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Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Revenant »

Esker Manyblades

OOC: Sorry about that, his mother's death was in the background I sent to Darithe, but it isn't referenced in what I sent in for the game. My bad!

Esker nearly tears up at the sight of his Aunt Freyda and then the view of his two sisters, Gundren and Sigrun. He had thought Sigrun had left for her own adventures but there she stood next to his other sister Gundren the Tall, who stood over all in the family and served as one of his brother's shaman. "Yes, it is I, Freyda," as he moved forward to his kin. Looking towards his brother, "Yes, we hit the protector. I heard her cry out and found her blood. Though we lost her in the mists, I am sure she will bleed to death." His eyes moved towards the stranger. He had at first thought him Wulfdayne's other shaman Taker of Morn. But now that he saw him clearer, he knew it was not him. Some other recruit no doubt, to help in his brother's conquering quest. He looks to his brother, "Who is this stranger?"
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Iscind strides forward, resting her hand upon her sword hilt and demanding answers. Though the scene takes Esker more by surprise, he makes his report to the Jarl and poses his own query regarding the stranger.

Without words, the face of the Jarl nods at his brother's report as if that were sufficient for now. His head tilts only slightly and turns to their sister Gundren the Tall to answer. Of course, brothers. This is the Sliver of Moon. He is well known and honored by many tribes and their shamans, including myself and the Taker of Morn. He has survived many conflicts but ties himself to no tribe. His path is to seek the purest river between all mortals or demi-mortals and the truly immortal spirit of nature. she explains.

The Jarl nods and the bearded stranger presents a small but humble bow. Your Jarl sought a powerful potion to become more one with the savage and cunning of nature. he explains. Young Gundren here has sought me out on his behalf, and so we are preparing the ritual now. He displays the bowl of mead-like liquid with floating herbs, leaves and flowers. The elder shaman begins to speak again but is cut off by the Jarl.

It is good you are here, brother. And you as well, Iscind. The Sliver of Moon says that the more there are to draw upon the more potent the draught. Family is best, but those who have distinguished themselves with skill and cunning are powerful as well. He motions for the man to continue, without waiting on a response.

(essentially your next posts will happen concurrently with the following unless opposed rolls are required)

The shaman offers a flint blade to Gundren who scores her left palm with it and squeezes her fist above the bowl, dripping blood into the tincture. from the font of nature flows the power... the old man speaks. The girl hands the knife to Freyda, as the ritual is repeated. From the font of blood past flows the power... She hands it to the younger sister Sigrund who repeats her task. From the font of blood present flows the power... As the youngest of their brood offers the antler-hilt of the knife to Esker, the shaman continues. From the font of Brotherhood flows the power...

If Esker accepts the blade and scores his palm above the bowl, as per the ritual, the shaman will continue with: From the font of the Stalkers in the Wood... as the blade is passed to Iscind
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Revenant »


Esker entranced by the sight of his family, can only follow along with the ritual. He takes the knife and cuts his palm repeating the ritual.
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Darithe »


Looks at Esker as if he's addled. But he was her shield brother so she repeated his actions, much to her chagrin. She expected bad results, but she did it all the same.
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

The Jarl witnesses their acquiescence as though he expected nothing less, but was even so pleased with the result. A subtle clap to his brother's shoulder and a nod to Iscind speak more obvious approval from the man than perhaps they had received in months.

As the Sliver of Moon babbles on in a language none but Gundren recognize he waves the bowl in circles, first horizontally around the gathered contributors of blood as the Taller sister lights a swatch of dried herbs. The bundle fumes heavily, adding smoke to the thickening mist nearby that settles almost preternaturally at a level with the Jarl's forehead; like some mystical crown of precipitation settling upon his brow.

The elder shaman now nods and Iscind settles the burning bundle into the bowl so that the stems dip into the liquid and the embers rest above the rim and continue to smolder. Now the smoking bowl is circled vertically like the turning of a wheel of fire... Gesturing to the younger shaman with one hand, the Sliver of Moon nods to the Jarl as well. Gundren turns and retrieves a fur from nearby. As she brings it forwards, the others can see it is the hide of a wolf the size of a man; if not beyond. Settling the fur about the Jarl's shoulders she whispers secret words of shamanic power as she settles the head of the wolf over his face like a hood. Proffering the bowl to the Jarl, the elder shaman cries aloud, Deoch meadhon na sìorraidheachd! Blas fuil do shliochd. Glacaibh spiorad nan aois, agus riaghlaich gu bràth!!

