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Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:25 pm
by Jenara
"I haven't let it out of my sight." She gives him a wink, and takes off the badge from her cloak, "This I have to return."

"Oh, did you have a nice chat with the other Gnome?" She adds as they walk slowly to the Tower, waiting to see if the others are following.

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:29 pm
by HorizonsDream
Jocelyn stands there a bit dumbfounded as the rest of the group leaves her to go to the wardens. "Okay," she says as she sits back down.

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:51 pm
by JadedDM
The party, save Jocelyn, head outside. It's about a ten minute walk to head from the Paragon Inn to the keep.

Once again, they are let into the courtyard, shown to the waiting area, and the same young dwarf receptionist is surprised to see them--as well as two more. Again, he alerts the captain of their arrival, and they are again pointed to the third door on the left.

This time, though, there is someone with them who can read. Ouragana notes that the plaque outside the captain's door says 'Captain Thorola Highlaw.'

"I see you have returned," she says from her desk, which towers over all of the party. "And who are these two?" she asks, referring to Ouragana and Val. "More 'recruits'?"

Meanwhile, back at the inn, Jocelyn sits alone, a little miffed that she was left behind. She notices, however, that the elven woman Areilon had spoken to earlier gets up and after a quick glance around the inn, departs in a hurry.


Jocelyn makes a WIS check (1d20): 9, pass. She notices the elf woman leaving.

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:57 pm
by Jenara
"Friends, who helped with the mission." Arei replies simply, "We found out what happened to your missing people." Arei places the two badges Val found on the table in front of the Captain. "They were killed in an unfortunate accident. The Bird people are intelligent, and were looking simply to survive, they did not steal cattle on purpose."

Looking around to the rest of the group, she motions to Og, "Ouragana our Mage was able to communicate with them, they have promised peace, and will not harm anyone again."

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:14 pm
by JadedDM
The captain frowns. "Define 'unfortunate accident,' she says.

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:00 pm
by xelphyn
"Well, imagine," Dahn intercedes, "that I came charging at you with my daggers, and you had not a clue why. You wouldn't just let me do as I please, now would you? That's what she meant by unfortunate accident."

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:02 pm
by JadedDM
She frowns further, if that's even possible. "You're saying these 'birdfolk' killed my men?"

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:06 am
by Breila
"Let's put it this way, Captain Highlaw" Ouragana enters the conversation quickly, "The birdmen are like another nation, a single-race nation, at the border of your multi-race country. They did not know that in this country, people breed and keep cattle and consider it therefore their property. In their culture, all animals are free game.

So when your people trespassed on their territory, they were seen as intruders. We have only the birdmen's testimony, but it seems your people attacked first, and the birdmen defended themselves and their territory. This could have started a war between your two nations. But luckily, we were able to gain peaceful access to their territory and could explain the different concepts. They understood, and promised to respect the different views, not taking your people's cattle any longer. It might even be possible to establish a trade opportunity there. The terrain of the birdpeople's country does not allow keeping cattle, but it might be possible to sell them goats and teach them to breed them."
Ouragana bows to the Captain at these last words.

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:10 am
by Jenara
"She speaks the truth Captain. They are willing to act peacefully towards your nation." Arei adds, her token resting in her palm.

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:10 am
by JadedDM
Highlaw begins scribbling furiously on a scroll during Ouragana's speech. "Another nation? When someone attempts to create a new nation within the borders of an already existent one, many would already consider that an act of war. This island, all of it, belongs to the Merchant Lord and the council of High Merchants. This is most troubling news, indeed. If these birdfolk have their own nation, and their own army as you seem to imply, they could prove a dangerous threat to the sovereignty of Vaneil."

Taking out a new scroll, she begins writing on it, too. "I will need to alert the High Merchant of Narin about this. He'll need to confer with the other High Merchants and the Merchant Lord. Likely they'll form a task committee, discuss their options, and come up with a plan. This could take anywhere from six to eight weeks. Do you believe the birdfolk army intends to attack before then?" she asks.

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:15 am
by Jenara
"I believe you mis-understand." Arei frowns. "They do not intend to attack you, not in the slightest." She shakes her head, no wonder Tia thought bad things of these people. "If they had an army, and they intended to attack, would they have not done so by now?"

"Besides, we think they were here far before you, they have existed on this island for many, many years."

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:34 pm
by Nuke
Val can't stand it any longer. These two blathering on about merchants plans and nations at war, all for using the wrong word.

"Birdmen are tribe, not nation. Small tribe in high mountains."

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:29 pm
by JadedDM
"A tribe? Well, that's different then," the captain says. "Still, I better file a report just to be safe. It will be up to the government to decide what to do after that. In any case, back to the issue at hand. I received a report from the farmers. They had no idea you were working for us. The whole point of giving you those badges was so you could show them to the farmers and let them know you were working under warden authority," she points out.

Then after a breath, she adds, "Then again, they're furious with you for failing to kill the birdfolk. If they had known you were working under the wardens, they'd be furious at us instead. So it's basically a wash. I can't believe I'm saying this, but two wrongs actually made a right."

Shaking her head, she continues, "In any case, you've proven you're incapable of following orders. We don't have any room for mavericks in our organization. We thank you for your service, but I think it's best if you turn in your honorary badges and leave the police work to the professionals."

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:10 am
by Jenara
"I had every intention of doing so." Arei places her badge on the captains desk, spinning it with a flick of her fingers before walking out of the room without saying another word.

Outside she holds the statue, ready to sell it. Could she face the Gnome again?

Re: CH 2: The Search for More Money

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:37 am
by xelphyn
Dahn simply drops his upon the ground as he walks out.
Once outside, he states "I think my tongue may be bleeding."