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Drav's Vignette

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

Moderator: JadedDM

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Drav's Vignette

Post by JadedDM »

Drav wakes up that morning in his small, concealed cave, tangled up in his winter blanket. Did he have another nightmare last night? He couldn't remember. But usually when he did, he'd wake up to find his blanket all twisted about.

Perhaps he had more nightmares about the trolls. He was lucky in finding this cave early on; it's entrance was big enough for him to squeeze through, but far too small for the trolls to get in. Sometimes they would lie in wait outside the cave, though, to see if he'd come out. Most of the time, though, they'd get too impatient and go looking for fish at the shore or a wild animal to hunt.

Drav no longer knew how long he had been trapped on this cursed isle. It was 30 something years, he reckoned. At one point, he kept track of the days that passed, but eventually they blurred together over the years. He lived life day to day, just trying to survive. Speaking of which, he was hungry. He would need to catch some breakfast. He could try scavenging about for fruit or nuts. He could try looking for an animal to hunt with his bow. Or he could grab his net and head to the beach to fish. Although the trolls often liked to lurk around there, so he'd have to be careful.
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by chese780 »

Put some of my stuff down so I can walk out with my backpack, pouches, my short sword, and my studded armor.

Look around outside the cave to see if anyone is around.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by JadedDM »

Drav puts on his studded leather armor. He sets aside his leather armor, his blanket, his two large belt pouches, his soap, and his grappling hook. This allows him to move around a bit easier.

He then moves to the small entrance of the cave and squats down, peering through it. He can hear the calls of local birds and the sound of the wind rustling the trees, but otherwise it is quiet. He doesn't see anyone around; but, it's always possible someone is hiding where he cannot see.


Drav moves from moderate encumbrance to light encumbrance.
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by chese780 »

Walk out a little and scope the beach for trolls.

Be ready for suprises.

(OOC): I really want to ring the bell, but I think attention isn't needed right now :)
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by JadedDM »

Drav crawls out of the cave and starts walking through the jungle, heading north to the beach. It's a lovely day, all things considered. The sun is out and shining through the jungle canopy where it can. It's warm, but not overly hot. Summer will be ending soon, Drav realizes.
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He walks carefully, avoiding dry branches where he can. After three decades here, plus his own elven instincts, he has become pretty good at moving quietly. One never knows if a troll is hiding in wait somewhere, after all.

With that thought, he suddenly hears something up ahead; the sharp cracking of a piece of wood. There was someone--or something--not too far ahead of where he is now. He could charge forward, or try and sneak up on whatever it is, or maybe climb a nearby tree and get a better vantage point. Or perhaps something else entirely.
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by chese780 »

Drav climbs a tree to see if he can see anyone or anything trying to be stealthy.

(OOC): That grappling hook may have been useful soon...
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by JadedDM »

Moving to the nearest tree, Drav quickly scales up it. Despite his bulky armor and the extra weight he is carrying, he easily scales the tree like a monkey, reaching the top and giving him a bird's eye view of the surrounding area.

From here, Drav can see what was making the noise earlier. It's a jaguar.

There are some that live up in the mountains here on the island. They rarely come down from there, but the trolls have been hunting so much game lately, it might have forced this jaguar to search elsewhere for food.


Drav makes a climbing check [70] on a tree (+40) in studded leather (-35), while lightly encumbered (-5) for a 70% chance (1d100): 66, pass.

(OOC: Grappling hook isn't too useful without any rope!)
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by chese780 »

Try to stealthy move to the beach, we don't need to get the jaguar's attention.

(OOC): Knew I forgot something, where can I get rope now.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by JadedDM »

Drav climbs back down to the ground and tries to sneak past the jaguar. He attempts to keep downwind and avoid making any noise.

He almost makes it...when he accidentally steps on some dry leaves. The jaguar turns toward him, its ears raised. It roars loudly at the sight of him.


Drav makes a Move Silently check [60] in studded leather (-20) with a 40% chance (1d100): 61, fail.

(OOC: The jaguar is 100 feet away.)
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by chese780 »

Pull out the longbow, notch an arrow and wait a second for it to advance or go away.

(OOC): I forgot the arrow ranges :/
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by JadedDM »

Drav quickly pulls out his long bow and readies an attack. The jaguar roars and posters, but doesn't make a move, either--it almost seems like it's waiting for Drav to make the first move instead.


(OOC: Bow have three ranges--short range, medium range and long range. Short range suffers no penalties. Medium range is a -2 to hit. Long range is a -5 to hit.

Short bow has a short range of 150 feet, a medium range of 300 feet, and a long range of 450 feet.
Long bow (with sheaf arrows) has a short range of 150 feet, a medium range of 300 feet and a long range of 510 feet.
Long bow (with flight arrows) has a short range of 210 feet, a medium range of 420 feet and a long range of 630 feet.)
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by chese780 »

Slowly move to the beach, keep the bow out and keep distance from the jaguar while looking at it

(OOC): I have no idea where the beach is at this point
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by JadedDM »

Drav slowly backs away from the jaguar, not wanting a fight. The big cat does not follow him. Eventually, he is able to put his bow away and continue north, to the beach. Hopefully the jaguar won't follow him and surprise him when his back is turned; or wait for him to return and attack then.

He comes to a freshwater creek along the way. He could fill his waterskins here, if he wanted to. But this would weigh him down again. Perhaps it would be wiser to fill them on the way back instead.
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by chese780 »

Scope the beach for trolls, if it is safe, get out my net and fish.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
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Re: Drav's Vignette

Post by JadedDM »

Drav eventually reaches the beach he often visits. It's isolated from the rest of the shore, for the most part, as there are low mountains on either side of it. It's a good spot for fishing, because for whatever ecological reasons, fish tend to congregate here. Unfortunately, the trolls are aware of this, too. So they often come here when hunting doesn't work out for them.

Fortunately, today is not one of those days. There are no trolls in the area, at least that Drav can see. Perhaps they found prey elsewhere instead.