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The Only Way to Fly

A group of 'Unlikely Heroes.'
Based in the world of Krynn.

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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by Breila »

Babushka continues to fire at Eridan.

INIT 8, two hits of AC-1,, damage 8 and 1

"You should get out that mask of yours, Jerrard" she says between shots.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Thank you," Imani says softly to Lucas before she steps over the dead ogres, and closes the distance between Eridan and herself. Her blades were dripping with ogre blood at this point, and now she was looking to get some draconian blood upon them. "Surrendering isn't an option at this point. You are smart enough to realize that," she says as she attacks him.

Init Roll, Hit Rolls (6, 21, 7, 9, 6, 6, 3)
DMG Rolls (9)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

Lucas stands back, another healing prayer on his lips should he be needed.

"Kalith karan, tobanis-kar!" Jerrard chants, pointing at Eridan. Three missiles of pure, white energy fly from his hand, swerve around Imani, and crash into the aurak.

Bolstered by Mishakal, Babushka takes aim at Eridan. As he's taller than Imani, she can still shoot over the princess's head. She fires one, then two shots, and both find their mark.

Imani moves like lightning toward Eridan, but she realizes that while the rest of time is slow around her, Eridan no longer seems to be affected. She gets in one hit, but her next five blows are all perfectly parried. The scimitar he is holding must somehow be speeding him up, as well! She is unable to penetrate his hasted parries and blocks. Imani calms herself and remembers her training. She stood against a dragon, after all. Surely a dragonspawn won't be the death of her. When Eridan moves in to strike, she brings up her own blades in an 'x' to block. Then, before the aurak can react, she throws her weight to the side, knocking the blade from his hand. He watches with shock as the scimitar slides to the southern wall.

After roaring in outrage, Eridan then begins to suck in his breath...

By the time Ulster, who although larger is now slower as well, reaches the two ogres in the slick, one of them has already managed to get to his feet. The henchman quickly slides his blade into the standing ogre's heart, slaying it. As the ogre falls, he drops Locky to the ground, who remains unconscious. Ulster then turns to the one still prone in the slick and brings his weapon down on him; but the ogre manages to roll aside, not taking the full hit. As this happens, the two ogres in the web are now nearly free...


Babushka (1d10+7): 8
Imani (1d10+3): 9
Ulster (1d10+5): 15
Malika (N/A)
Jerrard (1d10+1): 2
Lucas (N/A)
Ogre 03 (1d10+10): 13
Ogre 04 (1d10+10): 20
Ogre 05 (1d10+6): 9
Ogre 06 (1d10+6): 8
Eridan (1d10+3): 13

Round 4!

Malika does nothing.
Lucas does nothing.
Jerrard casts Magic Missile at Eridan. The missiles attempt to bypass his magic resistance [30] (1d100): 82, success. They deal (3d4+3): 10 damage.
Babushka fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow at Eridan while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+1): 17, hit for (1d8+1): 9 damage.
Ogre 06 attempts to get to his feet by saving vs. spell [16] (1d20): 16, pass. Ogre 06 stands up.
Imani moves 10 feet east and attacks Eridan with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+5): 22, hit for (1d8+6): 10 damage. She then attacks with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+2): 8, miss. She then attacks with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+5): 10, miss. She then attacks with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+2): 7, miss.
Ogre 05 attempts to get to his feet by saving vs. spell [16] (1d20): 14, fail. He remains prone.
Ogre 03 breaks through 2 feet of webbing, has 2 feet remaining.
Eridan attacks Imani with his magical (+2) scimitar (1d20+2): 3, critical fumble! Eridan drops his sword.
Ulster moves 15 feet north and attacks Ogre 06 with his enlarged dragon slaying (+2) sword with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+4): 15, hit for (1d12+5): 14 (x50%) = 21 damage! Ogre 06 falls.
Ogre 04 breaks through 2 feet of webbing, has 2 feet remaining.
Babushka fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow at Eridan while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+1): 17, hit for (1d8+1): 2 damage.
Imani attacks with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+5): 9, miss. She then attacks again with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+5): 7, miss.
Ulster attacks the prone (+4) Ogre 05 with his enlarged dragon slaying (+2) sword with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+8): 18, hit for (1d12+5): 6 damage (x50%) = 9 damage.

(OOC: Actions and Initiative for Round 5?)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by Breila »

Realising they must be quick to incapacitate the aurak, Babushka aims another two arrows at Eridan, hoping to get at his throat.

INIT 14, 10 and 8 to hit...
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani notices him sucking in his breath, assuming that he is getting ready to use his breath weapon and moves to Eridan's right side in hopes of avoiding it. She can only hope she is quick enough now that Eridan doesn't have his blades, and she continues her attack on him.

