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Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

A fun, open-to-all, fly by the seat of your britches D&D5e adventure that happens in a town you probably haven't heard of to the tune of a bard's song you definitely haven't heard of. Strangers will unite in strange places and meet strange people before the day is done.

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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Nova Lunis »

Sornin strums the broomtar and inspires Maharron but it doesn't seem to calm anybody. The broomtar seems to be physically pulling against you, giving you the urge to sweep the floor...

Grognak watches the landshark circle beneath Pik and shouts at the Wizard to intimidate him. The wizard, about to step into the room, stops and considers you for a moment and decides you aren't the best person to pick his first fight with.

Pik pulls the string back on his bow - and it disappears from his hands with a small *pop* and re-appears on the wall of magic items. It appears it is still bound to some magic in the room holding it there. He hides behind the chandelier again, disappearing completely from view.
(you rolled well on the attack you just can't physically do it. you rolled a natural 20 on the hide)

Carrion picks up a bottle of bubbling, green acidic goop and readies an attack.

Maharron, you think the ring is real nice.

Rowan takes pairs of potions he thinks he recognizes and shoves them in his bag (the ones you mentioned plus 2 randoms I picked for you that you can roll a check for later)
Insight roll on the mage - 20 - You think he's insane. He's on a mission for knowledge and he's not going to stop until he knows what he wants to. He looks at you as if you're a tool to help him get what he wants.

The wizard, realizing that Grognak is not the best target in the room, ignores all of your banter and shouts at him and takes the gem in his hand, walks up to Joe slumped against the wall with his book in hand, grabs him and raises him by the throat and stabs the gem in his eye.
The sound in the room is deafening as you see brilliant blue light seep from Joe into the gem while he begins to wither away. The wizard grins evilly and seems wholly consumed with his task.
The book that Joe was holding in his hand bounces to the floor opens with a soft *thwump* completely useless in defending him.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by TristenC »

Pik fishes a potion out that looks to him like acid or a dangerous mixture and throws it at the wizard.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Rivi »

rose moves back from the wizard and readies an eldritch blast
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Chris1234 »

Rowan advances, whipping out what he thinks is a Giant Strength potion as he goes, announcing, "The mage is nuts and will use us to our detriment!"
He drinks the potion before going to grapple the mage.

OOC: Not sure of positions/distances in the room, so I'll go along with whatever you think is appropriate.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Nocturno »

Sornin will look a bit shocked, continuing to watch the scene unfold in front of him. He will go along with the compulsion to sweep the floor.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by CarrionStyles »

Carrion throws the acid at the wizard, he was not shocked by the gruesome act of violence, but it did anger him that the wizard picked the most defenseless, pathetic person to attack. He goes and picks a another potion this one blue with sparks flying from the top.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Lithain »

Maharoom watches wide eyed as things just escalated quickly. Not one to enjoy an evil laugh from anyone, or a throat grab to someone seemingly so innocent for that matter. His gut instincts tells him to act first and ask questions later.

"Why, you are worst room service I've ever seen!" Stepping up to the wooden table with left over bottles of unknown solutions Maharoom grins. Picking up the whole table as is, carefully but quickly, he attempts to pin the crazed wizard against the wall, breaking the rest of the left over bottles over his new foe. Thinking that surely a respectable wizard should have said 'Greetings' first before attempting anything so violent.

Strength check.. [1d20+6] = 10+6 = 16
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by NickKage1 »

Grognak is aghast at the sight of the helpless book wielding stranger withering away with a flash a blue energy. He insists not suffering the same fate and charges at the wizard with his battle axe held sideways in hopes of cross checking the wizard. He notions toward his Land Shark - Toothy. "Toothy! Bite!" Grognak points at the wizard.

Melee Attack
[1d20+3] = 15+3 = 18

Battle Axe dmg .. 1d8+3
[1d8+3] = 3+3 = 6