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TristenC[private thread]

A homebrewed world I’ve been working on that dearly needs some people to come in and flesh it out through their adventures. I’m open to a party being formed together, or meeting in game through their exploration, or possibly meeting as enemies. I’d like to keep the character options as unlimited as possible.

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TristenC[private thread]

Post by Namenlos »

EDIT: Your Character.
Character Sheet (pending DM approval)
[do you want me to roll for Height, Wt, Age? I found some tables for dopplegangers.
Ht: 5'3". Wt: 103 lbs. Age: 32 (actually 20)

Dimitiri the Resonant (Dirthxanous) by Tristen C
Half-Elf (Doppleganger) Bard (1/1), Alignment: NG (TN)
XP: 1,000 (TNL: 3,000)
Stats: Str 8 (-1 mod. Lt/Med/Max Load: 26/53/80 lbs); Dex 14 (+2 mod); Con 11; Int 16 (+3 mod); Wis 10; Cha 16 (+3 mod)
Ht: 5’10” Wt: 108 lbs Age: 38 (Actual: Ht: Wt: Age: )
AC: 16 (+2 dex, +4 Chain Shirt Mwk) Speed: 20/30 (mod enc. -3 ar check pen from weight)
Current Hp: 12/12 [8+1d6]
Lang: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling

Appearance: Wavy chestnut brown hair down to ears, sharp blue eyes, slightly pointed ears, fair complexion and an easy smile. [Favorite form. Altered slightly from the original bard he saw killed, name changed to protect the guilty…]
[True form: Gaunt, grey-skinned, gangly, genderless. Slender and frail-looking but actually quite tough and agile. Large head proportionally, with octopoidlike eyes.]

Fort: +2 (+2 base)
Refl: +4 (+2 dopp, +2 bard, +2 dex)
Will: +4 (+2 dopp, +2 bard)

Weapons/Armor allowed: Simple weapons [Dopp]; longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip, light armor, shields (except tower) [Bard]

BAB: 0. Melee/Grapple: (-1) Ranged: (+2)
Weapons: Hit, dmg, type, crit, range, notes
Rapier, Mwk: (+0), 1d4-1/1d6-1, P, 18-20/2x, ---, Acts as light weapon. +1 to hit (Mwk)
Longsword: (-1), 1d6-1/1d8-1, S, 19-20/2x, ---
Shortbow: (+2), 1d4/1d6, P, 3x, 60ft, (Point Blank Shot)
Dagger, melee: (-1), 1d3-1/1d4-1, P/S, 19-20/2x, ---, simple and light weapon
Dagger, thrown: (+2), 1d3-1/1d4-1, P/S, 19-20/2x, 10 ft, (Point Blank Shot)

Point Blank Shot: +1 to hit and dmg with ranged weapons at 30’ or less.

Dopp by table. Bard 6+int mod.

Skill: Total Skill Mod [Ability mod + rank + misc mod+ Ar check penalty] class skill Y/N
Appraise: +3 [3+0+0+0] Y
*Balance: +5 [2+1+2+0] Y
Bluff: +8 [3+5+0+0] Y
*Climb: -1 [-1+0+0+0] Y
Concentration: +0 [0+0+0+0] Y
Craft: +3 [3+0+0+0] Y
Decipher Script: untrained Y
Diplomacy: +5 [3+0+2+0] Y
Disable Device: untrained
Disguise: +10 [3+5+2+0] Y
*Escape Artist: +4 [2+2+0+0] Y
Forgery: +3 [3+0+0+0] N
Gather Information: +3 [3+0+0+0] Y
Handle Animal: untrained
Heal: +0 [0+0+0+0] N
*Hide: +6 [2+4+0+0] Y
Intimidate: +5 [3+0+2+0] N
*Jump: +1 [-1+0+2+0] Y
Knowldege …: untrained Y
Listen: +4 [0+4+0+0] Y
*Move Silently: +6 [2+4+0+0] Y
Open Lock: untrained N
Perform, Oratory (epic poetry): +6 [3+3+0+0] Y
Perform, String instr (Violin): +8 [3+3+2+0] Y
Profession: +0 [0+0+0+0] Y
Ride: +2 [2+0+0+0] N
Search: +3 [3+0+0+0] Y
Sense Motive: +0 [0+0+0+0] Y
*Sleight of Hand: +5 [2+1+2+0] Y
Spellcraft: +4 [3+1+0+0] Y
Spot: +4 [0+4+0+0] Y
Survival: +0 [0+0+0+0] N
Swim: -1 [-1+0+0+0] Y
*Tumble: +7 [2+5+0+0] Y
Use Magic Device: +4 [3+1+0+0] Y
Use Rope: +2 [2+0+0+0] N

