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Party XP - Loot

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:48 pm
by Nocturno
End of Day 1:
RP and Questing:(Games, Research, Meetings, escourt, secure warehouse)
750XP per Character

Temple of Umberlee
Manticore 700*3 = 2100
Troll 1800*3 5400
5400+2100=7500/5 = 1500/Character

Drow Characters 700*4 = 2800
2800/5 = 560/Character

Adrik, GG, Renwich, Rayman, Tornak, each gain 2810 xp for Day 1

Broggdar will get 750XP for Day 1

Loot from the Lockbox in Warehouse
Dwarven Cobalt Rapier

Clearly crafted in a Dwarven forge, it was created for one of Elven build.

As a reaction, you can cause your body to swiftly become encased in stone. When you do so, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn. Once you have used this ability twice, you must wait until the next dawn to use it again.

Additionally, there is a small flask attached to the hilt of this weapon. The contents of this flask can be poured into any ordinary cup of water to turn it into Feywine.
The contents of this flask contains enough liquid to turn one gallon of water into Feywine and refills each morning at dawn.

Beaded Necklace:
Effervescence of Inertia

Whenever you cast a non-damage spell(A Damage spell is a spell that can deal damage), you may use your reaction to make a ranged spell attack (range 60) against a target that does 2d4+1 Force Damage.
The beads of this necklace all have a centre of bubbling liquid.

Silver Necklace:
Periapt of Proof Against Poison

This delicate silver chain has a brilliant-cut black gem pendant. While you wear it, Poisons have no Effect on you. You are immune to the Poisoned condition and have immunity to poison damage.

Shield of Projectiles

While a sturdy shield on the surface(+1AC), inspecting the binding shows a finger pull that will trigger a small crossbow mounted in the shield.
Once attuned to the shield, it will load itself, allowing an attack as an bonus action.
Use Hand Crossbow stats.
The shield can hold 10 bolts in straps. Magically loading between rounds.

Please update your sheets accordingly.

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:54 pm
by Nocturno
I applied names in bold to the items claimed.
There is the Beaded necklace with noone claiming it, and Rayman not claiming anything :)

I am also filling in the rest of the stuff from the Drow party in the basement.

The group found:
1 x Empty vial smells of peppermint
1 x Healing Potion
1 x Amulet - Lloth Holy Symbol
1 x Great Axe being used by the Barbarian has a dark black handle, and a head that is made of the same metal.
5 x Dagger with Lloth and Spider "Assassin" symbol
2 x Vials of Poison

11GP 10SP (Already split up)

You recognize the metal as, adamantine, mixed with an alloy of drow creation, equipment made with this alloy cannot withstand sunlight.

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:37 pm
by Chris1234
GG claims one of the daggers for sure.

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 7:00 pm
by TristenC
Renwick would claim the axe and have a cober made for the head

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:10 am
by Dargon Lonewolf

Would like one of the daggers and the Healing Potion to be used on party members in a pinch.

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:35 am
by Nocturno
Climber's Kit
50' Silk Rope
1 week dry rations
10 opaque metallic vials for collecting specimens
Piece of leather with belt loops on one side, and 10 vial loops on the outside.

Climber's Kit

Climber's Kit

Climber's Kit
6 50' Silk Rope
Hooded Lantern
4 Flask of Oil
Mining Pick
Dark Rye Bread
2lbs Dried Meat
Quarter Wheel of Cheese
Dwarven Whiskey.

Thick burlap bag died black - Cover for Axe
2 Quicer Arrows - 40

6 50'Silk Rope
Grappling Hook
Climber's Kit

Anyone gathering fresh food, figures they can get 2 days worth of food, and it will still be good.
They will grab more silk rope from the stores so everyone can get the amount they wish to have.
GG and Broggdar took a dagger
That leaves 3 daggers and the Holy Symbol to be claimed.
Everyone please stock up to having 1 Healing Potion, and 1 AntiToxin
Also the fizzing magical necklace.

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:35 pm
by BishGada
Flatbelly will also take 3 days dry rations

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:48 am
by Chris1234
GG tentatively takes a week's worth of trail rations, 3 flasks of oil and a second drow dagger. "If anyone wants any of this I'm happy to put it back. The drow items might be advantageous but might make it possible for them to magically locate us. Anyone think the drow holy icon might be needed to unlock something? A portal, maybe?"

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:02 am
by TristenC
Renwick will get a climbers kit and some spare rope as well. when he sees someone bringing dwarven whiskey he will grin wide and bring a hip flask of some too

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:39 am
by counterkid
Adrik also took some rations and an antitoxin potion.

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:05 am
by Dargon Lonewolf
Broggdar will grab whatever drow daggers are left. he can always melt them down and make something else later if no one wants them.

Re: Party XP - Loot

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:02 pm
by Nocturno
Ok, he will grab the 3 remaining daggers, as long as you have all the items you want, let's head back to the main thread which has you all leaving the Manor, presumably on the way to the warehouse.

Everyone has some jingle in their pocket, some new magic items, and badge to get themselves into trouble.