Initi Roll, Hit Rolls (5, 18, 17, 9, 10)
DMG Rolls (10, 7)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

Imani tries to attack before Eridan can exhale, but even in her hasted state, she is too slow. The aurak breathes a five foot long cone of green gas right at Imani. The gas burns her eyes and skin horribly, leaving her weakened and blind. Barely able to stand, and completely unable to see, she lashes out with her blades nonetheless. The first strike she feels sink into flesh and hears Eridan cry out in pain and rage, but the other three are easily blocked or evaded.

She hears Lucas shout out from behind her. "I'm coming!"

In front of her, she hears the aurak's taunting voice. However, he sounds winded and raspy, like he is having trouble breathing. "You cannot hit...what you cannot see...throw down your weapons...or I shall finish you off...with a single swipe claw!"

Ulster, meanwhile, brings his sword down on the prone ogre, finishing him off. The flywheel drops from his hands and rolls over by the table. The remaining two ogres break free of their webbing shortly after. "Ulster!" Jerrard calls out in warning. "Kalith karan, tobanis-kar!" The wizard fires another three missiles at one of the now free ogres to slow it down.

"I'm on it," Ulster says, turning back toward his new enemies.

Finally, Babushka fires two more shots at Eridan. Both bounce off his golden scales without so much as a scratch.


Babushka (1d10+7): 14
Imani (1d10+3): 8
Ulster (1d10+5): 10
Jerrard (1d10+1): 10
Malika (N/A)
Lucas (N/A)
Locky (N/A)
Ogre 03 (1d10+10): 20
Ogre 04 (1d10+10): 11
Ogre 05 (1d10+6): 7
Eridan (1d10+3): 4

Round 5!

Locky is unconscious.
Lucas does nothing.
Malika does nothing.
Eridan breathes toxic gas on Imani.
----Imani saves vs. breath weapon with great agility (+2) and under Mishakal's love (+1) [13] (1d20+3): 7, fail. She takes (2d10): 16 damage and is blinded (-4 to hit, +4 to AC, +2 to initiative) for (1d4): 4 rounds.
Ogre 05 attempts to get to his feet by saving vs. spell [16] (1d20): 2, fail. He remains prone.
Imani attacks Eridan with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) while blinded (-4) (1d20+1): 15, bare hit for (1d8+6): 11 damage. She then attacks with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) while blinded (-4) (1d20-2): 14, bare miss. Imani then attacks again with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) while blinded (-4) (1d20+1): 6, miss. She then attacks again with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) while blinded (-4) (1d20-2): 7, miss.
Ulster attacks the prone (+4) Ogre 05 with his enlarged dragon slaying (+2) sword with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+8): 17, hit for (1d12+5): 13 (x50%) = 20 damage. Ogre 05 falls and drops the flywheel.
Jerrard casts Magic Missile at Ogre 03 for (3d4+3): 10 damage.
Ogre 04 breaks through 2 feet of webbing; he is now free.
Babushka fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow at Eridan while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+1): 11, miss.
Ogre 03 breaks through 2 feet of webbing; he is now free.
Babushka fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow at Eridan while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+1): 9, miss.

(OOC: Actions and Initiative for Round 6?)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by Breila »

Realising the aurak is weakened, Babushka tries once again to hit him with her arrows, but to no avail.

1d10+7, 1d20, 1d20=[1, 7], [10], [5]
(OOC: The dice are never with me.)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani looked about ready to tumble to the ground, but she managed to hold herself up while she listened to Eridan. "Don't be so sure," she said weakly. He already sounded to be on his last leg, so all she had to do was get in a couple of good hits. Considering her training, Imani let out a flurry of attacks in the direction that she heard Eridan's voice.

Inti Roll, Hit Rolls (5, 13, 10, 5, 14, 21, 14)
DMG Rolls (10, 7, 15, 6)

OOC: I find it amusing that Imani had better luck hitting him while blinded than she did when she could see. Of course, that critical helped!
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

Jerrard pulls out the wand he took off the body of Timir-i-Ling and points it at one of the ogres that just broke free from the webbing. "Babushka, watch out!" he calls in warning. "Sahm!" Two missiles of energy fly from the tip of the wand, over the gnome's head, and smash into the ogre's chest. But they hardly even slow him down.

Her attention solely on the aurak, though, Babushka takes aim and fires another arrow at him. This one, too, bounces off his scaly hide without leaving a mark.

Imani slashes wildly with her blades at Eridan, trying to focus on hearing his footsteps to guess where he is. However, she doesn't make contact at all. Eridan then chuckles darkly, slashing at her with his claws and biting at her with his dagger like teeth. This leaves her in bad shape, barely even able to stand, much less hold up her weapons. (OOC: She is at 2 HP.)

