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FC0 - CH 3: Trollbane

A solo adventure in which Echo Soulstaff searches for the man she believes is her father.

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: Day Three

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Right," Tavi says, as she moves back away from the cave entrance. Taking a deep breath, she waits for the troll and Barlemus to come out of the cave.
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Re: Day Three

Post by JadedDM »

Barlemus steps up to the cavern boldly, like one of those heroes of legend you hear about in stories about to enter a dragon's cave. He takes a deep breath, and then starts hammering the hilt of his blade onto his shield. Among all of the noise, he shouts, "Hey! Out here! C'mon, troll! Let's see what you got!"

It doesn't take long for something to emerge from the cave. Standing at nine feet tall with a thin and frail frame, the troll is quite a sight to behold. Its arms and legs are ungainly and long. Its legs end in great three-toed feet while its arms in wide, powerful hands with sharpened claws. Its rubbery hide is colored a putrid grey. A writhing hairlike mass grows out of its skull, greenish black in color. It walks upright but hunched forward with sagging shoulders. Its gait is uneven, yet it has a strange grace to it, as well.


The creature lurches up to Barlemus and roars, its breath causing the warrior's ear flaps on his cap to fly backward. Seemingly unafraid, Barlemus slices at the troll, giving it a small cut across its right thigh.


Party's Initiative (1d10): 5
Enemy's Initiative (1d10): 6

(Party wins!)

Round 1!

Barlemus attacks the troll with his long sword (1d20+2): 17, hit for (1d12+3): 4 damage.

(OOC: Remember, trolls are large creatures, therefore use the second damage value for any weapons.)
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Re: Day Three

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Oh, what was I thinking?" Tavi asks herself as she looks over the creature. She could feel her knees shaking just at the sight of the thing! ~No time to second guess yourself now,~ she thinks to herself as she moves around to attack the troll from behind. Barlemus seemed to have the thing covered from the front, and the last thing she wanted as to be smacked by those large arms!

Attack Roll (18, hit)
Damage Roll(7)
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Re: Day Three

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Tavi comes up behind the troll and slashes across its back with her blade, causing it to roar out in pain and outrage.

Before anyone can react, someone wearing a forest green cloak in one of the trees wraps his legs around a limb, falls over backward, and then fires an arrow at the troll while hanging from there. The arrow strikes the troll in the chest. The archer then flips down to the ground, landing gracefully on his feet, before firing a second arrow which finds a home in the troll's shoulder. The archer's hood falls back, revealing a rather handsome but stern looking elf with long golden hair.

The troll, unaccustomed to all of this pain, grows angrier. Screeching, it lashes out at Barlemus and Tavi with its long arms, slashing across Barlemus' right arm and Tavi's stomach. She stumbles back and looks down to see blood. Had she not been wearing her father's studded leather, likely she'd be watching her guts spill out onto the ground. Thankfully, the claws were unable to do more than severely scratch her instead.

Finally, the troll turns back to Barlemus and lurches at him, fangs bared. But the warrior ducks and moves forward, causing the troll to actually trip over him and fall to the ground. The troll quickly gets back up to its feet and whirls to face the two warriors, pure hatred burning in its oil black eyes.


Tavi attacks the troll with her long sword (18, hit) for 7 damage.
Stranger fires an arrow at the troll (1d20+7): 22, hit for (1d8): 7 damage. Then fires a second time (1d20+7): 19, hit for (1d8): 3 damage.
Troll attacks Barlemus with its right claw (1d20): 17, hit for (1d4+1): 5 damage, whirls about and attacks Tavi with its left claw (1d20): 10, hit for (1d4+1): 3 damage, and then turns to bite at Barlemus (1d20): 1 (critical fumble!). The troll is now prone.

Party's Initiative (1d10): 2
Enemy's Initiative (1d10): 1

(Enemy wins!)

Round 2!

Troll staggers back to its feet. It is no longer prone.


C - Cave entrance
TT - Troll
B - Barlemus
O - Octavia
t - Tree
S - Stranger

(Party's turn!)
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Re: Day Three

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi lets out a small hiss of pain, not exactly use to having her flesh torn into. She glances over to Barlemus to make sure he is all right, and since he is still standing she figures he's fine for the moment. Now that the troll is facing her, she feels that weak feeling in her knees again. It doesn't stop her from slashing out at the troll with her sword once again though. The troll easily bats away her sword as if it was some sort of fly. Though, she goes in for another attack, but this time her sword slips out of her hands due to her shakiness.

Attack Roll (14, miss)
Attack Roll (1+2=3, fumble)
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Re: Day Three

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Seeing Tavi drop her sword, Barlemus rushes forward to protect her, stabbing the creature right into the gut. He holds the blade there, attempting to keep the monster from moving. The stranger then fires at the troll's back twice. The first arrow whizzes by and flies into the cave. The second one scores a direct hit to the back of the creature's neck.

The troll slows as if groggy, then slips down to the ground. Barlemus withdraws his sword and wipes his forehead with his sleeve. "Ut, that was close."

