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FC0 - CH 4: Ambushes!

A solo adventure in which Echo Soulstaff searches for the man she believes is her father.

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: Day Four

Post by JadedDM »

Tavi's second shot finishes off the goblin, knocking it to the ground. The other three that were throwing rocks at her barely have time to register this before Barlemus leaps out of the undergrowth, and cuts down one of them with his sword. The other two attack him, but Barlemus easily evades one attack, then disarms the second goblin, causing it to drop its spear.

Meanwhile, Arvin fires two more arrows. One knocks down a goblin, but the second one misses.

The bear is able to turn one of the goblins into a temporary chew toy, leaving only five of the blighters left remaining!


Tavi fires at Goblin Leader (17, hit) for 1 damage. Goblin Leader falls.
Arvin fires his bow at Goblin 02 (1d20+4): 17, hit for (1d8): 1 damage. Goblin 02 falls. He fires again (1d20+4): 9, miss.
Barlemus attacks Goblin 09 with his long sword (1d20+2): 15, hit for (1d8+6): 10 damage. Goblin 09 falls.
The black bear attacks Goblin 03 with his right paw (1d20): 1, critical fumble! The black bear attacks Goblin 03 with his left paw (1d20): 7, miss. It then tries to bite Goblin 03 (1d20): 13, hit for (1d6): 6 damage. Goblin 03 falls.

Round 2!

Party's Initiative (1d10): 7
Enemy's Initiative (1d10): 6

Goblin 06 attacks the bear with his spear (1d20): 12, miss.
Goblin 07 attacks the bear with his spear (1d20): 17, hit for (1d6): 6 damage.
Goblin 08 attacks the bear with his spear (1d20): 4, miss.
Goblin 10 attacks Barlemus with his spear (1d20): 2, miss.
Goblin 11 attacks Barlemus with his spear (1d20): 1, critical fumble!

(Party's turn!)
Note the following:<br />Blue dot - Barlemus<br />Green dot - Arvin<br />Purple dot - Tavi<br />Red dots - Goblins<br />Black dot - Bear<br />Grey dots - Unconscious goblins
Note the following:
Blue dot - Barlemus
Green dot - Arvin
Purple dot - Tavi
Red dots - Goblins
Black dot - Bear
Grey dots - Unconscious goblins
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Re: Day Four

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi looks rather surprised as Barlemus suddenly starts attacking. Things seem to be going well in her mind, so she fires another shot with her crossbow towards one of the goblin fighting the bear.

Roll to Hit(14, Hit)
Damage (3)
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Re: Day Four

Post by JadedDM »

Tavi's bolt slams into the goblin's left shoulder. When he whirls around to see who shot him, one of Arvin's arrows hits his chest and knocks him to the ground. Arvin then takes out a second goblin with another well-placed shot.

Barlemus, meanwhile, decapitates a goblin with his blade. When the other goblin looks on in horror, he stabs the goblin in the gut, taking him down.

The last goblin, realizing he was the last, looks ready to flee, but the bear grabs him with its mouth and shakes him violently, before dropping him into the river. The bear then roars victoriously.


Tavi fires her crossbow at Goblin 06 (14, hit) for 3 damage.
Arvin fires his bow at Goblin 06 (1d20): 13, hit for (1d8): 3 damage. Goblin 06 falls. He then fires at Goblin 08 (1d20+4): 15, hit for (1d8): 3 damage. Goblin 08 falls.
Barlemus attacks Goblin 10 with his long sword (1d20+2): 16, hit for (1d8+6): 14 damage. Goblin 10 dies. He then attacks Goblin 11 with his long sword (1d20+2): 11, hit for (1d8+6): 12 damage. Goblin 11 falls.
The black bear attacks Goblin 07 with his left paw (1d20): 5, miss. He then bites at Goblin 07 (1d20): 11, hit for (1d6): 1 damage. Goblin 07 falls.

Combat ends.
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Re: Day Four

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi climbed down her tree once it was safe to be on the ground. "Everyone all right?" she asks, looking up to Arvin then down to Barlemus. "And..uh, should we be this close to that bear?"
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Re: Day Four

Post by JadedDM »

Arvin quickly climbs down the tree and approaches the bear, his hands outstretched, softly speaking to it in Elvish. The bear, wounded and agitated, does not respond. It manages to stand up on its hind legs, despite its pain.

Arvin backs away. "We must move away. Give it space. It will leave when it is ready, then we can retrieve our ammo," he says.


Arvin uses animal empathy on the bear. (1d20-1): 18, bear passes its save, remains cautious toward party.
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Re: Day Four

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi nods and backs away from the bear. "You all right, Barlemus?" she asks in concern. "You surprised them pretty good."
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Re: Day Four

Post by JadedDM »

"I'm fine," he says with a grin. "They never touched me. How about you?"

"Yes, I saw them throwing rocks at you," Arvin notes.
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Re: Day Four

Post by HorizonsDream »

"One managed to knock me on the shoulder pretty good, but I think I'll be okay," Tavi says, looking at the shoulder in question. "I think I'll end up with a nice bruise because of it. Just as long as I don't directly get involved in fighting, unless I have to, then I should be okay."
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Re: Day Four

Post by JadedDM »

"Should we seek out another party then?" Arvin asks. "Or call it a night so Octavia can rest up?"

"Up to her, I guess," Barlemus says. "I'm good for another fight. She can stay in the back and use her crossbow, like she did this time."
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Re: Day Four

Post by HorizonsDream »

"I think we should find at least one more tonight, then get some rest," Tavi says. She takes a moment to glance to Arvin with a small smile. "Not very many people actually call me by my real name," she says. "You can call me Tavi like everyone else, if you want."
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Re: Day Four

Post by JadedDM »

Arvin simply nods coolly. At this point, the bear, having nursed its injuries, moves on. It crosses the river and continues until it's out of sight.

Arvin goes to collect his arrows, finding one broken and the rest still intact. He discards of the broken one and places the others back in his quiver.
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Re: Day Four

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi follows Arvin's lead, moving to get her crossbow bolts, providing she can, from the goblins that she hit. She also takes the time to check them for anything that might be useful later on down the road.
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Re: Day Four

Post by JadedDM »

Barlemus gives her a hand. Tavi retrieves all four of the bolts she fired, finding them all still intact. All she needs to do is clean them.

She also finds a total of 92 silver pieces, 12 spears, 12 bucklers, some flint and steel, a knife, a ratty blanket, and a couple of waterskins (both are empty).
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Re: Day Four

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi pockets the silver pieces for the time being. "So Arvin, where do we head now?" she asks curiously. "It is doubtful these hunting parties are hunting close to one another."
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Re: Day Four

Post by JadedDM »

"I can try and track these goblins back to where they came from. Hopefully, we'll cross another trail on the way there, and can follow it," the elf says.

"Stay behind me," he says, taking the lead.

"Might as well light that lantern, so we can see where we're going," Barlemus suggests. "If we stay far enough behind him, we won't give him away." He yawns and stretches. "Guess it's just you and me until Arvin finds a new trail."