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Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Two cities fates intertwined, yet paths divergent. Join the race of Technology and Sorcery, finding the best blend of each. With destruction in the west, what trouble is headed out to the coast?

Moderator: Nocturno

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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Squirrellord »

Sparing a sidelong glance at the rude flesh sack when he hears it's "Humph", Tornak focuses on what the dwarf is saying. Impulsive? That is good to know. Is there any kind of behavior in particular to watch him for?
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Nocturno »

[1d20+5] = 7+5 = 12(Forgot one roll)

The halflings start to circle each other in the courtyard. Renwick strikes first. Adrik tries a fancy move on the first lunge. This would have caused a lesser swordsman to miss but Renwick gets inside Adriks guards, just barely. He then follows it up with another tap.

"Two points!" Renwick exclaims.(23 and 20, defensive duelist not quite enough)

Determined to strike back Adrik deflects a jab and strikes his friendemy. Adrik attacks again on the heels of his success, but is unable to land a blow on his crewmate. (17 and 12)

"One for me!"

With the words barely out Renwick attacks again. This time Adrik's flourish is successful and Renwick's advances are both turned away.(20 and 15)

Building on his defensive maneuver Adrik goes on the offensive. His first strike is made with such force it actually scratches his friend on the ribs. Obviously feeling bad about hurting his friend in this practice Adrik lets off and his next lunge is easily parried wide.(25 and 12)

"Ha ha! 2 all!"

Renwick back on the offensive over steps and misses badly.(10 and 12)

Adrik takes advantage of the mistake and scores a solid blow. His follow up attack is pushed aside.

"3,2 Adrik!"

"Ale break!" Renwick shouts. He holds his hand over the scratch.

"New job have you excited, huh?"


"No, that is about as descriptive as I can get, with fear of being overheard.". He will motion over to a workbench. You are going to need some of that lube there, on your trigger. I'd also put a new cord here. Third drawer on the left should have what you need."
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by counterkid »

"Once again my friend you are impressive. I will have another drink with you. I can't wait to see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into."

"What do you make of our new friend Tornak? Can we trust him?"
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Nocturno »

Renwick must have caught Adrik on his heels as he manages to land to blows in his first offensive flurry.(21 and 18).

"Almost have you now! 4 to 3!"

Adrik immediately responds with two offensive strikes, ending the game. (23 and 20)

"Oh, you got me! I'm going to need some more Ale."

He grabs his cup.

"As for for Tornak, if he is a Spinegouger we can likely trust him, as they make the city work from below here."
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Squirrellord »

Jordek will walk over to the indicated workbench and start to work on his crossbow, replacing the string the dwarf indicated and lubing the trigger mechanism. After completing his work in silence, he wanders back over to the dwarf Is there a range I could test this out at around here? brandishing the crossbow I don't like going into situations without knowing if my equipment works properly
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Nocturno »

"Aye, you can fire a few bolts at those mannequins, in the room on the left. Just make sure there are no projects on them first." He motions to 2C.
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Squirrellord »

Tornak takes his crossbow and heads to the aforementioned room. Finding a mannequin without anything on it, he makes sure he has room to test his crossbow. He will move himself several paces away and commence to fire three bolts at the mannequin.

(Just for kicks)
To Hit: [1d20+7] = 7+7 = 14 , Damage: [1d6+4] = 6+4 = 10
To Hit: [1d20+7] = 18+7 = 25 , Damage: [1d6+4] = 5+4 = 9
To Hit: [1d20+7] = 2+7 = 9 , Damage: [1d6+4] = 3+4 = 7

Happy with the suggestions the dwarf made, Tornak returns to the main room and announces The bow works great! My aim on the other hand seems a bit erratic Plopping his butt down on a chair by the dwarf, Tornak speaks up again Speaking of my aim, I've been thinking of ways to steady my shots. I think I've worked out a way to do it but I am interested in hearing your thoughts on my idea.
If either the dwarf or the gnome respond favorably, Tornak digs in his pack and pulls out a weathered leather bound book and opens it for the two tinkerers to look at. I've made some notes and drawn up some diagrams here. I'm am thinking something possibly like a spyglass but smaller, mounted over here. He points to the pages and hands over the notebook.
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Nocturno »

The dwarf looks at the drawings with interest.

