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Chapter 1: The story thus far:

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:44 am
by mltillis
Turic Redstone and Sally Windborn are summoned by Ag highpriest of Torm. Enroute they meet the wild elf Kadrian and the healer Kata, who have questions for Ag concerning a missing friend, Vestele Ealoeth . Vestele had come to Waterdeep to question the former comrades of her estranged son about his disappearance. After a brief confrontation within the temple, Ag ushers everyone into his office. Accusations pass back and forth. Thavin arrives to the meeting. Ag eventually reveals the bizarre fate that fell upon Vestele's son Sinistrad. As the discussion progresses, it is revealed that there is more than one "Vestele" wandering the lands, as well as an unknown threat to the members of House Ealoeth. Ag reveals the reason for the initial summons, the rescue of Silifrey Hornraven from the Xanathar’s Guild. Thavin angrily reveals that he has been coerced by Ag's former comrade, the manipulative Hugh, to participate in the mission. Hugh wishes to blackmail Thavin into performing murder once the mission is complete. Finally an agent of "Vestele's" arrives to the meeting stating his mistress had hired him to participate. Plots and plans are made:

The Meeting with Ag link

A little review of the current mission
mltillis wrote:Ag had just finished answering Kadrian's question about the "hunting grounds" when Thavin burst back in...He sits at his desk and quietly reads the note before responding..... I would suggest that you keep your pride in check young Thavin. Being treated like a puppet and being one are two different things entirely. Let Hugh believe that you intend to follow his plan to the letter, lest he take some other action.... Ag pauses for a moment as he looks at the note once again.... What concerns me is the presence of the second girl, and Hugh's insistence that Silifrey be rescued after joining up with the Nandar's. It would be much simpler to snatch the girl while they are being escorted to the Nandar's estate. You can not leave the handmaiden to such a fate. Both girls are in need of rescue... What is Hugh up to here? More than one girl? Have there been others already? And suppose that Silifrey did ingrain herself with the Dezlentyr's? Would she not then be as protect and guarded as everyone else in that noble house? How would the guild exert influence over her or any other lass in that position? Would blackmail be sufficient, or do they have a more reliable form of influence or control of these girls? All we have is more questions and less time. .... Ag slides the note back to Thavin... Hugh's men will contact him if you do not meet with them tonight. Counting Kean, when he arrives, you have more than enough people already. It would be prudent to remove Hugh's two men from the equation at the earliest opportunity.
mltillis wrote:Hugh and his men will only expect Turic and Sally to be with you, Thavin. I would assume that they also knows of Kean, as Sinistra has arranged for him to accompany you. For now, Kadrian and Kata are unknown to all but we here.... From what your note indicated, I do not think Hugh will allow himself to be anywhere near your group between now and then. He is most likely securing his alilbi and will be easily accounted for by his superiors until after Silifrey's abduction.... You will need to subdue Hugh's men by the time of your meeting mentioned in the note, or they will contact Hugh if left to themselves...

When this affair is finished, I will speak with Sinistra and we will try to force Hugh to reveal what he knows of your family and past, Thavin....Go find Kean and make your plans.... For now, I intend to check on a potential source of information concerning the abductions of Vestele and others from House Ealoeth.
mltillis wrote:Before Ag leaves, he goes recounts the following to Kean:

This young lady is currently held against her will, and soon may have to debase herself… Circumstances prevent myself and Hugh from acting directly in this matter… Powerful people have taken an interest in this girl, for various reasons of their own. …

Eleven years ago while traveling south of their home in the Far Sea MArshes, her and her mother were taken by Calishite raiders and sold to the harem of a Calimport noble. Three years ago, part of that harem and the young girl were captured at sea by Luskan Raiders. As slaves are not as easy to dispose of as wares, they brought them here for auction at Skullport. Now that she is of age, her current owners plan to use this very well trained, but so far unspoiled lass as an escort to influential persons….

