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Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:06 pm
by Nocturno
"Two coppers per toss, sounds good to me!" The excitement is clear in Pyros' eyes.

1d6 → [1] = (1)

Pyros will seem a bit miffed that he does not get to go first, but his energy for the game makes that pass very quickly.


I would definitely like to draw a crowd. I don't need to do every roll. If possible while playing, I would like to get Clif on my side, even if it means I end up losing a few coppers. Also would my gaming skill be sufficient to notice if he is cheating somehow?

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:01 pm
by TristenC
[Ooc: Cheating is usually detectable if the opponent rolls a 17 or higher, even if he wins. I would allow Wis bonuses to apply in this case as well. Attempting to cheat adds +1 to our proficiency check, but with a game like this it would be pretty hard to do without loaded dice. Though I guess you could check your pockets to see if you have some, but your skill check is pretty high as it is.

Opposing checks are won by whoever succeeds by the highest amount. If there is a tie or both fail, the money stays in the pot for the next round. If you're trying to draw a crowd, lets say 3 passes per check. Not everyone has the gaming prof, so they'll just be going by dumb luck; but Znot does :) Those joining the game will choose to either bet with or against whoever is dicing, and win based on that. If you want Clif to bet with you, you might tell him. Otherwise he'll just do whatever if he joins the game.]

Scooping up the second die, Znot tosses a couple coppers onto a corner of the bedroll between them and shakes the dice. Once Pyros’ coin joins them he gives a final shake and tosses them. He calls out his number as the bones hit the cloth and begin to tumble.

[Znot gaming check (12): 1d20=14 score = -2 ]
[ooc: The winner of each exchange (3 passes) will start with the dice next round, and will earn 6 copper.]

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:17 pm
by Nocturno
"Clif my friend, bet on me, the Kender, you must have heard about the luck of the Kender!"

Gaming (15) 1d20 → [7] = (7)

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:25 pm
by TristenC
Clif continues to tend to his axe, but watches interestedly. The second goblin is watching too. He's better than you are, Znot. he jibes.

Cram it up your nose Burg. We're just getting started here. Your toss, shorty, he says impatiently.

[Pyros wins 6 cp]
[Znot's check for next exchange (12): 1d20=13 score = -1]

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:40 am
by Nocturno
"Hooray! off to a great start! Let's go again!"

1d20 → [18] = (18)
Gaming (15)

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:18 pm
by TristenC
Pyros makes a call and throws the bones. The ivory cubes bounce to a stop, but it seems his luck has taken a break. Znot scoops up the dice and grins.

Hah! Znot says, elbowing the other goblin. See?! It was just beginners luck! My turn again! Znot adds his next round of coins atop the first since nobody won that last exchange outright. Burg hesitantly adds an equal bet alongside the other goblin’s. Clif finishes with his axe and watches.

While Znot is waiting for Pyros to add his coin, he looks to the half-ogre. You in, biggun? Clif scratches his chin, deep in thought. He looks to Pyros, then back to Znot. Finally he puts his bet down… on the Kender’s side. Znot scoffs, but says nothing more. As soon as Pyros lays his coin down, the goblin throws the dice as he makes his call.


[Wow. Znot can't catch a break. These would be awesome combat rolls, though :)
Since Clif is betting alongside Pyros, he will win part of the stake as well. The dicer wins double what the other betters do. If you win this exchange outright you get 12 cp and Clif gets 6, since 18 of the ones in the pot were from the two of you anyway.]

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:41 pm
by Nocturno
"C'mon Clif needs a new pair of boots!"
1d20 → [9] = (9)
Gaming (15)

OoC: Yeah lol I was thinking the opposite... thank goodness we are not fighting!

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:57 pm
by TristenC
Clif looks confused at Pyros' comment, then looks at his feet. Gradually it seems to dawn on him that this is a joke or expression. When he finally gets it he laughs a little too hard, slapping the kender on the back in a friendly gesture that nearly sends him into the fire-pit.

The other goblin eyes Znot askance, but keeps his betting to that side. He knows the game is almost pure chance, and that betting with the bulk of the crowd would earn him less coin anyway.

A few bystanders have begun to gather; they include a rough-looking human female probably in her late 40s, the half-elf who had previously admired Pyros' coin manipulation, a gully dwarf with a stooped look and permanent sneer, and one of the goblins he had spoken to on the way in.

Go on, kender. Znot says. Don't let the crowd make you nervous.

