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The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

A group of 'Unlikely Heroes.'
Based in the world of Krynn.

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by JadedDM »

Shay, lugging the chest on his shoulder, grunts, "The beginning...of the treasure to be found? I sure hope so." He grins. "I assume you mean the beginning of this cave, though. Well, we've explored a lot, and found some strange things. But no real answers yet. Who is behind this? Who made those monsters? And what happened to those people and animals that went missing? The fact that we haven't even found any clues yet to those questions suggests to me, there's still more to go."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Breila »

With a chuckle and a smile, Babuska turns to Locky, not really surprised to see her.
"Well, if the afterlife seemed dull to you, than certainly your God - Fitzban, isn't it? - doesn't want you to be there yet. Isn't the afterlife meant to bring everything we like to us?"

When they reach the cave with the intersection, Babushka examines the bodies of the podmen, a hand over her mouth, her breath drawn. Is there any sign they have been disturbed, or some sign of decay?
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Jenara »

"Yes it is Fizban, well, it looked dull because no one was there to share it with me.." She gives a big grin, leaning over the Podmen with Bab. "As a Kender we always believe the Afterlife is full of pretty things, and no one owns them, so everyone sort of takes what they want" (Just like Kendermore to be honest)

"They are quite ugly aren't they? Ugly is never interesting, they always seem to want to hurt someone or strangle them!" She exclaims quietly, hand on her neck, she looks less shaken now but the gleam in her eyes is faded.

"I need to pray, to get my spells back, Jerrard is still sorely hurt."

(OOC: Breila, Fizban is the Kenders name for Paladine, the Leader of the 'good' deities on Krynn... they called him that because.... ohh you'll find out soon enough elsewhere.. :wink:)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Breila »

"I know you and Jerrard need rest, and I've been thinking where best to do it."

Babushka turns around, to see if the men have arrived. She then goes on:

"It is now probably daylight outside, or will be soon. So it would be a good time for me to go back to the village to buy things we need, now that we have the funds. But I hate to leave you three alone down here, with Jerrard and Locky wounded. After all, we've found 20 pods and only 6 pod-cratures, so there might be 14 left down here.

I could find you a safe spot outside. The podmen have no noses, so they can't follow a scent. It would be easy to conceal the spot where we've left the trail from their eyes."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Jerrard »

Jerrard looks at Shay for a moment, a little taken back by the thief's statement. "Yes, all of those are true. These creatures need to be stopped or else they will expand and slowly take over."

He looks at Bab and nods "That may be a good idea.."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by JadedDM »

The corpses of the podmen do not look like they have been disturbed, at least as far as the ranger can tell. The only sign of decay, so far, is that their skin is slowly turning brown, like a leaf of lettuce that is going bad.

"Once we're in camp, I can count out the money properly, and divide it up. Then we can see how much can go toward supplies," Shay says.

"As for leaving the cavern, well, I've said my piece on that before. But I'll say it once more. I'm worried if we leave the cavern completely, we'll loose our foothold here," the thief adds.
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Jenara »

"I think we can stay here, moving would be silly, so I agree with Shay." Locky smiles and raises her Hoopak "I'll protect you men, don't worry!"
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by JadedDM »

Shay nods and gestures to the key hole. Once Locky uses her key to change the course of the waterfall, he starts climbing up the root ladder. It takes him longer than normal, as he's lugging the chest with him.

Once up top, he calls back down that it is all clear. He finds a nice spot and immediately starts dividing the coins eagerly, before the last of his lantern oil burns out and he is left in darkness.


Shay divides up the treasure as such:

300 steel pieces and 2 platinum pieces for himself
300 steel pieces and 2 platinum pieces for Locky
300 steel pieces and 2 platinum pieces for Jerrard
300 steel pieces and 2 platinum pieces for Babushka

That leaves 2 platinum pieces which can perhaps be donated to the temple, put to some other good cause, or maybe be used as a spending pool to buy supplies for the whole group.

(1 platinum piece is worth 5 steel pieces, if you don't all ready know)

There's also the matter of the fungus rope and the potion, too.
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Jerrard »

Jerrard laughs, smiling at the Kender, not so long ago she was half dead, and now she was suggesting she could stand up for the party. "We should stay put. Bab please go to the Village, we will be fine."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Breila »

Babushka sighs. "Well, I don't see what difference it makes wether we're here in the first cavern or a short while away in the woods, but it's your safety that's at stake, so I leave the decision to you.

Now, what do I need to get? Lamp oil, of course, but how much?
Some nicer food than rations, I guess. Maybe I can get us roast chicken, some fruit for dessert?
And should I donate the rest of the money to the temple, to thank for Locky's survival?
Can I tell Hilda what we've found out, and ask her for more healing potion?"
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by JadedDM »

"All of those sound good," Shay says. "But don't take too much time. My lantern will go dark really soon, and when it does, the only ones who can keep watch will be you and Locky. Jerrard and I will be completely blind."

He continues, "Lantern oil is pretty cheap, so go ahead and stock up. I'd say at least ten of them, not just for my lantern, but in case we run into any more of those plant monsters."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Jerrard »

Jerrard Nods, "I agree with shay, and yes, I think a donation would be suitable, please tell Hilda of the news." He looks to the other members,"I suggest we carry out three watches, two on, one off, Locky First, she needs to rest and to recover her spells. Locky and Shay middle watch, I will take the last with Locky. Is a agreed?"

He returns his attention to the Bab, "Please ensure you get back quickly. May the light of Lunitari shine on you." He gives a wry smile. "Perhaps some more vials, filled with oil would be useful, for Lockys little devices."
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Breila »

Babushka empties her backpack and puts everything with her bedroll, so she has ample room for their provisions. She then sets off, backtracking her way to the village shouldn't be a problem. She keeps her eyes open for new tracks crossing her path. She should reach the village early in the morning and visits the temple first, then does the shopping. All money not needed goes to the temple.

She buys:
10 flasks of lamp oil. 5 breakable containers for Locky's grenades
fresh picnic food
healing potions?

(ooc: Do we play out the village or just assume she goes and comes back?)
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by JadedDM »

The flasks of oil cost 60 silver pieces, and the five breakable containers cost 5 copper pieces. She also picked up four loaves of bread (20 cp), four blocks of cheese (12 sp), a couple of eggs (2 cp), some cured meat (2 sp), and a skin of wine (2 sp).

Unfortunately, Hilda has no more healing potions. She gave the party the only three she had as payment for this quest. She does heal Babushka up, in thanks for the donation, however. What money that wasn't spent is given to the cleric, which equals 2 steel pieces, 1 silver piece, and 7 copper pieces.
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Re: The Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (Game Thread III)

Post by Breila »

After finishing her business, Babushka thinks a moment about seeing to Dekker, her donkey. But the poor guy would probably be sadder that she left again without him than happy that she came to see him, so she decided against it. After all, she had only been away for two nights yet.

She sighs and sets off back to the caverns, alert to anything unusual. She enjoys the woods in the light of late morning, lingering a bit. She also checks the trail for signs of travelling podmen or other creatures
(tracking skill: WIS 14, any modifiers for ground quality etc. to be applied (1d20=10)).

After entering the cave, before coming to the first waterfall and the plant ladder, a mischievous gnomish grin steals over her face. She sets down her backpack, gets the wineskin out and puts it into the water so that it will be carried down the stream and over the waterfall. Let's see if her comrades are watchful!

(she'll position herself so she can see into the cavern)
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