Babushka nocks another arrow, taking aim at Eridan. But only when he is in her sight does she realize one of the ogres is walking right up to her, great sword raised. She tries to get out of the way, but is too slow--and without any armor, takes the full hit. She drops to the ground, blood pooling beneath her, everything around her going black.

"Babushka!" Jerrard calls out in concern. Ulster, his new giant size having slowed down his reactions, moves in just then. He engages the two ogres, protecting Babushka's small, broken body.

Eridan laughs--a wheezy, but triumphant laugh. "You have lost. All because of your arrogance and stupidity; a trait common to your inferior species."

Lucas comes up behind Imani, reaching out to touch her. "Mishakal, hear my prayer--" However, Imani suddenly launches herself forward at hearing Eridan's voice, and the healing spell fizzles as a result.

All Imani had to do was kill him, and it would all be over. For a moment, in her rage and pain, she completely forgot about the death throe that Eridan himself had just warned her about.

"Wait!" called Lucas helplessly.

"Imani, no!" warns Jerrard.

Their words fall on deaf ears, as Imani aims her blade right at where she had heard the aurak's raspy, mocking voice. She cannot see, but she hears and feels the satisfying sensation of sinking her blade into the draconian's black heart.

Eridan slides off her sword, cradling his wound with a look of surprise and outrage. But that clears away to reveal amusement. He laughs a bit, stumbles back, and then collapses into his throne before going still.

For a moment, Imani hears nothing else--she had won, and only just barely. But that's when she suddenly feels a massive wave of heat emanating from Eridan's corpse.

Eridan, his eyes completely white now, stands back up, humming with pure magical energy. He roars as his body suddenly bursts into a bright, green flame. Heat radiates from his body, not unlike the wall of fire he conjured earlier. Now completely mindless, he readies his claws for battle like a wounded animal ready to fight to the death.

"Is this...the aurak death throe?" asks Jerrard, stunned.

"The grate!" yells Lucas. "You must lure him to the grate! It's your only chance!"


Babushka (1d10+7): 8
Imani (1d10+5): 8
Ulster (1d10+5): 15
Malika (N/A)
Jerrard (1d10+3): 5
Lucas (1d10+5): 12
Locky (N/A)
Ogre 03 (1d10+10): 14
Ogre 04 (1d10+10): 17
Eridan (1d10+3): 9

Round 6!

Jerrard uses his Wand of Magic Missiles on Ogre 04, dealing (2d4+2): 7 damage.
Babushka fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow while under Mishakal's love (+1) at Eridan (1d20+1): 11, miss.
Imani attacks Eridan with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) and blinded (-4) (1d20+1): 13, miss. She then attacks with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) and blinded (-4) (1d20-2): 10, miss. She then attacks again with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) and blinded (-4) (1d20+1): 5, miss. She then attacks again with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) and blinded (-4) (1d20-2): 14, bare miss.
Eridan attacks Imani with his left claw while she's blinded (+4) (1d20+4): 12, hit for (1d4): 3 damage. He then attacks Imani with his right claw while she's blinded (+4) (1d20+4): 7, miss. Eridan then bites at Imani with his fangs while she's blinded (+4) (1d20+4): 18, hit for (1d6): 3 damage.
Lucas moves 15 feet east and attempts to cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Imani while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+1): 3, miss.
Ogre 03 moves 5 feet north and attacks Babushka, who is very small (-4), with his great sword while under Mishakal's wrath (-5) with excellent strength (+2) (1d20-3): 14, hit for (1d10+6): 15 damage. Babushka falls.
Ulster moves 15 feet south and attacks Ogre 03 with his enlarged dragon slaying (+2) long sword with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+4): 16, hit for (1d12+5): 6 (x50%) = 9 damage.
Ogre 04 attacks Ulster, in plate mail (-3), with his great sword while under Mishakal's wrath (-1) with excellent strength (+2) (1d20-1): 6, miss.
Babushka is unconscious.
Imani attacks Eridan with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) and blinded (-4) (1d20+1): 21, critical hit! for (2d8+6): 15 damage. She then attacks with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) and blinded (-4) (1d20-2): 14, miss. Eridan falls.
Ulster attacks Ogre 03 with his enlarged dragon slaying (+2) long sword with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+4): 8, miss.
Eridan rises again! Eridan is now in a berserk rage (+2 to hit and damage).

(OOC: Welp...

Auraks have three stages to their death throes. The first stage is 'berserker rage while on fire.' Enjoy!

Actions and Initiative for Round 7?)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani can't see what is going on around her,, but the heat that is radiating off what she assumes is a dead body forces her to move backwards away from it. There was no way she was turning her back towards whatever was going to come towards her. She could only hope to defend herself as she backs up over the grate and stops at the other edge of the grate in hopes of getting the berserk draconian to stand on the grate.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

"Sahm!" Jerrard yells, firing his wand again. This time the two missiles split up, each striking a different ogre. One of them--the one that cut down Babushka--dropped to the ground, unmoving. The other, however, still had some fight left in him.

