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Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

A homebrewed world I’ve been working on that dearly needs some people to come in and flesh it out through their adventures. I’m open to a party being formed together, or meeting in game through their exploration, or possibly meeting as enemies. I’d like to keep the character options as unlimited as possible.

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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: Sorry if that was finicky/annoying, I was trying to decide whether she was paying attention enough to suspect "someone" was there, or to just pass it off as a branch or the like.)

Stardusts curiosity gets the better of her and she swoops just a bit too low, her beating wings brushing right into Aghans tangled hair. Life in the wilderness had honed her reflexes sharply and Aghan swats in the direction of Stardust, her hand dropping to the dagger at her waist as she steps into a warriors stance. Aghans swipe misses Stardust by a wide distance([1d20+3] = 1+3 = 4) though she remains tense, her eyes wandering the area around her as she gains her allies attention.
"Vash, stand ready. There is something here."

The woman, Vasha, appears to show little concern at her friends disquiet only turning slightly to look over her shoulder and chuckle at her friends preparedness. "To be sure, it's a forest, of course there is 'Something' out there. Gather your wits, I am eager to return home." With a last dismissive shake of her head Vasha moves further into the wood.

Aghan remains unsettled, removing her hand from the dagger she then removes one of the short spears strapped to her back. With a two handed grip she scans the area one last time, the spear held ready to jab from her (right) side, before giving an exaggerated shrug and moving to follow Vasha.

The forest around Stardust is brightly lit by the sun, its rays reflecting off the luscious green around her. The sounds of animals are subdued after the passing of the two Big Ones, only the chirps and warbles of the birds hidden in the branches obvious to the ear.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

These were warlike people, perhaps they might be of use..? Fluttering along with a little more speed she follows these two happy at least to have a purpose. She had food, the forest was full of it.

Pausing she allows the suns rays to touch her wings for a moment, she could just lay there.. Just. No! No she had to move on.

Flying forwards with renewed vigor she follows the Big People.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: The map has gotten out of hand, it is wayyy to big for me to have it finished soon I think so we can use our imaginations to start ^.^)

1:15 A.M. on Estal, the 15th of Surch(roughly three hours have passed since Stardust first spotted the strangers)

Following the two warriors proves an easy task, they do not even attempt to hide their passing and have no concern that the noise of their movement will attract danger, apparently. Aghan does cast glances over her shoulder from time to time, as if she knows that Stardust is watching, even staring right at Star a few times. Vasha does not spare a glance back, striding through the forest straight backed and often using her axe to clear the way of a low hanging branch or to sweep brush from her path.

They travel for several hours of tedious boredom; Fortunately the day is pleasant, warm sun light, and a pleasant breeze wafting by full of scents of the sea*. Traveling this far from the glade has introduced Star to all kinds of new experiences, mostly in the form of plant life and insects, the occasional bird brave enough to hold its perch as they pass. Star could not help herself when she spotted a Robin off of their path, a stark reminder of her recent troubles, and loosed a shaft from her bow after giving the two Big Ones a slight lead ahead of her.

Finally they reach the forests edge, Vasha marching firmly onward but Aghan stops to shield her eyes and let them adjust looking out over the lands before her. Star also is treated with a view of new lands; Plains-lands stretch out before her going far off into the distance, broken up by the occasional rocky outcropping. Beautiful and... boring, a strange combination, brown waves of grass dance in the wind the sun reflecting brightly off its blades, almost blinding in its intensity. Far off in the distance there can just barely be spotted a dark blot rising up from the verdant fields, towards this fixture Vasha aims her path as she strides through the lea.

*Not sure if Stardust would know the smells of the sea? The line stands as is, just curious :)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

Big people were so boring! The focus they had to keep going was astounding to the little pixie.. It had been hours since she had spoken to anyone, she was screaming inside to talk to someone.

Still she keeps going, who was she going to talk to? The birds? No it was the big people or no one at all... Following closely she heads for the dark spot, opening her senses to seek magic around her.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: I have not designed the "Fey Lands"(sp?) that Star originally came from so I will not be comparing anything to that old home, only the glade.


Stardusts sensitivity to magic brings little result as she peers around and forward, the two warriors ahead of her have none about them at all, which is pretty silly come to think of it, why wouldn't you use your magic?

Aghan bursts into a short jog to catch up with her companion and then settles into an easy walk, continuing on in silence towards their destination.

An hour or twos travel brings them to their destination, a wooden palisade that had slowly become more detailed as they neared. It was huge, larger than anything Stardust had ever seen; A whirlwind of questions flared through Stardusts mind, though few to no answers presented themselves. How many of these giants could fit in there? How had it come to be? What did it do?

