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CH 5: The Traitor

Dragonlance Game, 3-6 PCs at levels 1-3, set in 375 AC, using DLQ1 (Knight's Sword) and DLQ2 (Flint's Axe)

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Breila »

Karathos lets go of the door and, taking out his battle axes, closes up to Targin with a few powerful strides. "Back to back!" he shouts. "Galeyne, shoot at the outer ones!" He focuses his attack on # 3.

INIT 8 (1+7), hits AC -2 with bonebiter for 1d8+11=18 dmg

(OOC: Discussed this with Luna over breakfast:)

Jinali remains close to the door in full defence, keeping her magic missile ready.
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Nuke »

Leaving the others for Karathos, the dwarf goes to upset the ones standing back (#8) swinging his axe.

init, hit and damage #8 (1d10=3, 1d20+2=16, 1d8+3=10)

(OOC - at this rate they won't be much of a distraction :P )
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Jerrard »

Erastin raises his fathers sword as he approaches giving a knightly salute.

"A gesture wasted on you. As you have no honor." he scowls, preparing to strike.

1d10, 1d20+1, 1d8+1=[8], [9, 1], [3, 1]

Init: 8, Hit AC10, so forget it!
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by HorizonsDream »

Galenye runs towards the second pillar towards her left for cover, then begins shooting her arrows at the gnome closest to her (gnome 2).

Init Roll (3)
Hit Rolls (18, 12)
DMG Roll (2)
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by JadedDM »

"Back to back!" Karathos shouts as he moves forward, his axes at the ready. The gnome looks up at him with a slight whimper as Bonebiter comes down at him, nearly slicing the gnome in twain and splattering gore everywhere.

Targin ignores him, though, setting his sights on those on the backrow. One of the gnomes intercepts him and attacks, but the dwarf easily sidesteps. As he passes, the same gnome then slams his pick into the dwarf's belly, causing him considerable pain. Targin ignores it, and pushes on, reaching the nearest of the gun-sling gnomes and chopping him down before he can even finish loading his weapon.

Another gnome comes to avenge his comrade from the minotaur. Karathos recognizes him as one of the gnomes he fought last time. The gnome remembers him, too, and knows exactly where to aim--the stomach wound. He hits perfectly, and the minotaur drops as everything around him spins and then goes dark.

Erastin moves forward toward Charles, his weapon at the ready. The gnomes do not bother him or shoot at him, letting him pass unmolested.

Galenye rushes for cover, hiding behind a pillar on the other side of the room, while Jinali remains in front of the doors, in plain sight. The half-elf goes down a moment later when a bullet from a gnome's weapon strikes her chest, knocking her back into the doors. She stumbles, then falls.

Galenye fires at the gnome who just took down Karathos, managing to catch him in the arm with her arrow. Two of the gunslinger gnomes turn their sights on her. The first one's weapon explodes in his hands, singing him badly. The other one does the exact opposite, nailing her between the eyes with a perfect blow. She drops suddenly, never knowing what hit her.

"You think you deserve this weapon?" Charles taunts Erastin. The knight aspirant cannot help but notice that he seems to be having trouble with the sword. He wields it awkwardly, like it was too heavy. Charles seems puzzled by this himself. "The Brightblades were all fakes. Especially Sturm! He stole all of the glory from my uncle, but today--I take back what is rightfully ours!" He swings the blade at Erastin, but the attack is slow and clumsy that Erastin easily parries it.

His suspicions had been confirmed. Crownguard was not worthy to wield Brightblade, and the sword knew it.


Karathos (1d10+7): 8
Jinali (1d10): 9
Targin (1d10+7): 10
Erastin (1d10): 8
Galenye (1d10+8): 11
Charles (1d10+12): 17
Corya (1d10): 3
Gnome 01 (1d10+5): 8
Gnome 02 (1d10+5): 8
Gnome 03 (1d10+5): 11
Gnome 04 (1d10+5): 11
Gnome 05 (1d10+10): 18
Gnome 06 (1d10+10): 15
Gnome 07 (1d10+10): 12
Gnome 08 (1d10+10): 12

Round 1!