The Jarl drinks heavily of the draught; the lupine fur covering his face in all but the jowls as the blood-mixed mead spills down the edges of his chin. Freyda starts slightly at the countenance, but clasps her hands hopefully. Gundren nods and watches with an almost fixed fervor, but young Sigrund flinches away from the sight as if some subtle reservation had begun to call itself to the forefront of her mind...

Like one committed to the task, the Yarl tilts his head back and drains the bowl; herbs and dredges lodging in the curly hairs of his beard. With a deep sucking breath he inhales, then howls loudly as a wolf into the open air above. A torrent of sound and mist issues from the Jarl's open mouth, and the Shamans watch hopefully... Turning his gaze upon those gathered near, Esker's brother's eyes turn the golden hue of the wolf. At first those eyes regard those nearby with awareness, but as they turn to one side, it becomes clear to the rangers that they possess only one thing... hunger

Lashing out with his arm the Jarl strikes at their aunt, tearing a bloody three-clawed gash across her throat with a terrifying swipe! The older woman drops to her knees, clutching her neck as horror registers on the faces of all around. A half-breath later the Jarl too succumbs to some terrible force and clutches at his chest. The skin of the wolf pelt itself seems to meld with the figure of the man, and the crack-pop! and sickeningly wet snap! of rending joints and breaking bones echoes from the cloaked Jarl with an inconsistent staccato of dreadful noise.

The Sliver of Moon drops his bowl and snatches a hand-axe from his belt, waving Gundren away from the figure before them. Sigrun shrieks in disbelief as the creature in their midst rises to it's full height, half-again that of a man, with the broad head and shoulders of some hybrid wolf-man-thing!!!

[Actions and initiative]

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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Revenant »


Esker first reacts with horror, but this quickly gives way to anger, a seething anger he has long held for his brother, but never had the opportunity to act upon. He pulls his longsword free of its sheath and warily circles the beast that was his brother.

Initiative: [1d10]=10
Attack: [1d20]=11
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Darithe »


She had no doubt that Esker's brother was a ravenous wolf and now he literally was one. She pulls her blade and shield and moves in to attack.

Initiative: [1d10]=8
Attack: [1d20]=6
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

The elder shaman seems to immediately recognize the danger and draws from his belt a silver-faced hand-axe; hacking wildly at the transforming Jarl. His fear and the thrashing of his target send his blow narrowly away without contacting flesh. A look of terror washes over Gundren, but she quickly gathers herself and calls upon the forces of nature. A deep brown hue flows across her skin, which scales up like the thick knotty bark of a walnut. Casting worried glances at her kin, Gundren and Sigrund back carefully into the mists and away from their former brother. Silver!!! Gundren shouts. Only silver and magic can stop him now!!! The shamanic sister urges from the fog beyond.

Iscind lunges forward with her magical blade, but with the thrashing of the wolfish form before her she catches nothing but air. Esker's blade finds flesh, but the narrow slash does little more than part the hide along his brother's ribs. The wound closes almost as quickly as it was opened, without the barest drop of blood. Freyda lies nearby on the bloody grass; heart still pumping vital fluid through her wound and growing the pool of crimson on the earth around her.

Finally the transformation seems complete and the Wolf-Jarl rises to his full height, no less than half a man's height taller than Esker and Iscind. Matted bloody fur dampens his jowls and neck, hastily licked from his bloody claws. The golden eyes of the predator glare ravenously at the two who struck out at him, as the rangers stand face-to-muzzle with the transmogrified horror of their erstwhile Jarl.

[I typically keep enemy AC and Thac0 secret unless a roll gets within 1 pt of hitting or missing, in which case it becomes what I would consider obvious. So if a pc or foe misses or makes a roll by 1 point, I will note it as "hits (barely)" or the like.]
Init: R1
Sliver of Moon: (4+4 axe): 8
Gundren (5+5spell): 10
Sigrund (10): 10
Iscind [8+4 MLSword]: 12
Esker: (10+5 LSwd): 15
Freyda: (bleeds)
Jarl Varg: Last (transforming)

Gundren init [1d10]=5

The Sliver of Moon slashes with his Silver-faced hand axe at Jarl Varg (AC?)
Thac0 ? vs AC?
[1d20] = 6, miss!

Gundren save vs horror: (-4 family in the horror, -1 near the horror, +1 open area room to run)
Horror Save (14) -4: Need 10+
Gundren save vs Horro [1d20]=1, perfect Pass!
Gundren is not restricted by the Horror!
Gundren casts Barkskin upon herself, improving her base armor-class to AC 5
Gundren withdraws (1/3 move, without provoking) 60 ft away from the wolf-man, into the mists.

