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Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »


PS Read and write costs her 2 pts not just one because it is not her class or general so I do not think I get an extra slot :)
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Ooc]Aah, you are right I forgot it is a cross-class skill for her.

opposed Strength check please for her to move the arm being held by the assassin to access her dagger.
Her foe failed, so as long as Del passes her str check she can move the arm going for her dagger. (in cases like this if both combatants pass it goes down to who passed by a wider margin)

If the str check passes, make a dex check to see if she can maneuver that hand in positon to get un-stuck this round

Delsenora struggles against the attacker that is pinning her arm, eking her fingertips towards where her dagger is stowed. While the assailant is distracted struggling against her, she fumbles her off-hand blindly towards a hidden pocket and retrieves a small packet of sneezing powder.

As soon as it is clear Del is going for a weapon, the assassin sneers and places the tip of her short sword against the disguised Drow's ribs. Pressing the tip slowly and painfully into her ribs she whispers, That's it, little one... I like a little fight.... makes breaking your spirit soooo much more rewarding.

The other two Zhent keep a watchful eye of the surroundings, confident their team leader has this in hand.

Assassin str check to hold Delsenora's arm still
Assn str check [1d20]=13, fail!

Assassin stabs at Delsenora who is stuck (no dex bonus to AC) with her short sword (+2 pierce vs leather)
Thac0 ? Vs AC 7(+2)
[1d20] = 18, hit!
for [1d6] = 2 damage
Delsenora is barely scratched [26/28hps]

Assassin ss [1d20]=18,[1d6]=2
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Delsenora attempts yet agin to free herself with her dagger , then get sneezing powder in her foes face!

If any of her foe is close enough, Delsenora is ready to bite a finger off, or take a piece of her foe and spit it out!
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

(just need a str and dex check pls)
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

(after looking, i couldn't really find the sneezing powder so this will be a custom thing i guess)

Delsenora struggles against her attacker to move her arm, but the tight quarters and relentless grip of her foe prevents her from pulling free at first. Raising her other hand from behind, Del turns her face away and hurls the powder towards the assassin's face! A cloud of peppery, stinging dust fills the woman's vision and she immediately begins to hack and cough, sneezing and scrubbing at her face with one arm.

In the chaos, she releases Del's arm and the rogue quickly snatches her knife from it's home. Turning her shoulder awkwardly she pries at whatever has caught her from behind. Desperately sawing through one of the tool loops on her armor she hears a satisfying snap as it tears free from its anchor; liberating the disguised Drow.

With a frustrated scream the assassin stabs her prey in the ribs yet again

Assassin con [1d20]=15, fail,
she begins coughing and sneezing, losing her grip on Delsenora until she can recover.

Assassin (-2 while sneezing) stabs at Delsenora who is stuck (no dex bonus to AC) with her short sword (+2 pierce vs leather)
Thac0 ? Vs AC 7
[1d20] = 15, hit!
for [1d6] = 2 damage

Assassin ss [1d20]=15, [1d6]=2
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Delsenora grunts from the wound. Steeling her reserves she attempts to stab at her assailant with her dagger and push away at the same time,

getting away from her, to flee farther into the alley.
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

(lets get an attack roll for the dagger stab and a dex check to wriggle farther down the alleyway)
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Dust of sneezing and choking from DMG!

Page 223 in the updated black cover book.

There is a save as well for it.
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[OOC] Lol. dust of sneezing and choking would count as a magical item (which would be problematic since the dmg doesn't assign an xp value to it because it is cursed/detrimental) aside from the fact she spent her magic item on the Ring of Impersonation. We can say it is a mundane sneezing powder that the target gets a saving throw against or begins sneezing uncontrollably (-2 to hit, 2pt penalty to AC. movement halved) how does that sound?

The two rogues stab and slash at each other as Delsenora struggles to worm her way farther into the alley and away from her attackers. Steel dances, strikes and sparks against stone and metal but neither woman manages to land a hit. Del makes some progress into the mildewy back alley, putting some distance between herself and the Assassin.

