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Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Revenant »

Esker Manyblades

He heard Iscind's words but it took several moments for them to sink it. It was unlike her to retreat from battle, but then they had never faced such a beast before either. He looked at the bloodstained silver dagger and it called to him...coat me again in your enemy's blood but he knew the dagger did not truly speak, it was his self, the one that always sought frenzied action. He snarled again, the wolf inside would not be sated. "YOU CAUSED THIS!," and he struck out with the dagger at Sliver of Moon's leg. The wolf having drawn blood of the weakest of the pack, glanced at his family in shame and bounded off after Iscind.

Attacking the shaman: [1d20]=12
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

The former Jarl looms before his brother, dark blood matting his muzzle. With the creature's focus away from him, the Sliver of Moon finally manages to get a grip on himself and focus. With a wordless shout he aims true, burying the silver faced axe in the wolf-man's back!

Snarling viciously, the Jarl whirls around; catching the shaman yet again across the face with his claws. Blood and liquid pours from ruined eyes down the shaman's screaming lips; mixing into his grey-streaked beard.

Iscind shouts to her shield-brother, calling for them to leave this disaster. She rushes forward in aid, swinging wide at the creature, perhaps intentionally so as not to truly earn its ire. The hunger and frenzy of battle bubbled up within the Manyblades' heart. The silvery metal in his fist dribbling thick drops of crimson on the ground beside him. The inner wolf wrestled for control within him, but Iscinds words echoed somewhere deep inside and he knew fighting this creature unprepared was a losing battle.

Esker hurled his final condemnation at the shaman, even as his blade sliced through the tendons in the man's leg. Crippled and blinded the Sliver of Moon collapses to the ground, dropping his silver faced axe in reach of the ranger. Positioning himself so the shaman lay between him and the Wolfman, Esker leaves the stranger to his fate as he moves to join Iscind in the fog...

[It should be a simple matter for Iscind or Esker to grab the dropped axe and longsword once disengaged, should they so choose]
Init: R4
Sliver of Moon: (4+4 axe): 8
Gundren (5): ?
Jarl Varg: (6+3 natural attack): 9
Sigrund (10): ?
Iscind [8+4 MLSword]: 12
Esker: (10+2 SilvDagger): 12
Freyda: (bleeds)

The Sliver of Moon slashes with his Silver-faced hand axe at the Wolfman Jarl (AC4)
Thac0 ? vs AC4
[1d20] = 18, hit!
For [1d6] = 4 damage!
The Wolfman Jarl is Hurt!

Sliver of Moon vs WolfmanJarl hit, dmg [1d20]=18, [1d6]=4

The Wolfman Jarl slashes at the Sliver of Moon with his Right claws
Thac0 15 vs AC 4: Need 11+
[1d20] = 7, miss!

The Wolfman Jarl slashes at the Sliver of Moon with his Left claws
Thac0 15 vs AC 4: Need 11+
[1d20] = 18, Hit! (Barely!)
For [1d4] = 2 damage

The Wolfman Jarl bites at the Sliver of Moon (+2 piercing vs hide)
Thac0 15 vs AC 4 (+2): Need 9+
[1d20] = 3, miss!

WolfmanJarl hit1, hit2, hit3, dmg1, dmg2, dmg3 [1d20]=7,[1d20]=18,[1d20]=3, [1d4]=1,[1d4]=2,[2d4]=5

Iscind moves 10 feet into melee with the wolfman Jarl
Iscind slashes with her Magical Longsword at the wolfman Jarl (AC4)
Thac0 14 vs AC 4: Need 10+ to hit
[1d20] = 3, miss!
Iscind Withdraws from melee with the Wolfman Jarl (1/3 move without provoking) until she is out of range (5 feet), then moves 35 feet away into the mists

Esker stabs at the Sliver of Moon (AC 4) (+2 piercing vs hide) with his Silver Dagger
Thac0 16 vs AC 4(+2): Need 10+ to hit
[1d20] = 12, Hit!
For [1d4] = 1 damage!
Esker Withdraws from melee with the Wolfman Jarl (1/3 move without provoking) until he is out of range (5 feet), then moves 45 feet away into the mists with Iscind

Esker dagger dmg [1d4]=1
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Darithe »


Continues moving into the mists, though she does pause finally and look back to see if Esker follows.
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Revenant »

Esker Manyblades

Esker will live up to his name by retrieving his sword and grabbing the silver axe as well. He will then retreat and follow Iscind into the mists.
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

The pair move off into the mists, pursued by the blood-curdling screams of the Sliver of Moon and the wet crunch-snap! of joints being rent asunder....

