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A description of the world

A 5th edition game set in a Victorian-esque world in the midst of a magi-technological revolution.

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A description of the world

Post by xelphyn »

I'll be posting information and lore here.
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Re: A description of the world

Post by xelphyn »

The cultures and races.

Humans: As is the norm, they are the norm. In general, the humans are the founders and leaders the majority of established societies.
Human scientists tend to focus they're studies on either technology or magic, and rarely are interested in both.

Elves: Wood elves live mostly in small ,nomadic forest tribes who keep to them selves but aren't hostile to outsiders without cause, while high elves build cities that exist in harmony with nature, and have varying degrees of contact with the outside world. Meanwhile, drow almost exclusively in the underdark, or in the dark parts of human cities.
Elven scientists tend to study magic.

Dwarves: Dwarves typically live in isolated homes in the hills, or in cities carved into the mountains, however, it is common to see dwarves living among humans.
Dwarf scientists tend to study technology.

Halflings usually live in small farming villages, or in human societies where they can make an honest living.
Halfings prefer to live practical lives, and therefore are less prone to researching science than other races.

Half-elves mostly live either in elven or human lands, depending on their preferences.
Half-elf scientists study both magic and technology and thus make up a good portion of renowned magitechnicians, artificers, and archanitects. Half-elf sccientist are usually encouraged to live outside of elven lands due to the elves' preference of a more naturalistic environment.

Gnomes: Though not the most numerous race, they are the most spread out, gnomes can be found living amongst human, elves, or dwarves.
Gnome scientists study whatever holds their interest at a particular time and tend to have a few screws loose. Gnome scientists are not allowed to live in elven lands.

Half-orcs: Mostly seen as tribal and barbaric, and for good reason. Half-orcs tend to roam the planes in nomadic tribes. However, a few have begun to take up a more civilized life style, and have established homes in some human cities.
Half- orc scientists are rare, but not unheard of. They usually research technology, specifically, weaponization. The somewhat recent 'kh'non' is an example of their discoveries.

Dragonbon: The dragonborn are one of the newest races, and are still mostly unknown, due to their monstrous appearance, those who have never met one consider them either myths, or terrible beasts. They typically keep to their own tribes and are prone to a warrior's or survivalist's mentality.
Their are no known dragonborn scientists.

Teiflings are also relatively new to the world. They are generally treated with distrust, if not outright hatred, due to the infernal pact that created them. Ironically, because of the frequent crimes committed against them, the majority of living tieflings are those in a position of influence or safety. Born the offspring of humans who made a pact with a fiend, they live either in human societies or as hermits.
Tiefling scientists tend to study magic.
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Re: A description of the world

Post by xelphyn »

Magic, technology, and miracles.

A breakdown of science.
Science is divided into two primary categories: Technology and magic.
Magic is the study and utilization of 'The Weave' and delves into the arcane, while technology focuses on mundane concept and the laws of physics.

The exception.
Miracles are unexplained occurrences believed to be created by powerful divine beings, on in some instances, the very essence of nature.
Though they have been categorized as 'Divine Miracles' and 'Miracles of Nature', attempts to scientifically research and recreate such events have all ended in failure.

sub-categories of science

sub-categories of magic

Hybrid sciences
Alchemy: chemistry utilizing weave touched ingredients.
Magitech: Mechanisms that utilize a mundane fuel source to power magical effects.
Artifice: Mundane machinery powered by magic.
Arcanitecture: large scale structures which incorperate equal parts magic and technology in their design.
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Re: A description of the world

Post by xelphyn »

A map of Antandio and the surrounding area.
I will add a more detailed map of the city later.
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Re: A description of the world

Post by xelphyn »


Military: None
Local enforcement>
> Captain of the Guard:
Notable groups>
> Shadowhunter's Guild>>
>> Leader:
>> Members
>> Notable members:
>> Goals: The extermination and expulsion of evil creatures and demonic forces
> Merchant's Guild>>
>> Leader
>> Members
>> Notable Members
> Farmer's Union>>
>> Leader
>> Members
>> Notable Members
> Alchemist's Guild>>
>> Leader
>> Members
>> Notable Members
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