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<Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:38 pm
by chese780
Aaron Silvercloud (Played by Chris1234)
Male Avariel Paladin of Valydir [Ghost hunter, CPHBp56] 1 (LG), MV 9”,
STR 12, DEX 11, CON 9, INT 9, WIS 13, CHA 13 (+1 reaction), Age 120y, HT 5'0", WT 120 lbs HD:d10
HP: 5/5
THAC0: 20 (+1 longsword)
AC: 10 (Protective Aura 10’r, evil foes @ -1 to hit)
Dmg: Longsword (1d8+1/1d12+1) [5]
XP: 0/2,250
Saves: PPDM 14, RSW 16, PP 15, BW 17, S 17 (+2 to all saves)
Skills: Infravision (60'), Excellent sight, Fly 18” [C] (can glide at 75%HP, fall at 50%HP), Jump 10’, Detect Evil 60’, 95% immune to paralysis, Remove Paralysis 3/day, Turn Undead as cleric of same level, Claustrophobic (WIS save to resist), Bladesong (+2 to AC or +2 to hit, or parry without losing attacks)
WP: Longsword, Bladesong (3 slots)
NWP: Ancient History (8), Languages - Ancient (9)
Languages: Alvariel, Common
Head - None
Neck - Holy icon (gravestone) [0.1lb]
Torso –backpack [2 lbs]
Hands/arms -
Waist – Longsword [4 lbs]
Feet - Knee-high leather boots
Backpack – spare white toga, [3lb], waterskin (0 pints) [1 lbs], trail rations (7 day) [7 lb], spare holy icon [0.1 lb], parchment x10, inkpot/quill, soap [1lb]

Encumbrance: 18.2 lbs (Light Encumbrance >45lb)
Stowed Gear: None
Spells: None

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:15 am
by Chris1234
It's in the Complete Book of Elves, p70-72, essentially a fighting style, only ever known by elves. Takes minimum of 3 WP slots (one for the basic weapon proficiency and two more for the Bladesinger Style; add a 3rd WP slot, so 4 total, to increase the bonuses on the first two options from +1 to +2.)

Just spotted I'd missed off 3 NWP. Can we add in: Local History (13), Read/Write (10), Direction Sense (14)

Update god to Valydir, which changes alignment to NG. Class remains as Pladin, I think..

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:54 am
by chese780
Roger. Got a certain... Test today. It's the THE test in WotL, but this one is all multiple choice, and doesn't carry the death penalty ;)

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:33 am
by chese780
Well, your story starts here because everyone started alone. If you and Adran want to start together in the actual thread, you two can.

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:55 pm
by Chris1234
Aaron stretches and then moves forwards, looking around.

{OOC: Is this where you want me to post? Right now I have no idea where I am nor what to respond to.}

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 6:18 am
by chese780
(OOC: This is where we will begin due to no one being in a party yet. Before I can continue, do you have a preference of where to start? I have many islands and many cities. Give me a general descrip of where you want asnd I'll hook you up.)

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:49 am
by Chris1234
Fairly flexible (mainly as I have no idea what's on offer).
SOme where with a concentration of elves I guess and lots of trees.

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:00 pm
by chese780
Roger that. Will have it ready in... a few hours.

It's test week. A little busy.

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:48 am
by chese780
Aight, trees and elves.

How about.........

Askiel. Concentration is: 79% Elven (Including all subraces), 15% human, 5% Aarakocra, and 1% other.
Terrain is: 67% Forest, 13% Mountain, 20% plains.

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:47 am
by Chris1234
Aaron stretches and then moves forwards, looking around.

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:28 am
by chese780
(OOC: Kk, guess you're taking it. I have no idea how to proceed unless you just want to start... in a church?)

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:36 am
by Chris1234
{OOC1: I'm completely at your disposal. No particular motives here. Start me wherever you want. I'll just keep poking around in response to whatever environment you see fit to place me in until a plot hook crawls out of the woodwork. :)}

{OOC2: If you're looking for input from me, then put me anywhere that's likely to shunt me in the direction of other players. I'm completely fine with it if that's in front of a town noticeboard that has jobs in it... or the church priest wants something delivered... or I bump into someone in a tavern/shop/watering hole that needs help... or see someone being attacked by something - provided it's not a mated pair of Tarrasques. [Joking there]}

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:26 am
by chese780
(OOC: Ahh Tarrasques. Fun days.)
(OOC: Starting you in Valydiriam. You'll be the only one starting on the clouds for now. I'll prep your map and get you started. I forgot Askiel is saved for later.)
Map(3).jpg (763.52 KiB) Viewed 12434 times
(OOC: Aight, starting you in the main town. It's the densely covered one, with the little things around it in the northern part of the big island. Before I can start you, I need to know. Did you ever factor in the money you get to start with? I rolled 170 ep for you to kick it off with, and you can buy some armor, etc if you want. Otherwise it all gets dropped into your church except for 10ep, which I will say is your base holdover amount. When/If you get henchmen, this can increase.

Unless I missed some special Ghost Hunter rules...)

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:33 am
by chese780
(OOC: Yeh, I'm back.")

Aaron wakes up in his small room within the side halls of the Valydiriam Cathedral. His things lay where he set them the night before, and it seems to be morning already.

Re: <Chris1234's Private thread>

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:32 am
by Chris1234
Yes, thanks. Limited on what he can carry and still fly without losing maneuverability.
Assumed all the rest of the cash would go back to the church.