5 ranks Bluff gives +2 synergy bonus to Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Sleight of Hand
5 ranks Tumble gives +2 synergy bonus to Balance, Jump
* affected by armor check penalty

Racial bonuses/abilities: Doppleganger
Immune to sleep/charm, Darkvision (60 ft), Slam 1d4 (-1 str)
Alter self 1/day (innate ability. Use as lvl 6 caster) [+10 to disguise checks]. Doppleganger Alter Self cannot be dispelled and is maintained until the being changes form again.

Class bonuses/abilities: Bard
Arcane casting, Bardic Music, Bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1

Equipment: [weight in lbs], {objects in container}
Worn: Entertainer outfit [5], Chain shirt Mwk (under clothes)[25],
belt {spell components pouch [2], belt pouch[0.5]{smokestick [0.5], 17gp, 11sp, 8cp}, Rapier Mwk (L hip) [2], quiver (R hip){20 arrows[3]}},
boots {dagger [1]}, Longsword (back, peeking over R shoulder)[4], shortbow (back, peeking over L shoulder)[2], Violin Mwk (in hard case w/strap. Over Longsword scabbard)[3]} Wt Carried: 48 lbs

50gp gem in a tiny bag around neck only accessible in true form. Reserve funds. (unusable equipment in shape-shifted mode)

Dulcinea (Donkey)
Pack Saddle[20] {Backpack[2] {Disguise kit Mwk [8], waterskin [4], bedroll[5], Hooded lantern[2], oil 1 pt [1], good lock [1], whetstone [1], smokestick[0.5], 10gp (for emergencies)} Cold weather outfit[7], Courtier outfit[6], Explorer’s outfit[8], Peasant’s outfit[2], Traveler’s outfit[5], 40 arrows (tied in 20 pc bundles)[6], feed for Dulcinea (10 days)[100]} Wt Stored: 178.5 lbs on donkey (22.5 lbs from pack)

Total Eq wt: with pack 70.5 lbs (Mod encumbered with or w/o pack)

Magic: Arcane.
Known spells: (4/-/-/-/-/-/-)
Lvl 0 Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost sound, Mending

Spells Memorized: (2/-/-/-/-/-/-). bonus spells from Cha (0/1/1/1/0/0/0)

Personality and Appearance: (Dimitri the Resonant, assumed form)
Dimitri is the jovial and friendly sort, in addition to being a classically trained performer. He loves acting and reciting poetry, particularly that of traditional Epics and adventures. He will spend many a night in a common room regaling the patrons with tales of daring-do and noble heroics. If a troupe of actors comes to town and has room for another, he will happily join for a time. His ability to apply disguises make him a valuable asset to any production, and his ability to bluff readily contributes to his acting parts. A little tumbling and balance work never hurt in an on-stage sword-fight (or a real one for that matter).
[The form Dimitri is based off of the original bard that Dirthxanous saw killed in a dungeon at a young age. The name and a few features have been changed. The bard was originally a Human named Declan, but the gear/personality and skills remain the same even if the race (Half-Elven) and name have changed.]

Personality and Background: Dirthxanous
Dirthxanous is the quiet sort. He (although dopplegangers are truly sexless) never cared much for the caves of his home, and has always harbored a deep fascination with humanoid kind. Stories of might and valor drew him to observe these beings, and he always wanted to belong to their world. Eventually, when his innate shapeshifting abilities emerged, he began to set foot into their world.

He had followed a party of adventurers for a long time, obsessing over the bard. The man was so care-free, so skilled, and cut quite the noble and romantic figure. Dirthxanous followed him, studying his every word and gesture, belaboring the minutia and memorizing the poetry and skill. The accents and characters of the Bard’s affectations struck a resonance with his own changeable nature, and soon he began to search for an opportunity to approach him alone.

