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Character Selection

Dragonlance Game, 3-6 PCs at levels 1-3, set in 375 AC, using DLQ1 (Knight's Sword) and DLQ2 (Flint's Axe)

Moderator: JadedDM

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Character Selection

Post by JadedDM »

This is a list of pre-generated characters we can use for this game.

Erastin Rivenguard - The Knight Candidate (Currently Available)
Male Human (Solamnic) Fighter 1 (LG)
STR 17, DEX 16, CON 15, INT 14, WIS 15, CHA 12, HP 11, Age 22, THAC0 20, AC 1, MV 9
WP: Heavy Lance, Long Sword, Two-handed Sword, Dagger
NWP: Land-based Riding, Heraldry, Animal Handling, Reading/Writing, Endurance
Languages: Common, Solamnic, Mountain Dwarf, Lemish
Gear: Plate mail, family's long sword, heavy war horse, flint and steel, bedroll, dried rations (7 days worth), waterskin (7 days of water), 10 stp
Bio: Erastin Rivenguard grew up in a family with a long tradition of providing soldiers to the Knights of Solamnia. At last, the knighthood agreed to honor this contribution by allowing one of the family’s children to seek entrance into the Order. Thus, from the moment Erastin could speak, he was groomed for the knighthood. Ever since he could read, he has studied the Measure and was made to recite the Oath every night before he slept. His knowledge of the Measure is greater than most full knights’. To ensure that he was fit in more than just mind, the Rivenguards hired the dwarf Targin Steelaxe to see to the boy’s training. Targin made sure that Erastin learned both the chivalric forms of combat and the more common dirty fighting. To prove his worth before seeking entrance into the knighthood, Erastin began his adventuring. He, Targin, and Galenye took up arms. In time, he gathered more companions, each whom he values dearly. He would sacrifice his life and his chance at the knighthood for his friends. He is 6' tall and weighs nearly 200 pounds. He's handsome, well proportioned, with long dark hair and a typical drooping mustache, as all Knights of Solamnia are known to wear.
Note: This character is important to this module. The game requires a knight candidate be in the party. Therefore, if nobody wants this character, I'll be NPCing him.

Targin Steelaxe - The Mentor (Currently Available)
Male Dwarf (Daewar) Fighter 3 (CG)
STR 17, DEX 17, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 9, CHA 15, HP 29, Age 75, THAC0 18, AC 3, MV 6
WP: Battle axe (specialized), Short bow, Dagger
NWP: Endurance, Mountaineering, Stonemasonry, Blacksmithing
Languages: Common, Mountain Dwarf
Gear: Chain mail +1, pony, battle axe, short bow, dagger (x2), arrows +1 (x20), flint and steel, bedroll, dried rations (7 days worth), waterskin (7 days of water), 10 stp
Bio: Targin Steelaxe has always been somewhat of a loner. His childhood in Thorbardin affected him strangely, somehow driving him to the open air which frightens so many dwarves. Indeed, he becomes
claustrophobic underground. In all other ways, however, he seems the typical dwarf. He is grumpy, dour, and stern. Underneath, he holds a deep love for all that is good and will attempt to destroy anything that perverts it. He hates draconians nearly more than anything. He is a young dwarf, about 75 years old. In this time, he has learned a decent measure of fighting skill. Targin was, for a time, the companion of a knight named Grendelor, and he learned the ways of true honor from him. Thus, he seemed a natural choice to tutor Erastin in knightly combat. Targin now travels with Erastin to the High Clerist’s Tower to see how well his teaching took hold. Targin has been a long-time friend to Jilani, although he distrusts the magic she wields. He was happy to have her join the expedition to the Tower, and he took an instant liking to Karathos the Minotaur. However, he hides this with a typical dwarven gruff exterior. He has light brown skin, straight black hair and sports a black beard.
Note: If nobody chooses Targin, he will be NPC'd, too. He won't join the party, but he will accompany the party to the High Clerist's Tower for Erastin's tests.