[Pyros earns 12 cp, Clif earns 6 cp. I'll update your coin at the end of the gambling. So far you're up 1sp 8cp.
Znot roll for next round (12)=1d20=16
... sonova... score=-4.]
[Ooc: yeah, 2e gets confusing like that with skill checks. At least saves and combat are the same, though ;) Welp, now you know he'll be a great guy to have your back in a fight :D ]

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:51 am
by Nocturno
As more people come to watch, Pyros gets even more excited. He will start to twitch and jump a bit, which others might take for nerves.

When Pyros tosses the dice he yells "Bazaam!"
1d20 → [17] = (17)
Gaming (15)

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:20 pm
by TristenC
Everyone watches the throw anxiously, and when it comes up the tension in the group raises slightly. With such a big pot riding on the next toss, the newcomers feel it is their chance to get in on the action at just the right time. Znot takes the dice and gives everyone a chance to antee up. The gully dwarf and goblin lay bids on Znot’s side, while the two with human heritage bet on the kender. The pile of coins quickly mounds up, and a few people are forced to trade in silver since there isn’t enough copper to go around.
Once the bets are laid Znot shakes and shoots calling his number just before the dice hit the bedroll.


[ooc: wow… if he was fighting alongside you, Pyros would be able to just sit back and watch him massacre everything… a firkin crit! His worst roll all game was still in the teens… ah well, luck of the kender ;) If you miss this one that is going to be one healthy jackpot for next round!]

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:46 am
by Nocturno
Pyros looks at Clif and winks. He offers a broad grin to the other plays who bet beside him.

1d20 → [17] = (17)

Gaming (15)

OoC: Aw cmon lol, now I know where all my good rolls are going when we go to attack something. But I am glad I am not fighting Znot lol..

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:04 pm
by TristenC
Again the dice change hands and the pot continues to grow. The newcomers are all getting even more interested in the outcome of this next toss. Everyone antes up. Burg is beginning to look a little nervous, but Znot’s hands and face are steady. He looks Pyros in the eye and gives him a sideways grin. You’re alright, kid. Anybody else might be nervous by now. Throw them bones and let’s see who lady luck favors tonight. A couple of the bystanders look a little surprised to see Znot talking to him this way, but nobody does much more than glance at him before all eyes turn to the kender. The tension in the air is palpable as Pyros makes his throw.

[Znot’s roll(12): 1d20=4 = +8]

[OOC: wow… I guess I found where all of the low rolls are going. In another thread on this forum I just rolled 4 fumbles in one round… along with three 4s and a couple more single digit attack rolls… I guess the universe has to have balance somehow :D
With Znot's last check, Pyros needs to roll a 7 to tie]

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 6:53 pm
by Nocturno
Pyros licks his lips, he needs to be spot on.

He quickly grabs the dice and as he throws them, he calls out a number. His voice seems too calm for the situation, but he is right in the middle of everything, just as he likes it.

d20 → [10] = (10)
Gaming (15)

OoC: Dang close.

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:57 am
by TristenC
Znot grins widely as he rakes the coin back towards him and begins divvying it up. Well well well… what do you think now Burg?

Just then Nev, the human who ‘greeted’ Pyros comes up behind the assembled gamblers. He watches the group for a moment before speaking. Alright crew, you know we have an early start in the morning. You’ve got time for one more toss before we need to settle in. Turning to Pyros, You can pretty much do as you like so long as you don’t keep anyone up too late and keep things fairly quiet… and don’t wander off from camp til morning. With another glance at Znot, he speaks to the kender again. Don’t let him take all your money, he’s got more luck than anyone has a right to most days… With that final bit of advice, the human walks off into the dark towards the next group of soldiers.

Well, whadda ya say? One more round? Since this is the last one, let’s make it a little more interesting… How about three silver marks on one final toss?

[Total coin tallies so far… I think…
Pyros: +6+12-18 (broke even!)
Znot: -6-12+18 (broke even!)
Cliff: +6+6-18 (down 6 cp)
Burg: -6-6+18 (up 6 cp)
Half-Elf & Human: (down 12 cp)
Goblin 3 & Gully dwarf: (up 12 cp)

Re: Pyros Litehand (Nocturno) - Private Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:23 am
by Nocturno
"Sure thing boss, I would not want to miss breakfast!" he says to Nev with a big smile

"Oh I thought you were going to make it interesting!"

"I am in! Winner rolls?"