The Last Wild Ride

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The Last Wild Ride

Post by Tempest »

So I have a question for you.

Imagine with me for a moment.

Imagine that your DM has told you that the next game you play with him/her will be your last. You can't play any more games because of some time limiting factor, like you're dying of a terminal illness or you're moving to the moon. But you will have time to be involved in one last epic campaign.

What would you play for your last character?

This is it, this is the last character you'll ever get a chance to run, what do you play?

If it was my last character, it would have to be my most epic. I'm not normally for playing "power games" but I would ask the gm to let us play a gestalt campaign. In 3.5 there is an option for playing multiclass heroes much in the way that 2nd edition multiclassing works. So you take two classes and blend them together to make one class with all the advantages of both.

I would play a Knight/Druid for my last character because I've always wanted to, but have never had the chance.
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Post by Cole »

Well Temp, since I'm always the DM, I would have to make this my last game I'd ever run for these players ;)

I would have to choose an old one that I ran in the past over a 6 month span for 13 players. It was most epic! Even down to the last 8 PC's, finally confronting the legendary Ancient Red Dragon of Vastonia.

The battle was a D&D classic and was epic in the fact that IF the PC's won the day, they would have enough gold and treasure to retire for sure... while on the other hand, I had driven so much fear into the players by this time that they knew for a fact allot of them would be losing their most precious PC's on this day.

I would love to run that adventure one last time, with another group of great players and their PC's of all ages and classes, just to see how it would have turned out if the dice were a little more kind to the players involved.

The 16th level Druid/Kensai died during the first attack the dragon made, (natural 20) and bit him into two-halves.

There was nothing like the look on my players faces when that happened, as one of their greatest melee warriors was torn to shreads right in front of them :twisted: EPIC DM DAY indeed!

I never DMed the same after that day, I felt so bad after as the Dragon lay back down into it's horde, dead NPC's and PC's everwhere and only a few PC's left to rot in swinging cages aloft from the cavern's ceiling.

Sorrow amongst all ... and hatred towards their longtime DM :(
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Post by phindar »

Honestly, I probably wouldn't go high level because that's a lot of paperwork and for me, I wouldn't want the last game I played to be a headache.

There's a few characters I would return to, a few campaigns left undone. It's hard to think about what a last game would entail though. Gaming for me is about limitless potential-- some friends get together, break out some dice, and then anything can happen. If it was my last game ever, I don't know that I'd want to game. I think I'd rather just get the group together to have a few beers and tell some stories.
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Post by BASSsic »

Lesbian crossbow Bard.
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