Corya slips into the shadows.
Karathos moves forty feet forward and attacks Gnome 03 with Bonebiter (1d20+6): 20, hit for (1d8+11): 18 damage. He then attacks with Heartcleaver (1d20+4): 8, miss. Gnome 03 is annihilated.
Gnome 01 moves to intercept Targin and attacks with his gnome pick (1d20): 3, miss.
Gnome 02 attacks Karathos with his gnome pick (1d20): 20, critical hit! for (2d6+1): 12 damage. Karathos falls.
Erastin moves forward 110 feet toward Erastin (but cannot attack as he has moved more than half his total movement rate).
Jinali goes into full defense (her AC improves by 1 point).
Targin attempts to bypass Gnome 01 to reach Gnome 08 by charging 35 feet.
----Gnome 01 gets a free attack against Targin as he passes (1d20): 20, critical hit! for (4d4+2): 12 damage.
--------Targin attacks Gnome 08 with his battle axe (1d20+2): 16, hit for (1d8+3): 10 damage. Gnome 08 dies.
Galenye moves 30 feet to take cover and then fires a sheaf arrow from her Long Bow +1 at Gnome 02 (1d20+3): 18, hit for (1d8): 2 damage.
Gnome 03 is dead.
Gnome 04 moves 30 feet and attacks Targin from behind (+2) with his gnome pick (1d20+2): 18, hit for (2d4+2): 5 damage.
Gnome 07 fires his musket at Jinali (1d20-1): 13, hit for (1d10): 4 damage. Jinali falls.
Gnome 08 is dead.
Gnome 06 fires his musket at Galenye, who has taken cover behind a pillar (-10 to hit) (1d20-10): -9, critical fumble! The weapon backfires, causing (1d6): 1 damage to Gnome 06. His weapon is now useless.
Charles attacks Erastin with Brightblade (1d20-3): 14, miss.
Gnome 05 fires his musket at Galenye, who has taken cover behind a pillar (-10 to hit) (1d20-10): 10, critical hit! for (2d10): 15 damage. Galenye dies.

(OOC: Guys, make sure you are paying attention to the map. Each block is 10 feet. And you can only move half your movement and still attack, unless you charge. So I'm assuming Targin charged, and Erastin doesn't get to attack this round.

Also, holy craaaaap. How did I get three crits in one round? This is insaaaaaane. I've never seen such a slaughter before. @_@

This is by far, the biggest and most radical shift in odds I've ever witnessed. ;_;)
Key:<br />E - Erastin<br />G - Galenye<br />T - Targin<br />J - Jinali<br />KK - Karathos<br />Ch - Charles<br />Co - Corya<br />1-8 - Gnomes
E - Erastin
G - Galenye
T - Targin
J - Jinali
KK - Karathos
Ch - Charles
Co - Corya
1-8 - Gnomes
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Breila »

(OOC: Well, we're not in the movies, where the heroes are always lucky. But this is reeeeaaally bad. I suspect Erastin will be the only survivor, and not be able to savour it because of Galeyne's death)
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Jenara »

Erastin screams as he hears the battle go on around him, he swears he heard someone fall but turning to look would be foolish. 'Stay focused.' a voice in his head calls.

Swinging his fathers blade once more, he tries to move quickly, dodging Charles's slow swings. "You are no knight. The sword senses your treachery!"

(tried getting invisible castle on my phone but it doesn't work. Can you roll for me jaded?- Jerrard.)
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Nuke »

Targin turns to put his back against the column, roars with rage and swings at Gnome #4

init, hit and damage. (1d10=2, 1d20+2=8, 1d8+3=7)
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by JadedDM »

At that moment, Selowen hurried in. "Help is on the way--," she skids to a halt, though, at the sight of the carnage. Her eyes dart from Jinali, Karathos to Galenye. "No," she whispers. "No..." Her eyes settle on the two of her friends still standing, and the gnomes--two of which were busy reloading guns. "No more death!" she hisses before falling into the throes of magic. "Ast tasarak sinuralan krynawi!"

A wave of drowsiness passes over the gnomes and dwarf. Targin quickly shakes it off, but four of the gnomes drop to the ground, deep in slumber. One of the two gnomes that are outside the range of the spell moves toward Targin, striking with his pick. The dwarf easily sidesteps, though. He then slams his axe into one of the sleeping gnomes, chopping his head off at the neck.

The other gnome that escaped the spell readies his pick and began to menacingly approach Selowen. "Uh-oh," she says, readying her staff.

Meanwhile, Erastin and Charles continue to trade blows and insults. Erastin strikes first, but has a difficult time finding a weakness in the Rose Knight's plate mail. Charles retaliates, but again, the blow is slow and awkward, as if the sword itself was working against him.

"I'm the one who saved the Grandmaster's life!" Charles exclaims, a wild look in his eyes. "All you did was get yourself poisoned! But who got all of the credit for that? Do you think you are better than me, peasant? You are nothing! Nothing!"


Erastin (1d10+5): 10
Targin (1d10+7): 9
Selowen (1d10+1): 2
Charles (1d10+12): 13
Gnome 01 (1d10+5): 8
Gnome 02 (1d10+5): 13
Gnome 04 (1d10+5): 10
Gnome 05 (1d10+10): 18
Gnome 06 (1d10): 8
Gnome 07 (1d10+10): 16

Round 2!

Selowen arrives and casts Sleep, centered on Gnome 6, affecting (2d4): 6 HD. Gnomes 04, 05, 06 and 07 fall asleep. Targin is unaffected.
Gnome 01 moves 15 feet and attacks Targin with his gnome pick (1d20): 7, miss.
Gnome 06 is asleep.
Targin attacks Gnome 04 with his battle axe (automatic hit) for (1d8+3): 7 damage. Gnome 04 dies.
Gnome 04 is dead.
Erastin attacks Charles with his long sword (1d20-2): 14, miss.
Charles attacks Erastin with Brightblade (1d20-3): 10, miss.
Gnome 02 moves 30 feet toward Selowen.
Gnome 07 is asleep.
Gnome 05 is asleep.
Karathos bleeds for 1 damage.
Jinali bleeds for 1 damage.

