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Post by JadedDM »

It is late afternoon as Princess Lauralanthalasa Kanan, daughter of Solostron, Speaker of the Suns, strolls down the road. There is a slight autumn chill to the air, and Laurana assumes it will get colder when night falls. Hopefully, the town of Solace is not too far off now.

She had heard rumors in the last town that there was a half-elf living in Solace, and at the moment, it was the only lead she has to find her beloved Tanthalas. If he was not in Solace, she would ask around and see if she could find a new lead.

But until then, this was some adventure! It was a lot like a really long camp out...with lots of walking. She is not accustomed to so much walking. Or sleeping on the ground, or having to cook her own food, or going so long without a bath. But it wasn't nearly as difficult as her brothers had made it out to be. Of course, she has no idea that it is only through sheer, blind luck she has not been beset by bandits, goblins, or something worse yet.

Meanwhile, not too far behind her, two men are also traveling the road to Solace on foot. One is as big as an ox, all muscles, wearing ring mail and a helmet shaped like the head of a mythical dragon. The other is so different in appearance and demeanor, that nobody would have easily guessed they were actually twins. The second brother is scrawny and wears red robes. His skin is gold, his hair as white as snow, and his amber pupils are the shapes of hourglasses, not round as one might expect. He leans heavily on his staff as he walks, and his brother keeps his pace slow so as to not leave the mage in the dust.

Looking ahead, the two brothers spot someone further down the road, alone and wearing a cloak with the hood over her head. It's clear she's a woman, even from this distance, from the dainty and graceful movements and the way she walks. It's a strange sight, to say the least, to see a lone woman walking without protection so close to dark. She is either incredibly powerful or looking for trouble.
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Prologue (Goldmoon, Riverwind, Sturm)

Post by JadedDM »

It was a difficult experience to describe. It was unpleasant, but not painful.

First, there was light. Bright, blue light that seemed to blind Goldmoon and burn through her skull. Then came a strange feeling of weightlessness, followed by a feeling of being pulled in multiple directions at once. Finally, she felt like she was flying through the air, only to collapse onto the ground, dizzy and disoriented.

The first thing she noticed was the noise. It was gone. The shouting of her people, clamoring for the blood of her beloved, had instantly gone silent. The light started to fade, allowing her to see again. She realized that she and Riverwind (and the staff) were no longer in the village. They were lying in the wilds somewhere. Looking at the staff, she saw it had transformed. It was now beautiful, carved from blue crystal. As the light faded, the image of the staff changed before her eyes. It turned back into an ordinary staff of wood.

Whatever power the staff possessed, it had saved them both. Is this the work of the old gods Riverwind mentioned? After regaining their bearings, Riverwind deduced they were a few miles west of Que-Shu. "We need to learn how to control the staff," he had said. "Then we can return and give them the proof they need to believe."

And so they continued west. Eventually, they came to the village of the Que-Teh. There, Goldmoon pawned most of her jewelry to buy the pair supplies and equipment. She only kept her tiara, a gift from her mother, which she could not bear to part with due to sentimental reasons.

Asking around, they learned that to the west was a Seeker town called Solace. The "Seekers" were apparently some kind of religious organization. If that is so, perhaps they know something about the staff or the gods it was crafted by. And so they continued on.

Since they had left the Que-Teh village, Riverwind had been increasingly silent. Everything had happened so quickly, there had been no time to really think. But now, Goldmoon had nothing but time to think. Would they find the answers they seek?
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Prologue (Tanis, Flint, Tas)

Post by JadedDM »

The air surges fierce and sweet, carrying the clear musk smell of the woodlands. The soft murmur of stirring leaves, of insects, and of small animals fills the landscape. The clear highland sky blushes with the end of day and fades into starry sleep. This is home.

From this rock outcropping the valley below seems peaceful, untouched. Dense forests of pine carpet the mountainsides, varied only by thick aspen woods. The mountains, deep blue in the distance, circle the valley floor and form a soft highland bowl.

It has been five long years since Tanis Half-Elven has seen this land, and he is eager to return to Solace and reunite with his friends. He has missed the stubborn Flint, the kind-hearted Caramon, the incorrigible Tas...but most of all, Kitiara. His blood burned whenever he remembered those smoldering dark eyes, those short black curls, or that alluring crooked grin.

As Tanis walked, he spotted an old, greying dwarf plopping down on a moss-covered boulder, and pulling out a small block of wood and a knife. He quickly sets to whittling, grumbling to himself aloud the whole time, apparently not noticing the half-elf's approach. Although it had been five years since he last saw Flint, he had not changed at all. Dwarves, like Tanis' elven kin, were a long lived people who aged quite slowly compared to humans.

"I should have never left," Flint grumbles, looking into the valley below. He slaps the block of wood against his knee. "And I'll be damned if I'm ever leaving again!" he announces vehemently.