Galenye Faelern - The Reformed Rogue (Currently Available)
Female Human (Solamnic) Thief 2 (NG)
STR 13, DEX 17, CON 12, INT 15, WIS 12, CHA 16, HP 10, Age 20, THAC0 20, AC 4, MV 12
WP: Wrestling, Short Sword
NWP: Juggling, Tumbling, Disguise, Reading Lips
Languages: Common, Solamnic, Ergothian, Qualinesti
Skills: PP 30, OL 40, F/RT 35, MS 35, HS 20, DN 15, CW 60, RL 0, BS x2
Gear: Thieves' picks, numerous hidden pouches, contact sleeping poison (x3), leather armor +1, short sword +1, rope of climbing, flint and steel, bedroll, dried rations (7 days worth), waterskin (7 days of water), 10 stp
Bio: Having grown up in the same Solamnic village as Erastin Rivenguard, Galenye knows him well. As children they were sweethearts, and she has not forgotten the childish love she felt for him then.
For a few years, she traveled away to Gwynnedd in Ergoth. There she learned the skills that enabled her to survive in the city, as well as the illegal trade by which she survived for a time. It was also there that she was captured and thrown in jail. The Ergothians planned to execute her, but she managed to escape from the jail before they did so. After having re-encountered Erastin, she realized the fundamental selfishness of her previous life. She now uses her thief’s skills to combat crime, rather than commit it. More often than not, she uses her good looks and charming manner instead of hard work to get by. Although she is somewhat lazy, she is beginning to develop a strong sense of honor through her friendship with Erastin. She is a slim and attractive lady, who has shoulder length black hair, brown eyes and a charming manner. Standing at five foot and seven inches, Galenye normally dresses in gray and black clothing, although on rare occasions she dresses in red to gain the attention of every man in close proximity.

Jinali - The Witch (Currently Available)
Female Half-Elf (Solamnic/Qualinesti) Mage 1 (CG)
STR 10, DEX 11, CON 9, INT 18, WIS 12, CHA 13, HP 4, Age 65, THAC0 20, AC 7, MV 12
WP: Quaterstaff
NWP: Astrology, Reading/Writing, Dancing, Spellcraft, Disguise
Languages: Common, Solamnic, Qualinesti, Mountain Dwarf, Minotaur, Abanansinian, Magius
Gear: Spellbook, robes, quaterstaff, ring of protection +3, flint and steel, bedroll, dried rations (7 days worth), waterskin (7 days of water), 10 stp
Spells: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Magic Missile, Shield, Wall of Fog
Bio: For as long as she can remember, Jilani has been fascinated with magic. Although she has not been at it too long, she has found that she has a natural aptitude for the work. Her lifelong friend Targin Steelaxe distrusts her sorcery, yet he seems to accept it as a necessary evil. For a time, she and Targin went their separate ways, choosing to gain more experience in their chosen fields. A few years passed. On her way back to their designated meeting place, she stopped in a tiny hamlet for the night. Little did she know that the natives were incredibly superstitious, regarding her as a witch to be destroyed. As she slept that night, the natives crept into her room and bound and gagged her. They prepared a great pyre in the center of town and tied her to a stake in the center of it. They were preparing to torch the whole pile when a horned figure burst roaring from the forest at the edge of the tiny village. Since they had never seen a minotaur before, the villagers fled from the creature they assumed was a fiend from the Abyss. Soon, the whole village was deserted. Jilani, having prepared herself for the searing heat, was amazed instead to find gentle hands untying her. She and the minotaur Karathos became fast friends. When they reached the Solamnic village after several interesting exploits, she found that Targin had found himself a whole new group of friends, and that they were heading to the High Clerist’s Tower. She and Karathos agreed to come along. She does not quite trust the thief Galenye, nor does she fancy the elven cleric. However, since Targin allows them to come, she accepts it. She has long blond hair and blue eyes, and rather pale skin. She prefers the buckskin clothes of the Abanasinian plainsmen for some reason, which she almost always wears.