Scabrous little rot grub! she shouts at the fleeing rogue. You idiots don't just STAND THERE! Find another way around! Desperately her foe wriggles into the space as well in an attempt to pursue her prey

[I typically keep creature/enemy Thac0 or AC hidden from players until a type of attack barely connects (meaning they rolled exactly what was needed to connect or miss), thus the details below. The assassin is managing to follow her into the alley for now, but is far enough behind they are not in melee.]
Init: R1
Assassin: (4+3 ss): 7
Del: (8+2): 10

Assassin (-2 while sneezing) stabs (+2 pierce vs leather) at Delsenora with her short sword
Thac0 ? Vs AC 4
[1d20] = 11, miss!

Del stabs (+2 pierce vs leather) at the Assassin with her dagger
Thac0 18 vs AC?
[1d20] = 8, miss!

Del attempts to wriggle farther into the cramped alleyway
Need: Dex score of 17 or lower
[1d20] = 8, pass!
Del moves farther into the alleyway, provoking an attack of opportunity from the Assassin

Assassin (-2 while sneezing) stabs (+2 pierce vs leather) at Delsenora with her short sword
Thac0 ? Vs AC 4
[1d20] = 12, miss!

the Assassin attempts to wriggle farther into the cramped alleyway
Dex ???
[1d20] = 2, pass!
the Assassin moves farther into the alleyway,

Assassin init, hit, dmg [1d10]=4,[1d20]=11, [1d6]=1
Del init [1d10]=8
Assassin hit, dmg [1d20]=12, [1d6]=4
Assassin dex [1d20]=2
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Seeing as Del is no longer stuck at her back, she attempts to parry defensively whilst moving farther away from her pursuer!
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Working her way farther down the alley, Del manages to maintain her distance beyond the reach of her would-be assassin. Shouts and curses follow as the burgandy-haired killer scrambles to pursue her with limited success.

Scrunching and fighting for every footstep the magically disguised Drown inches her way along. The compression of her joints and chest seems to be almost suffocating as the tight space grows narrower and narrower... Eventually she finds herself unable to progress without taking a strained, restricted breath and then deeply venting the air as she squirms just a few... more... inches...

The edge of the alley blessedly comes into sight. The rogue's belabored exhalations form mist in the cold night, despite the fact the summer had been quite warm to this point. Stretched fingers finally come in range to claw and grasp the corner of the buildings before her, and with a final struggle she drags her lithe body scraping and scratching along the rough plaster to spill gasping to the ground into the cobbled streets beyond...

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Del can finally see her new surroundings. Beam and Plaster buildings, all heavily shuttered for the night, line the damp cobbled street to either side. It seems a heavy rain had fallen in this part of town, though the road she had met the assassins on had been dry as week old bones. A decided chill had settled as well, and even in her leather she knew it was not good to stay out long in such. No lights can be seen in any of the buildings nearby, but faint sounds from the alley promise retribution should she linger...
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Confused slightly about the slight differences, Delsenora puts it off to adrenaline and being chased.

She looks both ways down the street, looking for an Inn or Tavern. She will not dally long for fear of the purple haired woman catching her.
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Del checks her surroundings, but detects no sound nor sign that anything is in her proximity aside from the whispered silent curses issuing from the alleyway behind her. Without delay she chooses a direction at random and strikes off in search of a populated establishment.

The echoing clack, clack, clack! of her own boots reminds her eerily of the initiation of her encounter tonight, but the rogue keeps pace through the foggy early eve. All of the buildings nearby seem to be the same beam and plaster, odd in this city, and the road narrows to a cart-wide cobble affair.... must be some side street, but... dive bars and houses of ill repute still have people... perhaps...

Even before her currently heightened state can form the thought, the warm golden light of a nearby establishment forms beyond the obfuscating mist. On the air around her she can hear the faintest melody of music...
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