Eventually he got his chance. The bard was off in search of some legendary thing while the remainder of the party rested. Tragically, neither the true Declan nor Dirthxanous saw the deadly trap before it sprung, crushing the man horribly. The doppleganger was stunned! No more stories, no more laughter and jibes from the witty human… and then the idea came to him… ‘Declan’ could live on…

Taking the man’s equipment and form, Dirthxanous rejoined the party proclaiming that there was nothing in these caves but dust and cobwebs. He kept up the guise for months, until it so happened that a former lover of Declan’s (the party cleric) wanted to rekindle relationships. Having no knowledge of the bard’s previous liason (he didn’t really think about it so the doppleganger had no memories to read), Dirthxanous was stuck. Afterwards the party quickly discovered that he was an impostor and tried to kill him, believing him responsible for the real Declan’s death.

One of the few things that truly interests him is the story, and becoming part of one himself. He imagines that someday he will be a great hero, having done many valiant deeds and gained power and prestige, and will finally be able to reveal his true form to the world. Once done, others will accept him for his bravery and ignore his birth. He truly only wants to belong.

The doppleganger fled the first group and found himself wandering a large city in the form of a haggard looking young man. In time he was approached by the Assassin’s guild to undertake a nearly suicidal mission (as a man apparently with nothing to lose), for a great deal of coin. The job was to retrieve an object from a heavily guarded keep and throw it out the tower window where it would be collected by the guild below. Rather than undertake the test in such a dangerous way, he studied the captain of the guard for days. Once done, he marched right through the checkpoints, took the object, and marched right back out again. The next day he handed the object to his contact personally (unbeknownst to him then, it was the guildmaster). They demanded to know how he was able to accomplish such a thing. On a whim, he let the guise of the young man dissipate, revealing his true nature. He was offered a permanent position on the spot, and lavished with gifts and praise. The guildmaster, knowing how prodigiously valuable a doppleganger would be, showed him every kindness and began to treat him as a long lost son.

One of the few things that truly disturbs him is his relationship with the Assassin’s guild, and the leader that first found him out and offered him work. Being young and naïve, he agreed, and the guildmaster treated him as family and friend. He had never been so accepted before by one who knew his true nature; and by one not of his own kind, no less. He gladly took the first true mission; to join a party and assassinate a particular member.

After joining up and traveling with them for almost a year, he found himself unable to betray his new comrade. Opportunities slipped by, but one day the target and he were alone and attacked by an owlbear. The warrior had been injured, and was no match for the beast. Dirthxanous stood, paralyzed with indecision, but the matter was quickly decided. Fleeing the cave, he held onto the moment with great regret, and immediately returned to the guild.

The guild hailed him as a roaring success, he had even managed to make it look like a natural accident! The only concern was that it had taken longer than expected, but he was new to the trade so that was quickly dismissed. His next mission was to betray an entire band of adventurers. He joined them as the bard Declan, but during the final conflict when the time came to destroy them or let them fail, he sacrificed himself to save the group. A collapsing tower allowed the party victory, and the group escaped… save for the shapeshifting bard who lay buried in the rubble. Eventually a guild man found him, battered and bleeding in among the stones. Recognizing him, he took Dirthxanous back. The mission was a failure, but his own misgivings about the job remained secret. Since the failure he has altered his preferred form slightly so that no suspicion will follow him to the next job… Though he wants to end his relationship with the guild.
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by TristenC »

Per our pms, here is my proposed Monster advancement table. I may try 2 mon lvls to every bard level. I think your idea of starting 1/1 dopp/bsrd makes the most sense. So starting 1/1, 2/1, 2/2, 3/2, 4/2, 4/3, 5/3, 6/3, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4, 8/5, 8/6... etc. Does this make sense/seem ok to you? Doesn't 3.5 allow staggering the lvls however you like?

I took the totals from the other table and tried to distribute them more evenly.
Sorry I had to attach as an image, tab use and table pasting sucks on here.
Dopp adv table.JPG
Dopp adv table.JPG (80.93 KiB) Viewed 11903 times
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by TristenC »

4d6.takeHighest(3)=14, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=11, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=8, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=14, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=11, 4d6.takeHighest(3)=14

Thought there was an error in rolling so I rerolled, but it wasn't necessary. This is the original roll above, there was no actual error, I was just confused

14 Cha, 14 Int, 14 Dex, 11 wis, 11 con, 8 str.

How should I balance skill pts/feats/abilities for a lvl 1/1 dopp/bard to start? I don't imagine I get 26+(+2*4)[dop]+((6+2)*4)[bard]
Do I take avg? (34+24)/2? Or take monster first for 34 (since he was born that way... no pun intended...)
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by Namenlos »

Took me a day to get back to ya, sorry.

