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Re: Dragon Age OOC Chat

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:32 pm
by JadedDM
I'd agree, it reminds me of 2E in that regard.

My own thoughts are numerous. The skill system is simple and easy, but the way it is set up means anyone can try and possibly succeed at any skill, even if they don't have any background on it. A character who has never set foot on a boat could still conceivably make a Navigation check, even without the focus, for instance.

I liked that you only needed to roll initiative once per battle and then be done with it. In 2E, you are supposed to roll it for each round, and since most of my players never bother rolling it themselves (even when invisible castle is up), and some battles can contain large amounts of enemies and allies, in addition to the players, I wind up rolling a ton just for initiative. I'm actually thinking about changing it in my future 2E games.

I'm not sure how I feel about armor providing damage resistance instead of making you harder to hit. It kind of feels to me like it would be more frustrating to hit someone and then do zero damage rather than to just miss entirely.

Anyway, it all boils down to the question I asked when I first started I want to start up a full time Dragon Age? To be honest, I'm not sure. I think I may have burned myself out on Dragon Age. I just sunk 100+ hours in the last video game (and that was after replaying the first two), read two of the novels and ran this game, all in the span of a few months. So I might one day, but probably not for awhile. In any case, if I do, and any of you are interested in rejoining, I'll be sure to let you know.

Until then, I thank you for helping me try this game out. I've been wanting to branch out and try other games for awhile now, something besides 2E. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves in the process.

I'll leave this forum open for the rest of the week, in case anyone else has any comments or whatever, before moving it to the Completed Games section.