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Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Second Edition AD&D

A gritty "low-fantasy" game in which the line between right and wrong may occasionally blur, set in a non-canon Greyhawk-based world.

Moderator: Stik

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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by Stik »

The gate, for now, is holding, although it probably won't hold forever.

Getting a clear shot through the narrow opening between the two leaves of the gate will be difficult.

The exterior wall of the villa, in which the gate is set, is about two feet wide. Someone could stand atop the wall and shoot down without too much difficulty ([OOC] a DEX check each round to avoid falling. [/OOC])

There is also a smaller man-sized gate in the exterior wall around the back of the villa that could be used as a sally port should anyone want to go out and engage the zombies directly.
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by BishGada »

Galanis will position himself on the wall and shoot the zombies.
From previous roll never used.
[1d20+2] = 19+2 = 21, [1d8+5] = 1+5 = 6, [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18, [1d8+5] = 8+5 = 13
head shot is -4? without the penalty it's AC-2 and AC1.

What's the damage if falling? Except fighting all the zombies alone :)
Where the character sheets are tracked? I don't know how many HP Galanis has...
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by Jenara »

"Do we have anything else to shore the door?" Angel asks, her bow at the ready an arrow notched as she looks at the waggon. "Are there any more of these? We could borrow some timber to shore this up."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by Stik »

BishGada wrote:Galanis will position himself on the wall and shoot the zombies.
From previous roll never used.
[1d20+2] = 19+2 = 21, [1d8+5] = 1+5 = 6, [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18, [1d8+5] = 8+5 = 13
head shot is -4? without the penalty it's AC-2 and AC1.

What's the damage if falling? Except fighting all the zombies alone :)
Where the character sheets are tracked? I don't know how many HP Galanis has...
[OOC] The wall is relatively low. Call it 1d6 for a fall, and a round of inaction while he recovers. The bigger problem is that then he'd be outside the wall with the zombies during that round, and might become lunch.
I actually track the PCs hit points on paper, rather than updating them here. Aaaaand I've misplaced the paper and have to go look.
Okay, he was down to his last 2 hp during the fight with mama zed and the kids, so Ari laid a couple of a CLWs on him, for 6 hp restored, so he's currently at 8 hp. [/OOC]
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by BishGada »

(OOC: Can Galanis secure himself with a rope, say in one round, to decrease the chances of falling? And from the previous fights, can he outrun the zombies? How many zombies do they see anyway?
And thanks for tracking out the HPs :))
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by Stik »

[OOC] There's not much at the top of the wall for Galanis to secure himself to, but there is probably something in the courtyard that would suffice.
Having fought zombies before, Galanis would know that he is faster afoot than they are. (To lapse into cinematic terms, these are the shambling, slow-moving, Pittsburgh-type zombies like in the original Dawn of the Dead, not the quick-moving type from the reboot).

From his position atop the wall, Galanis has a good view of what's outside. By quick count, there are about half a dozen walking corpses outside the gate and three or four more farther away, on their way in.
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by BishGada »

(OOC: Why would Galanis need to secure himself at the country yard? Isn't it ground level?
To move things forward Galanis will do his best not to fall and start shooting from the most secure upper level at the zombies.)
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by Stik »

[OOC] @ Bishgada: Sorry, I guess I was a little bit unclear. The wall stands about twelve feet high above the courtyard. By anchoring himself to something (anything solid) in the courtyard it would be possible for him to stand atop the wall in relative safety. Worst case, if he were to fall, he would end up hanging by his waist above the zombies. [/OOC]
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by BishGada »

(Oh.. great! So if possible Galanis will throw a rope to Ari to tie it down somewhere, secure himself and find a good spot on the wall to start shooting the zombies.)
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by TristenC »

[Ari will tie it off to something sturdy and not likely to be affected by the zombies]
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by Stik »

[OOC] So, to recap, we have Galanis on the wall with his bow, Ari and Angel in the courtyard, and Liri on the balcony. Egg and Maughus are nowhere to be seen at the moment. The cart is parked just inside the gate, to act as a roadblock should the braces fail, and there are about half a dozed walking corpses outside the partially-open gate.
Actions and rolls, please (and no need for initiative at this point. Zed is sloooowww. [/OOC]
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by TristenC »

If Ari can see one trying to get through, he'll whip a throwing hammer at it.

Thac0 19
Ari warhammer vs Zed at Gate [1d20] = 19[1d4+2] = 4+2 = 6
sweet, max dmg...
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by Jenara »

Angel lines up her bow to fire if any creatures are visible.

Bow [1d20] = 1 [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5
And... she fumbles.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by BishGada »

Copied rolls from few posts ago that never took place.
[1d20+2] = 19+2 = 21, [1d8+5] = 1+5 = 6, [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18, [1d8+5] = 8+5 = 13
head shot is -4? without the penalty it's AC-2 and AC1. Being on the wall gives a bonus?

What's the damage if falling? Except fighting all the zombies alone :)
Where the character sheets are tracked? I don't know how many HP Galanis has...
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Re: Borderlands II - This is the current game thread

Post by Stik »

Ari's hammer flies through the opening between the two leaves of the gate, striking one of the zombies square in the face, and knocking it down out of sight. Another one replaces it a moment later.

Angel draws back an arrow, and holds a moment waiting for a clear shot. While she is holding, the bowstring breaks, whipping across her cheek and drawing blood.

From his perch atop the wall, Galanis is able to see the attackers and pick his targets. He looses two arrows, and succeeds in downing two of the shambling corpses at the rear of the group. This leaves three at the gate and three on their way.

The zombies continue to push on the gate, but without any rhythm or technique, just a random pushing. The braces are holding, for now.

[OOC] Actions and rolls, please. [/OOC]
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