You will not be able to take the lass from where she is kept in Skull Port. It would take a small army to achieve that task....Recently Hugh reports, she has been assigned as an escort to certain minor nobles and merchants in an effort to catch the eye of more desirable prey.... On Lliira's Night she will most certainly be on the arm of such a client during the festival.... "Lliira's Night" is a celebration, honoring the Lady of Joy with dances and balls, held tomorrow on the 7th of Flamerule. The celebration is carried all over the city in many festhalls. However the highlight of the night is the Cynosure Ball, wich is sponsored by the Lords, the local clergy of Lliira and several noble families....Your problems will first be a small group assigned to keep an eye on her. They will be stealthy and inconspicuous.... You must identify and deal with them first off.... Then undoubtedly an influential client will have a bodyguard or protection of some type, who may challenge you.... Last, the city guard will be out in full force to police the revelry and may come upon you at the worst time....

Abduct and take the girl to safety immediately without being followed...Also, this must look like the work of a rival thieves guild to throw off any pursuit.

Hugh has been able to temporaily procure some useful items. These garments are made from shift weave and can be changed at will to one of 5 preset designs. Hughs guild utilizes them on various jobs.... Ag says with some distaste..... Two designs are of elegant form one bright and one black. Two are of more common garb, likewise bright and dark as well. The last is an outfit common to servants of the noble houses and various organizations.... Hugh says that the guild keeps close count of these garments and will notice their absence within days, so they must be returned. He says that the group watching the girl will be garbed in these outfits as well..... Hugh also sent these vials of banelar essence to coat weapons with and alchemical sleep gas. Neither will do permanent damage, and both will quickly render a person unconscious.
mltillis wrote:The letter reads:

Take the two allies provided by Ag and meet my two men tonight at their hideout in the cellar of the empty warehouse behind Alkul’s Ice Storage between Dock & Odd Street. Once all are together make what plans you may, and reveal what information is necessary to accomplish the task.

Silifey Hornraven is tall and slender. She possesses the high cheekbones and fine skintone common to the Marshrovers with hazel eyes and raven black hair. I have enclosed an image.

Tomorrow evening, an hour before dinnertime, Silifey will be escorted to the estate of Chostal Nandar, by a small group dressed as a personal escort and hand maidens. She and a handmaiden are to accompany Chostal and his younger brother Horingar “Elfslayer” Nandar. Chostal, a formerly distant member, is recently ascended to head of House Nandar and their construction businesses. The brutish brothers hope their refined and lovely escorts will earn them points with the more established nobility. By the end of the evening’s events, they will most likely insist the girls to completely fulfill their roles as consorts.

However, the girls have been instructed to attempt to catch the notice of young half-elf Corin Dezlentyr, heir to the Dezlentyr trade and shipping empire. The hope is that Corin’s dislike of the brutish Nandars will compel him to insult the pair once again by stealing away their more refined female companions. Once in his care, they are to do whatever it takes to gain influence.

Disregard the handmaiden as any threat, she is just a slave and inconsequential. With luck, she will suffice to sate the Nandar brother’s desires and prevent pursuit on their part. I do not know where they will begin their revelries, but they will finish with the other nobles at the Cynosure Ball.

Remember our discussion about my men. And do not delay bringing Silifrey back to the hideout.

Re: The story thus far:

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:37 pm
by mltillis
The party journeys to Sea Ward district to confront Hugh's men. An unexpected ally reveals herself, Naldarívë Tirrel, who has an agenda of her own. After the thugs have been dealt with she reveals that elves are being abducted. Within the basement they discover a badly battered half-elf lieing upon a bed, bound and gagged with torn clothing. The girl is transported to the Temple of Torm for healing and hopefully information. Upon the way, Turic and Sally are approached by a mysterious figure. Once recovered, Arnora Sepoltia reveals the details of her assault and information on the elven abductions. Hugh is shown to be involved once more. Likewise evidence indicates the possibility of Ag's involvement.

