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Episode Seven: Epilogue

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 8:54 pm
by SilverBen
(OOC: For this concluding episode, we will not role play the negotiations in character, meaning do not give actual dialogue. Instead, present your character's arguments, body language, and tone of voice in out of character descriptions. For example...

When Greystreet returns to the docks at the Turtle Bay harbor, he dismounts from his donkey driven carriage and shouts for the party from the docks. He runs both hands through his remaining hair wondering what has become of them. He paces back and forth too anxious to board the Liora but too desperate for a solution to leave.

Meanwhile, on the lower deck of The Liora, Lyssehea briefly explains that although she wants to abandon the ship, she cannot travel too far from the main mast of the vessel, which she calls "her husband," without risking her life by becoming weak. The dryad cannot explain why she remains inextricably tied to "her husband" even in death. She expected to die in the hobgoblin attack but was confused and surprised to live on. She believes she remarry another "husband" in the forests to the north, if the characters will take her aloing with the ship.

Re: Episode Seven: Epilogue

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:59 pm
by mike_c
Varis feels that he has to protect the dryad at all costs, His body language is that he stand close enough to strike if need be. he explains that the problem is that the wood used to make the ship was purchased from hobgoblins and they cut down her tree, further more the dryad needs to be within a short distance from that wood, his hand rests on the hilt of his sword legs spread shoulder width apart, the dryad is willing to speak to graystreet and to permanently get the dryad off the ship. We need use of the ship for awhile, I also stress the fact that the dryad is under my protection so no harm comes to her.

Re: Episode Seven: Epilogue

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:41 am
by SpiderReaver
Nalanilos makes his way to the top of the ship and watches for GreyStreet. He stands on the deck, almost in a reflective thought over the last day and gaining perspective in which he didn't have before coming here.

Nalanilos's current mood aspect, is intriguing. He has completed, that he knows of, the assignment at hand. So, from a technical standpoint, his mission is done. However, knowing the aspect of guilds and the comment from the Wood Sprite with her comment about a magical saw, his interest is peaked, as it may be a potential item to gain for the Master. Upon the relay of the story to Greystreet, it would not be surprising to him, if his master has already been informed of a potential "Gift" However, until such time as he is contacted, whether that is by GreyStreet, or the Master, he feels he has completed the task at hand.

From a character standpoint, Hazel to him is more of the leader of the group on how she handles herself, while he doesn't hold anything against Varis, he feels that Varis is too emotionally attached to this Sprite. This may come from his lack of dealing with such strong emotions as he is considerably younger than both not just in age, but emotional growth as well.

Re: Episode Seven: Epilogue

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:38 pm
by Jenara
Hazel waits for Varis to say his piece, when he is done she arranges to meet Greystreet separately.

Talking to him in private she explains the situation, both that Varis has been affected by the presence of Lyssehea and that due to the nature of the wood used one of the creatures of the wood were tied to the ship.

She proposes that the ship be brought near the forest, and with Lysseheas help they would track down the hobgoblins, and free her sport. Thus saving the ship and Lyssehea

Re: Episode Seven: Epilogue

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:51 pm
by SilverBen
mike_c wrote:Varis feels that he has to protect the dryad at all costs, His body language is that he stand close enough to strike if need be. he explains that the problem is that the wood used to make the ship was purchased from hobgoblins and they cut down her tree, further more the dryad needs to be within a short distance from that wood, his hand rests on the hilt of his sword legs spread shoulder width apart, the dryad is willing to speak to graystreet and to permanently get the dryad off the ship. We need use of the ship for awhile, I also stress the fact that the dryad is under my protection so no harm comes to her.
Jenara wrote:Hazel waits for Varis to say his piece, when he is done she arranges to meet Greystreet separately.

Talking to him in private she explains the situation, both that Varis has been affected by the presence of Lyssehea and that due to the nature of the wood used one of the creatures of the wood were tied to the ship.

She proposes that the ship be brought near the forest, and with Lysseheas help they would track down the hobgoblins, and free her sport. Thus saving the ship and Lyssehea
Greystreet's eyes widen in amazement when Varis mentions the dryad as the source of The Liora's troubles. He winces in frustration and ardently declares his innocence in the matter of the dryad's spirit tree.

He meets briefly with Jenara in private and emerges with his head resting on his palm and his arms half folded.

Greystreet reveals he is cautious to speak to the dryad out of fear, shame, and will trust Varis and HAzel are not under her enchantment, as elves are known to resist magical charms of woodland creatures.

Nevertheless, he boldly states his commitment to remove the dryad from the ship and rectify the wrongs committed under his vessel's construction. He will allow the party to return the dryad to her home in the forest using The Liora to transport her on the condition: He courteously withholds the reward he promised for completion of their work (OOC: 2,000gp, an enchanted weapon appropriate for each adventurer, and a magical item of minor value to assist in future adventures) until they return the ship to him, intact in Turtle Bay within the month. Otherwise, they forfeit the agreement and the reward.

Re: Episode Seven: Epilogue

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:12 pm
by SilverBen
Deephart steps forward and announces his reluctance to proceed, but nothing in more detail. He resigns his reward and excuses himself from the party.

Deephart was badly shaken by the dangerous nature of the work and explains he must return to his monastery for more contemplation on his choice of an adventurer's profession. He bids everyone good luck and steps off The Liora to the docks.

He disappears into the passing crowds at the wide street leading north through Turtle Bay. (OOC: DramaLlama had to drop out of the game, so I have retired the character as well.)

Re: Episode Seven: Epilogue

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:43 am
by mike_c
Varis looks at greystreet and says " I have no problem waiting to get our reward until we return, but I would like to know if our great leader Hazel ( with a little giggle t those words) does not object we will need a crew to sail the ship"

Re: Episode Seven: Epilogue

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:06 pm
by SpiderReaver
Nalanilos sits up on the edge of the railing, listening, the faint breeze brushing by his hair. His observation of GreyStreet, along with Varis, reminds him that he is younger, so perhaps he should keep to himself, at least with words.. His inner thought interrupted by Varis's comment and giggle, he looks up to say something, but chooses to keep quiet at this time. The only words he speaks travels softly as he eyes gaze off into the water's edge and the horizon...

"What is ever deemed, will be done. I have not heard from the Master, so until such time, I would have to assume that my assignment is still here."

Re: Episode Seven: Epilogue

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:09 pm
by SilverBen
Hazle overhears Varis, turns her head and walks off the ship. She disappears into the crowds walking at the main road, north of the docks. (OOC: Jenara dropped out of the game.)