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Neverwinter Nights Comeback - 16 years later!

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 2:50 pm
by Cole
Yes, as some of you may have known, I created 2 of the largest Neverwinter Nights worlds online. They both ran for over 10 years and then sadly it all came to an end as bandwidth and the game's run seemed to die after World of Dumbcraft came out.

I lost 90% of my players to that game sadly... but now it's time to look at NWN again. A new player is in the game and they are re-vamping the game to bring it into a more modern status. They go by the name "BeamDog". They are selling pre-copies of the game already on the steam network for $20 .... but I personally don't recommend buying it yet. To many scammer games on that network. Wait until it's done and then enjoy the final product when it's done.

However, until then, I thought those of you interested could install the game again, patch it all up and give er a go again. It's retro gaming, but it's still BY FAR the best CRPG ever made. It's as close to D&D you can get via a PC. It's 3e for those that have never played.

Those of you who lost your disks can download legal copies here ... Atari_2003

scroll down a bit to see all the related disks. You will need to download ALL 3 original disks, plus both the expansions to play on most servers, including mine. You will also need to download the latest C.E.P. you can find that on the nwvault. Just google it ;)

You will also need to run the 1.69 critical rebuild before you can play, which brings the game to it's last official state. ... e&nid=1585

You also will need the latest C.E.P. which is surprisingly a 2018 update. Sweet! ... z&nid=8011

Our PlanetADnD server address is: put this address into the direct connect box and you'll be playing in no time.

I'll post more details soon :)

Re: Neverwinter Nights Comeback - 16 years later!

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:21 pm
by JadedDM
I actually still have NWN installed on my PC. Picked it up from GOG on a Christmas sale years ago. I still play some of the fanmade modules on it from time to time. Never joined an online world with it, though. Are the servers even still up for that?

Re: Neverwinter Nights Comeback - 16 years later!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:23 pm
by Cole
Hey Jaded. Yeah there are some, but when you log into Multiplayer you can't see any on the server lists because gamespy took it down. So what you need is a static IP to punch into the box at the bottom of the screen called "Direct Connect". If you like you can come play on my server. It runs 24/7 again now. ;)

We tested it last night. Played for 8 hours straight, was great fun! We are level 5 ... but what a grind. I'm only providing my server address to users on here and my close friends as there is a security risk now that the servers are not validating. But yeah, as soon as I get the rest of the instructions posted here I'll give you the address and password. :)

Re: Neverwinter Nights Comeback - 16 years later!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:59 pm
by Cole
OK, update March 10th. We are in the process of combining both of my worlds into 1 world, so we'll have in excess of 1200 areas! HOLY CRAP! .. nothing online will come even close to the size of this server when we are done.

Bad news though is this is no small task. It's already eaten up days of my time coding and removing corrupt areas trying to get it imported in one module. I would appreciate some BETA testers if anyone is interested. Please post here and I'll get you on ASAP to help me and a buddy of mine work out the bugs and have a good laugh or two ;)

Re: Neverwinter Nights Comeback - 16 years later!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 7:14 pm
by Billy_Buttcheese
Is it still using 3.x rules? If so, too bad. Less than zero interest in using that ruleset.. :(

Re: Neverwinter Nights Comeback - 16 years later!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 5:48 am
by Cole
Yeah, the core engine can't be changed. I'm developing my own server again more for the "Role-Playing" aspect, rather then rules... the thing is... with nwn the rule set doesn't even matter really. I barely ever played 3E, never ran it, but in a game it really has no impact. What we see is the classes, the spells, the effects, the characters, the landscape etc. Quests, puzzles, riddles and more have no ill effect on game version.

You should come try it Billy... it's a fantastic game!

I've since closed my server to the public as me and a good buddy are adding to it almost daily and restoring two worlds into 1, plus adding new areas, NPCs, monsters, quests etc and will open it soon again (probably a month or so). Once FULLY operational I'll post detailed info on this site and my NWN website.