The chart looks good to me, 3.5 is pretty flexible with your first multiclass. I've never used the monster races for leveling, always just take the level adjustment so i'm curious to see how it goes. I like that it will allow me to immerse you in the story more before throwing big beasties at you!

I'd like to play it as you suggested, you were the "monster" first and then "gained" a level as bard, if that makes sense to you? I think that you will be pretty skilled like that.

I'm pretty interested myself to see where this can/will go. I will take a look at the back story you sent me later and then ask you some pertinent questions so as to better develop your introduction and to ask you a few more questions to help get this going.

Something i've just thought of is that a doppelganger does not have starting gold i believe? I have a simple solution in mind if that is true.
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by TristenC »

Couple of things I noticed. The starting ability score adjustments for dopplegangers from that site you linked are +2 int +2 cha... do I need to change that/distribute thoae into the table instead of taking them at once?

Also, apparently the nat ar bonuses (and only they) were not cumulative. I'll take 2 off of the chart and update it once I get your decision about the int/cha. As for skills, what would be considered class skills for doppleganger? The website lists Bluff, Craft, Disguise, Listen, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot as class skills, but with 26+(int bonus*4) he'd max these pretty quick and burn a lot in cross-class before that first bard level. Would you consider allowing balance, move silently, hide and Listen as class skills since dopps are basically sneaky-types?

For the equipment, Savage Species recommends
"Compare the character’s ECL with Table 2–24: Starting Equipment for PCs above 1st Level in the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide to find the starting wealth for your character"
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by Namenlos »

take them at once if it suits you, they will be useful as a bard without making you overpowered.

Those skills changes are just fine, i think they "want" you to burn points in cross class, but those you suggested are pretty applicable to a doppelganger so go ahead and take em.

ah that thing with the gold makes it easier then, i was just going to suggest take a bards starting gold since I assumed you took the dead ones gear :D
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by TristenC »

looting bodies was my fallback plan, yeah ;) or I could just do that anyway ;) it does fit the story... taking a rapier off a corpse and then learning to use it :)
I'll start building his specifics tomorrow, then :D
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by TristenC »

Here is the revised table. What format do you want the character sheet in? (Doc, spreadsheet, text in a post, other)
Revised Doppleganger table.jpg
Revised Doppleganger table.jpg (105.52 KiB) Viewed 11836 times
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by Namenlos »

It might be easier if you do text in post, since you'll be irregular? If you post it i'll paste it onto the first post.
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by TristenC »

Skill pts:
Table+int=tot. +bard lvl 1
26+(3x4)=38. +(6+3) => 47... sweet
hps: 8+1d6, yes?
Landg: common +3 (elven, dwarven, halfling)
I'm using the following website to track char creation. I'll post the full txt once he is done.

Which did you decide money-wise? If you let me know I can roll it up along w/ age,ht,wt if those are to be random too.
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by TristenC »

Character Sheet (pending DM approval)
[do you want me to roll for Height, Wt, Age? I found some tables for dopplegangers.
Ht: 5'3". Wt: 103 lbs. Age: 32 (actually 20)

Dimitiri the Resonant (Dirthxanous) by Tristen C
Half-Elf (Doppleganger) Bard (1/1), Alignment: NG (TN)
XP: 1,000 (TNL: 3,000)
Stats: Str 8 (-1 mod. Lt/Med/Max Load: 26/53/80 lbs); Dex 14 (+2 mod); Con 11; Int 16 (+3 mod); Wis 10; Cha 16 (+3 mod)
Ht: 5’10” Wt: 108 lbs Age: 38 (Actual: Ht: Wt: Age: )
AC: 16 (+2 dex, +4 Chain Shirt Mwk) Speed: 20/30 (mod enc. -3 ar check pen from weight)
Current Hp: 12/12 [8+1d6]
Lang: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling

Appearance: Wavy chestnut brown hair down to ears, sharp blue eyes, slightly pointed ears, fair complexion and an easy smile. [Favorite form. Altered slightly from the original bard he saw killed, name changed to protect the guilty…]
[True form: Gaunt, grey-skinned, gangly, genderless. Slender and frail-looking but actually quite tough and agile. Large head proportionally, with octopoidlike eyes.]

