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Character Descriptions

2e game set in the Forgotten Realms, using the Doom of Daggerdale module

Moderator: NoTrammeling

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Character Descriptions

Post by NoTrammeling »

PC and NPC descriptions go in this thread.

Jain Longleague (JAY-in)
A human man in the middle of his years, of average height and fit build. He's dressed in worn grey leathers and a well-traveled cloak, his features are equally weathered and craggy and he sports a dark spotty beard dotted with white hairs. He was curt and business-like in his dealings, but not unfriendly. Outside of business he can be an irascible woman-chaser and slightly insincere. He has offered to accompany the party to Dagger Falls, but was very clear when he stated that the group would be on their own once they got into town.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Breila »

Eringard Miller, cleric of Lathander Morninglord

People who meet Eringard for the first time often do a double-take, the pink and gold robes of Lathander's priests look so odd on this short and rather plump young woman with her lank mousy-brown hair and her pale skin. But when they start talking to her, and her grey eyes lighten up and a smile brightens her face, many are reminded of sunrise on a misty day.

Eringard is a calm and soft-spoken person, a very good listener. She has the knack for asking the right questions, so that people who come to her for advice go away with the feeling that they've be set on a track to solve or at least alleviate their troubles. For all people know, she has never betrayed anything that has been confided in her either. While she has mostly been sought out by other members of Lathander's clergy, her reknown is slowly spreading.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jenara »

Elliana Troy

Standing at 5' 6" Eliana is average height for her race, with the build of a warrior hidden under her functional clothes, mostly of her own design and making using her skills as a leatherworker and seamstress.

Her skin is dark and tanned contrasting with her redish brown hair which falls past her shoulders, it hides the points of her ears that betray her elven heritage.

The breastplate of her black armor is emblazened with a single oak tree, inlaid with silver which she hides under her plain green tunic.

She keeps her longsword (steel pommel, with a number of Harper runes down the blade) strapped to her back, along with her shortbow and quiver, finally she keeps two daggers in sheaves on her belt.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by HorizonsDream »

Raina is an over all kind person that comes off as pretty cheerful more often than not. Her heart goes out towards those that are suffering, and she tries to help them even if it means just passing on a kind word. Sometimes she is unsuccessful, but she figures that it is the thought that counts.

She can't stand people that think they are better than anyone else. It isn't beyond her to antagonize these people simply to get them all worked up. It makes her day a little brighter if she can make one of these people mad, and make them storm off in a huff. It gives her a good laugh, even if other people might look down upon the actions. In her mind, it serves them right for looking down on people.

Raina has a mischievous streak. When it comes to people she likes, she teases them but she isn't mean. When it comes to people she doesn't like, she usually just steals their purse, and watch them run around a manic looking for it once they realize it is gone. It is a source of great amusement for her, but then again she is easily amused.

Finally, she is also nosy. It isn't beyond her to eavesdrop on conversations just so she can gain information. Most of the time she learns petty everyday stuff, which is still entertaining for her. Though, every once in awhile, she learns a tad bit of important information that might be useful to her one day.

Raina stands at 5'8", and she seems pretty petite. Just by looking at her, one wouldn't guess that she was very strong as she appears to be kind of weak. She can almost look vulnerable until she robs someone one blind with a gentle flick at their purse strings with her dagger.

More often than not, Raina looks like a young woman, but she has the talent of disguising herself as an old woman beggar, a middle aged woman that is possibly raising more kids than she knows what to do with, or even a man that is simply down on his luck. Though, she prefers her shoulder length, somewhat choppy, blonde hair and kind brown eyes. It might be fun to play the part of someone else, but at the end of the day she is more comfortable in her own skin.

Normally, Raina likes form fitting clothing, brown pants, matching boots, and an off white colored shirt. It is nothing fancy. She can also be found wearing leather armor, though it is pretty cheap. She has a dagger tucked away in her boot, and a bow and a quiver of arrows on her back. She can't afford much, but she tries to take care of what little she has, no matter how cheap it is.
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Last edited by HorizonsDream on Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by onlie2005 »

Maria is a normal 12 year old human girl, standing about 4 feet 7 inches and is lean and wiry. She has long, wavy, reddish brown hair and hazel eyes. She tends to dress in largely tomboyish clothes of bright colors consisting of a shirt, pants, a pair of black boots and a hooded green cloak. When travelling she has a sheathed dagger and a sling attached to her belt.