Liberating the Maiden link

mltillis wrote:The woman frantically speaks an elven dialect familiar to Sally.... They only wanted the pure Ar-tel-quessir, even the children. Once they realized my father was a N-Tel-Quess, they left me to be disposed of like garbage.... They took their will from them! The effort is too much for the tortured lass, she slips into a half-conscious delirium....
mltillis wrote:Thavin enters the room at the end of the conversation. His knuckles gripped white on his hammer's handle, as he looks upon Turic holding the abused half-elf.... Protection? He whispers through gritted teeth.... The only protection he will receive is saving his neck for the executioner!

Looking around for a moment, he quickly assesses the situation.... Turic, Sally, take her to your temple and see to her care. Take note if she is able to say anything useful. Do not be surprised if representative from the Halls of Justice checks in on her and asks you to bear witness.......

Kean, see to it that we did not overlook anything within this place and remove any evidence of our presence that you may find. Place the bodies to appear that they fell to infighting. Once your done, go make certain that lunatic Vestele, you work for, is not planning to do anything reckless that would concern us....

Everyone report back at the meeting spot in the morning. Now get moving people.....

Turning to the darkly clad elven woman with a suspicious eye... Navi is it? You shall accompany me and the prisoner to the Halls of Justice to bear witness to his crimes. Along the way, you may explain further your mission to find missing elves. If the sound of your tale rings true, you may participate in his interrogation....
mltillis wrote:The half-elf proves to be light as Turic carries her up the stairs after Sally. Along the way she mumbles and struggles feebly, no doubt reliving her tortured last few days...."Lookout!"...."No!"..."Where are you taking me?"..."Please stop!"...."Namhais! Your skin doesn't burn Namhais?"....

As Turic and Sally make their way to the Temple of Torm, they come upon a Tyrian patrol from the city watch.... Hold! What have you there acolyte of Torm?
mltillis wrote:Get upon your way with all haste then! May the Triad stand with you! The guards stand aside to give Turic and Sally the street....

They travel about two blocks when suddenly a tall well dressed man steps in front of the two.... "What has two youngsters such as yourselves out so late in the evening?" Though his words are directed towards the two, his attentions are solely focused on the half-elf being borne by Turic.
mltillis wrote:The tall man attentions are initially still focused on the half-elf... I could not help but overhear her ramblings. She must be reeking of wine and ale to be so far gone..... He pauses and takes a deep sniff as a surprised look flashes across his face..... Hopefully your friend will sober up and regain her wits soon.... His attentions turn to Sally standing before him, ignoring Turic and the half-elf completely.... You are not a follower of Torm, child? Odd company for one so young as you to be keeping, I would say..... My apologies. Dar Hoon of Mintar at your service.... Anyway, do not let me delay you any longer, you should get your friend to the temple. The man turns and begins to walk away.
mltillis wrote:Sally, Turic, and Thavin

Our new elven ally seemed to think that you were having trouble for some reason, though I do not know how she came to that conclusion while still at the hideout that Hugh's men were using.... Thavin says to Sally.... It appears that your man Ag may be onto something about elf abductions. Hugh is once again involved in the affair, along with House Nandar. The recent disappearance of Sinistra's mother, the real Vestele, after arriving in Waterdeep has to be related to this group. Convenient how Ag is always just on the outskirts but never involved with any issues arising around his former comrade in arms? Thavin glances over at Turic and the half-elf girl.... Has she said anything discernible so far? Perhaps it would have been more prudent to have taken her to the Halls of Justices for care?
mltillis wrote:Arnora absently strokes the felines fur as she haltingly begins to tell her story.... There is not much to tale.... I have been escorting a merchant couple and their family on their travels. When we arrived in Waterdeep our other guard took his leave, and I quickly located a replacement, Namhias. The family had expressed their wish to do some sightseeing while in the City of Splendors. So after storing their wares and procuring room and board, we set off for Castle Ward with the children in tow.... We had not traveled far when a band of men brazenly pounced upon us from an alleyway dragging the children into the shadows of its interior. Before we could stop them, the parents chased after leaving Namhias and I to face the remaining villains. I was able to subdue two of my opponents, and Namhias showed surprising resilence. But then the ones who had drug off the children returned to aid their breathen and we were overwhelmed. From the ground, I saw Namhias fall when a follower of Malar cast his magics upon him. After that I was bound and hooded, until we were marched into a room like cattle. The follower of Malar and a dark clad man called the "Hand" had words about me. Namhias and the family had jewelry placed upon them and their will left them.... I was to be disposed of along with all of the possessions, but the men left to that task had other ideas.... They...they.... Arnora begins to sob violently.
mltillis wrote:"I suppose that would be possible if it does cause too much delay..... I swore that I would always protect the Danicen children....Little Alinar and Venali are barely seventy years old, we played together when I was a child. Brave little Alinar used to protect me from the meaner pure-blooded children.... I have to find them!"