Karathos - The Outsider (Currently Available)
Male Minotaur Fighter 2 (LG)
STR 19, DEX 15, CON 17, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 9, HP 24, Age 45, THAC0 19, AC 4, MV 12
WP: Battle Axe (specialized), Two-weapon style, Wrestling
NWP: Tracking, Seamanship, Rope Use, Blind Fighting, Ambidexterity
Languages: Common, Minotaur
Gear: silk rope (50'), battle axe +2 (Bonebiter), chain mail +1, battle axe (Heartcleaver), grappling hook, flint and steel, bedroll, dried rations (7 days worth), waterskin (7 days of water), 10 stp
Bio: Karathos' origins are something of a mystery. He will not speak of his past willingly. He says only that he came from the lands to the northeast of Ansalon. This would lead one to believe that he is from the brutal continent Taladas, leading to even more speculations. Only Karathos knows the true story: He left the League of Minotaurs to escape the the constant brutality inherent in life there. He took a small ship with two companions who found life on Taladas equally unattractive. However, storms and continual ill-luck ruined their expedition on the shores of Ansalon, and he found himself washed up alone on the shores of Mithas. He set out to find his comrades, but was not sure where to begin looking. One thing is certain: he is not welcome on Mithas any longer, for he slew the minotaurs who, suspicious of his foreign appearance, attempted to take him hostage. Karathos has a unique fighting style. He fights with a battle axe in each hand, and has named his two axes Bonebiter (magical) and Heartcleaver. His expertise is such that he gets three attacks every two rounds with Bonebiter. He is a savage fighter when enraged, yet he retains his code of honor at all times. He has a bet with Erastin that Erastin won’t make it to the knighthood. His honor prevents him from fouling Erastin’s chances, and besides, he wants to see Erastin succeed, for the two honor-bound individuals have become good friends. He is simply trying to offer a little more impetus. He trusts Jilani implicitly, for they have experienced many things together. He is still wary of all the others in Erastin’s band. He is a powerfully built warrior, who stands over seven feet tall, has a largely muscular build and a well-groomed brown coat. He keeps his horns polished and has gold rings at the base of each of them, as well as a gold earring in each ear.

Siriath Leafwine - The Haughty (Currently Available)
Male Elf (Silvanesti) Cleric of Paladine 2 (LG)
STR 14, DEX 16, CON 15, INT 13, WIS 17, CHA 12, HP 14, Age 215, THAC0 19, AC 2, MV 12
WP: Morning Star, Sling
NWP: Healing, Herbalism, Religion, Reading/Writing, Ancient History
Languages: Silvanesti, Common, Sylvan
Gear: Chain mail, small shield, Medallion of Faith, flint and steel, bedroll, dried rations (7 days worth), waterskin (7 days of water), 10 stp
Bio: Siriath Leafwine is a distant descendant of Silvanos, the founder of Silvanesti. In the War of the Lance, Siriath commanded a troop of elven warriors in raids along the dragonarmies’ flanks. He saw that the “cursed humans” were bringing the Queen of Darkness back to Krynn, and he longed for a way to combat this. Soon, he encountered a true cleric of Paladine (known as E'li to the Silvanesti) and was converted. However, he did not lose his racial intolerance. His stiff-necked pride alienated many of the clerics of other races whom he encountered. He began having dreams of a huge golden dragon. It turned its head sorrowfully toward him and gazed at him with reproach in its eyes. The dream became ever more realistic, until one night when the dragon spoke. “Go. Leave this land and journey with those you would brand impure. Do not return until you have learned the true value of humanity.” When Siriath awoke, he found himself in a strange place and heard a group of beings approaching him. This is how he came to meet Erastin and his comrades. Although he remains haughty, he is becoming more and more impressed with these others. Their short lives are incredibly rich and full, and they have developed an appreciation for beauty rivaling that of the elves. Even the “savage” minotaur has a true zest for life. While Siriath still lapses into his arrogance, this happens less as time progresses. He is even becoming a pleasant individual with whom to travel. He has long, fair-colored hair and hazel eyes. He normally is clothed in tan colored robes, which have a green hood and hem and cuffs.


There are also three alternate characters introduced in the second module, Flint's Axe. They could conceivably be used in place of one of the six above, if you find you don't like any of those options.