Maria is known to have first arrived in Shadowdale 3 years ago. She has been living in the Old Skull Inn and assisting Jhaele Silvermane in running the inn and tavern, mostly as a server or cleaning lady. It is a known fact though that she is actually a capable spellcaster and sometimes uses her magic to do her chores more easily, especially cantrips being used to clean stuff quickly. The girl has been under the mentorship and supervision of Elminster.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Faeryl Nhiikira »

Physical Description: She stands at 3 feet and 1 inch tall. She has short-cut, wavy, auburn-colored hair, and tends to dress in somewhat loose-fitting traveler's clothes. A white blouse with sleeves that end about halfway to her elbow; and brown capris with matching boots. Her pants are held in place by a simple buckled belt. Seraphina also is seen wearing a pair of brown gloves and even a fancy "pirate-like" hat on occasion, though sightings of the hat are very rare.

Personality: Mostly tends to be casual, yet professional. She is a professional locksmith, able to pick all but the most difficult locks given enough time, and does so for a living. Came to Shadowdale seeking more excitement and adventure from an otherwise mundane existence.

Seraphina Ashworthy (Picture for reference)
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by JadedDM »

Gimak is a young dwarf--just barely over a century--with short, raven black hair and a thick, luxurious beard. He's broad of chest and shoulder, muscular, and despite his warrior ways has fairly gentle facial features. His skin is lightly tanned from many hours outside in the sun. When not armored and ready for battle, he wears the simple clothes of a merchant--an ordinary maroon shirt, beige trousers, and leather shoes.

He carries himself with confidence, but without the edge of arrogance. In battle, he wields his battle axe up close and his crossbow at a distance. The axe is custom made--forged by Gimak himself, in fact. He wears studded leather armor into battle, as well as a leather cap.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Tyeal »

Harlimane Jurasc.

Basic Apperance: Roughly 4' tall, a mop of black hair on his head, tanned skin, and bright green eyes. Very rough hands from farm work and exploring dense forests. Incredibly light on his feet, nimble with highly dexterous fingers.

A Halfling born and raised in the dirt, working along side his father on his apple farm in a peaceful hamlet few outsiders visit. The worst things that happen in this sleepy corner of the world, known as Rolling Hills, is the occasional predator coming in for a meal. But is quickly chased off by the well-armed farmers. Rolling Hills was formed and founded with the belief that 'Anything worth having is worth protecting.' And with that mantra comes weapons training for everyone. Essentially having a standing militia much of the time.

Harly had this same training, but he was one of the few Halflings in this village that had been showing signs of magic talent. In his case, Nature magic. First discovered after restoring crops after an usually long drought. He couldn't restore everything back to life, but at least him and his family could eat.

As he grew older, he started getting restless, staying out in the forest for longer and longer periods of time, sometimes coming back with various woodland animals. Supposedly having full-on conversations with the half-ling. After seeing their son's talents, Harly's parents helped him pack and prepare for a journey outside the hamlet. They felt that he should learn more about his gift, and exploring the world would be the only way he could do so. 'Staying here will only limit you.' his father said on the morning of his departure.

Armed with basic training, armor and a weapon crafted by the village's blacksmith, and the knowledge needed to survive in the wilderness, Harlimane Jurasc sets out into the world; A humble little man with gargantuan potential.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Stik »


Traern keeps his dark hair cut relatively short for an elf, and dresses in somber, serviceable clothing in shades of blue, black and grey. His armor, weapons and gear are worn but well-maintained, and every bit that might rattle or jingle is tied with rags. His shield is plain - not decorated with any heraldry, although he does wear a pendant on his neck.

He rarely smiles, and tends to grunt rather than laugh.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by BishGada »

Standing 5'1" tall and 103.4 lbr. Lafien is a handsome young elf.
Lafien wears his leather armor shirt over green and brown cloth. The family symbol, a male white deer's head on top of a huge lone Cedar tree, engraved on the chest. Long sword at his hip, its hilt decorated with drawings of ancient tales of battle, and its blackened blade with curling golden curves. At his belt tucked a dagger, it's sheath decorated with entwined silver and brass leaves. Some rings are seen on his fingers, and the belt's buckle is decorated with crossed tiny scimitars. On his feet Lafien wears padded leather boots, preserved perfectly almost as new.
On top of all Lafien wears a brown cape with the same family symbol embroidered on it.

Lefien is well organized and it shows in his looks. His cloth are spotless and ironed, decorations are polished, his long brown hair is tied neatly and his packs are tightly closed.

Lafien carries himself with dignity, his body straight, a look of importance over his face. On a conversation, Lafien is usually speaks seriously, kind towards others, smiling a lot, but on rare occasions he uses his gentle humor, his green eyes sparkling with harmless mischief.

Lafien is a good person, tend to trust other people, and very loyal to his friends and family.
He holds high moral values, such as helping others, telling the truth, standing for the weak, and keeping the family's honor.
He also believes the law serves the people and should be kept at almost any condition.
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