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Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:54 am
by Jerrard
(I mean't to find Thuskar before we left, maybe I should have announced that, please allow me to leave him a note).

Jerrard hopes the quick note he left for Thurskar was enough, Locky had dragged them all away so quickly he couldn't react fast enough.
'Thuskar, we have gone to the Khan's Palace to assist a Lady in distress, please stay and look after the horses, I will ensure you are kept up to speed. We have rooms, the Key has been left with the Innkeeper. Jerrard.'


Entering the Jerrard the Palace, he keeps his eyes fixed forwards, glancing occasionally to Locky and Babuskha, who still held hands tightly. He pays no attention to the scantily dressed women, his only thought was on this man, no woman deserved to be abused in the way Imani described, but to be Wife to this- Creature. It was not even worth considering.

He ensures Ulster is in clear sight, the man seemed enamored with the Princess, the women before him would no doubt be an attraction too.

Not reacting to the man and the Vultures, he has a grim realization they could not do anything, but wishes he could. He stands beside the two Girls, enveloping them in his cloak, Babuskha to his left, Locky to his right. "Ssshhhh." He mutters soothingly, "Do not look." He smiles stroking Babuskha's shoulder.

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:09 am
by Jenara
Locky's face is alight with wonder the whole journey to the Palace, she 'ooo's' and 'ahhhs'" at every sight she sees, the Palace to some would make her feel small, but she just feels excitement.

Glancing around the Palace as she walks in, she does really understand what is happening, she gets the man is quite ugly, and he seems to have all these pretty ladies around him, but she is confused.

"Don't look? Why? Ohhh how very strange what is he going to feed the Bird, he doesn't have any food?" She asks Jerrard with a whisper, peering round from the folds of Jerrard's Cloak, desperate to get a better look she thinks of breaking Bab's grip, but the Gnome looked awfully pale.

"How much money does he owe?" She asks Imani, reaching into her pocket with her free hand, "As much as I would like to see him feed the Bird, I think Paladine would like me to help him out, he looks needy."

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:10 am
by HorizonsDream
"I don't know how much he owes, but I wouldn't if I were you," Imani says calmly. She acts as if this is something she sees nearly every other day, so she doesn't get ill or even flinch like the others. "The Khan will do the same to you if you help, or worse. You don't want to make him mad. Just stay here and wait for it to be finished."

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:40 am
by Jerrard
"Indeed. Hold Locky" He grasps the Kender tightly.

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:57 am
by JadedDM
Ulster, too, is disgusted and repulsed by what is happening before him. How can such a beautiful, enchanting and charming desert rose like Imani be married Oh, yeah, and that thing with the vulture is pretty bad too, now that he thinks about it.

Babushka is right to look away, for it is a gruesome sight, indeed. The vulture pecks at the poor man's eyes, eating them in pieces. The man screams in terror and pain, but nobody comes to his aid. Many look away, and even the draconians holding him down seem disturbed by the sight. The man in black robes watches on with a stoic interest. Mehmet himself cheers when the bird plucks out the victim's eyes and roars with laughter when the now sightless victim begins to stumble blindly about the room.

Mehmet, having had his fun, gestures to the guards and they drag the whimpering man away. The khan chuckles and leans back. "Ah, that does my heart good! Who is next now? Come closer!" He looks about the room and notices Imani and the others. "Oh, my dear Imani. You have found assistance already? I admit, I did not expect you to return so quickly. Step forward, so that I may see these brave heroes you have recruited."

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:01 pm
by Jenara
"Ohh.." Locky frowns, "That wasn't what I was expecting." She mutters as she waits for Jerrard to move forward.

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:45 pm
by Jerrard
Jerrard maintains his protection of the two Girls, and steps forwards. He ensures his white robes are visible along with the hilt of his sword.

"My Lord." He bows, motioning for the others to do the same. "I am Jerrard Foss, Wizard of High Sorcery. This is Locky Lightfoot, Cleric of Paladine. Babuskha, our Ranger. And Private Ulster Redbow." He raises his head slowly. "At your service."

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:24 pm
by Breila
Babushka does her best to straighten up and bow to the disgusting creature who calls himself Khan.

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:01 pm
by JadedDM
The khan looks the four of them over and nods to himself. "It was good of you to accept my Imani's invitation. This is a matter of some importance. My wife, or rather my fifth wife, Syriana, was part of a caravan that came under attack by bandits. We suspect they may be the notorious Midnight Jackals." The khan spats on the floor at saying their name. "Vicious animals, completely uncivilized they are!"

Regaining his composure, he continues, "In any case, only a single porter survived and returned to tell us what happened. The bandits captured Syriana alive, according to the porter. I would like her back. She's a trifle, but she's my trifle and the thought of her being abused by those barbarians makes me ill. Worse, by handling my woman they insult my honor. So I ask you to return my wife to me and rescue her from the depraved clutches of her captors. And if all possible, make them suffer in the process."

A servant hurries in to wipe up the lob of spit that the khan had spat a moment ago. "Return with Syriana in one piece, and I shall see you are all rewarded. How does...five thousand steel sound? Sufficient?"

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:06 pm
by Jerrard
Choking for a sudden moment, Jerrard recovers with a single cough, "That would be sufficent." He coughs again." "We will return her to you. He pauses for a moment, "I would like to talk to the Porter? Is that possible?"

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:00 pm
by JadedDM
The khan claps his hands. "Bring forth the porter!"

A couple of courtiers run off and after a moment, return with a Khurish boy of about twelve years in age or so. The boy bows to the khan, then gives a lesser bow to the party. "I am Nejo," he says in rather well-spoken Common.

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:51 pm
by HorizonsDream
Imani remains quiet in front of the Khan and most of the rest of the group. She seems equally as disgusted as the rest of them, but she is able to mask it for indifference for the moment. She glances down at the boy, smiling faintly through the veil. She could only imagine what he went through to just get back home.

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:00 am
by Breila
Babushka looks at the boy with what she hopes is an encouraging smile in this strange culture, too.
Then she turns to the Khan, doing her best to keep face and voice expressionless. "Venerable Khan, is there a room where we can sit down and make plans to get back your treasure and your honor?" She makes a gesture to indicate her group, Imani and the porter.

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:22 am
by JadedDM
The Khan frowns. "Why?" he asks suspiciously. "Is there something you wish to say behind my back?"

Ulster quickly steps forward. "Nooooo, nothing like that. But we have taken up enough of your valuable time as it is, my lord."

Mehmet considers that. "Hmm. Very well." He looks to the man in black. "Vizier, show them...somewhere. I care not."

The black robed man nods and steps forward. "This way. You may use my study."

The four adventurers, plus the porter, follow the man out of the audience hall and into a small but cozy room with a fireplace (currently unlit), a small table with several chairs, and a number of shelves filled with books. "I suggest you touch nothing you shouldn't," he says, staring directly at the kender when he speaks. "The books are all magically warded against strangers. Touch one, and you'll lose a hand." He then walks out, leaving them on their own.

Re: The Sarcophagus Legion I

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:37 am
by Breila
Babushka looks around. She doesn't trust the vizir mage an inch.

She sits down, then turns to the porter boy. "I am called Babushka, I'm a ranger, someone who can find tracks. These people here are Locky, she is a daughter of Paladine with great healing powers. She saved me from death twice. The man in the white robes is Jerrard the mage, though he was a soldier before he began to study magic. The other man is called Ulster, a brave soldier is he. Imani, the Khan's fourth wife, you know, I guess.

So please tell us your name, and what you know about the abduction of the Khan's fifth wife"