The cloudy moisture dims the day, though after so long following the previous trail and no view of the sky, uncertainty nags at the mind as to the true hour... The air itself takes on a deep chill, and with the damp begins to settle an ache into any exposed skin or extremities... The pair move in easy coordination, almost as one, but it soon becomes clear that either the initial direction or destination are not quite what they should be...

Eventually in that seemingly endless and darkening chiaroscuro of middling grey, the familiar crunch of stone underfoot echoes. Faintly the fog becomes less thick, allowing vision of only a few paces. Some cobbled street lay underfoot, though even in this unnatural mists it seemed impossible they had missed entering the 'village'... Shops and residences lay to either side of the street; beam and plaster construction unlike most structures in this region... Each lay with shutters closed and doors latched tight as post-lanters flickered feebly here and there in the night... Further the fog relented, and ahead in the dark stood one structure where a stream of light spilled into the dark from an improperly shut door. It had the look of an inn or tavern hall...
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Revenant »

Esker Manyblades

Sheathing his sword, he still carries the bloodied silver dagger and axe before realizing he must look like a killer seeking a victim on these quiet streets, so he hangs the axe from his belt and stuffs the dagger in his backpack, hands still shaking from the encounter as he catches up to Iscind. Spying the open door he whispers to her, "I think we've found refuge shield sister." Nodding towards the light spilling from the open door. He starts towards it.
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Drawing nearer, Esker sees that the sign above the door depicts a cart-wheel with one broken side. The sounds and scents of a populated inn babble gently from the gap and into the street
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by Darithe »


"A broken wheel," she says looking for any words she might know the meaning of. "Refuge I hope, but I won't believe we've found it, till I see it with my own eyes." She moves in and through the door's opening into the light within.
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Re: Esker Manyblades (Revenant) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Moving inside the familiar sounds of a humble inn greet the pair. A warm fire has been laid in the wide stone hearth against the damp and the chill air of the night. Sturdy wooden tables and chairs as well as a handful of cushioned booths furnish the broad room, with one short serving counter at the end opposite the fire; where a small door leads back undoubtedly to the kitchens. The scent of stews, meats, root vegetables and other hearty winter fare wafts throughout the establishment. A man in his late 20s in a white apron tends the bar, and a pair of serving girls moves among the group taking and serving orders.

A mix of patrons populate the commons. Dark haired and violet eyed locals, as well as others with a middle class air have come to sup and enjoy the music; which it seems may have just ended. One booth in the corner seems to have the widest variety of clientele, as a half- elven couple in robes sit across from a white-haired Elf (with a large raven of all things perched on his shoulder), and a human man with brown hair in the tabard of a knight of some kind.

Around smaller round table, one obviously pulled up beside the booth for the group to sit together, there is a collection of other humans; and a halfling, of all things. A redheaded woman with a lute across her back speaks to a willowy blonde lady beside her, both attired for performing music. Seated at the table is a dark haired woman in odd leather with dozens of pockets made into it, and a dark haired man with a bit of a slouch. The halfling speaks to them in the common tongue in a conversational tone.

Esker and Iscind can hear another language being used as well, though neither recognize it...

[Next post can be in the Main Game Thread, and Welcome ^_^ ]
Pictures of Elsa (the halfling) and Merrick (the dark head elf sitting in the booth) in the "Acquired party knowledge" thread.
Pictures for Mira (Redhead bard), Jerry (blonde half-elf), Karl (human knight), Del (human female rogue) and Gregor (human male rogue in the "Cast of Victims" thread
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