"Ah, yes. Your notes here show that you have the lenses worked. Could I see them?"

This perks up the gnome. No true gnome could pass up the opportunity to tinker on something new.

After he takes a look at the plans he will jump off the stool he was on.
"I've got the perfect binding agent here.
My own creation, the only thing that will be able to remove those lenses will be universal solvent."
He will scuttle off as only gnomes can to a work bench and sort through some drawers.

Ah and a tube, let me see, stay here young one." He will shuffle over to another desk and start sorting.
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Squirrellord »

Tornak pulls out the lenses and removes them from a soft leather cloth for inspection. As the two tinkerers get more and more animated, Tornak can't help but feel confused. He knew his idea was a good one but he wasn't expecting this much excitement over some plans. As the gnome rushes off gathering items, realization dawns that they weren't just excited about his plans, they were going to attempt to bring them to fruition here and now! Uh thank you. Yes I will stay here! Is there anything I can assist with? Tornak asks, suddenly nervous again.
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by counterkid »

After the exercise Adrik wants to ask a few more servants questions about working for the Lady. He is wondering beside food and shelter if she provide the hired help / muscle with weapons, rations torches, oil. He would also like to have a crowbar.
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Nocturno »

The dwarf returns with a tube it looks like it will taper perfectly, just a bit long on each end.

"This should do just fine. We can adjust the length."

You then hear a loud crash and clanging rattle.

"Found it!"

The gnome comes rushing over with a stoppered bottle.

With all three tinkers ready to cut, attach and test, the group gets started.

The gnome struggles a bit but he manages to get the jar open while Tornak double checks his calculations for the tube length.

The dwarf gets his metal cutting saw, and starts to sharpn it.

"You need to be ready before we apply this adhesive, it drie quickly."

With the match checking complete, Tronak gives the measurements to the dwarf. He in turn puts the tube in a vise and marks the cuts. He checks his markings, and gets Tornak to do the same.

The dwarf starts to cut, Tornak watches with anticipation. With the slow meticulous cutting Tornak moves to distract himself. He will pick up the lenses and start to polish them.

As the first end is cut, Tornak and the gnome start to line the lenses with some fine threads, which will allow the adhesive to bond both pieces to the tube better.

Once the cuts are completed the dwarf sits down, "That is it for me today me Gobbo.
I had an early start and I don't want my fatigue to ruin your project."

"Aye me as well, We can get this all set to complete in the morning." He will replace the cap on the paste.

"It will be safe here, let us all go have a pint and a bite to eat, then some rest."

Master Tinkers: [2d8] = 11 [2d8] = 11
Tornak Crafting Contribution Crafting: [1d6] = 1

(5 + (2d8*5)(Expert Artisan)) + (5 + (2d8*5)(Expert Artisan)) + (5+(1d6*5)(Proficient Artisan))+10(Location Bonus) = 60+60+10+10=140
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Nocturno »

As Renwick and Adrik enter the house sheaths full and mugs empty, they are greeted by Yongoth. He will have two full cold tankards.

"You all must be thirsty, that siunded like some spirited sparring. When asked about weapons and accessories. "Aye before the meet you will be given access to the armoury, and storage rooms."

Once we are done with the scope, I will jump some time to get you to the armoury.
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Re: Cladmont Goings - Tornak and Adrik

Post by Squirrellord »

Aye! Food and drink! Tornak will eagerly jump off his stool and walk with the two as they leave the workshop. He detours a bit and grabs the garbage the gnome had pointed to earlier and says I'll be right back and quickly runs off and brings the garbage to his room and then heads to the mess hall to meet the the tinkerers. If they are there, he will spend an animated evening conversing with them trying to tease out as much shop talk as he can. When he retires for the night, he will dump the garbage over the floor of the room and sort through it searching for any parts or pieces he thinks can be salvaged and slips them into his pack.

(Because I love making your life fun Noc)
Investigation(10): [1d20+10] = 8+10 = 18

Tidying up the garbage, he places it in the hall outside his room and settles down for the night.
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