As he rests, his gaze turns toward Solace, and he watches the smoke drift up from the chimneys in the distance. "My own home fire's gone out," he says softly. He shakes his head and angrily begins slicing at the wood with a vengeance. He grumbles, "My house has been sitting empty. Roof probably leaked, ruined the furniture. Stupid quest. Silliest thing I ever did. After one hundred and forty-eight years, I ought to have learned!"
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Re: Prologue (Laurana, Caramon, Raistlin)

Post by Jenara »

Laurana keeps her head held high, Cloak billowing around her, what were these men talking about life on the road was not dangerous. She hadn't even had to draw her sword yet, then they would see what her training could do.

Shaking off her hood she lets the Honey Blonde hair fall about her shoulders as she walks onwards towards the Town. "Will he be there?" She asks herself in Elven, it had been so long... She couldnt wait.

Singing an old Elven tune she walks onwards.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Prologue (Laurana, Caramon, Raistlin)

Post by Talyn »

Rastlin studies the woman walking ahead of them as he walks beside his brother, still leaning heavily on his staff. He cocks his head slightly to listen to the song she is singing. He gives a small start as he hears the words. "Brother, the woman ahead of us is an elf." he says in his low raspy voice. "An odd thing to encounter on the road."

He has a small coughing fit into his free hand, having to stop for a moment. He waves Caramon off if the big man tries to help. Even the slow pace they were currently doing seemed to be too much for Rastlin at times. He finishes coughing and continues walking, determined not to have to stop it seems. "We must not stop if we are to make it to Solace in time Brother."
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Re: Prologue (Laurana, Caramon, Raistlin)

Post by themattjon »

"You should watch your pace, Brother. I'm eager to meet this elf and reach Solace, but not at the expense of your health."
Caramon pauses, but quickly catches up to his brother, thoughts of elven beauty and mead occupying his mind...
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Re: Prologue (Laurana, Caramon, Raistlin)

Post by Talyn »

Rastlin sighs and continues walking. "Then waste no more time with talk Brother." he tells Caramon. "Less we forget that the roads are not that safe these days." he looks like he is about to cough again but he keeps going, struggling it down.

He looks ahead, curious if the Elf Maiden ahead of them has heard their conversation. "We made a pact to meet at the Inn on this night. Flint will never let us hear the end of it if we are late." There is barely hidden grudging acceptance of that fact in the young mage's tone. "Besides Brother, there will be plenty of food for you at the Inn."
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Re: Prologue (Laurana, Caramon, Raistlin)

Post by Jenara »

Stepping forwards lightly almost skipping Laurana cocks her head to one side, they were going to Solace too?

She tilts her head looking out of the corner of her slanted eyes, Humans, crude things, she had met many on the road, they were all the same. Her blonde hair falls about her shoulders, her deep brown eyes flutter in the wind.

She is quite obvious when she listens to them speak, stealth apparently not being one of her strong points.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Prologue (Tanis, Flint, Tas)

Post by SightblinderX »

"We all make mistakes and have regrets, old friend." Tanis chuckled, stepping out of his concealment. "At least we are here, now." he added, moving to greet his old comrade.
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Re: Prologue (Tanis, Flint, Tas)

Post by JadedDM »

Flint turns toward the half-elf and squints into the setting sun. "Tanis? the old dwarf says hesitantly as the man approaches.
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Re: Prologue (Goldmoon, Riverwind, Sturm)

Post by Breila »

As the path they follow widens so they can walk side by side, Goldmoon, who had been walking behind Riverwind, walks up to him and gently strokes his upper arm.

"You're so silent, my beloved. Is there something that worries you badly?"

(ooc: How well does Goldmoon speak Common? It's not needed now, but later when we meet the others.
In the character descriptions, nothing is said about clothing. I assume they have bought travelling clothes, i.e., a calf.length, sturdy dress for Goldmoon?)
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Re: Prologue (Goldmoon, Riverwind, Sturm)

Post by JadedDM »

Riverwind is silent a moment before finally speaking. "You do not know the outside world well, and thus you are not aware of the danger we may face. There are bandits, and monsters, and elves, dwarves and kender. I worry I may not be strong enough alone to protect you," he admits, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

(OOC: She can speak Common fluently, despite her isolation from the outside world. As for clothes, yes, I always assume adventurers have clothes even if they are not in their inventory. Whatever works for you is fine.)
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Re: Prologue (Goldmoon, Riverwind, Sturm)

Post by Breila »

"Oh, Riverwind, do all my practices with staff and sling count for nothing? I was brought up a princess, true enough, but I was tought to defend myself! I know I'm good with the sling, I was a very successful hunter!"
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Re: Prologue (Goldmoon, Riverwind, Sturm)

Post by JadedDM »

Riverwind halts in mid-stride, then turns to face her fully. "I do not doubt your skill with weapons, Goldmoon. But there is more than meets the eye here in the so-called 'civilized' lands. People cannot be trusted. They will lie, cheat, steal and fight unfairly. You will need to be on guard, especially when dealing with any strangers."
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Re: Prologue (Goldmoon, Riverwind, Sturm)

Post by Breila »

Goldmoons eyes turn big.

"I understand. So I should keep my mouth shut and let you do the talking? That's going to be difficult. But I promise I'll try."
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