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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:27 pm
by BishGada
I saw that imbue undead with spell ability lasts for 1 day per level. So can I have it on all the undead group? I could learn it 7 times, cast it on all a day before we arrived, and now have it active for 15 days...

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:33 pm
by TristenC
Ok cool.

I'll have to look up the imbue undead details later but it may work. What spell ability were you thinking?

So controlling elementals can be tricky. Basically the person summoning/ controlling has to stand still and focus on controlling the creature. If he ever loses control, it either returns to its home plane or it attacks. The odds of the latter are much higher.

Even without distraction there is a 5%/ round chance to lose control while trying to maintain it, so basically i would roll a d20 every round to see if it becomes 'free-willed'. It is also freed if the controlller dies or loses concentration (such as by being knocked out, put to sleep, etc). There is no way to regain control once it is lost.

so probably best to save elementals for short combats rather than long scouting efforts

"concentration in conjuring the creature is vital. In calling an elemental, a person must remain perfectly still and focus all of his attention on controlling the being. Any distraction to the summoner, either mental or physical, will result in a failure to control the elemental when it arrives on the Prime Material plane. Elementals that are uncontrolled and acting upon their own desires are called freewilled. If the party is lucky, a free-willed elemental will immediately return to its plane. "

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:45 pm
by TristenC
Ah, I see how it works now. It is to cast through the undead. Yeah that's fine, we can say theh all have it active but since you don't have 7 lvl 5 spell slots it would need to be over the course of at least 2 days

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:21 am
by BishGada
Thanks. Ke'sha does have 7 5th level slots. 5 from being level 17 and 2 from his wisdom.

How is concentration interpreted in 2ed? I read that in 5th ed you can do anything without breaking concentration except for: dying :), get damage, casting another spell that requires concentration (but all other spells are valid).

Also, I saw that there is something called Orison which is similar to cantrips. In the Priest spell Compendium this is the list ( and Ke'Sha can have 20 daily orisons for 1 1st level slot. Do you allow it?

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:43 am
by TristenC
How is he lvl 17? players start with 2 million xp.

Basically losing concentration in 2e can be from taking damage (i usually allow a con check, though by the book there is no check), by being knocked out or put to sleep. 5e also has a con check to maintain concentration when taking damage, or you lose it when incapacitated or knocked out. It's about the same, really.

It looks like in PO: Spells & Magic they tied orisons to the 'spell point' system, which we aren't using. There is a cantrip nwp that I will post in the rules thread. i suppose it can be similarly adapted for priests

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:03 am
by TristenC
Ah, i see it now. Lvl 17 from the quasit familiar

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:40 am
by BishGada
OK. Thanks.
In any way, I thought it is possible to summon earth elemental and just have it walking with us, but I assume statistically after one hour there is about 92% he will break free... So only for battle or special tasks.

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 6:16 am
by BishGada
Continuing with Jona Shlopper class building:
HP: 10 + (HP for Jona [8d10]=32) + 18 (con 1-9) + 3 (wiz 10-12) + 4 (rouge 13-14) = 58hp. Pretty low HP for warrior.

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:48 pm
by BishGada
Two things about Shlopper:
1. Magical items:
Girdle of Hill Giant strength - 2000xp
Gauntlets of Dexterity - 1000xp
Scimitar of speed +1 - 2500xp
Rod of Flailing - 2000xp

2. Does 9th level fighter get henchman for the adventure?

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:46 am
by BishGada
One more thing...
In the scimitar of speed description, on one hand it is written that it adds one attack per round, while on the same breath they say it elevates the warrior skill by one category (which give 1 attack every two rounds).
Obviously I'd rather having +1/round ;) and be prepared, if Shlopper will make it to melee (he has spells and low HP so this decreases the chances) he will be a whirlwind of attacks.

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:53 am
by TristenC
Yeah, the description is weird and inconsistent between some different texts. It adds a flat 1 attack per round, which you take at the beginning of the round (acting before anyone else if you are in melee range of your target). If you are not in melee at the start of the round, you can take it immediately as soon as someone steps into your melee range provided your intent is to engage in melee combat that round (meaning you can't just use it if you were casting and someone walks up to you)

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:34 am
by BishGada
So, now I got to NWP:
This is going to be something close to this list:
I have 15 NWP slots:
Speed casting three times (6) (WIS-2) - Is it two slots every time I take it, or advanced usages has "discount"? Currently I assumed no discount.
Specific Spell (2) (INT-2 ) - place holder since I don't know what spell yet.
Cantrip (1 for mage 2 for specialist) (INT-2)
Bowyer/Fletcher (1) (dex -1)
Weaponsmiting crude (1) (WIS-3)
Blind fighting (2) (WIS)
Danger sense (2) (WIS-2) / Gives alert and +2 on surprise and +1 on initiative
Close Quarter Fighting (2) (Dex) +2 to hit flail / short sword

This sums up to 18 slots.
So few questions:
1. How many darts is it reasonable to have? If it is enough to finish the dungeon, then Bowyer/Fletcher + Weaponsmiting crude are not needed. (Or is there a way to get supplies from the camp during the investigation?)
2. Back to Artificer: Does artificer cantrip costs 2 slots? He get no bonus spells, percents or anything, and infect his two abilities to store spells in objects and to create items (with some advantage over anyone who can research spell items) are also don't seems useful in adventure so far...
3. There is a spell called magic staff allowing you to store spells in a staff! (another work around artificer). Is it possible to store in other weapons (with another spell you may know, or house rule?) or alternatively be able to cast spells stored in a staff by just have the staff slung on Jona's back?

Bottom line, if I have supply of darts/arrows and cantrip takes only one slot then the list of NWP is clear.
If not I'll remove one advanced use of of speed casting and the Bowyer.


Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:32 pm
by BishGada

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:54 pm
by TristenC
let's get a quick [1d20] roll for Ke'Sha pls ^_^

Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:40 am
by BishGada