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CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Yes, rest would be nice at this point," Kendra admits with a grateful smile. She finishes off the tea that was served to her as she kind of forgot it was there, then stands up. "And thank you for the tea," she adds as she stands up. She was going to have to tell Sadron about this whole situation.
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by TristenC »

He is on the verge of posing the possibility of it being divine magic when her last comment forestalls him. It only seemed interested in attacking soldiers, but what do you mean about wizards ruining everything? What else have they ruined?
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by djhyland »

Arulia nods her head in agreement with her mother. "I don't think it matters so much why it happened," she says, "I don't think it's going to do anything but make things worse for us. The army's going to be looking for where it came from, and until they find that out, they're likely to make life even more difficult for everyone else."
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by Haahque »

"Here's to hoping we all survive until spring. Things are sure to look up for all of us when the world stops being so cold." Bear, at least seems to be honest and nice enough to Haahqae, and he's had no bad experiences with the man. However, if Haahqae went and tried to help every poor soul who was negatively effected by the army arriving, Haahqae would never be able to further his goals. They're hard enough to make any progress on without giving out very much charity, with all this being unable to find evil priests and being stolen from while helping uncovering a cult. However, it is one more reason Haahqae should move onto the next step of his master plan. If he pulls of a heist, he'll easily have enough steel to hand out charity to good men like bear, and further his own plans at the same time.
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Steel Tankard Inn, Common Room)
Bear raises his drink to that. "Either we'll survive or we won't. Just gotta do what we can and hope for the best." Then he downs the drink in one go. "Guess I'll be staying at this dump until the snows melt."

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Kendra returns home, easily able to pass through the checkpoints and patrols due to her status as an elite soldier. When she arrives, she heads upstairs to check on Sadron. He is still in bed, quite weak from his injuries. Without magical healing, it will take weeks for him to fully recover. But he is showing some slow progress.

Kendra's stomach rumbles, reminding her she has not eaten since that morning. Now was a good time to make dinner for both her and her secret roommate.

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
Vera sets down her spoon on her plate with an audible 'clinking' sound. "I didn't even think of that. They arrested your father because they think he's some kind of rebel. With this happening doesn't seem likely they'll let him go now, does it? They might think he knows who did this..."

Grubnick (High Hand Inn, Common Room)
"It doesn't matter if it only attacked soldiers," Green Tears responds. "What do you think the army's response will be? If you were prefect, what would you do after such an attack? Tear the city apart finding who is responsible? Passing stricter curfew laws? I doubt they'll just shrug their shoulders and let it go. Which means things will get worse for us, not for them."

At his question, she gives him a strange look. "Hmm...maybe you don't have wizards among your people, so you don't know. But they have always been trouble. They use their unnatural powers to harm people, enslave their minds, animated the dead, and who knows what else."

(OOC: Wizards are treated with suspicion and distrust in this era. It's why Haahqae keeps his own powers a secret, for instance. Most regular people don't trust mages, even the white robed ones.)
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas looks after Magnus thinking to himself, 'The curfew is wasting half of our day. Luckily we have a library in house... Maybe Magnus can help me with getting permission to leave after curfew.' He finishes cleaning and the goes to browse the library. 'So... Magnus says that every mage can research new spells. That's an interesting thought. I don't remember Raetmal ever mentioned it. Maybe he was worried I'll spend too much time in the laboratory and miss childhood...' Tulbas thinks to himself as he starts reading about famous magical accidents and their unexpected outcomes.

While reading he tries to focus on one direction for his research. He should choose school, and either the spell is defensive or offensive. He should consider the spell effect within the school, it range, volume and so on. He reads on and on and start to lose focus, the events of the day return back to his mind. "OH! I could research summoning! How did I miss that!" he says out loud. 'Well... it could be small scale summoning. Maybe it won't be an elemental, but some creature from the elemental planes, in small scale.' with his mind up to the task he starts reading all he can about summoning and the elemental planes.