Without a word, the elf steps forward, his blue eyes as hard as steel. He does not spare either of them a look, but merely approaches the corpse of the troll. He then withdraws a flask from his belt, pops the cork, and pours the contents all over the fallen troll. Tavi watches with horror as the seemingly dead creature begins to twitch, as if still alive. If this worries the elf any, he does not show it. Instead, he pulls out some flint and steel and kneels down. He strikes the flint to the steel, again and again, until a spark takes and the corpse starts to burn.

As if the troll were made of kindle, it burns quickly. Soon, the fire engulfs the entire body, turning it to ask within moments.


Tavi attacks the troll with her long sword (14, miss) and (3, critical fumble). She drops her long sword.
Barlemus attacks the troll with his long sword (1d20+2): 6, miss and (1d20+2): 21, hit for (1d12+3): 10 damage.
Stranger fires his bow at the troll's back (1d20+9): 13, miss and again (1d20+9): 17, hit for (1d8): 8 damage. Troll falls.

Combat ends.
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Re: Day Three

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi stares as the body turns to ash. "It was still moving while dead," she says softly as she picks up her sword. Of course, she was hoping she was just imagining things by that point.

Looking up to the stranger, Tavi smiles slightly "Thank you for the help," she says in elvish, as it was clear that he was an elf. "You must be the friend that the forest lady sent us after. I'm Octavia, or Tavi for short," she says, holding out her hand to him.
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Re: Day Three

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The elf does not accept her hand, although his eyes widen ever-so-slightly when she speaks to him in his own tongue. "Petal sent you? She worries too much." he responds in elvish.

"What?" Barlemus says, not appreciating being left out of the conversation.

The elf regards him coolly. He says in Common, "I am Arvinoathalas," he says. "I've spent the past two days waiting for this troll to emerge from its cavern so that I might slay it. You two proved to be useful in that regard, although you acted foolishly."

"Ut! Well, Arvin," Barlemus says, not even attempting to try and pronounce the full name, "I'd say we did you a big favor!"

Arvin crosses his arms and frowns. Now that the battle and excitement is over, Tavi is able to get a better look at him. He is incredibly handsome, although he would probably look even better if he actually smiled. His sky blue eyes burn with annoyance and his sharp nose is upturned in disgust. His body is lithe and thin compared to Barlemus' broad frame, and yet there is a subtle strength to him--like that of a cat's. He wears dark green and brown leathers, a forest green cloak, and in addition to his long bow, he carries a long sword and dagger on his belt.

"Humans," Arvin mutters. "So impetuous. Like children with no regard for anyone else. They stumble blindly into trouble, forcing us to rescue them...and then they have the nerve to expect us to be thankful to them."
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Re: Day Three

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Tavi lets her hand fall down to her side. Though, before long, her hand is moving to her stomach as the pain is finally catching up to her after the battle. "Actually," she starts as she looks down at her wound. "I think I thanked you just a second ago," she points out. "Either way, it is...uh, nice to meet you I call you Arvin?" she asks.
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Re: Day Three

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"If you must," Arvin says with a sigh. He goes about to retrieve his arrows. When his back is turned, Barlemus gestures to him and makes a wide-eyed 'See, what did I tell you?!' expression.

The goblin hunter shakes his head. "I'm gonna check out the cave. Make sure it's empty," he says. Readying his sword and shield, he heads inside.
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Re: Day Three

Post by HorizonsDream »

Tavi snickers lightly at Barlemus as he walks off. She was still thinking that perhaps they just got off on the wrong foot. She had to admit that it was hard to find a way to talk to this elf though. "So Petal wants us to bring you back. She also said that you might be willing to help us."
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Re: Day Three

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Arvin finishes collecting his arrows and placing them back into his quiver after he cleans them. He turns to her. "I suppose so, as she does tend to worry." He raises an eyebrow. "Help you do what, exactly?"
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Re: Day Three

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"Well, I don't know how long it has been exactly," Tavi starts to explain. "But my home was raided by a bunch of goblins. I managed to kill a whole five of them before I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in a cell with my wounds somewhat bandaged up. My sisters were in the cell next to me. I managed to learn that the reason why we were captured was because the goblins wanted to sacrifice us," she says as she absently kicks at some dirt. "Well, the goblins agreed to let me go for a week so I could find this guy they called Night Stalker that was killing a lot of their kind. My plan was to actually find this Night Stalker and get him to help me save my sisters. Oddly enough, Barlemus is the guy that these goblins are so scared off," she adds with a light giggle. "But I think I'm going to need more than just him to help me save my sisters."
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Re: Day Three

Post by JadedDM »

"Sacrifice you? For what reason?" Arvin asks, his curiosity piqued. He actually seems interested in what Tavi has to say now.
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Re: Day Three

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"Well, I'm not exactly sure how it is suppose to work," Tavi admits. "But they are suppose to sacrifice someone pure to their God so that they can bring justice and prosperity to their people."