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Re: Day Three

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:44 pm
by JadedDM
Arvin frowns. "The White Terror. So they are going to do it after all. That oaf not only united the clans, but he set this all into motion."

At this point, Barlemus returns with a blue gemstone in his hand. "Look what I found in its nest? This ought to take care of my expenses for awhile," he says, proud of himself.

Re: Day Three

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:46 pm
by HorizonsDream
Tavi looks to Barlemus for a moment when he emerges from the cave, but she turns her attention back to Arvin. "What do you mean? What White Terror?" she asks, obvious concern etched upon her features. "And how did he set all of this into motion?"

Re: Day Three

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:03 pm
by JadedDM
"It's an old legend," Arvin explains. "Long ago, goblins owned all of this land. But they were driven away by the humans who later took it over. It was a gruesome war, and obviously the humans won in the end. But it wasn't easy. Largely because the goblins used a blood ritual to summon a terrible monster called the White Terror. The stories say it took an entire human army to defeat it and many died at its claws."

The elf leans on the nearby tree that he had originally leaped out of during the battle with the troll. "After that, the goblins fell into anarchy. They eventually formed a number of smaller clans that took to fighting each other over resources. And so things have remained, at least until the 'Night Stalker' started wiping them out. It was this that must have driven them to reunite into a single clan. And now they have the resources to try and summon the White Terror once again."

Arvin stands straight again. "Keep in mind, it took an entire army to defeat it last time. These days, you're not likely to even find many guards that patrol this area. This is the perfect opportunity for the goblins to retake this land again for their own."

Re: Day Three

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:31 pm
by HorizonsDream
"Well, if we are able to save my sisters, then it is possible to stop this thing before it ever starts right?" Tavi asks curiously. "Of course, we might have to get rid of quite a few goblins since they really might have an army at their disposal."

Re: Day Three

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:37 pm
by JadedDM
Arvin sighs in frustration. "I suppose then I have no choice but to help you now. If the White Terror is released, my people will suffer just as badly as the humans. Let us return to Petal's grove before she sends anyone else after me."

"Ut," Barlemus says, pocketing the gemstone.

Re: Day Three

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:44 pm
by HorizonsDream
Tavi nods in agreement with Arvin, turns to head back to where they met Petal. "Uh, that was a pretty stone there, by the way Barlemus," she adds. She didn't want to make it feel like she was leaving him out, but this had become more serious than she originally thought it was. All she wanted to do was to save her sisters!

Re: Day Three

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:11 pm
by JadedDM
"Thanks," Barlemus says. "Maybe I can use it to buy a horse, so I don't have to walk around so much."

The party travels west for half an hour, Arvin taking the lead by a far margin. When they return to the pond, the dryad, Petal, immediately emerges from the tree. She quickly hurries to the elf, throwing her arms around his neck and burying her face into his chest. Arvin is clearly embarrassed by this public display in front of the humans, and awkwardly pulls her away and speaks to her softly in Elvish.

The dryad then turns to Barlemus and Tavi. "Thank you for finding him," she says. "Allow me to reward you for your efforts." She then disappears back into her tree. When she returns, she is holding a glass flask with a blue liquid inside. "Take this," she says, offering it to Tavi. "It is a Potion of Healing. You may come to need it if you plan to fight the goblins."

Re: Day Three

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:30 pm
by HorizonsDream
Tavi gently takes the potion with a smile. "Thank you," she says in elvish. "If you two want to catch up,Barlemus and I can go somewhere else," Tavi offers to Arvin and Petal. She didn't know how exactly close these two were, but it seemed like they were pretty close.

Re: Day Three

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:41 pm
by JadedDM
"That won't be necessary," Arvin says quickly. He switches to Common. "Do you know where the goblins' base is? And I can only hope you also have some kind of plan for infiltrating it?"

Re: Day Three

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:45 pm
by HorizonsDream
"They had me blindfolded when they escorted me out of their base, so I'm not exactly sure where it is," Tavi admits. "And that means we don't have a plan on how to get in just yet. Right now, we have a trap set for a goblin so that we can learn all that information. We were just sort of wasting time until it was time to check on it."

Re: Day Three

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:54 pm
by JadedDM
"A trap? I can only imagine," Arvin says. "Very well. We'll wait until morning to check it. The goblins won't come out until night anyway. We can stay and rest here for the night."

"You have both been injured," Petal says. "Please, I have some poultices that may help."

Re: Day Three

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:40 pm
by HorizonsDream
"That is very kind of you," Tavi says to Petal as she motions Barlemus over. "She can help take care of our wounds if you are willing to let her. If we are going to face this clan of goblins, I guess we are going to need to be at our full strength anyway," she says with a small smile.

Re: Day Three

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:22 pm
by JadedDM
The party makes camp there around the tree and lake. Petal applies some kind of strange smelling poultice to Barlemus' arm and Tavi's stomach wound. They are both required to take off their armor at this time, as a result.

(OOC: You have the rest of today to do what you want. Interact or whatever. When you're ready to move on, have Tavi go to sleep.)

Re: Day Three

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:14 pm
by HorizonsDream
"So," Tavi says as she sits down on the ground. She stretches out a bit to get comfortable before looking directly at Arvin. "What brings you all the way out here?" she asks curiously. "I've never really known elves to come out here."

Re: Day Three

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:37 pm
by JadedDM
"My people have always been in this area, although always in small numbers," Arvin says as he sits down, his back against a tree. "We just make it a point to avoid your towns and settlements." He pulls the arrows out of his quiver that he used in the battle and begins wiping the blood off of them.