(OOC: Actions for Round 3?)
Key:<br />E - Erastin<br />G - Galenye<br />T - Targin<br />J - Jinali<br />KK - Karathos<br />S - Selowen<br />Ch - Charles<br />Co - Corya<br />1-8 - Gnomes
E - Erastin
G - Galenye
T - Targin
J - Jinali
KK - Karathos
S - Selowen
Ch - Charles
Co - Corya
1-8 - Gnomes
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Jerrard »

Hearing Selowen cry, Erastin turns his head slightly, someone was dead? No, it couldn't be. Swinging his blade in anger he misses completely.

1d10, 1d20+1, 1d8+1=[4], [3, 1], [2, 1]

UGHHHHH, Nooooo!
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Nuke »

Targin attacks #1, wanting to get to #2

init, hit and damage #1 (1d10=1, 1d20+2=15, 1d8+3=10)
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by JadedDM »

"S-Stay back!" Selowen warns the gnome. "I don't want to hurt you."

The gnome is unmoved by this and with a sneer jumps forward with his pick. Selowen jumps out of the way. She strikes wildly with her staff and nearly hits the gnome, but he ducks at the last second. She seems more surprised by this than he is.

Without uttering a sound, Targin brings his axe down on his nearest opponent, cutting the gnome down. He now had about as much gnomish blood on him than he did his own.

Charles easily parries Erastin's blow, and grins maniacally. "Your friends are all dead, Rivenguard. You will join them soon enough!" He strikes again, but once more, the attack is slow and awkward, allowing Erastin plenty of time to avoid it. "Damnation!" Charles cries, looking at the sword angrily, as if defective.


Erastin (1d10+5): 9
Targin (1d10+7): 8
Selowen (1d10+4): 11
Charles (1d10+12): 18
Gnome 01 (1d10+5): 13
Gnome 02 (1d10+5): 6

Round 3!

Gnome 02 moves 10 feet and attacks Selowen with his gnome pick (1d20): 6, miss.
Targin attacks Gnome 01 with his battle axe (1d20+2): 15, hit for (1d8+3): 10 damage. Gnome 01 dies.
Erastin attacks Charles with his long sword (1d20-2): 1, miss.
Selowen attacks Gnome 02 with her quarterstaff (1d20): 14, bare miss.
Gnome 01 is dead.
Charles attacks Erastin with Brightblade (1d20-3): 10, miss.
Gnome 05 snoozes.
Gnome 06 snoozes.
Gnome 07 snoozes.
Karathos bleeds for 1 damage.
Jinali bleeds for 1 damage.

(OOC: Actions for Round 4?)
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Nuke »

Targin charges the remaining Gnome......

init, hit and damage G#1 (1d10=8, 1d20+2=19, 1d8+3=7)

and just to move things along

Targin rushes to Karathos to stop the bleeding while yelling to Selowen "See to Jinali, bind her wounds."
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Jerrard »

"The sword knows you are a traitor, it is fighting you. My friends may have fallen, but your Gnomes are also." Erastin swings once more, missing totally.

1d10, 1d20+1, 1d8+1=[1], [9, 1], [4, 1]
A miss yet again.
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by JadedDM »

Selowen frantically swings her staff at her gnome attacker, but again it just barely misses him. "Keep away from me!" she demands, to no avail.

He never sees the badly wounded dwarf charges at him from behind at full speed. Just as Selowen parries a blow from his pick, Targin sinks his axe's head into the gnome's back, killing him. Selowen looks down at the dead gnome in shock. "More death..," she mumbles. Targin's command snaps her out of it, and she turns her attention toward the fallen Jinali.

Charles sidesteps Erastin's attack, then counters with a sloppy and awkward attack of his own. Erastin easily parries it. "No, this thing is just a piece of garbage," Charles grumbles, tossing it to the ground. "Just like its previous owner." He draws a long sword and a dagger from his belt. "These are much more effective weapons." Erastin notes that the dagger has a strange gleam to it, as if coated with some translucent liquid.


Targin (1d10+7): 15
Erastin (1d10+5): 6
Selowen (1d10+4): 6
Charles (1d10+12): 13
Gnome 02 (1d10+5): 15

Round 4!

Erastin attacks Charles with his long sword (1d20-2): 7, miss.
Selowen attacks Gnome 02 with her quarterstaff (1d20): 14, bare miss.
Charles attacks Erastin with Brightblade (1d20-3): 10, miss. He drops Brightblade and draws his long sword and dagger.
Gnome 02 attacks Selowen with his gnome pick (1d20): 12, miss.
Targin charges (+2) Gnome 02 from behind (+2) with his battle axe (1d20+6): 23, hit for (1d8+3): 5 damage. Gnome 02 dies.
Karathos bleeds for 1 damage.
Jinali bleeds for 1 damage.
Gnome 05 snoozes.
Gnome 06 snoozes.
Gnome 07 snoozes.

(OOC: Actions for Round 5?)
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