Imani starts to back away, her swords raised, relying on her other senses. She hears and feels the grate as she walks across it, and so can tell where it begins and ends. Once at the other side's edge, she steps over and waits.

Under normal circumstances, Eridan would have been far too clever to fall for such a trick--especially after Lucas outright yelled aloud it just a moment before. But for all intents and purposes, Eridan was dead. This was only his corpse, powered and animated by the intense magic running through his veins. Completely mindless, he surges forward, blazing with green flame. He steps onto the grate to reach Imani and slashes at her with his claws. She is able to hold her own, though, keeping him at bay. At one point he even loses his footing and drops to his knees for a moment.

Lucas, already by the throne, moves to the side of it and pulls on a lever concealed behind a curtain. He had certainly watched his former master use it often enough in the past. The grate drops, and Eridan tumbles down into the pit below with the black willows. Lucas pulls the switch a second time, and the grate swings close again.

While Ulster continues fighting with the last ogre, Jerrard shouts out, "Quickly, we must abscond! If my calculations are correct, Eridan will continue to bleed magic at a rapid pace until his body collapses onto itself and explodes!" Moments later, the ground rumbles, shaking the entire keep.


Imani (1d10+3): 7
Babushka (N/A)
Locky (N/A)
Malika (N/A)
Lucas (1d10+3): 8
Ulster (1d10+5): 9
Jerrard (1d10+3): 6
Ogre 03 (1d10+10): 17
Ogre 04 (1d10+10): 19
Eridan (1d10+3): 8

Round 7!

Malika does nothing.
Locky is unconscious.
Babushka is unconscious.
Jerrard uses his Wand of Magic Missile to fire two missiles; one at Ogre 03 (1d4+1): 4 damage and one at Ogre 04 (1d4+1): 3 damage. Ogre 03 falls.
Imani withdraws 20 feet to the other side of the grate and takes a defensive stance (AC improves by 4 points).
Eridan moves 20 feet west and attacks Imani (blinded +4 AC, defensive stance -4 AC) with his left claw while enraged (+2) (1d20+2): 6, miss. He then attacks with his right claw (1d20+2): 3, critical fumble! He staggers to his knees.
Lucas pulls the switch; the grate opens and Eridan drops into the pit.
Ulster attacks Ogre 04 with his enlarged dragon slaying (+2) long sword with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+4): 7, miss.
Ogre 03 is down.
Ogre 04 attacks Ulster (-3 plate mail) with his great sword with excellent strength (+2) while under Mishakal's wrath (-1) (1d20-2): 14, miss.

(OOC: Lucas' Prayer ends next round. Actions and Initiative for Round 8?)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani is barely able to keep her balance once the keep starts to shake. "We need to get the wounded and the wheel out of here. Now," she calls out. "I need someone to lead me out of here." She could, most likely, feel her way through the keep but she knew she would hold the others back. She didn't know if this blindness was temporary or not.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

Imani listens carefully around her, trying to hear what's going on.

She hears the sound of cloth being ripped. Then she hears an ogre yell and something heavy collapse on the floor. The ground rumbles again, and she hears what almost sounds like thunder. She also hears rocks breaking apart and hitting the floor. Around her, she hears the voices of her companions.

"I've got her, she's still out," says Lucas.

"The wheel!" Jerrard urges.

"I'm on it," Ulster responds.

Malika's voice is heard very close, right behind her. "I've got you," she says, and Imani feels her hand touch Imani's shoulder. "Just follow my lead. But hurry, this place is falling apart."
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

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Imani follows the lead of Malkia. She keeps as close as possible without trying to trip her up or herself. She also tries to move as fast as possible, but with the shaking and her own wounds it is difficult. It doesn't stop her from forcing herself though.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

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"Whoa, whoa!" Malika warns. "Not that fast!" she tells the hasted warrior.

Imani moves forward, trying not to outpace the dancer. She suddenly feels the warmth of sunlight on her face. She hears Ulster shouting something, but in a language she doesn't know. It sounds like Ogre.

After a few minutes, she hears a large explosion behind her. She feels the shockwave move through the air, and hears rock crumbling. At this point, her vision is beginning to return.

She is outside, not too far from the keep, which is now a smoking ruin. A handful of ogres are fleeing it.

Ulster stands nearby, still enlarged, holding the flywheel on its rim so he can roll it along the ground. Malika is right next to her. Jerrard stands behind her, holding a bandaged Babushka. Next to him is Lucas, holding the still unconscious Locky. Behind them are the remaining slaves, looking confused and afraid.