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Character Sheet - Willow

The Liora has a curse, no one will sail her, will you take the Councils Offer to rid the ship of its curse?

2nd Edition game for up to 5 players.

Moderator: SilverBen

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Character Sheet - Willow

Post by holly_e »

willow is 5'7 wears leather armor carries daggers short sword and longbow she has brown hair and silver eyes her looks make you think she is not very capable in a fight and needs protection
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Re: willow char

Post by SilverBen »

Hi Holly, glad to have you in the game. That's a good start and please proceed with the characters ability scores, money and equipment, and XP and level using the character generation guidelines from the main page. I added a hyperlink in the green text.
I try to post at least once daily, late at night in the Eastern (New York) Time Zone.
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Re: Character Sheet - Willow

Post by SilverBen »

This is a time sensitive request, so please respond by 11:59pm Eastern Time on 3/27/2016 to gain the benefits of an ability check. Follow the steps below.
  1. Please roll 2d20.
  2. Respond with the result in terms of success or failure, where success is the total of 2d20 less than or equal to your character's combined INT and WIS ability scores.
If the result is a success, then your character has potentially valuable information that I will Private Message (PM) you. You will be free to share any of this information with other characters while role playing the next episode, possibly the next two episodes.
I try to post at least once daily, late at night in the Eastern (New York) Time Zone.
I am not available Friday nights to at least two hours after sundown on Saturday.
You may contact me at 917-426-4483
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Re: Character Sheet - Willow

Post by SilverBen »

Hi Holly, please update the character sheet and join in the game! I see you have open slots for languages. Please make a frequency roll, 1d8+1d12 simultaneously and sum the two dice.

This combination has four categories of frequencies that result:
  1. Common (70%), where the sum of 1d8+1d12 is a total of 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13
  2. Uncommon (20%), where the sum of 1d8+1d12 is a total of 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, or 16
  3. Rare (7%), where the sum of 1d8+1d12 is a total of 4, 5, 17, or 18
  4. Very Rare (3%), where the sum of 1d8+1d12 is a total of 2, 3, 19, or 20
If the combined result is Uncommon (6, 7, 8, 14, 15, or 16), then Willow speaks Merfolk! The merfolk would probably be more inclined to hear negotiations in their own tongue. Alternatively, your character will understand anything they attempt to hide from the party by speaking in a presumably foreign language.
I try to post at least once daily, late at night in the Eastern (New York) Time Zone.
I am not available Friday nights to at least two hours after sundown on Saturday.
You may contact me at 917-426-4483
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Re: Character Sheet - Willow

Post by SilverBen »

An opportunity to earn some role playing XP: Please have Willow describe the Hobgoblins, but without changing the story arc in any way. You can describe Willow's past personal experiences with Hobgoblins or things she has heard about them from the stories of others. Below is an image of my hobgoblin concept
Your typical, unfriendly neighborhood hobgoblin
Your typical, unfriendly neighborhood hobgoblin
hobgoblins.jpg (84.33 KiB) Viewed 7340 times
I try to post at least once daily, late at night in the Eastern (New York) Time Zone.
I am not available Friday nights to at least two hours after sundown on Saturday.
You may contact me at 917-426-4483
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Re: Character Sheet - Willow

Post by SilverBen »

holly_e wrote:Willow walks with Varis but speaks so that the entire party can hear her, " I remember running into hobgoblins during patrols from home, they are large muscular very organized, they hate elves and will always choose to attack an elf first, we might be able to figure out a way to use that to our advantage. The chief of any tribe always carries at least two weapons. they can fight just as well during the day as they can at night so there is no advantage there. "
(OOC: +150XP for Willow. Thanks, Holly_e, please continue to develop your character's interactions and history with the Hobgoblins.)
I try to post at least once daily, late at night in the Eastern (New York) Time Zone.
I am not available Friday nights to at least two hours after sundown on Saturday.
You may contact me at 917-426-4483