Fort: +2 (+2 base)
Refl: +4 (+2 dopp, +2 bard, +2 dex)
Will: +4 (+2 dopp, +2 bard)

Weapons/Armor allowed: Simple weapons [Dopp]; longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip, light armor, shields (except tower) [Bard]

BAB: 0. Melee/Grapple: (-1) Ranged: (+2)
Weapons: Hit, dmg, type, crit, range, notes
Rapier, Mwk: (+0), 1d4-1/1d6-1, P, 18-20/2x, ---, Acts as light weapon. +1 to hit (Mwk)
Longsword: (-1), 1d6-1/1d8-1, S, 19-20/2x, ---
Shortbow: (+2), 1d4/1d6, P, 3x, 60ft, (Point Blank Shot)
Dagger, melee: (-1), 1d3-1/1d4-1, P/S, 19-20/2x, ---, simple and light weapon
Dagger, thrown: (+2), 1d3-1/1d4-1, P/S, 19-20/2x, 10 ft, (Point Blank Shot)

Point Blank Shot: +1 to hit and dmg with ranged weapons at 30’ or less.

Dopp by table. Bard 6+int mod.

Skill: Total Skill Mod [Ability mod + rank + misc mod+ Ar check penalty] class skill Y/N
Appraise: +3 [3+0+0+0] Y
*Balance: +5 [2+1+2+0] Y
Bluff: +8 [3+5+0+0] Y
*Climb: -1 [-1+0+0+0] Y
Concentration: +0 [0+0+0+0] Y
Craft: +3 [3+0+0+0] Y
Decipher Script: untrained Y
Diplomacy: +5 [3+0+2+0] Y
Disable Device: untrained
Disguise: +10 [3+5+2+0] Y
*Escape Artist: +4 [2+2+0+0] Y
Forgery: +3 [3+0+0+0] N
Gather Information: +3 [3+0+0+0] Y
Handle Animal: untrained
Heal: +0 [0+0+0+0] N
*Hide: +6 [2+4+0+0] Y
Intimidate: +5 [3+0+2+0] N
*Jump: +1 [-1+0+2+0] Y
Knowldege …: untrained Y
Listen: +4 [0+4+0+0] Y
*Move Silently: +6 [2+4+0+0] Y
Open Lock: untrained N
Perform, Oratory (epic poetry): +6 [3+3+0+0] Y
Perform, String instr (Violin): +8 [3+3+2+0] Y
Profession: +0 [0+0+0+0] Y
Ride: +2 [2+0+0+0] N
Search: +3 [3+0+0+0] Y
Sense Motive: +0 [0+0+0+0] Y
*Sleight of Hand: +5 [2+1+2+0] Y
Spellcraft: +4 [3+1+0+0] Y
Spot: +4 [0+4+0+0] Y
Survival: +0 [0+0+0+0] N
Swim: -1 [-1+0+0+0] Y
*Tumble: +7 [2+5+0+0] Y
Use Magic Device: +4 [3+1+0+0] Y
Use Rope: +2 [2+0+0+0] N

5 ranks Bluff gives +2 synergy bonus to Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Sleight of Hand
5 ranks Tumble gives +2 synergy bonus to Balance, Jump
* affected by armor check penalty

Racial bonuses/abilities: Doppleganger
Immune to sleep/charm, Darkvision (60 ft), Slam 1d4 (-1 str)
Alter self 1/day (innate ability. Use as lvl 6 caster) [+10 to disguise checks]. Doppleganger Alter Self cannot be dispelled and is maintained until the being changes form again.

Class bonuses/abilities: Bard
Arcane casting, Bardic Music, Bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1

Equipment: [weight in lbs], {objects in container}
Worn: Entertainer outfit [5], Chain shirt Mwk (under clothes)[25],
belt {spell components pouch [2], belt pouch[0.5]{smokestick [0.5], 17gp, 11sp, 8cp}, Rapier Mwk (L hip) [2], quiver (R hip){20 arrows[3]}},
boots {dagger [1]}, Longsword (back, peeking over R shoulder)[4], shortbow (back, peeking over L shoulder)[2], Violin Mwk (in hard case w/strap. Over Longsword scabbard)[3]} Wt Carried: 48 lbs

50gp gem in a tiny bag around neck only accessible in true form. Reserve funds. (unusable equipment in shape-shifted mode)