After two hours of reading he is pretty satisfied and goes to the laboratory to start experimenting with the information he gathered. There is not much there yet, and of course he will have to seek out more Elementals out there, or mages who can summon them, or read such scrolls, as permanent spell in the spellbook must be out of his capabilities, but he can start by taking notes, making lists of materials that might help to get the magic work. 'What happened today?' he closes his eyes trying to recall everything that was there when the Elemental appeared. The smell. the noises, it's shape. Did it burn? Did it need fuel? What did the fire fed on? Did it have to have a connection to the fire plane? Tulbas writes all these ideas and then looks at the materials they have in the laboratory, searching anything that could symbol directly one of the four planes. 'The spell components should have such material.' Then he looks for anything that is used in spells that are connected to transportation, opening portals, holding portals, speeding up or slowing down creatures, and write these as potential materials. Feeling he pretty much did all he could as the first step in the path to research 'small scale elemental summoning' he put his notes back in the table drawer.

But he is still not tired. His mind is storming with the potential of researching, and he see himself in the future as a great sorcerer. 'But of course, that is if I won't die in few days in The Test.' he thinks to himself and that tells him what he should do next. He repeats the practice he did with Magnus all over again. Starting with considering all the uncommon uses the spell in his arsenal might have, and then continues practicing impaired casting. He looks at the laboratory memorizing everything he sees, then closes his eyes and trying to recall all the items, first in order he memorized them, and later in a random order.

Afterwards he practices on reaching the spell component in his pockets while each of his hands is out of use or both with a very limited movement. Afterwards he practices casting spells while standing on the edge of a chair or table or on one leg, hoping to improve his balance or cope with spell casting in a demanding situation. And so he practices as best as he can.

After a long while when he feels he succeed in the exercises, tiredness falls on him. He rearranges the laboratory and head back to his room, not before taking few more books with him and while in his room looking for what could be materials for summoning spells.

1. If you could interact with me what Tulbas might have read in the books and how that can lead him in his research that would be great. I don't have the small scale summoning spell in mind as something Tulbas should research right away. What I'd like to role-play is that during the event of the days Tulbas might get different ideas for spells who could be useful in the situations he meet or he could copy situations for his need. He will make notes, consider materials and then while he will gather enough information to start researching several spells he would be able to estimate the costs of the beginning of the process and will continue from there. For example tomorrow he will suddenly remember his miss with the sling and would consider a spell to help with his aim, or increase the damage done by the stone by make them burn for example...
2. Is the chapter ends when we go to sleep? (except for those who talk with Fizban in their dreams :))
3. Do you plan to continue role-playing the practice with Magnus in the next day/chapter? If so (and I would be happy to do that in order to get more ideas) then please make Magnus tell Tulbas when he is excused so I could do more things outside the shop. Thanks.
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by TristenC »

[Ooc: I presume goblins had shamans and the like but didn't send casters to 'the test'? I appreciate the reminders, I'm really pretty unfamiliar with the setting.]

He continues the conversation as he eats. Yeah, we aren't much for 'formal' magic training... He takes a bite and chews as he goes on quietly, couldn't it be a priest? They have been looking for clerics lately... Is that the common feel? Everyone thinking rogue wizard?
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra makes her way back downstairs to make dinner for herself and Sadron. Once done, she takes it upstairs so that Sadron can eat. "So, today was eventful," she says as she helps him sit up.
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by djhyland »

"Yes, that's what I'm worried about, too," says Arulia. "I hate to say it, but I hope the army catches whoever is responsible for the monster quickly, just so they can find that Father and the others aren't involved. Maybe if they find new people to feel threatened over, they'll release the old ones."

Arulia helps her mother and her sisters clean up after dinner. While she does so, she catches Cassilda's eye. "How was the day for you at the forge?" she asks.
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by Haahque »

With a final greeting in response to Bear, Haahqae heads upstairs to his room, where he'll count the coin he made during the show before heading to bed.
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Steel Tankard Inn, Room 15)
Haahqae heads up to his room to count the silver. Adding it all together, he determines he's made a profit of about 30 silver, or 3 steel pieces.

