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Massive DVD collection

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:20 am
by garhkal
Wow, i just got done spending just over 4 1/2 hrs writing out all my movies somewhat in alphabetical order (for the most part) till i get to the Sci-fi specific ones, then have a separate page for all the Multi-packs (and damn!! do i have a lot of those)... Once i have them all wrote out, i will have updated this massive list the first time since early 2012.. And back then i was upward of 600+ disks, and around 900+ films (after all the multi-film disks were counted)... I would hate to see what #s i am up to now...

Anyone else here, have large DVD collections??

Re: Massive DVD collection

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 7:05 am
by TigerStripedDog
I did at one time, though not that large. I think I had over 120. I transitioned to Blu Ray when it came out, had another 60 or so of those (though some replaced my old DVD's). Saw the writing on the wall however, that everything would be digitally stored eventually. Made a sucker's deal with my wife (who had previously outlawed miniatures in my house) that if I scrapped the DVD collection I could have a smaller (and discretely stored) miniature's collection. She agreed, and so the DVD's were given to friends. I keep a small collection at my cabin for rainy days :)


Re: Massive DVD collection

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 1:36 pm
by garhkal
Did you convert any of yours TO digital storage before giving/selling them off?

Re: Massive DVD collection

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 8:58 am
by TigerStripedDog
No, not really. I have since bought some of them in digital format (across whatever platform I happen to be using). Honestly I found they just sat there. There were some DVD's I hadn't watched in probably 2-3 years when I finally got rid of them. Maybe longer. Just didn't seem worth the effort once everything was said and done.

I had a few friends who had large collections - they were happy for the donations.