Dulcinea (Donkey)
Pack Saddle[20] {Backpack[2] {Disguise kit Mwk [8], waterskin [4], bedroll[5], Hooded lantern[2], oil 1 pt [1], good lock [1], whetstone [1], smokestick[0.5], 10gp (for emergencies)} Cold weather outfit[7], Courtier outfit[6], Explorer’s outfit[8], Peasant’s outfit[2], Traveler’s outfit[5], 40 arrows (tied in 20 pc bundles)[6], feed for Dulcinea (10 days)[100]} Wt Stored: 178.5 lbs on donkey (22.5 lbs from pack)

Total Eq wt: with pack 70.5 lbs (Mod encumbered with or w/o pack)

Magic: Arcane.
Known spells: (4/-/-/-/-/-/-)
Lvl 0 Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost sound, Mending

Spells Memorized: (2/-/-/-/-/-/-). bonus spells from Cha (0/1/1/1/0/0/0)

Personality and Appearance: (Dimitri the Resonant, assumed form)
Dimitri is the jovial and friendly sort, in addition to being a classically trained performer. He loves acting and reciting poetry, particularly that of traditional Epics and adventures. He will spend many a night in a common room regaling the patrons with tales of daring-do and noble heroics. If a troupe of actors comes to town and has room for another, he will happily join for a time. His ability to apply disguises make him a valuable asset to any production, and his ability to bluff readily contributes to his acting parts. A little tumbling and balance work never hurt in an on-stage sword-fight (or a real one for that matter).
[The form Dimitri is based off of the original bard that Dirthxanous saw killed in a dungeon at a young age. The name and a few features have been changed. The bard was originally a Human named Declan, but the gear/personality and skills remain the same even if the race (Half-Elven) and name have changed.]

Personality and Background: Dirthxanous
Dirthxanous is the quiet sort. He (although dopplegangers are truly sexless) never cared much for the caves of his home, and has always harbored a deep fascination with humanoid kind. Stories of might and valor drew him to observe these beings, and he always wanted to belong to their world. Eventually, when his innate shapeshifting abilities emerged, he began to set foot into their world.

He had followed a party of adventurers for a long time, obsessing over the bard. The man was so care-free, so skilled, and cut quite the noble and romantic figure. Dirthxanous followed him, studying his every word and gesture, belaboring the minutia and memorizing the poetry and skill. The accents and characters of the Bard’s affectations struck a resonance with his own changeable nature, and soon he began to search for an opportunity to approach him alone.

Eventually he got his chance. The bard was off in search of some legendary thing while the remainder of the party rested. Tragically, neither the true Declan nor Dirthxanous saw the deadly trap before it sprung, crushing the man horribly. The doppleganger was stunned! No more stories, no more laughter and jibes from the witty human… and then the idea came to him… ‘Declan’ could live on…

Taking the man’s equipment and form, Dirthxanous rejoined the party proclaiming that there was nothing in these caves but dust and cobwebs. He kept up the guise for months, until it so happened that a former lover of Declan’s (the party cleric) wanted to rekindle relationships. Having no knowledge of the bard’s previous liason (he didn’t really think about it so the doppleganger had no memories to read), Dirthxanous was stuck. Afterwards the party quickly discovered that he was an impostor and tried to kill him, believing him responsible for the real Declan’s death.

One of the few things that truly interests him is the story, and becoming part of one himself. He imagines that someday he will be a great hero, having done many valiant deeds and gained power and prestige, and will finally be able to reveal his true form to the world. Once done, others will accept him for his bravery and ignore his birth. He truly only wants to belong.

The doppleganger fled the first group and found himself wandering a large city in the form of a haggard looking young man. In time he was approached by the Assassin’s guild to undertake a nearly suicidal mission (as a man apparently with nothing to lose), for a great deal of coin. The job was to retrieve an object from a heavily guarded keep and throw it out the tower window where it would be collected by the guild below. Rather than undertake the test in such a dangerous way, he studied the captain of the guard for days. Once done, he marched right through the checkpoints, took the object, and marched right back out again. The next day he handed the object to his contact personally (unbeknownst to him then, it was the guildmaster). They demanded to know how he was able to accomplish such a thing. On a whim, he let the guise of the young man dissipate, revealing his true nature. He was offered a permanent position on the spot, and lavished with gifts and praise. The guildmaster, knowing how prodigiously valuable a doppleganger would be, showed him every kindness and began to treat him as a long lost son.

