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Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

The 2E AD&D Homebrew Sandbox world of Genwald is large, ancient, and magical. There are many undiscovered/untamed places. The Sun Kingdom (European style, Late Medieval Human NG Monarchy) is the basic Campaign area, but PCs can end up anywhere.

The scars of ancient battles of titanic proportions mark the land. Wild magic zones, fantastical terrain, grand adventure, political strife, and even artifacts of wonder await. Choose your part and come make your mark on the world. A wide array of unconventional races and classes are available.

Moderator: TristenC

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Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

Post by TristenC »

Post a quick physical appearance for your PC here.
If you like you can also post their general demeanor (just something that could be easily observed at first meeting).
Pictures welcome but not required.
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Garroth Kazzak - Minotaur Ranger/Mage

Post by ausie »

Garroth is only 18, 7'8" tall to top of head and add another six inches for his upturned horns.

Garroth has a very large and very strong muscular body, but its is concealed behind green and brown elven style garb and over it he wears a wizardly robe.

His hair colour is dun-brown and it is quite thick and sleek from his shoulders up. He has large yellow eyes and has a demeanor similar to many elves, though lacks the typical elvish patience.

He travels with a massive hammer - a Maul, that he uses as much as a walking stick as a weapon. Its always at hand unless he places it aside to draw his minotaur sized bow, or cast a spell.

Across his chest he wears a brace of 6 daggers.

His other equipment is contained in a belt pouch and a backpack, though the backpack looks ridiculously small on him, more of a knapsack.

Garroth Kazzak (Minotaur Ranger/Mage)
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Re: Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

Post by Sol Mazer »

Back story... Description and pic coming soon. Vanidur is an elf.


Vanidur is an approachable elf skilled in a craft not many of his kind endeavor to study. He is constantly looking for orher mages to exchange ideas and spells. Vanidur is well aware that he is still very new to the adventure life. Be that as it may, he looks for opportunities to set out and gain first hand experience at using his spells for a cause.


Vanidur Colfinnor is the son of a jewelry smith in a busy town. At a young age, he began to help with the family business. He made easy work of remembering the processes needed to create the alloys and enamels in the metal craft. His father took to keeping him close at hand when ever he had to negotiate price and exchange rates of raw materials. His father would also note that Vanidur rarely wrote anything down... but could keep better track of numbers, processes, and sequences with simple recall.

Though Vanidur was never as stong as his siblings (sisters included), he was always capable of getting out of the way of misfortune just in time. His ability to move as deftly as his mind kept him busy and never underfoot in the smithy. Vanidur was quick to respond to his father shouting orders or calling for proportions. Having the young elf around and able to keep up, stay out of the way and recite precise cost with each embellishment, allowed smithy to enjoy much efficiency.

It was through word of mouth that brought a mage to Vanidur father. The mage was in need of an extraordinary work of silver and wanted to be on hand for its creation. Vanidur's father and the mage would indeed create a wonderous ring with Vanidur nearby for the whole process. One night, to better see the work at hand, the mage cast a light spell. Vanidur was there to see and hear everything needed for the display. He was entranced with the simplicity of it all. For days he practiced in his mind all the steps and words the mage used to create the light. Then, it happened that the mage, Vanidur, and his father were working in the smithy through dusk. Vanidur stepped forward, crushed a firefly and spoke the words to create his own light spell. The result illuminated the stunned faces of Vanidur's father and the mage.

Vanidur's family was supportive of his apprenticeship with the mage. He would go on to study the craft of Illusion and was always pursuing other spells or techniques. When the time came for him to be dismissed, Vanidur knew he would not be satisfied until he had mastered the arcane arts. He understood the best way to do this is adventuring and acquiring first hand knowledge of the most powerful spells. Vanidur set out to do just that...
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Re: Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

Post by Nocturno »

Nocturno - High Elf

He is a High Elf to the max, sworn to protect a community from which he was exiled. Nocturno models every aspect of his life after The Great Protector Corellon Larethian.
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Re: Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

Post by Jenara »

Neserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger

(She looks like this but with a very short green leather skirt, does not wear the greaves or boots usually)

Neserrr is short standing at only 4 foot 5 inches tall, her small compact body is highly toned and covered head to foot in brown and grey fur, her race is obvious due to her large eyes and prominent ears and whiskers.

Always found in Highly tooled green armor she is never without the Longsword scabbarded to her back, or the plain but functional longbow in its quiver.

(She has been nicknamed Katten by the Elves that visit her patrol area).
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
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Re: Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

Post by Stik »

Boyd is a thin but muscular dwarf, with a short beard and light brown shoulder-length hair worn in braids. His hair is decorated with beads of wood and metal, stone and bone, and an occasional feather.
He typically dresses in rough clothing made of hides, wool and leather, most of which looks either homemade or scavenged - well-worn and repeatedly patched or repaired. His clothing is likewise decorated with beads and other adornments.

He is typically found in the company of his mount, a huge, red-gold-furred boar.
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Re: Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

Post by Chris1234 »

Standing about five and a half feet tall, Linar Naila is a thin, maybe 100lb, dark skinned elf with white hair and red eyes that glow in the dark.
He wears grey troos, shirt & cloak and has a crescent moon pendant around his neck.
He sports the longsword, short sword and longbow more normally associated with light skinned elves plus a variety of beltpouches and a backpack.
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Re: Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

Post by Rivi »

tall and muscled Elden is and imposing figure with dark hair and dark brown eyes. his body is covered in scars witch he dose nothing to hide. but once one gets to know him its clear that the man is a soft hatred fellow. the body he has worked towards for years is a result of his unique profession as a martial arts blacksmith. a rare art of forming shaping metal with spells and physical blows of his fists. an anvil scored with foreign makings hangs from a large chain like a bag at his side. the only visible weapons he carriers is bandolier of knives across his chest
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Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
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Re: Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

Post by Squirrellord »

Jordek is a forest gnome that stands just over 2 feet tall and is clad in leathers that have a mottled dyed look with various browns and the occasional green with no single patch being overly large.
He has black hair, oddly short for a gnome. He wears his hair wildly tufted and it sticks out from his head at all angles and multiple lengths. Sometimes a squirrel may be seen clinging to it. His beard is braided in multiple braids along his jaw line.
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Re: Beastiary (PC Physical descriptions)

Post by Styrius »

Description and Background
Pale grey eyes with purplish brown colored skin. No hair. Wiry build. Muted colored clothes.
Findalsip a priest of no major note has lived and defended his Deep Gnome village and used his skills a RockTender to help his fellow gnomes to find that which is most desired by them - gems. He came to understand the rock in ways few do. He is considered mostly light hearted as other gnome races are wont to be. He also has an affinity for exploring. He is not experienced enough to use for major battles with the other humanoids of the UnderDark but is just useful enough to explore the caverns and back caves to find new sources for miners to work.
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You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
Ruby ring wearing, kiss stealing; Woo!
Praying/healing, beholder riding, griffin flying
Son of a blowgun, and I'm having a hard time holding these Aboleth shoes down! WOO!
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