Arnora rises from her chair, stumbling when she tries to take a step.
mltillis wrote:His name is Jason Sanguis. I thought it odd that he left so quickly after making an effort to be hired on at the start of the travels. It will not be hard to identify him.... He is half-drow and for all appearances resembles an albino. He has a "Z" shaped mark high on his left arm that he goes to great pains to keep covered..... Arnora stumbles once again and slumps into a chair..... Did you recover my gear by chance?

Re: The story thus far:

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 3:09 pm
by mltillis
Disturbing things are found within the Temple of Torm.
Can Highpriest Ag be trusted?

Temple of Torm link

mltillis wrote:The desk is clear of papers however the half open drawer reveals some parchments that appear to be recent entries in a journal....

Could I have truly made such a horrible mistake and imprisoned an innocent woman for all this time? Everything indicated that the "Corrupter" and her brother had returned from the infernal realms once more. If not, then her daughter the original ancient Vestele Ealoeth had at least returned..... I had no reason to believe her tales claiming to be Sinistrad's mother were anything more than the clever deceptions of a fiend straight from the abyss. Now this Kata and Kadrian arrive telling the tale of a missing Vestele. My course is clear. I must ready myself and go open the cage to know for sure.
mltillis wrote:Removing the portrait reveals a small door. It appears to have been shut in a hurry and is unlatched.... Within lies several texts and parchments including:

Partial plans for the Temple of Torm showing a hidden passage leading to a hidden room below the sublevels.

A list of various names from House Ealoeth with dates and locations over the last 300 to 400 years, including Vestele 28 years ago near Everska and Sinistra 5 years ago in Calisham.

A study of elven physiology, reproduction, and childbirth.

Two aged parchments written in an unknown script with odd symbols.
mltillis wrote:The two parchments are written in a version of elven and draconic.

The first: Is descriptions of a powerful spell created in ancient times to combat the Daemonfey when they first emerged. The spell could either be cast by a group of epic spell casters or a group of normal spell casters could tap into a powerful item or mythal to draw the power necessary to operate the spell. The spell separated a half-demon into a full blooded elf and a full blooded demon. The two new beings took the gender and likeness of the respective parent and were each slightly weaker than the original half-demon. The spell also separated those with demon lineage but not half demons into two beings of the same gender with the strongest blood being the stronger proportionately..... Notations suggest that the spell could be modified easily to apply to other half-types and mixed blooded humanoids.....

The second: Details the story of House Ealoeth. A house that also experimented with breeding with fiends during the heyday of House Dlardrageth. House Ealoeth fell out of favor with the other daemonfey do to their willingness to experiment with more than just demon breeding. The leader of the tainted branch of the house is an ancient half-fiend named Vestele. For some reason, each generation has a child born in her likeness who is traditionally named Vestele. Speculations were made that the "Vesteles" over the centuries served as part time vessels for the spirit of House Ealoeth's demon matriarch, when it was not on this plane of existence....
mltillis wrote:Shortly into the texts Thavin snaps his pen startled by the information. By the time Sally is finished He stands rubbing his hammer with a grimace upon his face.... "I find it most disturbing that Ag has in his possession a spell capable of performing the so called "accident" that befell his wild mage ally Sinistrad... An event that also has the consequence of perhaps creating a mortal vessel for some type of infernal fiend... Where is Ag now? He has much to answer!"
mltillis wrote:"By the Maimed God!" Thavin exclaims as he peruses the journal entry... "Has Torm's high-priest gone mad? Tis obvious that he is guilty of kidnapping at the least, if not dabbling and dallying with the realms infernal!" Thavin turns his gaze from the parchments towards Turic and Sally.... "Where in the temple would he be able to do this without fear of notice? This hidden room no doubt? We must investigate at once!"
medicmoore wrote:"No. We shall do neither....yet," states Turic. "We have an obligation to the half-elf to see her safely away. For one, we do not know what is in that room. If they have been using magic such as this then we do not want to risk her being anywhere near here when we enter."