Obsidian Fireforge - The Scion (Currently Available)
Female Dwarf (Neidar) Fighter 2 (CG)
STR 17, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 14, HP 15, Age 40, THAC0 19, AC 3, MV 6
WP: Club, Light Crossbow, Hand Axe, Javelin
NWP: Blind-Fighting, Hunting
Languages: Hill Dwarf, Common, Goblin
Gear: Chain mail, hand axes (x2), javelin, light crossbow, light quarrels (x20), medium shield +1, ring of swimming, flint and steel, bedroll, dried rations (7 days worth), waterskin (7 days of water), 10 stp
Bio: Obsidian Fireforge is the younger daughter of Bernhard Fireforge, deceased younger brother of
Flint. She lives with her sister Garnet in the woodworking shop started by their father several years ago. Obsidian has always craved a more adventuresome life than that lived by a typical dwarf of Hillhome. She idolized her Uncle Flint. She and her cousin Basalt have been on several adventures together over the past few years, though he has been less willing to take chances since he married Hildy. She and Targin are old friends and there are strong feelings between them, but their difference in heritage has proven a barrier to any kind of romance thus far. She is a dark-haired frawl (female dwarf) who is rather attractive and has lovely dark eyes. She normally wears her long dark hair tied back into two braids.
Note: If she is played, we can assume she ran away from home to adventure with Targin.

Selowen - The Refugee (Currently Available)
Female Elf (Qualinesti) Mage 1 (NG)
STR 9, DEX 11, CON 16, INT 18, WIS 13, CHA 16, HP 4, Age 108, THAC0 20, AC 5, MV 12
WP: Quarterstaff
NWP: Astrology, Reading/Writing, Spellcraft, Ancient History
Languages: Qualinesti, Hill Dwarf, Sylvan, Common, Goblin, Solamnic, Lemish, Ergothian
Spells: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Identify, Read Magic, Sleep
Gear: Quarterstaff, Bracers of Defense AC 5, Potion of Speed, Spellbook, robes, flint and steel, bedroll, dried rations (7 days worth), waterskin (7 days of water), 10 stp
Bio: Selowen is a beautiful young elven maiden. She was raised in Qualinost, where she became acquainted with Flint Fireforge, who would hand out toys he had made to all the elven children. When the War of the Lance came, Selowen and her family moved to Hillhome, where they became fast friends with the Fireforge family. Selowen has studied the history of the area and knows the history of the Dwarfgate War, as well as the story of how “Uncle Flint” saved the town in the Battle of Hillhome. Selowen is a good-natured elf who has learned to fit in relatively well among the dwarves of Hillhome. However, she greatly misses her parents, who were killed by draconians during the War of the Lance. Her parents had been on a scouting mission with several dwarves, however the party was ambushed and killed by draconians. Selowen hopes to become a bona fide Wizard of the White Robes one day soon. For now, she is happy just studying her spells and learning about the world around her. She has shoulder-length brown hair, bright green eyes and normally dresses in fine clothes that are peach or green in color.
Note: Like with Obsidian, we can assume she accompanied Targin in hopes of learning more about the world, if she is played.

Pentrian - The Rabbit (Currently Available)
Male Kender Cleric of Mishakal 2 (LG)
STR 11, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 11, WIS 16, CHA 13, HP 13, Age 55, THAC0 20, AC 1, MV 6
WP: Hoopak
NWP: Healing, Herbalism, Reading/Writing
Languages: Common, Kenderspeak
Skills: PP 20, OL 25, F/RT 15, MS 25, HS 30, DN 10, CW 25
Gear: Chain mail, Bag of Holding, hoopak, Medallion of Faith, flint and steel, bedroll, dried rations (7 days worth), waterskin (7 days of water), 10 stp
Bio: Pentrian the Rabbit is very serious—for a kender. This means he is almost as serious as an adult human with a good sense of humor, a bit of wanderlust, and a craving for excitement. Pentrian, whose nickname comes from his speed when being chased, is a priest of Mishakal. As one of the few members of his race to belong to the Holy Order of the Stars, Pentrian takes his clerical duties very seriously. He always aids injured companions, even at the risk of his own safety. If he occasionally borrows some of their possessions—only to get a closer look or to keep them safe—well, that should be okay, shouldn’t it? Pentrian has lived in Hillhome for only a few months. He has become quite popular with the townspeople, despite walking off with small items occasionally. Like all kender, Pentrian has natural thieving abilities. He uses these as necessary to help his companions; he usually manages to resist picking friends’ pockets. Pentrian is skilled at using his hoopak as both staff and sling. He has gray-black that he wears in a ponytail, and normally always wears white robes. He has tanned skin and dark brown eyes that seem to often bear a degree of sadness within them.
Note: A kender, even a 'serious' one, needs no excuse to adventure!