Sigrund save vs horror: (-4 family in the horror, -1 near the horror, +1 open area room to run)
Horror Save (16) -4: Need 12+
Sigrund horror [1d20]=6, pass!
Sigrund is not restricted by the Horror!
Sigrund withdraws (1/3 move, without provoking) 60 ft away from the wolf-man, into the mists.

Iscind slashes with her Magical Longsword at Jarl Varg (AC4)
Thac0 14 vs AC 4: Need 10+ to hit
[1d20] = 6, miss!

Esker slashes with his Longsword at Jarl Varg (AC?)
Thac0 15 vs AC 4: Need 11+ to hit
[1d20] = 11, hit! (Barely!) [Target AC = 4!]
For... ?
The Wolf-Man is Immune to Esker's blade!!!

Freyda falls to the ground [0/6 hps] and bleeds (-1 hp/ round until assisted)

Jarl Varg completes his transformation!!
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Revenant »

Esker Manyblades

Staggers back, gaping at the ineffectiveness of his weapon, nonetheless he strikes again, if only to distract it from Iscind.

Initiative: [1d10]=3
Attack: [1d20]=18
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Sorry, i should have mentioned before. We only do initiative once per combat for this game, unless something unusual happens (like a hold spell that is dispelled or the like). Also, Darithe was having trouble posting today for some reason so she sent her post via pm on US, which i will include here.]


Iscind presses her attack upon the horror that the Jarl has become. She dances around the beast shield raised hiding her attack, before she strikes with her sword.

Initiative: [1d10]=3
Attack: [1d20]=14
Damage: [1d8]=7+1

The shaman slashes at the creature again, wariness in his eyes. Something went wrong! He is cursed! the man barks as he slashes. The silver-bladed axe again catches nothing but air. A deep, rumbling grow wells up from the erstwhile Jarl. With predatory ferocity the creature slashes a bloody gash across the shaman's temple and knocking the headdress from his brow. Savage jaws clamp down on his shoulder, and the beast shakes him like a rag doll before dropping him to the ground; crimson-stained muzzle dripping with vital fluid.

Iscind and Esker use the opening to strike, and both swords meet the hide of their former chieftain. Again Esker's blade is turned aside, but Iscind's proves sufficient to part the hide... only just. A thin sliver of red stains the mottled grey fur, hardly a scratch!!!

The shaman scramble-staggers back and rises shakily to his feet; eyes now filled with animalistic terror! He.. he's too strong!! See!? T magic edge can hardly bite... The ritual was too powerful! he all but babbles. S... Silver!! It must be silver! Drawing a silver bladed knife, he tosses it haphazardly to the ground in Esker's direction. Gripping the hand axe in both his hands the Shaman begins muttering what sounds like a prayer of desperation in some unknown language.

[Iscind's blade struck true, but there seems to be something odd about this variant of Wolfman... magical weapons only do as much damage as their magical bonus. 8O
Also, a note on Obvious damage: from the General Rules thread. Basically Hurt = lost 25% of your hps or more. Hurt badly lost 50%+, Hurt critically 75%+, etc. I find it a semi-realistic way of explaining character/monster damage without getting too meta but still giving people info]
Init: R2
Sliver of Moon: (4+4 axe): 8
Gundren (5?): ?
Jarl Varg: (6+3 natural attack): 9
Sigrund (10): ?
Iscind [8+4 MLSword]: 12
Esker: (10+5 LSwd): 15
Freyda: (bleeds)

The Sliver of Moon slashes with his Silver-faced hand axe at the Wolfman Jarl (AC4)
Thac0 ? vs AC4
[1d20] = 8, miss!
Sliver of moon hit, dmg [1d20]=8, [1d6]=5

The Wolfman Jarl slashes at the Sliver of Moon with his Right claws
Thac0 ? vs AC ?
[1d20] = 5, miss!

The Wolfman Jarl slashes at the Sliver of Moon with his Left claws
Thac0 ? vs AC ?
[1d20] = 16, Hit!
For [1d4] = 1 damage
The Sliver of Moon is Barely Scratched!

The Wolfman Jarl bites at the Sliver of Moon (+2 piercing vs hide)
Thac0 ? vs AC ? (+2)
[1d20] = 18, Hit!
For [2d4] = 6 damage!
The Sliver of Moon is Hurt!

Jarl init, hit1, hit2, hit3 [1d10]=6,[1d20]=5,[1d20]=16,[1d20]=18
Jarl dmg2, dmg3 [1d4]=1,[2d4]=6

Iscind slashes with her Magical Longsword at Jarl Varg (AC4)
Thac0 14 vs AC 4: Need 10+ to hit
[1d20] = 14, Hit!
For [1d8+1] = 7
The Wolfman Jarl takes only 1 damage?!?
The Wolfman Jarl is Barely Scratched!