One of the few things that truly disturbs him is his relationship with the Assassin’s guild, and the leader that first found him out and offered him work. Being young and naïve, he agreed, and the guildmaster treated him as family and friend. He had never been so accepted before by one who knew his true nature; and by one not of his own kind, no less. He gladly took the first true mission; to join a party and assassinate a particular member.

After joining up and traveling with them for almost a year, he found himself unable to betray his new comrade. Opportunities slipped by, but one day the target and he were alone and attacked by an owlbear. The warrior had been injured, and was no match for the beast. Dirthxanous stood, paralyzed with indecision, but the matter was quickly decided. Fleeing the cave, he held onto the moment with great regret, and immediately returned to the guild.

The guild hailed him as a roaring success, he had even managed to make it look like a natural accident! The only concern was that it had taken longer than expected, but he was new to the trade so that was quickly dismissed. His next mission was to betray an entire band of adventurers. He joined them as the bard Declan, but during the final conflict when the time came to destroy them or let them fail, he sacrificed himself to save the group. A collapsing tower allowed the party victory, and the group escaped… save for the shapeshifting bard who lay buried in the rubble. Eventually a guild man found him, battered and bleeding in among the stones. Recognizing him, he took Dirthxanous back. The mission was a failure, but his own misgivings about the job remained secret. Since the failure he has altered his preferred form slightly so that no suspicion will follow him to the next job… Though he wants to end his relationship with the guild.
Last edited by TristenC on Sat Oct 10, 2015 4:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by Namenlos »

This is excellent, If you don't mind giving me a few days(a week?) to get your place in the world, i should be ready to place a first post for you. much thanks for your patience, I like that you were able to write so much i'm hoping that means you have some interest in this! :D
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by TristenC »

No problem, glad you like it :) I've actually been itching to revive the character, but sadly there don't seem to be many monster campaigns around.
Oh yeah, I try to be thorough :D

I've tossed around the idea of running the old 2e Reverse Dungeon, but I'm pretty strapped for time right now.

The concept is the pcs start as goblins, laying traps for adventurers and fighting cave monsters. When they level up, they move up the tribe chain of command, or hd etc. When they reach the top they graduate to tougher monsters below the gobbo complex. Troll, witch, doppo, anti-paladin hiding out, greater mimic, medusa, deaf illithid, even a beholder. A temple/fortress of good gets involved and tries to wipe them out with powerful divine forces. Some false artifacts are stashed around (like mock versions of the hand and eye of vecna!). Eventually the players can progress even further! Minor death, trapped tenari, vampire cleric of the god of murder who commands hordes of undead capsble of excavating/re-shaping the entire dungeon complex... but wait! There's more! Beneath it all is a cavern full of demon-seeds which hatch at an alarming rate once uncovered.\
Typically it quickly degrades just after the goblins into a monster free-for-all (each pc making brief alliances and trying to murder every other one for the faux-but-powerful artifacts. The last time I ran it the doppleganger got baleful-polymorphed into a cameleon lizzard by the witch and eaten by the Troll, which was glued to the floor by the mimic and sacrificed to Nerull by the anti-paladin... it was a laugh-riot and the players were in tears from laughing so hard.

Lol. Damn shame I don't have time to run it atm...
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by Namenlos »

haha, that sounds like a blast.

Your being neutral good is an interesting game changer, can you overcome the superstition that surrounds your people or will you be forever doomed to walk in the shadows? Will the other races begin to grudgingly accept you? or will their disregard for your true intentions eventually warp your friendly nature? only time will tell!

I know, I know i'm the DM and I'm in charge but I will be basing my starting area on your story sooo... you will be in the city, and part of the assassin guild already, ya?

At the moment in the world their is one Assassin guild that I've already chosen, they are "The Tops", there are however bounty hunter organizations which may fit for you as well "The Bloodhounds" and the Bounty Killers". The Bounty Hunters are less organized and more of a general profession but they do have a small community. If none of those fit you,name wise, I can create another.
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Re: TristenC[private thread]

Post by TristenC »


Only his apparent nature Dimitri is good he (Dirthxanous) is actually true neutral. He doesn't really care about evil and good he just wants to fit in. He doesn't like the assassin guild because as soon as he starts to fit him he has to kill the people that have already accepted him and might accept as true form.

The Tops will be just fine. It works better if they are only in one place, that way they have need to send him out on long-range 'contracts' if he can't break away immediately.