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
"I'm afraid I can't say the same," Sadron responds, sitting up. "Oh, Kendra...what happened to your hand?" he asks, noticing the burns.

Tulbas Erogund (Mageware Shop)
Tulbas' studies produce some results. Summoning elementals is far beyond his ken, he hasn't even taken his Test yet. But he deduces that it might be possible to summon something much weaker from the same plane. There are lesser elemental creatures called grues, for instance. There are also elemental-kin that are even weaker than that such as salamanders and fire snakes. A spell that conjures them might be more possible for him to research, although it will take time and money. Once he completes his Test, he should have more time to work on such things, at least.

The weaker the spell, the less coin and time it will take to research. He has access to a lab and a library, so that will help considerably. Although these things belong to Magnus now, so he could always deny Tulbas their use. He'll have to be careful not to antagonize him for awhile. However, he still will need coin for the operational costs for additional materials that Magnus does not own. He figures this will cost somewhere between 200-1,200 steel for each week of research.

There's also the matter of time. Spell research requires 10-12 hours a day of uninterrupted time for a minimum of two weeks for the weakest of spells, and considerably more for stronger ones. However, due to his impressive intelligence, he's certain he can keep those times at their minimums.

It's all very exciting, but if he survives his Test, he'll be able to put these plans into motion seriously. For now, he doesn't have the coin or the time.

(OOC: The chapter ends at page 30 or once everyone retires for the night, whichever comes first. Also, in all likelihood I'll probably set the next chapter on the day of his Test, but we'll see.)

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
Camilla's eyes widen. "What if we could catch the bad guy?" she asks. "They'd probably give a big reward for it and let daddy go!"

Vera shakes her head. "That's way too dangerous, don't be silly," she says. "Anyone who can create monsters out of thin air is someone we should all take care to avoid."

"It well as it ever does," Cassila replies in answer to Arulia's question. "Only two more days until payday. How about you? Were things okay at the smithy?"

Grubnick (High Hand Inn, Common Room)
Green Tears raises a brow in surprise. "A priest? They can do that? I heard tales of how they can heal wounds and sickness with a touch, but..." She pauses in thought. "Then again, that one priest, Lord Verminaard, created that huge column of flame in the grand market when he first arrived. Maybe it is possible...if so, then I imagine everyone in the city will be after them. The temple is offering a massive reward for anyone who turns in a heretic priest."

(OOC: Yeah, I imagine what few goblin mages there are would be dabblers; things like witch doctors and their ilk, never obtaining anything higher than 2nd level spells. They would be quite rare, though, as goblins aren't terribly bright in general and magic isn't something you can just learn on your own. I doubt many wizards would take goblins as apprentices.)
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by Haahque »

3 steel profit, Haahqae calculates as he prepares to sleep. It took about 4 days to put together and organize the show, which cost him 2 steel in renting this room, which means he made 1 steel profit for 4 days work, at this rate to get the money he needs to do any of his tasks, it'll take about three years. It was a great idea, sure, and actually made him money for the first time in a long time, but he's still poorer now then when he slew the giant and if he keeps this up at this rate, he'll take forever to get anything done.

More profitable schemes need to be made and acted on.
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra glances down at her hand, then smiles up to Sadron. "That is part of the excitement," she admits. "Someone summoned a fire elemental during the performance that was happening today in the square," she explains. "And, I was the one that stopped it from killing a lot of people."
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by TristenC »

Grubnick shrugs, I guess they could. Like you said, that Vermin-guy did spectacular things. Yeah, I heard about the rewards. But... what if whoever did this is just going after the draconians? What if they could actually drive them out with help from the locals?
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Re: CH. 11: The Show Must Go On

Post by djhyland »

"For once, things went well at the smithy," Arulia says. "A man came in with a load of ore for me to smelt, and I made a couple of steel coins doing so." She shakes her head. "But that's all he had, and I don't suppose I'll get any more business like that any time soon. Still, I did more today than the last week combined."