The two women Star was following made their way within shouting distance of the walls, raising an arm and unleashing a keening screech, that sent a shiver down Stardusts spine. "Wa-woo-woohoo, wa-woo woohoo, yee-aay-eee"

The call was repeated in greeting from the large wooden structure, from an area that quickly resolved itself to be a large open doorway/entrance set between two towers. Vasha and Aghan continued their march toward the entrance, Stardust floating gently on the breeze, invisible. Outside of the walls a few of the large peoples can be seen, several standing in a group in conversation, others making their way towards the doorway, and at the very top of the towers Star can just barely make out the shadowy figure of a person standing on each of them.

The two warriors plunge onward, breaking into a jog towards the nearest group of people outside the wall. Stardust now has options, what had been hours of boredom had suddenly become very interesting. She still has not detected any magic on these people, neither the ones she had been following(still), the new ones she had just seen, not even on the massive building behind them(though without magic how could something so big stand, anyway?).
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

No magic? How could people survive without magic?? Star ponders this as she flies into the huge building. It was unnatural, nature should be.. Helped, shaped but kept as nature.

This place was so alien, yet so interesting so many possibilities, but... Was it where she needed to be?

Swooping in she opts to follow the two big people she met. The smaller seemed.. Open to her presence, almost as if she knew she was there.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: for some reason I thought she had cast detect magic, but she doesn't have that right? so it was more of a general just "sensing"?)


The town stretches off for a good ways, far enough that it is hard for Star to see the end of it without flying up high. A large tower set in the center of the town draws attention immediately as the largest structure as well as being made of stone, whereas most of the nearby buildings are wooden and thatch.

Stardust is able to settle onto the roof of a nearby building and watch the proceedings of those she had followed as well as the town nearby.The two that she has been following have lead her only a short distance into the town, turning left(north) and passing in front of large wooden building where a young, handsome man is waiting outside, busying himself with small chores. As they approach the home and man, the woman Vasha shouts loudly calling his name out. "Purk!" and rushing forward to grab the young man in an embrace, her large, muscled body enveloping and lifting him easily from the ground.

The people of the town bustle about their tasks, a literal horde running about each with seeming purpose. To Stardusts south a group of men are working steadily under the hot sun to move shaped stones from one large pile to another, apparently at work to creating a stone path through the town, under the supervision of several serious looking women. Immediately east of Star two women are going about the task of skinning and dressing a deer to hang from a stand with several others, past them a large group is gathered around a circle of stones with an opening in its center(a well), those gathered are conversing animatedly. Finally to Stars north is a fenced in area with several animals moving around lazily.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

(She was using the Cantrips we discussed, gives her the ability to sense the presence of magic..)

Sitting on a wall her sword resting in her lap she focuses on the world around her, trying a trick Snow had taught her.. (Detect thoughts). Reaching out with her senses she touches the people around her, listening to their feelings..

This place was so Alien.. So strange.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Her gaze mostly fixed on the two she is most familiar with she opens her mind to the thoughts of those in front of her.
A short pause to listen reveals that they are indeed thinking individuals. A longer focus reveals that there are six distinct thought patterns, she is able to determine that none of them match her own intellect, and two of them are tiny indeed*[there are two cats in front of her].

Keeping her thoughts focused in the same direction proves almost fruitless, four of the minds resist her touch completely, unwilling to share, but two of them yield a glimpse into their surface thoughts. The first gives the distinct impression of fear and caution directed at a dog laying near to one of the house, supported by an animal cunning toying with the idea of provoking the dog into barking, or chasing its own tail fruitlessly. The second mind is Aghans, who at the moment is a mix of emotions, a definite feeling of love and comradery is exuded towards Vasha but tainted by a slight feeling of jealousy, a feeling of attraction towards the young man though strangely accompanied by a modest disdain... the last thought to pass from Aghan is anger towards the woman who has approached from the north.

Outside of their minds she is able to see what they are up to, allowing her to at least form an idea of what the shielded minda were thinking. The newly arrived woman, walking in from the north, has approached Vasha boldly and appears to be aggresively berating her. Vasha doe not appear to be intimidated in the slightest; both women are over seven feet tall and powerfully built, corded muscles bulging from arms, legs and neck as the argument becomes more and more heated. The young man has moved slightly backward, interposing Vasha between himself and the new arrival, all three of the women tower over him easily, outweighing him by a great deal(from appearances).

The cat on the roof in front of her yawns lazily, before reclining back onto the wooden slats once more.

(OOC: hope I did that right >.> and I apparently lost where we talked about the cantrips, can you send it to me so I can add it to your private thread? Apologies for forgetting about that!
*If you want specific intelligence scores I can do that)