I'm willing to adjust these characters in minor ways, if a player wishes. For instance, I'd be willing to gender-flip any of these characters. (But it should be known, that in the case of Erastin, while it's not impossible for a woman to become a knight, it will be considerably more difficult and there will be lots more prejudice against her!)
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Re: Character Selection

Post by HorizonsDream »

Galenye Faelern is who I want to play.
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Re: Character Selection

Post by Breila »

There are several characters I'd like to play, but will let the girls choose first.
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Re: Character Selection

Post by Breila »

One question: Jinali the half-elf is stated at being 65 years old, and in the player's handbook, half-elves age at a rate similar to humans. Jinali would be middle-aged then. Is that correct?
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Re: Character Selection

Post by JadedDM »

No, in Dragonlance half-elves age slowly like elves do (although not as slowly). Hence Tanis Half-Elven, who looks to be in his thirties but is actually 101.

So Jinali probably would likely appear to look in her late teens, maybe early 20s.

Likewise, Targin, Obsidian, Selowen and Karathos would appear around that age, too. Siriath would be the equivalent of 40s, but he would still look pretty good (all elves do, at any age). Pentrian looks to be in his late 40s. He's the only one that's actually showing signs of aging, in fact.
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Re: Character Selection

Post by Jerrard »

Well, as nothing else has staked a claim, I am putting my name by Erastin.

Thinking about it, Both Jerrard and Sturm are quiet considered people, I don't think Erastin will be.

I enjoy the chance to play with the group, especially to see how we manage the interaction between Galenye and Erastin.
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Re: Character Selection

Post by JadedDM »

Absolutely, have fun with it.

So Jerrard wants Erastin and Horizon wants Galenye. That leaves Breila, Luna, and Gaia and then we can get started.
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Re: Character Selection

Post by LittleLuna »

Ookey, I'd like to play Jinali
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Re: Character Selection

Post by Breila »

I'd like to test my roleplaying skills with Karathos. Playing a male PC has tempted me for some time, and with the minotaur, it might not be all that bad if I get a little into stereotypes :wink: .
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Re: Character Selection

Post by Jenara »

Just Gaia left who is away for a week is she not?
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi
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Re: Character Selection

Post by Breila »

No, she will leave only the week after next, they have their big première next Sunday.
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Re: Character Selection

Post by JadedDM »

Sounds good. Jinali and Karathos are friends, too, so that's a good match up.
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Re: Character Selection

Post by Gaia »

No I want to be Jinali!!! When I've read her biography I am fallen in love with her character!!!
Well, I know you were first, so I'd like to play Selowen alternatively...
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Re: Character Selection

Post by JadedDM »

So this is what we have then.

Jerrard playing Erastin
Horizon playing Galenye
Breila playing Karathos
Luna playing Jinali
Gaia playing Selowen

And unless someone else decides to join us as our sixth, I'll probably wind up NPCing Targin.

You know, we were joking how Jerrard always winds up playing a Solamnic (Jerrard, Sturm, Erastin), but looking at this list, I see other patterns emerge, too. Horizon always wants to play the character with the highest CHA score (Galenye and Selowen tie at 16), and Breila always plays the 'stranger in a strangeland' character (Babushka, Goldmoon, Karathos). Coincidences? :D

Anyway, as I set things up so we can get started, are there any questions or any need for coaching on Dragonlance or its various races and organizations? I know Jerrard and Horizon are well-versed on the subject, and Breila is still learning, but I have no idea what Luna and Gaia know, or if they need any help with the source material.
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Re: Character Selection

Post by Breila »

I don't know how much background is needed for convincing roleplay, but if you have links to downloads, I'd gladly use them and share the material.

And "stranger in a strangeland" is truly a pattern, I don't feel 100% at home in the game world yet, and want to make sure mistakes are "normal". And even here at home, I like to be a little "off", not meeting expectations to keep my liberty.
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