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Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:37 pm
by SilverBen
When Horace Greystreet learns from the party that his newly constructed vessel is actually inhabited by a vengeful dryad, and not by some curse or haunting spirit, he is initially relieved but soon begins to feel regret for his part in the dryad's suffering.

Gresystreet himself anxiously descends into the ship to convey his personal apology to Lyssehea, half expecting the dryad to throttle him on sight. He emerges from below deck almost 30 minutes later and gathers the party again on the upper deck for an urgent meeting.

His voice wavers as he explains the dryad is weak and dying. She needs to be returned to the forest. He repeats his apology to the party and explains it was never his intention to displace any wood nymph from her spirit tree. Greystreet woefully accepts all the misfortune that has befallen him as the beginning of punishment. He swears now, by the gods, with every last remnant of honor within him, to rectify what he has done before he dies.

Greystreet departs the docks for approximately 30 minutes and returns with a small crew of six men, including four sailors (NPCs), a priest (Jakob), and another wizard (Fezor). The new crew boards the ship and begins immediately managing the rigging and sails to remove the Liora from the dock and sail he due East, out of Turtle Bay. Greystreey gives the signal to the crew and the sails fill. Sailors manage the rigging that releases the Liora from the docks for the first time!

(OOC: Let's introduce Jakob and Fezor here.)

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:48 pm
by michaelslate
It had taken some time to find the supposedly "haunted ship", the Luckless Liora. According to the ship's master, the ship wasn't actually haunted, per se, but the main mast was the spirit tree of a poor dryad. He gathered several deckhands as well as a man who appeared to be a mage of some sort and led our small troop back to his ship. It takes but a moment to walk up the plank onto the vessel, but it's clear already that I'm probably going to be spending quite a bit of time at the side of the ship from sick of the sea.

The sailors snap to work quickly, leaving a small group including myself standing in the center of the deck, looking about. I step forward and bow to the gathered people. "Bright Pelor's greetings to you all. My name is Jakob Graingrower, cleric of the mighty Pelor." I smile and extend a hand to clasp anyone who wishes to.

I'm standing there, dressed in my common yellow robe, wearing my soft boots and bearing a large, stuffed backpack and wearing a necklace with a large sun shape on it, the holy symbol of my god. My brown hair tosses in the sea breeze and I look at my fellows in appraisal.

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:29 pm
by SilverBen
Greystreet extends his knobby hand and gently shakes Jakob's with a smile. Greystreet closes his eyes and proudly states, "Jakob Graingrower, it is comforting to me knowing that we have among us a man of faith and spirit - always one to draw encouragement from the god who makes the wind blow, and the rain descend with the course of the trusted sun." He withdraws his hand but rubs the deformities at the smallest joints of the end of his fingers with a wince.

Greystreet turns to an imposing looking elf wearing uniformly black equipment: "I introduce to you Varis Nightshade, a noble elf who left the 'Crimson Fist' on his loyalty to his kindred and personal convictions to protect life."

Greystreet steps towards the young elven mage: "Here we have Nalanilos Whisperwind, I know his family throughout my lifetime, which is only the dawn of his. He has shown very promising magical abilities and been quite helpful in his willingness to step out of his comfortable role."

Greystreet then points with crooked fingers at the sailors maintaining the wheel and rigging, introducing each one in turn.(OOC: These sailors are only included as ship's crew and "red shirts" intended as cannon fodder for the purpose of encounters. My personal advice is, don't get too friendly with any of them too soon.)

Greystreet moves his glances between the party as he paces the deck and explains: "I share with you now part of my conversation with Lyssehea, the embittered wood spirit. Our destination is three days north east from Turtle Bay, depending on the winds and the tides. We are bound for 'Darian's Wall', the fort separating between the human settlements and the uncivilized wilderness beyond it. It is there, the farthest point navigable by sea faring ship, that Lyssehea has requested we go and I will do everything in my power to fulfill her request. Captain Burnett tells me that we will follow the coast, remaining offshore until we reach the Great Estuary that leads inland to the river basin. Once we arrive, Lyssehea will convene with the plants to learn more about what survived from her grove over the past several months and of the hobgoblin's activities."

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:26 am
by cryominer

Boarding the ship was arduous enough. Fezor listens closely to the introductions, knowing that, perhaps, the knowledge of someone's name may mean the difference between life and death. Cursing under his breath, "wind swept demon brew, why-o-why did I leave the safety of home?"

Listening the Greystreet's speech on the party's destination, he silently memorizes the details in order to later transcribe them into his journal. Pulling his cloak a little tighter Fezor approaches the cleric of Pelor with a curt bow, "Fezor of Hexham Road, at your service. Jakob, what does a cleric of Pelor seek at the end of the civilization? I for one would not even consider this ... this... endeavor if I had the means to avoid it."

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:15 am
by mike_c
Varis listens to the introductions and greets both men "greetings Jakob greetings Fezor" nods at Greystreet when he hears the destination. suddenly he hears a noise and looks up to sky he sees a bird flying he whistles a few notes and puts out his arm the falcon descends right away and lands on his arm varis takes the note strapped to the bird's leg and reads it a big smile comes to his face. he reaches into a pouch and gives it to the bird while it eats he scribbles a quick note and ties it to the bird's leg and speaks to him saying in Elvish " thank you breeze rider now go home you will eat very well when you get there." the falcon takes of and returns the way it came. turns back to the party " the council has approved my life mate Willow to join me, she will be here before sunset we must wait or her."