Esker slashes with his Longsword at Jarl Varg (AC?)
Thac0 15 vs AC 4: Need 11+ to hit
[1d20] = 18, hit! (Barely!) [Target AC = 4!]
The Wolf-Man is Immune to Esker's blade!!!

Freyda bleeds [-1/6 hps] (-1 hp/ round until assisted)
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Darithe »


Realizing Freyda needs assistance, Iscind disengages from her attack, shouting for Esker to strike it with the silver dagger. She moves to kneel beside Freyda, placing her shield between her and the beast. She will attempt to cut up one of her blouses and try to staunch the blood flow.
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Revenant »

Esker Manyblades

Esker nods, silver it is then, he doesn't even bother to sheath his blade, letting it slip from his hand. Leaping to the tossed silver dagger, he grasps it and whirls about sinking the blade into his turned brother, snarling like a wolf who has just sunk it fangs into its prey.

Attack: [1d20]=20
Silver Dagger Damage: [1d4]=1
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

The Sliver of moon swings and dodges around wildly, catching nothing but air. Likewise his frantic movements evade the bulk of the wolfman's attacks; though it catches the man across the face with savage claws leaving a bloody gash.

Iscind backs away from the melee, her shield-brother covering her as she moves to Freyda. The older woman seems to be in quite desperate shape, but tearing some clothing the ranger is able to pack and bind the throat wound... for now. Whether the woman will eventually succumb to the injury is uncertain at this point.

Esker drops his sword and dives the 5 feet to where the dagger lay. Coming up with a roll he stabs hard into the side of the distracted creature. His former Jarl howls in pain and fury as the Silver Bladed knife sinks deep between his ribs. A powerful furred arm shoves Esker and his blade away with prodigious force. A grizzly snarl wells up deep within the heavily muscled torso of the wolfman as he turns his sole focus upon his former Ranger.

From the mists nearby Gundren and Sigrund emerge to help with their aunt. We will take her. You must get away from him, the now bark-skinned Shaman implores. There is a small village a few hundred yards, this way. She points off behind her into the mists. If you can get... that... she cuts her eyes quickly to and away from the wolf-thing, as if she didn't want to think on the implications, Get that to focus on the Sliver of Moon again.

Init: R3
Sliver of Moon: (4+4 axe): 8
Gundren (5?): ?
Jarl Varg: (6+3 natural attack): 9
Sigrund (10): ?
Iscind [8+4 MLSword]: 12
Esker: (10+5 LSwd): 15
Freyda: (bleeds)

The Sliver of Moon slashes with his Silver-faced hand axe at the Wolfman Jarl (AC4)
Thac0 ? vs AC4
[1d20] = 4, miss!

Sliver of Moon hit,dmg [1d20]=4,[1d6]=4

The Wolfman Jarl slashes at the Sliver of Moon with his Right claws
Thac0 ? vs AC ?
[1d20] = 8, miss!

The Wolfman Jarl slashes at the Sliver of Moon with his Left claws
Thac0 15 vs AC 4: Need 11+
[1d20] = 11, Hit! (Barely!)
For [1d4] = 1 damage

The Wolfman Jarl bites at the Sliver of Moon (+2 piercing vs hide)
Thac0 15 vs AC 4 (+2): Need 9+
[1d20] = 4, miss!

Jarl hit1, hit2, hit3, dmg1, dmg2, dmg3 [1d20]=8,[1d20]=11,[1d20]=4
Jarl dmg2 [1d4]=1

Iscind Withdraws from melee with the Wolfman Jarl (1/3 move without provoking) and moves 10 feet to where Freyda lies.
Iscind Stabilizes Freyda

Esker drops his longsword and retrieves the Silver dagger from the ground.
Esker stabs at the Wolfman Jarl with his Sikver Dagger
Thac0 16 vs AC 4
[1d20] = 20, Critical Hit!
For [1d4] = 1+4 = 5 damage!
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Darithe »


She looked down at Freyda, having done all she can for her. She looks down at her blade, knowing both she and its power cannot more than scratch the beast. She makes one last feeble attack at the beast and then calls out to Esker, "Leave it, we cannot win. Leave the shaman to face the monster he created." Without looking to see if Esker follows, she runs in the direction Esker's sister indicated.

Attack: [1d20]=3

OOC: This encounter reminds me of a video Rev posted in one of his posts:
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Hah! Wow yeah that video is pretty great :) ]
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