout human woman, nearing the end of middle age. With graying brown curly hair, fair skin, and dressed in flour covered clothing.

She will slide two wooden bowls down a counter after ladeling a generous helping of said stew in one fluid motion. As the bowls stop a spoon will land in each bowl. "That is my Grandson Arnold." You will see a cupboad door burst open, and a 8ish year old human male dressed in plain clothes appears with a handful of wooden cutlery.

When GG asks for some most lasting food, she will pull out 2 loaves of hard bread, two large portions of jerky, and two helpings of cheese wrapped in waxed paper. "Like this yes? Though with me here, you should never need to resort to that. Unless the Lord sends you out on the road." These portions should feed you each for 2 days, a nice change from rations.

The whirlwind of a Woman will then sping and grab some fresh bread and butter and slid it to the pair of bowls. "Now eat!" Arnold will unerringly toss a knife into the butter.

"He doesn't talk, but he is invaluable help."

Arnold will shyly wave to the pair of adventurers and slightly back away.
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Chris1234 »

"Thank you, Marie. Smells marvelous!" answers GG. "And hello to you, too, Arnold. I'm GG."
After tasting the stew he adds, "I now know what's better than marvelous. Your cooking, Marie."

After the stew GG does the normal, "Thank you; that was great." And the less normal, "If Marie says it's ok, Arnold, would you like to help me pack the extra food into my backpack? I really need the help and you look like an expert. That means you're really good at something."
Last edited by Chris1234 on Wed Jun 19, 2019 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Nocturno »

Arnold will move over to GG and look to Marie. She nods her approval. He will grab one share of each type of food and load them into his pack. He will do all this with a large grin.

Rayman clears his throat. "Ah, thank you." Wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "Again, thank you. I always study better on a full stomach. I am going to head to the library."
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Chris1234 »

With a nod to Marie, GG couches down so his head is level with Arnold.
Looking the lad straight in the eye he says, "Thank you, Arnold. I appreciate you help. Marie is lucky to have you helping her."
With that he straightens, hooks the the backpack over one shoulder and heads off to catch up with Rayman in the library."

In the library he looks around to try and get a sense of the place, the subjects covered and any sections that look promising for significant arcane lore.

If Lorbin hasn't reappeared GG will ritual cast Detect Magic and see what he can see.
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Nocturno »

No one seems to be around on the main floor of the mansion.

The bookcases on the northern wall seem to cover the Homeforger Family history, and the history of a couple other families. Probably related families from Marriages. Family names with Generations and Years clearly marked on the spines.

The northern bookcase on the western wall covers the history of the Inner Sea, from before well before The Great War to Present Day. Again sorted by date, with events and dates on the spines.

The northern of the southern two bookcases contains documents, many stacks of scrolls and cases, some large some sealed some small. This bookcase is an organized mess. Piles of documents rolled, unrolled, in cases, and not in cases.

The southern bookcase look like notebooks for the top half. The lower half looking like research books.

Strange Creatures and How to Cook Them

The Evils of Cheap Magic: A book, written by an order of magi, explaining why magical services provided to the public must be kept to the absolute minimum of power, and charged at the absolute maximum acceptable price. It is elitist, impirialist, racist, and classist... But totally right about even simple magic being dangerous in the hands of the ignorant.

Dark Monologues: An anthology of recorded speeches by famous archvillains.

Practical Archaeology: Effectively a guide to dungeoneering and adventuring.

Interview with a Vampire: An actual interview with an actual vampire.

The Decimal: A dissertation examining whether this new decimal" thing is actually good idea, or just an over-complicated abstraction to replace fractions.

The Globe Mistake: A book explaining why, when the world is flat, people use globes for navigation. (Describes planes as "layered spheres" each encompassing one another in infinite meta-geometrical ways)

How to Drink Dwarven: A book explaining precautions for humans to take before drinking any Dwarven alcoholic beverage.

Ygylmtp: An anthology of poetry written in qualith.

Why I'm Not Dead: The memoirs of an adventurer, (now long deceased) who chose to respond to the call of resurrection, and why he turned away from a peaceful afterlife to continue fighting a brutal war.

A Gnomes Guide to Advanced Engineering

Advanced Alchemical Analytics

To Kill a Manticore

Ordinary Beasts and How to Avoid Them

The entire collection of the Volo's Guides, all 7 cities in the Inner Sea, other Random Capital Cities outside of the Inner Sea, and the Guide to Monsters
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Re: Shagos Happenings - Rayman and GeeGee

Post by Chris1234 »

"A very impressive library," comments GG. "Anything catch your eye?"

He tries ritual casting Detect Magic and then checks out the library for magic.
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