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:05 am
by michaelslate

I sketch a small bow at the wizard's introduction and smile at his question. "Pelor's light reaches all the world, both the civilized lands and those wild reaches we now head towards. I was just returning from my yearly trip home when I chanced to hear about a supposedly 'haunted' ship. We priests of Pelor are under command to always investigate the doings of the undead, so that we may protect the living from their unnatural scourge. Now that I am here and have heard the sad tale of this lost wood nymph, I'm even more pleased to have come. I've never heard of one of her kind being in this world after the death of her beloved tree. I will do my utmost to help her find peace and bring justice to the foul beast who brought her to this pass. This is, in my estimation, a singular opportunity to perhaps speak with her and gain a speck of understanding about her kind."

As we speak, I watch the elf interact with his bird and jump slightly back when it lands on his arm. When he's done and the bird has flown away again, I speak. "That is a most impressive hawk, my friend. If I may ask, how did you come to own it?"

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:40 pm
by mike_c
"Jakob, in my family everyone gets an animal companion and when they are getting older e get their offspring, we build an almost psychic bond with us so that if our family or the elder council wishes us they can always reach us no matter what"

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:34 pm
by cryominer

The wizard considers Jakob's words, "you are certainly devout and quite curious. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, but I do not share your gusto for the unknown. I wish only to aid the group in whatever small ways that I can and seek the hidden knowledge....Hopefully, that can be accomplished with the least danger."

Fezor also notes the interchange with the Varis and the hawk. He returns Varis' greeting, "well met, good sir.... Forgive me, but perhaps later we could discuss the nature of this psychic bond that you share with animals? I am intrigued to know the nature of the magic and its potency."

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:01 am
by SilverBen
(OOC: Although the DM yawns during deep discussions of psychic bonds with animals, :roll: this is a good opportunity to inform players...
  1. SpiderReaver - I'm planning on closing (and locking) this episode shortly. This episode is intended only to be an introduction to new characters and setting up the adventure. Please post by Wed, 3/23 9am Eastern Time. I will edit this post at that time.
  2. Mike_C - the Liora is sailing along the coastline within sight of the beach, remaining in the intertidal zone. When Holly_e arrives, we can introduce her character, Willow, through one of the following plot devices:
    • a new ship appears on the horizon, the ship returns to shore immediately
    • she appears within sight on the beaches, we need to figure out how to bring the Liora into shore safely.
    • she is riding some large winged creature, but cannot control the creature when it returns to shore immediately
    • communicate through your avian messenger that Willow meet the party at Darian's Wall
    • suggest another method I haven't thought of yet, subject to approval
    Please choose your preference. Regardless, please don't jump ahead in the plot without planning with me first.)

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:07 am
by michaelslate
I turn towards Greystreet and sketch a small bow. "Thank you for your kind words and the introductions, Master Greystreet. Or are you called Captain onboard your ship? I must confess to my ignorance of such things. I am at your service, so long as it is allowed by my holy vows."

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:15 am
by SpiderReaver
Nalanilos is in his own little world as GreyStreet introduces him to the humans along with the rest of the crew..."Well, It would seem, I am here still as the Master hasn't called for me. Now I get to work with Humans too... Should be interesting. Greystreet was a friend of the family, it didn't matter or bother me.. but a human of the cloth, and what appears to be another user of the art.. well, never a dull moment. I guess we shall have fun and see what entails with the mission at hand"

Nalanilos is startled back into reality as introductions are being made. " Greetings, as GreyStreet has told you, I am Nalanilos Whisperwind, and I am a practicer of the art. I bid you welcome. He bows his head respectfully towards the two humans, then looks back towards Varis. "Well its good to see that you didn't leave as well Varis" He chuckles to himself and proceeds to sit on the railing, watching the crew board and prepare the ship

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:58 pm
by michaelslate
(OOC) May I suggest that perhaps Willow has a one shot polymorph self potion? When she sees the ship approaching, she drinks it and becomes either a seagull, an albatross, or a dolphin to catch up to the ship.

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 9:53 pm
by cryominer

Fezor's interest piqued at the introduction by the elf, Nalanilos. Practitioner of the Arts...and yet he wears armor. Unconsciously, Fezor pulls his cloak a little closer and moves near the elf.

With a slight bow, "Greetings Whisperwind. I am Fezor of Hexham Road. It might benefit us most to discuss our particular use of the 'art' in order to ensure that we are the most ... effective when, and if, we are called upon to cast magic." After a slight pause, "I have some meager experience with spellcraft, but it would be far more efficient if we coordinated."

(OOC: thanks to all [especially SilverBen!) let's keep it rolling!)

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:40 am
by SilverBen
michaelslate wrote:(OOC) May I suggest that perhaps Willow has a one shot polymorph self potion? When she sees the ship approaching, she drinks it and becomes either a seagull, an albatross, or a dolphin to catch up to the ship.
OOC: Approved, I really like it! That earned 350 XP between Willow and Jakob, 175 XP each!

In the future, please propose such plot twists to me before posting. Otherwise, posts are subject to my revisions.

Re: Act 2, Episode 1: Journey to Darian's Wall

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:50 pm
by holly_e
Willow comes out of the woods and sees the Liora sailing slowly just where the townsmen said it should be. she drinks the potion and transforms into a sparrow and flies ridding the drafts of the air so she can quickly overtake the boat. she circles around the ship and sees her mate and comes to a soft landing behind him and transforms back to herself. covers his eyes and says "surprise varis they let me leave early they gave me an assignment so that is why i got out early im so happy i did not want to wait another ten years." looking around she sees everyone else and suddenly she changes her demeanor and stops acting like a giddy school girl and more like a proper elf. "Greetings all my name is willow shadowhawk you are acquainted with my mate varis i do hope you will allow me to join you all and be a help with anything i can."