Turic looks at Thavin, "We mus go ahead as planned and get her to the temple of Tyr. She shall be safe there as you say." Looking back at Sally, "Secondly, we must wait til after the half-elf is safely away to approach Master Ag. Until we can be sure of his intentions we do not want him to have access to her. I am just not comfortable with that at the moment," Turic sighing. "There are many things unexplained here. But obviously this magic has been used. This Sinistra was created by an accident Master Ag said correct? What if it was no accident? What if this full blooded female elf was only a part? Sinistrad was a half breed. Where is the other half?"

Turic looks at Thavin, "Patience is our virtue at the moment. Let us not rush in but instead get Arnora to safety. Then we shall return and tend to Master Ag and the room." Looking toward the doorway, "We should not linger long from our guest. Although she does have company with her I would rather not leave the cat to defend her."
Syllander wrote:Thavin thinks for a moment about the multiple twists they currently have going on in the main plot of rescueing a single woman from a life time of slavery or worse, "Right we must rescue that woman, so we escort our dear new friend here to the Halls of Justice and then off to rescue our main charge. Once she is back safely at the Halls of Justice we will set about to find Ag and stop whatever sinster plans he has going. Now we must be away from here without much notice is prefered." Thavin stands and removes his cloak from his bag handing it over to the woman they save earlier this evening, "Cover yourself my dear and if you can weep it may be best for we can say we are escorting her after she was in prayer for her late husband. Not many people stop and question a grieving widow." He turns to Turic, "Is there any way you can have Ag's office secured and watched with out to much fuss with people you can trust not to blab about it?"
mltillis wrote:The group is ushered quietly into an antechamber (Thavin, Sally, Turic, Kean, Arnora, and the cat; Kata and Kadrian did not join you) . After a brief wait, a large robust man wearing the trappings of a high ranking priest of Tyr enters the room...."You have returned with campanions young Thavin. Shall I take this to forebold bad tidings?"

Thavin drops to his his knees at the man's entrance.... "Hammerlord! I fear Ag, the high-priest of Torm, is in league with an ancient evil or at least under the influence, which is secreted away with the depths of the new Temple of Torm.... Our invstigation has stumbled upon evidence that Ag had secret chambers constucted underneath the new temple unknownst to even the members of his order. His diary indicates that he has a woman trapped and enslaved somewhere within the temple. Most damning is his possesion of a spell that could have been used to cause the supposed accidental gender change of Sinistrad. A change even more sinister with the fact that the new Sinistra is an ideal host for an ancient fiend that preys upon House Ealoeth.... We have the evidence with us! Sally show the Hammerlord the documents...."

"I fear that Thavin may well be correct about Ag..." Sally says as she hands over the scrolls and journal... "Ag seems to have an unhealthy fixtation with at least one of the "Vesteles"

Hammer Lord Hykros quickly scans the scrolls and last few entries within the journal.... "By the Triad! Could it be any worse? I will have to call a conclave before rallying the forces of Tyr to move against the Temle of Torm.... An action that shall be a last resort... There is little time to act Thavin. Your group must return to the Temple of Torm and investigate the secret chambers. Gather more evidence and do what you can to mitigate the situation. At all costs, do not let the fiend to gain a foothold within the physical realms! Tyr be with you all!"